MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 77 miss

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After putting down the phone, Yan Ruxu waited for two minutes, then called again, but still no one answered, she couldn't help becoming anxious, and couldn't care less, so she called Kang Congxin's office.

Kang Congxin hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll first ask if it's raining over there, and then I'll find other contact information for the cadre rest center. Sit down and wait for my news."

Kang Congxin's steady and calm voice greatly comforted Yan Ruxu. After putting down the phone, Yan Ruxu also poured himself a cup of hot water and drank it slowly.

It was the first time Kangkang had been away from her for so long when he grew up, and he went to another city. He was usually fine, although he missed him very much, but it was not to the point of worrying. It may be because of the sudden extreme weather, and the colleagues around him It was also uncomfortable, which affected her mood and made her worry about the child. She also knew that she probably made a fuss over a molehill, but before she got the news of Kangkang's safety, her heart was in a mess. She simply sat by the phone and waited intently for her husband's call.

Huang Limei guessed what she was anxious about from her phone call, and spoke to comfort her one after another.

About ten minutes later, the phone in the office rang, Yan Ruxu quickly picked it up, and a familiar child's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Is that my mother?"

Yan Ruxu almost shed tears, but smiled unconsciously and asked, "Who is your mother?"

"My mother is Yan Ruxu, ah, you are my mother, and my mother is Kangkang!" The children's voice on the other end became more cheerful. Yan Ruxu could imagine Kangkang talking on the phone while dancing.

"Kangkang, do you miss mom?"

"I think, mom, I miss you so much."

"What did you do just now? Mom called your room, but no one answered."

"Let's go play table tennis, mom, I can play table tennis now, I beat my sister!"

"Then you are amazing! There was a heavy rainstorm in Beijing, and there were huge lightning and thunder, which was very scary! Are you too?"

"Wow!" Kangkang sighed, as if he still had some regrets about not catching up with the storm, and said, "It only rained a little bit, very little." Take Dad to pick you up."

"Okay, thank you for your concern."

The two mothers said a few more words, Bai Fengmei answered the phone, and promised her that she would watch over Kangkang 24 hours a day, and told her not to worry, Yan Ruxu's face was burning hot, and she said two more words to Bai Fengmei Just hang up the phone.

As soon as the flashlight was hung up, the bell rang immediately. Yan Ruxu guessed that it was Kang Congxin, and it turned out to be him.

Kang Congxin laughed first when he called, and said, "I was worried just now."

Yan Ruxu gave a soft "hmm" in embarrassment.

Kang Congxin: "Don't worry, I have everything."

Yan Ruxu said "hmm" again.

Kang Congxin: "I'll let the guard call you when I get to the door, don't come out early, you know?"

Yan Ruxu: "Got it!"

When Yan Ruxu put down the receiver, the rain outside stopped silently just like when it came, and the sky gradually brightened, bringing the fresh air of soil into the office.

"Yo, it's sunny after the rain." Huang Limei laughed, with a pun.

Yan Ruxu scratched her somewhat messy hair, "I made you laugh, I suddenly lost control of my emotions."

She walked to the window and looked outside. The grass and trees washed by the rain were extraordinarily green. The leaves were beaten down and drooped. .

Jiang Yun also raised her head and looked out.

Yan Ruxu: "I'll go to Secretary Gao and ask him to send you a car to take you to the hospital?"

Jiang Yun: "I'm much better now, and I don't need to go to the hospital."

Yan Ruxu: "Let's go check it out, don't worry."

Jiang Yun: "Don't trouble Secretary Gao, I'll make a phone call and ask my partner to pick me up after get off work and take me to the hospital."

"Okay, if you feel uncomfortable, tell us anytime."

The guard called Yan Ruxu and said that when Kang Congxin was waiting for her at the door, only Yan Ruxu and Jiang Yun were left in the office. Because he was afraid that the road would be muddy and difficult to walk, Yan Ruxu asked the others to get off work early, leaving the two of them waiting for someone to pick them up.

Now that someone like Yan Xu came, she was a little worried about leaving Jiang Yun alone in the office. Then he said, "How about I take you back?"

Jiang Yun hesitated for a while, then agreed. She doesn't want to trouble others, but right now she is really tired, her back is sore, her lower abdomen is still slumping, her stomach feels like it's on fire again, her body feels cold, her palms and feet are sweating coldly, Now she just wants to find a soft bed to lie on.

