MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 55 One more update on the last day of November

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This is a little girl who has no self-confidence, even low self-esteem, but I don't know whether she has lost her self-confidence due to school violence, or was bullied because of her lack of self-confidence. Yan Ruxu recalled the few memories about Yan Ruyu in her brain, and found that in her memory, the little girl was either bowing her head or looking at her stealthily, even if her eyes met, she immediately looked away.

That is to say, this little girl has always had low self-esteem, why doesn't she have low self-esteem? Her father is in a high position, she grew up so big, she eats, drinks, and has a good house, and there is a nanny in the house. She probably hasn't washed her own socks since she was a child. The material conditions are so rich, what else caused her to feel inferior? The reason?

In fact, Yan Ruxu had already guessed the answer. Flaws and insufficiencies of parents are also the reason why children have low self-esteem.

The Yan family is not a normal family. Yan Liangshen doesn't care enough for both Wang Zhaodi and Kang Ruyu. He is already busy with work, and he devotes most of his attention to the eldest daughter and grandson. The energy that can be allocated to the younger daughter is not enough. many. In addition, he felt that his youngest daughter was well-clothed and lived a good life with her biological parents by her side, so she didn't need his special attention at all, so Yan Ruyu actually had a very low sense of existence with his father.

Not to mention Wang Zhaodi, in the municipal party committee's family courtyard, a place where there are scholars who talk and laugh, but there are no white people, Wang Zhaodi's actions, speech and behavior are undoubtedly incompatible with this place, and her vulgarity and ignorance suddenly appeared. It was as eye-catching and ugly as a bald-tailed wild duck suddenly broke into the flock of white swans.

Yan Liangshen never took Wang Zhaodi to any public or private occasions, and even assigned her a live-in nanny like Sister Huang to restrain or even control her behavior at any time.

As Wang Zhaodi's biological daughter, Yan Ruyu inherited Wang Zhaodi in some aspects and was deeply influenced by her. However, she is also Yan Liangshen's place. The environment she lived in since she was a child, the people she met and the education she received were different, which made her and Wang Zhaodi different. Essentially different.

She disagreed with some of Wang Zhaodi's actions, and even felt ashamed. But Wang Zhaodi is her biological mother, and no one can change this fact. Wang Zhaodi has been a high-ranking official's wife for more than ten years and has not changed. Now that she is so old, it is impossible to change. Yan Ruxu has no intention of discussing this issue with Yan Ruyu, after all, she is Yan Ruyu's biological mother.

Seeing Yan Ruyu regain some vitality because of her affirmation, Yan Ruxu was a little moved and a little heavy in her heart, but at the same time, she also gained a lot of confidence in the success of today's mission.

Yan Ruxu smiled at Yan Ruyu, seeing that the quilt on the bed was a bit messy, Yan Ruxu pushed the quilt back, sat on the bed again, and said, "Do you want to sit down too?"

Yan Ruyu hesitated for a while, but nodded, and sat down next to the pillow at the head of the bed, looking somewhat restrained.

Yan Ruxu pretended to be casual and asked: "Oh, by the way, why didn't you go to school today and stayed in your room?"

Xu Shi's compliment from Yan Ruxu just now opened Yan Ruyu's heart, she hesitated for a while before answering in a low voice: "I don't want to go to school."

Yan Ruxu: "Why don't you want to go to school?"

Yan Ruxu stopped picking at the hem of her clothes, and started picking at the sheets that had faded to yellow-green. She didn't speak.

Yan Ruxu went on to say: "I heard that you want to be like me, to be admitted to the best university in China in the future, and to be a college student?"

Yan Ruyu was a little embarrassed to be exposed, but also inexplicably excited, she didn't dare to raise her head, and nodded gently.

Yan Ruxu: "The learning environment is better for you now, but the competition is also greater. If you want to be admitted to the best university, you have to study hard from elementary school, get into the best middle school, and enjoy the best education. conditions, the chances of being admitted to a good university will be greater. Therefore, you don’t want to go to school when you are in elementary school, and you will not be able to get into an ideal school if you are tired of studying.”

