MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 575 Gao Jiade back to the old time

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Ps: two more

The most unreasonable thing happened in Yuxi. The prisoners in prison actually lost a lot of sins, and some of the sins of misdemeanors were released... What happened to them? The bad guys came back to the masses. They have to bother to catch the house and catch them in.

Pan mothers are immune to the paradox of jade:

"The master, many people don't dare to commit any more crimes when they come out. Besides, they also have wives and children to raise. Many people will not bother those big brothers!"

Yuxi is undecided, really bad, and some of the people who released it are lighter. Fortunately, there are some serious crimes, no matter whether they are all released, they are not serious attitudes.

Yuxi’s paradox has been forgotten. If it is a state or an ancient law, can you care about it? Concerned about useful? This time, the bad guys went out of the cell and were associated with Gao Fan! Yuxi is just a spit, relieved her psychological burden. Only the girl who followed her sister to hear the hole went to the ear, she has been lingering in this matter. A long time later, when her husband became the principal of the criminal department, the terms of this sinister world can be greatly changed!

"Know it, this is the clause that your three sisters feel bad!" My sister didn't feel good, you said, can you not respect the children? Later, I introduced it here, but I won’t mention it later.

This time, the Queen Mother recovered, and the high family was rewarded with merits.

Gao Jia’s credit is too great, so Gao Yuye went to Beijing. The official worship... There is no way to give him an official upswing now, and this big battalion’s coach can’t be a marshal! This position is done by the person named Duanmu, and it is only when there is a beating. This is a maneuvering official position. The official will not rise. The Grand Marshal of the Nandaying Camp will be fine. It is a very extreme minister. The title is OK, the high family has not won the title for a long time! The emperor is very generous, and the heart is already to be given. This time, I will simply send it to the top! A place that was originally empty on the Gaojiamen, hangs the plaque of the original book written by Taizu.

The emperor of the "Duke of Changwu" personally asked the people to come out from the clan. Renewed the new paint...

In his lifetime, Gao Laozu realized his wish to return to the original Duke of Gaojia!

First class Changwugong!

Gao Yuye and so on, won the second class.

High princes! Gao Jiahai won the name of the Marquis son, and the second and third sons respectively won the first son.

The most happy thing about Yuxi is. My own mother became the third-class princess. Modest and won a title.

Bin Shu got a baron.

Yulin and Yuzhu became the county magistrates, and they have the name of the Zizi Shizi.

The most unhappy thing is that I don't get any position. Not to argue, say. How can I not have my own share?

"Old wood, why?" Five days after Gao Jiade returned to the title, he was in the Yuehua Building of Fanjia. Yuxi asked the guest.

"A small county owner, are you still in your heart?"

Laomu is here to make a special trip for the empress of the Queen to find a jade to discuss, can you add the drug to the black hair, it is best to be black, and. Is there a medicine for rejuvenation? After the Queen’s mother had eaten the medicine for a few days, her mind was big, and she wanted both beauty and health!

"The whole family has it, I don't have it!"

"Oh, not all, there are seven in the sea. No. There are a few brothers in your family. Nobody?"

"The little kid is a child of the priest!"

"Hey, is there nothing left? You talk about it. Can this be beautiful and longevity plus together!"

"There is no shortage of people, no snakes, no!"

The jade is so angry that the medicine knows that I want to find it, the title does not know to give it, and nothing else is just too faceless!

"No, the hospital is saying, plus a little medicine can do, I don't know the formula of your pill, he is afraid of adding the wrong!"

"I said no!"

"Plus, what is the exhibition in the "King Wang Zhuang"? Write a letter, the king gave him to let him add!"

Yaowangzhuang in the mouth of Yinwang is the drug king of Daqingshan, and it can be used in the space of medicine Wangzhuang. Yuxi turned a blank eye and wanted to look beautiful, impossible! You are more than forty, and you can go anywhere.

"That the king asked you about the holy, how can this thing of the prince pull you down! Don't be angry, this king takes you to a place, it is fun!" One can't count, and one is counted.

"What place?"

"This king listened to the purple shirt king and said that in the Valais, there was a **** fighting scene. The dealer had three chickens a day, just fight!"

"What is casual?"

"That is, you just take the chicken to fight the three chickens. Sometimes, this chicken has to fight more than a dozen chickens, but you can win, very good chicken! You don't have a few chickens that grow well. Let's fight!"

When Yu Yu heard it, she understood it. When I got up, I walked outside.

"In the mid-summer, go to the courtyard of Jinyu, and take back all the chickens I gave him a few days ago, and there is no less!"

"Girl, Yu Shaoye is very difficult to talk!" The main son of Pinellia who does not like to deal with is this young master.