Jiang Yun put on Yan Ruxu's coat, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm a little cold, I'll wear this coat back, and I'll return it to you after washing it."

Yan Ruxu: "Just put it on, don't wash it."

Although Jiang Yun's complexion improved slightly, she was still pale and sallow. She was already thin, and she didn't gain weight after pregnancy. Yan Ruxu was worried about her walking alone, so he stretched out his arm and let her walk with him. Jiang Yun was a lot shorter than Yan Ruxu, and her body relaxed a lot with her arm on her shoulders.

The air after the rain was still damp, the accumulated water in the yard was almost drained, and the cement corridor was slightly damp. Yan Ruxu took care of Jiang Yun, walking slowly, looking at her from time to time to see if she was feeling unwell.

According to her age, Jiang Yun is already considered an advanced maternal age and her first child. Since she was pregnant, her body burden has been heavier, but her physical fitness is not bad, and she is not particularly serious. She is lucky, but After being so scared today, she felt as if her body collapsed all of a sudden.

Jiang Yun: "When I went to the countryside, I went back to the mountains to pick wild vegetables, and suddenly there was a heavy rainstorm. I hid in the abandoned village house on the mountain. It was the same day as today. The sky turned dark and lightning flashed There was thunder and heavy rain. I hid in the house and felt that the thunder was coming towards me. I was so scared that I felt like I was going to die. Since then, I have been very afraid of thunder.”

It turned out to be like this. Today's thunder is so evil that most people would be afraid, not to mention that she has had a bad experience.

"The thunder hit so suddenly today, I didn't have any precautions, that's why the baby was affected by me." Jiang Yun said while rubbing her belly.

Yan Ruxu comforted her, and the two chatted and walked to the gate.

Jiang Yun looked down in the distance, but didn't see her husband, so she asked the guard to let him see her husband and tell him that she had gone home first.

Kang got out of the car again, his eyes naturally fell on Yan Ruxu, and then he glanced at Jiang Yun, nodding to her as a greeting. He has met these colleagues in Yan Ruxu's office more than once, especially Jiang Yun and Chen Yang. They had contacted each other when they were in Fenghuangling, but they only met each other.

Jiang Yun smiled apologetically at Kang Congxin.

Yan Ruxu opened the back seat door first, let Jiang Yun in and sat down, and then said to Kang Xinxin: "She is not feeling well, let's take her home first."

Naturally, Kang Congxin didn't answer. After asking Jiang Yun's address, he drove there.

On the co-pilot was a piece of overalls from the machinery group. Yan Ruxu knew that it was Kang Congxin's prepared to keep out the cold, so she picked it up and put it on her body. Kang Congxin's unique breath enveloped her, making her very warm.

Kang Congxin turned his head and smiled at her. It was a happy and gratifying smile in which love was perceived by the other party.

"Touch your pockets," he said.

Yan Ruxu immediately put her hands into her clothes, and took out three pieces of chocolate with foreign characters printed on them. She smiled and asked, "Where did they come from?"

"Vice President Qi gave it to him, go to his office to discuss the matter, he gave it."

"You old men also share food?" Yan Ruxu smiled, picking up the chocolate and fiddled with it in his hands. Judging from the packaging, it was French chocolate.

"Very little." Kang Congxin said, "It was brought back from Hong Kong Island."

"Exactly three, one for each of us." Yan Ruxu turned her head and handed one to Jiang Yun. Jiang Yun was uncomfortable asking someone to send her a special gift, but when she saw the chocolate handed over by Yan Ruxu, she waved her hands again and again to express her disapproval.

"Take it, everyone who sees it will have a share." Yan Ruxu said.

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, Jiang Yun had no choice but to accept it.

Yan Ruxu peeled another one and fed it into Kang Congxin's mouth, and ate the last one by himself.

Silky and fragrant, really delicious.

The road conditions were not very good, and there were puddles in the potholes on the asphalt road. Fortunately, the jeep's ground was high enough and Kang Congxin's driving skills were good enough. Concerned that there were patients in the car, Kang Congxin did not drive fast, and carefully avoided potholes.

Suddenly, Jiang Yun saw a figure riding a bicycle in the distance ahead, and she quickly said, "Editor Yan, can you please pull over and stop, I seem to have seen my partner."

