MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 392 7: Comprehension trial (7)

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When the clerk goes out to take the bus, but there is no seat:

Ding Jiajia - Going on the bus, aiming at the most handsome one, began to discharge: "This handsome brother is standing tired, can you let people sit here and take a break! If you are not convenient, I can sit on your lap!"

Result: Get a seat, the handsome guy's eyebrows are countless.

戚越——Go on the bus, huh? No seats? Not afraid! Look at my golden finger dreams: You are all at the terminal now, get off the bus! After five seconds, all the passengers in the car got off! Yu Yue: Hahaha, I am really a genius! Driver: You are a stupid X, the car is at the end, you don't get off, are you smirking? Said, the driver opened the door and got off. Yu Yue:...

Result: Get a vacant bus one~

Xu Ce - I got on the bus and found that there was no seat. It took 1 second to calculate how long I had to stay in this time with traffic jams and red lights. I took 2 seconds to glance at all the passengers in the car, and then used 3 Seconds counts who is standing next to who can get the fastest seat. Driver: You are not on the train? Xu Ce: Not on.

Result: Xu Laoda decided to wait for the next bus, because the driver of this car is very violent, the probability of a car accident is 0.10 per thousand.

Su night: Going on the bus, not sitting? Oh, it doesn't matter if you stand.

At this time a black Maserati opened, Su Rui: "Women, daughter-in-law, where are you going to send you!" Su night: Good.

Result: The couple drove out.

Everyone: The single dog said that he had received a physical attack of 100,000 points. He will not take the bus anymore~