"Then look for the Eight Seas, and, my chicken food, one or two will not be brought back to me, you can not make Yu Shaoye, you let the gift of the young master to take, otherwise ...!" Thinking about how to clean up these little bad guys, let’s go out and listen, open the gambling file!

"Is it open by Yu Yu?" Laomu also felt funny and laughed. Why didn't he find out, is the Dong family a gift?

"Whose shop I don't know, it must be related to Jinyu..."

Yuxi interrupted him at the moment, how can you tell me that there are a few of them, and then, if you are afraid of jokes, you must have a copy of this person.

"Yeah is going to flatten this for you. If you look at it like this, can you do it for me..."

"No, you Duanmujia is too rude to the village chief!"

The jade opened the old wood and ran to the other side of the living room. A few little kids, can't I cure them? Called Wang Qinglai, that Zhao Cai was also in Beijing recently, and this incident is estimated to stir up both of them.

"What is a cadre? You don't want to be a village chief, you are a girl!" Laomu was once again stunned by jade. Yuxi has not yet opened the door to tell Wang Qingjin to go back and forth, and the red flower hastily came in and said:

"Girl, Sang Gongzi said, this time, the world will not return home, they go to "One Piece Fresh" to eat!"

"Why isn't it the world, but the son of Sanko?"

"Back to the lord, Sang Gongzi entered the government yesterday, has been living in the guest house, the same son had originally agreed to wait for the second aunt to go down and go hunting."

Going back to the side of the summer, while going down, arrange the small kitchen to eat less of these princes. It’s not stingy. It’s really no such three lords. There aren’t so many meat dishes in Yuehua Building.

"This surname is Sang, is there no home?" Laomu was not satisfied.

However, dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, today's Gao family does not put his threats in the eye, and some official media have sent the eight characters of the family to Gaofu. Not to mention that this sanghai is a potential spare tire.

Miss Fan Jiasan, I don’t know how many times I have become a lofty ideal of a disciple in Beijing.

Gao Zhongye is the most optimistic nowadays, that is, the sons of those families, watching and choosing. As for the appearances of the jade cockroaches, they have abstained from voting and they are resigned. But also did not tell Gao Haoye badly! Who told him that he was not sensible and gave birth to such a daughter? (Like it’s not about the tall lady?)

This is the most happy thing that Laomu has felt recently. As long as the grandfather is done, it will be developed! Serious mother-in-law, Laomu said that the pressure is not big, basically negligible.

Laomu was over-excited and completely forgot the wife of her own. It was not easy to get it, and... she had a bunch of people, one is harder than one. Of course, these people did not make a fuss, and Laomu did not think about their troubles.

Yuxi soon attracted interest in another information provided by Laomu.

"Do you really have this flower?"


"Do you have to go up the mountain?"

"Yes, yes, can you go out tomorrow morning?" Laomu was kind.


"See you tomorrow, I am waiting for you at Dongchengmen, you still wear men's clothing!"

"Know!" Yuxi waved at him.

The small bridge without the conscience of the river, Laomu smiled and said: "That medicine..."

"The road back to the bridge is impossible, impossible!"

"It's really stubborn!" Laomu mentioned a batch of medicines that he got today, and this can last for two months!

"You think about it, let's talk about it. If you add these medicines, you can use them with your mother!"

Yu Yu shut up and didn't answer, just waved his hand at him again! This person is too familiar is trouble, hehe! I don’t care if you add anything to my mother’s medicine. Do you know that I didn’t add it?

Zisha Wang swears, next time, he must not follow the master into this yard, really did not receive this treatment, when he came out in the palace, it is also the master of the tribute, here only get the wave of treatment, how embarrassing. Regardless of whether his master is still connected with the jade, he will be sprinkled first. Fortunately, the boys are still sensible, and this one is still getting a bit.

Of course, the most in place is a goatee old man, the old concierge kept in the garden mouth, the ceremony is a serious, but the purple shirt king is very angry, why you can eat here Spicy drink?

This old man, now specializes in the purchase of "Yuehua Building". I bought Dongbu West for "Yuehualou" all day. When there is no errand, stay at the gate of the outer court. Part-time work of the porter.

"You are really good this day, what is the old man?"

"Oh, let your old Hung Fu ~" a lot of smug in the tone.

" do you want to move the lord to let you come here?"

"This is a errand for selling slaves. Do you want to come and work together, Grandpa Wang?"

"Ghosts! You sell yourself as a slave!"

"I sold it, otherwise you thought I was willing to buy rouge gouache for these hoes?"

Hey... Zisha Wang smiled very happy. I can't do this uncle! Seeing that the master is coming, the road ahead is gone. (To be continued) ()