Kang Congxin quickly pulled over and stopped. When Jiang Yun got off the car, her partner happened to ride over and called him to stop.

He is about the same age as Jiang Yun. He is 33 years old, his name is Zheng Weiguo, and he works at the No. 2 Tax Office in Xicheng. He was wearing the uniform of the tax office, which was crinkled and stuck to his body, and a lot of mud was splashed on his trousers.

Yan Ruxu met her and greeted each other, Zheng Weiguo thanked Yan Ruxu again and again, then took Jiang Yun and left.

After this scare, Jiang Yun's physical condition suddenly deteriorated, and all the early pregnancy symptoms that she didn't have before came out, and the morning sickness was extremely severe, and she became weak when she vomited whatever she ate. Come to work on time, often ask for leave.

Knowing that Jiang Yun was pregnant, Yan Ruxu no longer let Jiang Yun go to the field like taking care of Wang Yani. Now that Jiang Yun's health is so poor, she has lightened Jiang Yun's work again. Other colleagues in the office also supported this point, and consciously shared Jiang Yun's work.

Jiang Yun is unwilling to bother others and is strong. As long as her physical condition permits, she wants to complete the work by herself, but the reaction during pregnancy is too uncomfortable, and her mind goes blank after tossing, and she can't think of anything. She often brought food and drink to the office to make up for the trouble she caused everyone.

Jiang Yun originally had a lot of work to do, but now she couldn't work normally, so she divided it among Yan Ruxu, Huang Limei, and Chen Yang, and she became busy all of a sudden. But this busy situation won't last long, because Wang Yani's one-year maternity leave is almost over. She has visited the office many times and said that she will return to work on schedule.

Kangkang is finally coming back after two weeks of frenzied play in the seaside dry rest center, and Bai Fengmei and the twins are also coming back together. Kang Congxin and Yan Ruxu originally wanted to pick them up by car, but when they heard that Kangkang had never been on a train, Bai Fengmei was going to take the children back by train, and told them to go to Beijing West Railway Station to pick them up.

The day they came back was Saturday, and they took a direct train, which departed from Haicheng at 9:30 in the morning and arrived at the final station, Jingcheng West Station, at 2:40 in the afternoon.

Yan Ruxu worked overtime to finish writing and reviewing the manuscript, and arranged the work tasks for next week. She asked for leave in the afternoon and took the bus to Kangcongxin's unit. She was going to try the canteen of the Machinery Group. Go to West Station.

Because of the rumors about Ma Jinwomen some time ago, Kang Cong became the focus of the machinery group, and some things about Mrs. Kang's wife were also gossiped. Fortunately, the Sui family didn't know much about Yan Ruo, so There were not many things that came out, but after all, some people from the Yuanji Yiyi Family Home had seen her. She didn't want to attract attention, so she specifically asked Kang Congxin not to come out to pick her up.

But Kang Congxin still sent his newly appointed secretary Yuan Ming to wait for her at the gate of the office building.

Yuan Ming was interviewed by Kang Congxin himself. He was carefully selected from many candidates. He is 26 years old this year and has a college degree. He used to work as a correspondent in the party office and also did secretarial work. They are all quite thorough and cautious, and have a strong ability to learn actively. Kang Congxin thinks that he is a good seedling worth cultivating.

Yuan Ming had never met Yan Ruxu before, but when Yan Ruxu walked over, he recognized her immediately. I went up to ask politely, and after getting an affirmative answer, I gave a slightly detailed self-introduction with a smile on my face, such as name, place of origin, marriage status, education background, general resume, etc. His position is equivalent to Vice President Kang's first secretary. Under normal circumstances, he will have many opportunities to deal with Vice President Kang's family in the future. He wants Vice President Kang's wife to understand him and trust him.

Yuan Ming is very good at talking and is very measured. He always walks behind Yan Ruxu, but when he needs to open the door, he will immediately step forward and open the door ahead of time. He is especially discerning. Of course, this is the basic quality of being a secretary. Compared with Yan Liangshen's big secretary and Xiao Secretary Zhou, this Xiao Yuan secretary is still a little immature and needs to be trained, but for Kang Congxin who does not have high requirements for secretaries , which is enough.

But for Yuan Ming, it was far from enough.