Yan Ruyu's fingers almost wanted to dig a hole in the thin bed sheet.

Yan Ruxu continued: "Ruyu, when I was in elementary school, there was no rain or shine, and I didn't miss a day of class. If you continue to skip school like this, you will miss a lot of homework in a few days, and I'm afraid you won't even get your elementary school diploma. Now that you say you want to follow my example, you have to take practical actions, you can't just talk about it, you have to put it into action and persevere."

Yan Ruyu hurriedly wanted to defend herself, lest she be misunderstood by Yan Ruxu as a talkative person without perseverance, and felt wronged by being misunderstood, her eye circles were a little red with anxiety, but she was too lacking in words, " …I'm not, I didn't mean to, I wanted to learn."

Yan Ruxu: "Then why don't you want to go to school?"

Yan Ruyu: "Because...because..."

Yan Ruxu followed closely: "Why?"

Yan Ruyu held her face in her hands, and said in a crying voice, "Because my classmates laughed at me, they look down on me?"

"Why are they laughing at you?"

Yan Ruxu moved towards Yan Ruyu's side, put his hand on her shoulder and gently stroked her.

"Tell me, I have the ability to help you. If you don't solve the current problem, your ideal may not be realized for the rest of your life. Are you willing to give up your ideal because of a few people who laugh at you? "

Yan Ruyu cried, her emotions did not appear to be too intense, but she sobbed softly with her head down.

Sobbing a few times, she took a deep breath like someone who had held her breath for a long time, then wiped her tears with her sleeve, and said, "I don't want to, I want to go to college! They, they all made fun of my mother, make fun of me…"

Over the years, Wang Zhaodi has rarely gone to Yan Ruyu's school. One of the most important reasons is that she is afraid of showing her timidity. She is a very self-aware person, but she can't correct it. .

Once, Yan Ruyu's Chinese textbook was left at home, and Sister Huang went to buy vegetables. There was no one else at home, so Wang Zhaodi went to deliver it by herself in a hurry. During class break, at the door of the classroom, I happened to witness a short boy at the back table stabbing the back of Yan Ruyu in the front seat with the tip of a pencil. The forbearance of hiding deeply hurt the mother Wang Zhaodi's heart. She never expected that her youngest daughter would live such a life in school.

Wang Zhaodi's blood rushed to her brain, and her anger surged up, drowning her lack of rationality.

"You bastard, dare to bully my daughter!"

Wang Zhaodi was spitting out obscenities one after another, her hair was disheveled, her hips were akimbo, her legs were akimbo, she was aggressive, she showed her teeth and claws, and shocked the whole class. Fortunately, the teacher from the next class came early, hugged Wang Zhaodi on the way, and asked the students to call again The security guard took Wang Zhaodi out.

Wang Zhaodi was rolling around in the office, and the school threatened to send Wang Zhaodi to the police station, so she got scared, and quickly said that her husband is a high-ranking official, and if he dared to arrest her, he would let him fix them, etc., but she didn't dare to really say so. Announce Yan Liangshen's name and position. Later, when she saw that the school was about to get serious, Wang Zhaodi became a little scared, so she called home and asked Sister Huang to come over.

Sister Huang came in a hurry, apologizing and begging for guarantees, so the school let go, educated Sister Huang and Wang Zhaodi, and let them leave.

The consequences of this incident were all borne by Yan Ruyu. The whole class saw how rough and scary Yan Ruyu's mother was, and Wang Zhaodi became a laughing stock in the eyes of the students. They imitated Wang Zhaodi's tone and movements, and then the whole class burst into laughter.

No one can tolerate others insulting their mother, even if she is really vulgar. When someone laughed at her mother in front of her at first, she argued angrily with others, but her voice was drowned in everyone's laughter. Her voice was hoarse, and no one paid any attention to her. She felt like a boat in the vast ocean, surrounded by the surging sea water, which was about to submerge her. She was suffocated, helpless and desperate.

That day, a boy in the class was laughing loudly at Wang Zhaodi again, Yan Ruyu couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to fight that boy.

