MTL - Smallholder Farmer-~ Forty-fourth is not a family not gathering!

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The old fairy face is flushed and strong, and self-identification:

"I am the ancestral secret! I..."

"Glycyrrhiza, Ai Ye, Mulberry, Xanthium, Bo Gongying... Do you want me to go down?" This little child threatened.

"Young Master, Miss is a small one! I will leave." The old **** is busy collecting things.

"You still have to take these fake drugs to go elsewhere to harm people?" Da Yi's plan to uncover his intentions, Shi Tao is very proud.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The old **** stopped the hand to clean up the medicine, because Yuxi was watching his medicine at this time, he panicked, and left the remaining powder of about a pound, put it in his pocket. In the hands of the jade.

"Please leave me alive and leave! I won't dare to go down, I am so tired!" After making a slap, they crowded away.

"Oh, why don't you sell it?" Someone asked on the side, because the voice of Shi Tao's speech was very small, and not many people saw this god.

"All the lady is wrapped up."

This fairy actually left this sentence and walked away like a fly. When everyone saw it, it was naturally scattered. There was no shortage of excitement in the collection. Everyone went to other places to see it! Yuxi took this little bag face, a bit speechless, how do you say this? I also pack it, I want to pack it, it is a real package! (There is a meaning of 包.)

"Hey! You are coming back!" Yu Yu yelled at the old **** who was flying like this.

"Forget it, spare him a life! Then again, you are a woman, yelling and yelling!" Justice Xiaozheng is on the side to persuade.

"Why? He lied to my nephew for 20 yuan!" Yu Yu turned to look at him.

"Is it you?" Shi Tao also recognized the jade.

"What is it?" At this time, I recognized it, and it is really bad to remember. However, Yuxi does not want to play with him for many years without seeing this drama!

"You are the girl in the gold boss's seed shop. Did you plant the ginseng?" Shi Tao was interested.

"Grow it up! You want it?" Yu Yu topped him.

"Bragging!" Seeing Yu Yu's mouth is connected quickly, Shi Tao is not convinced.

"Don't worry if I don't blow, what should I do?" There is no way to say this year, no one believes in the truth? Yuxi raised the bag in his hand and shook him.

"No way, the most one of them, I don't know what it is, so I have to let him go."

"The powder of the wheat shell!"

“Hey?” Shi Tao looked at the distant figure and hated his teeth! It’s a pity that I don’t even know the wheat shell.

"You take it, anyway, if you can't eat dead, it's better to take it back and feed the pig!" Shi Tao still knows that the countryman wants to feed the pig.

"I have to do this too!"

"Yu, ah, how much money do you have to buy so much!" Binzi squeezed again, but saw Yuhua holding a pack of this powder standing here, isn't it so expensive? This powder can save the lives of a county! Bin is a bit speechless.

"Xunzi, the young master looked at this old **** who sold medicine, suddenly stuffed it for me! No money!"

Yuxi did not dare to say that this is just a bag of shackles. After finishing it, I had to put this bag of powder in my hand!

"Yeah, Dad, I am bargaining with him! This person will pass the medicine to the little girl, it is strange!"

Shi Tao waved his hand at the jade, and he did not pay attention to it. He narrowed his eyes and took two people to go!

Bin Biao naturally did not say anything, this kind of good thing, naturally do not preach, then took the three girls together, and then went to this big episode.

Yuxi tied the pack and put it in his bag. I really want to throw it away! But hey, I got 5 small packs when I spent the money. I took this pile myself, I can’t throw it, I can’t throw it.

"Hey, come home, I will divide you!"

"How can this be, you take it, it is also the old **** who has a fate with you, only to you!"

"Oh!" Yuxi has nothing to say! The fate is a P! Later, I really gave it to half of Binzi.

The four people went shopping again, and many people in the city looked to see the flowers on the hill behind the temple! At this time, when the mountain flowers are well-opened, the mountains of the mountains are red and bright!

"Hey, let's go see the flowers too!" Yuxi looked excited at the hill full of flowers!

"There is nothing to look at, it's everywhere!" Bin Zhen felt that this little child really didn't go out. Is this also worth seeing? If you open it every year, you will be annoyed!

"Mother, go see!" Looking at a group of people in the county town, walking to the mountain, Yulin also wants to see.

"Then just look at it!" Binzi can be deserved, but his eyes are still staring at the stall selling cloth!