Yuan Ming hopes that he can be the real secretary of the leader wherever he goes. Instead of being like Qi Shuyuan, the leader is complacent about not arranging work. Yuan Ming and Qi Shuyuan knew each other. After the establishment of the machinery group, they knew each other. However, Qi Shuyuan had some background and was assigned to be Kang Congxin's secretary. Leading secretaries are worlds apart.

At that time, Yuan Ming was envious, but he didn't think too much about it. He knew that this position would not be his turn. Once, in the toilet, he heard Qi Shuyuan and the secretary of the vice president Liu Zhang chatting about insignificant things. As they talked, Secretary Liu Zhang expressed his envy for the leadership that Qi Shuyuan followed. At least, he doesn't have to work overtime, and he doesn't have to run around with the leader to help the leader hold back drinks or something.

Qi Shuyuan was very proud, he didn't hear the other party's show off at all, but sympathized with the other party.

Yuan Ming knew at that time that Qi Shuyuan was not as shrewd as he seemed. As a secretary, doing his job is equivalent to being marginalized. It is dispensable. Let the leader do everything by himself. Why do you need a secretary? Just for display?

Of course, he also heard that Vice President Kang likes to do things by himself, but it is precisely because the leader is not dependent on the secretary that the secretary has to find his own sense of existence and make himself the same as other leaders' secretaries. Indispensable and irreplaceable.

Only such a secretary is valuable, can the leader appreciate you and promote you, and have a future to speak of.

At that time, he began to think about what I should do if I were Deputy General Secretary Kang. He didn't expect that this thought was not just a blind thought, but it would come in handy. He stood out from the candidates with excellent experience and resumes and was selected by Vice President Kang.

Since then, he has believed even more that every effort and every thought is valuable.

When going up the stairs, I happened to meet Yue Liangxi, the general manager of the group, walking down. He saw Yan Ruxu first, and then Yuan Ming, so he couldn't help but stop and asked Yuan Ming, "Who is this?"

Yuan Ming had already stood aside when he saw Yue Liangxi, and Yan Ruxu stopped along with him, smiling and nodding to Yue Liangxi. Yue Liangxi possessed the aura of a leader, and it was easy to tell that his position in the group was not low, and he was Kang Congxin's colleague. As a family member, Yan Ruxu must be more polite.

Yuan Ming quickly said, "This is Vice President Kang's lover."

Yue Liangxi had already guessed in his heart when he first saw Yan Ruxu, otherwise he would not have stopped. Hearing Yuan Ming's answer confirmed his guess, he couldn't help but smile warmly at Yan Ruxu.

When Yuan Ming introduced Yan Ruxu's identity, he immediately introduced to Yan Ruxu: "This is Mr. Yue, the general manager of our machinery group."

It turned out to be Kang Congxin's direct superior.

Yue Liangxi smiled and stretched out his hand: "So it's Editor-in-Chief Yan, and it's the first time we meet, hello!"

Yan Ruxu hastily walked up two steps, stood on a step lower than Yue Liangxi, stretched out his hand, shook hands with Yue Liangxi, and said with a smile: "Boss Yue, I have long admired your name!"

Yue Liangxi laughed, and said: "My wife just transferred here, and my house has just settled down. I'm planning to hold a housewarming party. Let's have a good time, and help us live comfortably. I just met you here, so I'll formally invite you." You husband and wife must come!"

Yan Ruxu hastily agreed, the superior invited him, as a subordinate, he was not legitimately powerful, and there was no reason not to join him.

Yue Liangxi: "Then I won't tell you much, I have to go out. By the way, say hello to Mr. Yan for me!"

Yan Ruxu: "Okay, you go slowly."

Yan Ruxu turned around to watch Yue Liangxi, and the two people who followed Yue Liangxi also nodded to Yan Ruxu in a friendly way.

Because Yan Liangshen and Kang Congxin suddenly became close, some people naturally became curious. The two did not deliberately conceal their relationship, so they became known to others, but it was only known to a small range of people, only in the middle of the machinery group. The above-mentioned cadres circulated among the cadres, but did not spread out.

Yan Ruxu knew that half of Yue Liangxi's enthusiasm for her was due to her husband Kang Congxin, and half was due to her father Yan Liangshen.

It was the first time Yuan Ming knew that Yan Ruxu had such a family background. After graduating from college, he was assigned to the blower factory. After merging with the machinery group, he was assigned to the party office as a correspondent. Although he sometimes came into contact with upper-level leaders, the leaders, including the people around them, were very strict.