That was the time when the teacher called the parents, and Wang Zhaodi and Yan Liangshen went to school together. But no matter what the teacher asked, Yan Ruyu refused to say the reason for the fight, and the boy knew he was wrong, and only emphasized that he was beaten, and refused to say the reason for the beating. After returning home, Yan Liangshen and Yan Ruyu had a deep talk , she did not tell the whole truth.

From that day on, the classmates in the class treated Yan Ruyu even worse, and began to exclude her and stay away from her. The two little girls who used to go to the bathroom with Yan Ruyu after class stopped talking to her. Her nerves became more and more sensitive. The people around her seemed to be talking ill of her and her mother. The eyes of her classmates, including the teachers on the stage, looked at her as if they were mocking her. She couldn't concentrate on listening, just wanted to Get out of here quickly and never come back.

Back home, the home has not become her safe haven, Yan Liangshen is not at home, Wang Zhaodi chatters, one moment asks her to learn from Yan Ruxu, and another moment asks her to learn to be careful and guard against Yan Ruxu, lest the old man give away all the good things her. Originally, Wang Zhaodi had always been divided like this, and she was used to it, but recently it became more unbearable.

She is like a gull in the sky and the earth, there is no place where she can relax a little.

When Wang Zhaodi found out that Yan Ruyu didn't go to school, but stayed at home, and told her that she would not go to school in the future, she immediately became furious, and began to curse Yan Ruyu indiscriminately. Naturally, Wang Zhaodi would not say foul language when dealing with her daughter, but she never pays attention to the way she speaks, and her words hurt Yan Ruyu's heart, which was already as fragile as glass, and she became more and more self-sufficient. Closed, refusing to communicate with family members.

Of course, Yan Ruxu didn't know these things, and she didn't continue to ask why Yan Ruyu's classmates laughed at Wang Zhaodi behind their backs. For a daughter, it was like exposing a scar.

She also finally understood why Yan Ruyu refused to tell her parents why she refused to go to school, it was really difficult to speak.

A girl in her teens was rejected by almost all her classmates. One can imagine what kind of suffering she suffered.

Yan Ruxu felt even more her loneliness, fear, and loneliness as if she had been abandoned by the whole world, like a lone goose living alone, shivering and shouting "Help me".

Yan Ruxu moved closer to Yan Ruyu, and slid his palm from her shoulder to her back, patting her lightly.

The heat from the palm passed through the rough clothes to Yan Ruyu's skin, Yan Ruyu trembled, but soon, all the muscles in her body relaxed.

Yan Ruxu: "Ruyu, I can understand your sadness at this time. You are still so young and you have endured these things. It is the parents' dereliction of duty and the teacher's dereliction of duty. They don't care enough for you, or it is the way of caring. The method is wrong."

"I can see that your father and mother love you very much. It's just that everyone has different personalities and tempers, so the way of expressing feelings is also different. Some people are reserved, while others like to express their feelings by yelling. Hide your inner feelings."

"Your father and mother came through the famine years, especially your mother, who used to live in a remote mountain village. The harsh conditions there are unimaginable for a child who grew up in the city. The ancients said , people who have enough food and clothing but don’t have enough to eat and don’t wear warm clothes have already spent all their energy to make money, so how can they demand etiquette and courtesy? In their minds, children can It is best for children to have enough food and clothing, and a good future in the future.”

Yan Ruxu spoke very slowly, seeing that Yan Ruyu was listening seriously, she stopped and waited quietly for Yan Ruyu to digest.

After a while, Yan Ruyu raised her head, pulled up her loose sleeves and wiped the tears on her face, saying: "My mother just hopes that I will go to college in the future, earn my own wages, have a stable job, and have no worries about eating and drinking in the future. respected."

Yan Ruxu: "This is the best life she can imagine and give you. This is how she loves you."

Yan Ruyu nodded slowly.

Yan Ruxu continued: "I want to confess something to you. My father asked me to come here today. He is very worried about you, but you keep refusing to talk to him. He doesn't know what's wrong with you and is very worried. But there was nothing I could do, so I asked me to come here, hoping that I could help. You know, my father and I are not close, and he rarely asks me to do anything. These exceptions are all because of you."