The four people followed the crowd and went to the back hill! All the way is a stall, naturally it is stop and go, and the products are rich! This is coming, Yuxi is still on the burden of a small cargo, found a letter-shaped card that he wants, both in size! With the thin bamboo pieces, a plate of ten sold, Yuxi naturally can not let go, they bought a large board, medium four board, small three board, a total of 8 boards, spent 40 money! Put it in your own bag! This time, the things that make the head flower are all right! Bin has sold several sections of cloth! I am going to change my summer clothes to my family! Yuxi saw a piece of black broken feather yarn, picked up, compared to Yulin's head, Yulin's hair is really good, this blackness is similar, the rag is not expensive, the five documents are called a pound, the jade thinks of himself The shoes of the three people in the family had to be changed, and they bought a few pounds, ready to go to the bottom of the shoes. After the place where the cow cart was stored, the things in the hand were placed on it. Yuxi wanted to put it in his own space. He was afraid of being stolen. You can look at the cart and pile up the things you bought. I know that the integrity of the ancients is still strong, and then, not the rags of ten money?

The four people went up to the mountains, and it was really beautiful! Red, pink, white, and the mountains are full of anger! Yuxi looks very happy! But the other three people are not very good, because this is so ordinary in the eyes of the country people, too ordinary! Every day, I am tired of it!

"Xunzi, isn't it a vegetarian meal in front of the temple at noon? I like these flowers, so I will take a look at it. At noon, I will wait for you at the stone table!" Yuxi is an informed and interesting person.

"This is also good, you don't want to run around!" Bin Zhen really did not stroll through this big episode.


"Mother, I will watch it with my sister! You will take the pearl to go shopping."

Yulin felt that she was bigger than the jade and was safer with her. Some are the sisters' consciousness!

"No, Yulin sister, I don't go far, I will dig a few flowers on this mountain!" Yuxi immediately reluctantly resigned. She knew that Yulin wanted to buy something.

"This sure to be careful!" The three know that Yuxi likes to plant flowers, and any wild flowers will be dug back to the yard! It’s up to her, and it’s rare to have the opportunity to visit this big episode, naturally not willing to let go.

Then the pedestrians are separated.

Yuxi also really likes this sapphire to be beautiful! Going to a hillside, I found a small tree and prepared to dig it back.

"Hey, who is this?" A sound of yin and yang sighed behind him, and Yuxi sighed. Really, the ghost is not scattered! Looking back, it is the death of the jade ring skin laughing and laughing!

"Circle sister! Big hair brother!"

Civilized courtesy jade is in the heart, this small body, elbows can not twist the thigh, let alone two legs! As an adult, Yuxi still recognizes this time!

"Smelly girl, you have money! Take the medicine you bought with the old gods!" Da Mao screamed in a bad voice!

Yuxi is squatting in this bag and screaming in the bag! I originally wanted this, and I took it out, handed it over, and looked scared. I am so happy in my heart: take it, take it! This "Hanshan Temple" is like a woven person. If you don't keep it, you will be seen by the people in the village, and add a new one to your bad name!

Cold is not guarded but stretched out a hand from the side, disrupted the plan of the jade唉! The little handsome guy in this sub-store has appeared again, where life doesn't meet!

"Who are you! Dare to grab the elixir of my family?" Da Mao was a bit powerful, and he yelled at this person.

"Who am I? You don't know! Who are you? Dare to grab this little girl!"

"Cut, we are her brother and sister, what happened to take her a pack of things?"

Yuhuan saw this person wearing a silk shirt, naturally not afraid to be too arrogant, delicious gas is not too good, so this money rich young man to help this stinky girl!

"Not very! This medicine is Xiaoye, I will give it to her, who can't take it!" Shi Tao did not know why he had to take care of this business.

"No? You really manage to be wide!" Da Mao looked at Shi Tao with a good intention, and took his eyes and jade! This stinky girl is as white as the people in this city?

"Not convinced, come and singled out!" Shi Tao is standing at the bottom of the **** at this time! Can be very young, 8 years old and big hair, how can it be better than the height of the time, let alone, behind the Tao is still following the two fifteen or six-year-old Xiao Yan!

"You can't beat your two couples! Sister, let's go, go home and tell Grandma, this stinky girl has a wild man!" The big mouth is not forgiving, the mouth is dirty, and the exit will ruin the opponent! Also, regardless of the person he is jealous, the woman who suffers the most is the woman, and this woman is her own sister! Say this book has been read in the dog's belly?

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