None of his relatives and friends are from the industrial system, and his sources of information are limited. Naturally, he will not know the news that these upper-level leaders know internally. After he got an interview with General Secretary Kang, he went to inquire about Kang Congxin's family situation, which everyone knows: his wife is divorced and married twice with children, he is tall and beautiful, and he is an editor of a magazine.

Now that I know Yan Ruxu's family background, I not only respect Yan Ruxu more.

Turning up the stairs, I saw Kang Congxin standing at the door of the office and watching. When I saw Yan Ruxu, I couldn't help laughing. Yan Ruxu ran over quickly, and Yuan Ming also quickened his pace. Then I heard Kang Congxin say in a low voice: "Here you are." .”

The simple two words seemed to contain infinite affection, which made Yuan Ming blush for no reason, and felt that he was redundant and should disappear immediately, so he couldn't help but stop in his tracks. Thinking back to Kang Congxin's eyes when he first saw Yan Ruxu, how should he describe it? Lovely, charming, affectionate?

What are these words? Yuan Ming quickly shook his head to shake off the wild thoughts inside. Slowly walking back to the office, he only saw Kang Congxin's back, with a white and slender calf exposed between his legs, and then the door was closed.

Yuan Ming's face became even hotter. The two of them were together, and they didn't have any intimate behaviors. How could it make people feel...full of sex? Yes, this word is very accurate, it is lust! From the moment they met each other, the two of them only had each other in their eyes, as if they were glued together, even if they stood still facing each other, it made people feel that something was happening.

God, Yuan Ming always thought that Deputy Kang was always an upright, upright, iron-blooded man who had nothing to do with any kind of romance, but he never expected that he would have such a tender side, The way he looked at his daughter-in-law was like spring water, full of affection, as if he wanted to see his daughter-in-law into his eyes and drown in it.

This is really the tenderness of an iron man!

I don't know why, Yuan Ming was very excited. He is not a person who likes to gossip about people's right and wrong, and whether he is a correspondent or a leader's secretary, confidentiality and caution are the top priorities, but at this moment, he is very special. Looking for someone to share it with.

If Yan Ruxu knew what was going on in his heart at this time, he would be able to think of the feelings of netizens sharing shocking melons on the Internet in later generations, and even help him draft the content of the post: Shocking! Take a look at my tough boss and his little wife.

According to the usual practice, Yuan Ming went to make tea, but when it was finished, he was hesitating whether to send it to the house, in case the two people inside were...wouldn't he have disturbed them?

After hesitating for a while, Yuan Ming went over and knocked lightly on the office door. After knocking, he stood at the door and waited, thinking that if the people in the office didn't ask to come in, he would go back quietly. He waited for a while but still saw no movement inside. Just as he was about to move back, Vice President Kang's voice came from inside, "Come in".

Yuan Ming carefully unscrewed the door of the office.

Yan Ruxu sat in Kang Congxin's position, turned her body sideways, and looked outside. The curtains fell down at some point, blocking her view. Kang Congxin stood at the side of the desk, fiddling with the documents on the table.

Yuan Ming didn't dare to look again after a hasty glance. He was so embarrassed that he felt like an accidental intruder. He was too reckless. : "I made a cup of tea for Comrade Yan."

"Give it to me." Kang Congxin took two quick steps and took the tea.

Yuan Ming handed over the tea, breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately wanted to leave, but was stopped by Kang Congxin, and told him: "Go and help me to Xiaochao on the second floor of the cafeteria, and ask for some fried dishes to be delivered. I want fried pork with magnolia slices, Beef tenderloin with sharp pepper, fried lettuce, if there is no beef in the cafeteria, dry fried small yellow croaker will be replaced, and 6 taels of rice will be charged to my account first.”

Kang Congxin's voice sounded different from the past, very hoarse. Yuan Ming quickly agreed, and didn't dare to look around. Seeing that Kang Congxin had no other orders, he hurried out and closed the office door before heaving a sigh of relief.

In the office, upon hearing the door closing, Yan Ruxu finally stopped staring at the sky blue curtains and turned his head around. Her mouth was as red as blood, and slightly swollen. She gave Kang Congxin a reproachful look, but Kang Congxin didn't care, walked over with a smile, and held Yan Ruxu in his arms through the chair.