"This is how he loves you. He usually doesn't show his face, but at critical moments, he is willing to do anything for you."

Yan Ruxu raised his head suddenly, with unbelievable brilliance in his eyes.

"So, you are not alone. Your parents are using their own methods to **** you. Maybe their methods cannot be understood or accepted by you, but you cannot deny their intentions."

"To be honest, when I accepted my father's request to come and find you, I was apprehensive. I don't know if I can really let you open your mind. After all, I don't have much contact with you, and my relationship is not deep." Yan Ruxu tucked Yan Ruyu's loose hair behind her ears, and said, "Now I am very happy and touched, thank you for trusting me so much."

Yan Ruyu blushed, and only felt that the place Yan Ruxu touched was itchy and hot, which was very comfortable.

"Sister, you don't need to thank me, I..."

Yan Ruxu smiled and said, "However, Ruyu, I also want to criticize you. Why didn't you tell your parents about what happened to you at school? You are only a teenager, and you don't know what to do. I don’t have the ability to independently undertake and solve problems. At this time, I must seek help from my parents. Although my father is very busy at work, I believe that as long as you have something to ask him, he will definitely find time to listen to you. Moreover, he Have enough ability to help you solve problems properly. Sometimes, the big problems in the eyes of children are just trivial things in the eyes of adults."

Yan Ruyu lowered her head and whispered, "It was my fault, I don't want to, I don't want to..."

Yan Ruxu pressed Yan Ruyu's shoulder, and didn't let her continue. She might not be able to explain Yan Ruyu's thoughts clearly, but Yan Ruxu could vaguely understand.

"Remember in the future, when something happens to a child, you need to seek help from an adult—seek help from someone who has the ability to solve the problem, understand?"

Yan Ruyu nodded, looked up at Yan Ruxu, "Yeah."

Yan Ruxu patted her on the shoulder again, helped her pull down the collar, and said: "I'll go out first, you can wash and change your clothes and then come down to eat something. You look like a little cabbage that has been pumped. It’s not pretty anymore, hurry up and add some water and nourishment to keep it beautiful.”

Yan Ruyu: "Well, I'm not good-looking."

Yan Ruxu: "Who said that? It's just that you haven't opened your eyes yet. I didn't look good when I was ten years old. When I grow up, I will look better when I open my five senses."

Yan Ruyu looked up at Yan Ruxu's beautiful face in disbelief, with envy and longing in her eyes.

Yan Ruxu stood up and walked out the door: "Come down after packing up, Sister Huang has cooked you a lot of your favorite food."

When Yan Ruxu walked to the entrance of the first floor, Wang Zhaodi was standing at the entrance of the stairs looking up, with one foot on the steps, as if she was about to go upstairs at any time. Seeing Yan Ruxu going downstairs, she asked anxiously, "How is Xiaoyu?" gone?"

Yan Ruxu: "She will come down in a while."

Wang Zhaodi was very surprised, and asked: "Really, what did you tell her, is she willing to go to school?"

Yan Ruxu passed by her, Wang Zhaodi wanted to grab her clothes but didn't dare, her hand was hanging in the air.

Yan Ruxu stopped and said, "Let my dad tell you later."

She can persuade Yan Ruyu to understand her mother, but it doesn't mean she approves of Wang Zhaodi. Yan Ruyu's current situation cannot be separated from Wang Zhaodi. It is reasonable to talk to a reasonable person, but for a person like Wang Zhaodi, there is no need to talk too much, let her husband worry about it.

Yan Ruxu went directly to Yan Liangshen's study, Kang Congxin and Yan Liangshen sat face to face drinking tea, chatting about the work of the Machinery Group, Kang Kang crawled on the desk and played chess, picked up a green **** and "slapped" it On a red handsome.

"I won! Dad, I won!"

Kang Congxin put one arm on the edge of the desk to prevent the child from falling.

"Oh, you won, so who lost?"

Kangkang: "The big bad wolf lost!"

Yan Ruxu knocked on the door and came straight in. Kangkang saw his mother immediately, and told his mother that he won the chess game with the big bad wolf.