Yan Ruxu patted Kang Congxin's arm lightly: "You still come!"

Just now I was telling her about meeting Yue Liangxi, but who knew that this guy suddenly kissed him so much that she didn't know what day and night, when the knock on the door came, she hurriedly pushed him away, and ran to She sat down on the chair, afraid that people would notice her abnormality, so she pretended to admire the scenery outside, but she didn't realize that the curtains were drawn.

Kang Congxin was still full of ideas, and came to kiss the top of her head again. The warm breath sprayed on the top of her head, making her whole body feel numb and itchy from the spine. Yan Ruxu quickly pushed Kang Congxin's arm away and stood up. A little embarrassed: "What's the matter with you, regardless of time and place, if you do this again, you are not allowed to touch me at night!"

Kang Congxin stopped immediately, but still couldn't help kissing her plump and delicate lips again, and said, "Who told you to always seduce me? I'm not Liu Xiahui, how can I stand your temptation."

Yan Ruxu said angrily: "You're going to beat me up, when did I seduce you, it's obviously normal to talk to you!"

Kang Congxin raised his hand to wipe off the water stain on the corner of her lips, and said, "You are so beautifully dressed and standing in front of me is a temptation to me, I am a normal man!"

Normal man, hmph, Yan Ruxu said in her heart, you are really humble! This man made a lot of nonsense, but his words undoubtedly pleased her, and she tapped his chest lightly again, and said, "Okay, don't be in heat anymore, this is the office, and I have to pick up my son after dinner." Woolen cloth."

When mentioning his son, Kang Congxin finally had a serious look on his face. I haven't seen him for two weeks, and he really thinks hard. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, wishing he could drive to find his son immediately.

Half an hour later, Yuan Ming hurried back with a big food box. He rode a bicycle, riding fast but steadily. Before going upstairs, he secretly opened the food box and took a look. There was no soup in it. Not spilled.

This time knocking on the door, Yuan Ming was much more down-to-earth than last time.

This time it was Yan Ruxu who said "please come in". When Yuan Ming came in, she was standing not far from the doorway, just finished washing her hands, and was wiping her hands with a towel from the face shelf.

"Thank you." Yan Ruxu said with a smile.

Yuan Ming felt his sweat, and quickly said: "It's not hard, this is what I should do."

He didn't see Kang Congxin in the room, so he asked, "Comrade Yan, where are these meals?"

Yan Ruxu swept around the room and said, "Just put it on the coffee table, we'll make it ourselves later."

Yuan Ming put down the food box obediently, and said, "Comrade Yan, then I'll go out first, and call me when you have something to do with Mr. Kang."

Yan Ruxu nodded, raised his wrist to look at the time and said, "Did it delay your get off work?"

Yuan Ming hurriedly said, "No, no."

When Yuan Ming came out of the office and sat down in his seat, Kang Congxin also came back from the outside, his hands were still stained with water, and he shook them as he walked.

Yuan Ming immediately stood up, raised his head to report to him, saw his extraordinarily rosy lips, and quickly regained his senses after being taken aback for a moment: "The food has been brought back according to your order. Today's luck is better, and there is beef in the cafeteria. It happened that Liu The vice president also ordered a dry fried small yellow croaker, and the master chef will make half a portion for you to try."

Kang Congxin nodded and said, "Go and do your work. We'll leave after dinner. We won't be here this afternoon."

This is to explain the itinerary to himself, Yuan Ming was a little excited, and quickly nodded in agreement. Today, helping Vice President Kang to pick up people and cook meals is considered to be a personal matter for him, and he even explained the itinerary to himself. Although he didn’t say what the itinerary is, it can be regarded as progress. He secretly made up his mind to work harder in the future. Strive to become Vice President Kang's confidant as soon as possible!

When Kang re-entered, Yan Ruxu had already arranged the food on the tea table. The master chef was very considerate. In addition to the bowls and chopsticks, he also packed some salt, soy sauce, vinegar and chili oil. The portion of each dish is very large, even the dry-fried small yellow croaker that is said to be only half a portion is also a full plate.

The small canteen on the second floor of the staff canteen is somewhat similar to a small restaurant. You can order food, and your employees can order food. Leaders often entertain visiting guests there. Quite good, quite a few specialty dishes.

Deputy Kang is always the top leader who manages the cafeteria, but he rarely eats in the unit cafeteria. He only comes to the cafeteria to eat once in a random check on the food quality of the cafeteria, and rarely entertains guests in the small cafeteria. However, the quality of the food in the small cafeteria How, he is very clear about the signature dishes.

In the small cafeteria, I rarely have the opportunity to get in touch with Vice President Kang. I saw Yuan Ming today and knew that this was the newly appointed Secretary of Vice President Kang. Immediately, the master chef personally served him. I heard that it was Vice President Kang's order. For the meal, he immediately tried his best to prepare a few dishes that were full of color, fragrance and quantity.

The office was full of fragrance, Yan Ruxu asked: "Is your canteen so affordable?"

Kang Congxin smiled and said, "This is a special treatment for the leader in charge of logistics."

Yan Ruxu served himself a bowl of rice from the rice bowl, and asked Kang Congxin to eat from the rice bowl, jokingly said, "Yo, are you starting to enjoy the privileges of the vice president?"

Kang Congxin said: "It's not like enjoying privileges, and I don't want to be independent in everything. Within the scope of laws and regulations, I always want to be in the same dust as the light."

Yan Ruxu nodded in agreement. Kang Congxin is not a warrior, and the army is not a place that only fights for strength. Kang Congxin has quite strong political wisdom, otherwise he would not have been led to such an important position, and he would not have been squeezed out without participating in the current wine table culture, and he would have been able to carry out his work in an orderly manner.

The two sat side by side on the sofa, and Kang picked up a slice of magnolia with his chopsticks and fed it to Yan Ruxu: "Try it, is it the taste of the Southwest?"

Magnolia slices are bamboo shoots. Fresh bamboo shoots are boiled, dried in the sun, and then soaked before eating. Because the shape and color resemble magnolia flowers, they are named Magnolia slices. There are no fresh bamboo shoots in the north, and bamboo shoots are not a traditional dish in the northern diet. If you don’t eat them for a long time, you will forget them. But when Yan Ruxu was in the southwest, he liked to eat bamboo shoots. There are many ways to eat them, such as frying, stewing, It is delicious when served in cold salad or as sour bamboo shoots.

Yan Ruxu chewed lightly, and made a crisp sound, "It's delicious, it's the inner taste." Compared with fresh bamboo shoots, magnolia slices are more vigorous, and still retain the fragrance of bamboo shoots, which is delicious.

Kang Congxin also tasted a slice. Magnolia slices are a new dish added by the master chef. It is also the first time for him to eat them. The taste is not bad.

Yan Ruxu: "Suddenly I remembered sour bamboo shoots and rice noodles. Back then I ate that for breakfast every day."

Kang Congxin: "Sichuan Malatang is available, and Southwest Rice Noodle Shop will soon be available."

After eating, Yan Ruxu rinsed her mouth, drank some water, felt sleepy, she yawned, looked at her watch, it was 12:30, it was still early, so she leaned on the back of the sofa, ready to squat for a while. I woke up an hour early today to go to work overtime to review manuscripts, and I have been concentrating on my work all morning. Now I have a full meal and my brain lacks oxygen, so I can't hold on all of a sudden.

Kang Congxin packed the tableware into a lunch box and put it on the table outside, waiting for the canteen staff to come and collect it in the afternoon.

Seeing Yan Ruxu's sleepy look, he also looked at his watch and said, "It's still early, you lie down and take a nap."

The sofa is made of black pure leather, and the logistics team fully considered the leader's height when helping Kang reconfigure the furniture. This sofa is very spacious and comfortable. Kang Congxin went to the closet to get a blanket and spread it on the sofa, took off Yan Ruxu's shoes, sat next to her, and helped her to rest on his lap, then moved his legs up, and covered her with his palms. On her face, say: "Sleep, it's still early."

"Yeah," Yan Ruxu rubbed his cheek against Kang Congxin's palm, like a kitten, and then leaned back on his pillow, wrapped his arms around his waist, buried his face in it, and said, "You can also squint for a while."

Kang moved his new palm away from her face, moved it to her back, and patted it lightly.

Yan Ruxu smelled the familiar smell on his body, and soon fell asleep.

The author has something to say:

I changed my secretary~

Xi Yuanzheng still has some roles, but not many.

It is another chapter that has been deleted, deleted, revised and reviewed.

Read Kill the Sun