Yan Ruxu smiled and complimented him perfunctorily.

Kang Cong picked Kangkang up again, said: "You talk", and took Kangkang out first.

Yan Ruxu recounted to Yan Liangshen the conversation with Yan Ruyu just now.

After Yan Liangshen listened, he raised his head in silence, then tapped his temple lightly, sighed and said, "One wrong step, one wrong step! It's all my fault!"

Yan Ruxu said: "The conversation I had with her this time had some temporary effect, but her problem cannot be solved in one conversation. I suspect that she has signs of depression."

After Yan Ruxu introduced depression to Yan Liangshen, he continued: "My talk this time can be effective, there is a certain chance."

This coincidence is the idea of ​​learning from Yan Ruxu that Wang Zhaodi continued to instill in Yan Ruyu, making Yan Ruyu Yan Ruyu's idol to a certain extent, but because Wang Zhaodi slandered Yan Ruxu from time to time, Yan Ruyu felt guilty towards Yan Ruxu Affection. What's more, although Yan Ruxu doesn't live in this family, he has a detached position in this family. This detachment makes Yan Ruyu a little afraid of her.

To sum it up, Yan Ruyu worships, respects and fears Yan Ruxu, and is also somewhat jealous and guilty. All kinds of complex emotions are intertwined, so Yan Ruyu has to give Yan Ruxu a face. Therefore, Wang Zhaodi and Yan Liangshen who live together every day have no Knocking on the door of Yan Ruyu's room, Yan Ruxu, who came to knock on the door for the first time, knocked on it.

But this face is not easy to use every time, so Yan Ruxu told Yan Liangshen that there is a certain chance.

Yan Liang rubbed his head deeply, but didn't speak.

Yan Ruxu continued: "She is just a teenager, her mind is immature, and she doesn't have the ability to digest negative emotions on her own. The harm caused to her by this incident cannot be eliminated in a short time, and there is a possibility There will be sequelae. It is also possible to relapse again. If it recurs again, the situation may be more serious than this time. Therefore, people around her, especially parents, should pay attention to her emotional changes at any time and give her more care. "

"The school's problem is easy to solve. Just transfer her to another school and change the environment. You still have to find a way to improve the problem at home. Now she is very sensitive to the perception of external emotions, and may even misunderstand or magnify it."

In Yan Ruyu's situation, she should see a psychiatrist on a regular basis, and someone will provide psychological counseling for the child. Unfortunately, the conditions in this area are not yet available in China, so she can only rely on her parents and people around her.

After finishing what was to be said, Yan Ruxu left.

There was a scent from the dining room, Yan Ruyu changed clothes, and was sitting next to the dining room eating, Wang Zhaodi was sitting beside her, with a smile on her face, helping her take food attentively, with undisguised love in her eyes.

Yan Ruxu smiled and went to find Kang Congxin and Kangkang.

"It's over?" Kang Congxin asked.

Yan Ruxu: "My task has been completed, if there is anything that needs me, let's talk about it later."

She didn't disturb Yan Liangshen, who was thinking, nor Wang Zhaodi's mother and son, who were cultivating their relationship. She only talked to Sister Huang and left.

Kangkang was still wondering after getting in the car: "Mom, aren't we going to have dinner at grandpa's house?"

Yan Ruxu: "Let's go home and eat, lest you can't control your mouth and eat meat again."

Kangkang was not happy, felt that he was misunderstood, and argued: "Mom, I can control it, I didn't eat anything just now, I'm not greedy for so many delicious things, if you don't believe me, ask Dad, Dad, can you? "

Kang Congxin quickly proved to the child: "Yes, he didn't eat a bite of the snacks and fruits on the coffee table."

Yan Ruxu: "Oh, I'm sorry baby, it's mom who misunderstood you, and mom apologized to you, then you have to make persistent efforts and keep going!"

Kangkang was very satisfied with his mother's apology. He forgave his mother generously and said, "Good mother."

Tilting his calves, he was so obedient.

The author has something to say:

A new chapter is temporarily added, thanks to the little angels who spent November with their company, and on the last day, let's welcome December together!

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