MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 35 sweet

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Yan Ruxu was lying on Kang Congxin's body exhausted and physically and mentally comfortable. She had just taken the opportunity to examine Kang Congxin's body carefully, and she was relieved after making sure that there were no major wounds on his body. He has exhausted his energy, worked hard, and suffered for four years. At least his body has not suffered too much damage, which can be regarded as some comfort. Yan Ruxu thought in a daze, and fell asleep unknowingly.

When he woke up, his surroundings were warm and his heart was at ease, Yan Ruxu caressed the relaxed body beneath him, lazily not wanting to move.

Kang turned over again, pressed Yan Ruxu under him, and kissed her face: "You still tease me, don't you want to wake up?"

"Bah, who teased you?" Yan Ruxu pushed him away, sat up and put on her underwear: "I have to pick up Kangkang, I haven't seen me for four days, since he was born, he has never been away from me for so long, our business My son and my father have to have an explanation."

"Well, fortunately today is the weekend, we brought Kangkang back, so we can spend time with him." Kang Congxin also got up, looking for scattered clothes on the bed and the floor, with a longing look on his face.

"Then he must be overjoyed." Yan Ruxu smiled, opened the wardrobe, saw the light green dress, couldn't help smiling, picked it up and put it on, and turned around in front of Kang Congxin: "Does it look good?"

Kang Congxin was a little dumbfounded: "It's beautiful!"

Yan Ruxu raised her skirt and swept over Kang Congxin's face, "How much did it cost?"

Kang Congxin scratched his face and coughed lightly: "Forgot".

Yan Ruxu snorted: "In the future, I will hand over the salary to me, and you are not allowed to spend money randomly, you know?"

"I know, I know!" Kang Congxin obediently agreed, and said, "The higher-ups have repaid me the wages and allowances of the past few years. Because they can't be publicly commended, the higher-ups rewarded me with a lot of bonuses."

"How many are there?"

When Kang said a number again, Yan Ruxu was taken aback: "There are so many." Immediately, her eyebrows turned upside down, "Hurry up and leave it to me."

Kang Congxin agreed with a good temper: "Okay, okay, I have stored it in the bank, you can go to the dormitory with me to get it in the afternoon."

Yan Ruxu gave him a look of "you are sensible", and went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Kang Congxin followed Yan Ruxu, walking back and forth, and suddenly frowned: "You said, I will live with Kangkang from now on, how should I introduce myself? Say that I am his biological father, he alone Can a child understand it?"

After Yan Ruxu brushed her teeth, scooped up water to wash her face, being careful not to let the water splash on her dress, she also felt worried.

I never thought that Kang Congxin was still alive before, so I let Kangkang think that he has a father, but he doesn't live with him. Sui Yuanzhi and Kangkang had never met each other a few times. Kangkang had no feelings for Sui Yuanzhi, and he never cried and asked her for his father. The role of father is never needed by Kangkang, but when Kangkang sees Kang Congxin, he can't forget it. He likes him so much, which shows that Kangkang still needs his father very much, but he didn't have the conditions before.

After Yan Ruxu washed her face and dried it with a towel, she still couldn't figure out why, so she simply said, "Let's play it by ear." She sat on the dressing table and rubbed her face with oil. smiling in the mirror.

Suddenly thought of something, and asked Kang Congxin: "Do you know everything about me?"

Kang Congxin: "Know a little."

Yan Ruxu smiled: "Then you know how I feel when I'm married and have children?"

Kang Congxin: "When I knew you were married and had a child, I already knew that the child was three years old. I knew subconsciously that this was my child, so I secretly went to see the child. Kangkang looks so much like me. When I saw him It confirmed my guess, so I can guess what happened to your short marriage."

Yan Ruxu blinked: "Then, may I ask Vice President Kang, how did you feel when you found out that you suddenly had a son?"

Kang Congxin: "Happy, but guilty."

Yan Ruxu originally wanted to tease Kang Congxin, but after hearing Kang Congxin say the word "guilt", she stopped saying it.

Kang Congxin washed her face with her face wash and found a new toothbrush to brush her teeth.

Yan Ruxu was cooking noodles in the kitchen, and he still didn't forget to yell at him: "You need to oil your face, or your face will get chapped."

Kang Congxin agreed, and obediently wiped off Yan Ruxu's facial oil, which had a nice fragrance, which was quite pleasant. He looked down at his clothes, it was still the same as yesterday, black jacket top, dark gray suit pants, and a pair of military boots on his feet. When going up and down the mountain yesterday, it was stained with loess, wood residue, and silk was scraped in some places. Thinking about formally meeting his father-in-law and Kangkang later, he had to pay attention to his image, so he washed his towel and wiped his whole body.

"Kang Congxin, come over for dinner!" Yan Ruxu called him by name.

Kang Congxin agreed and went to the restaurant.

In the dining room, Yan Ruxu served two bowls of noodles, topped with green vegetables, poached eggs, and a few drops of yellow sesame oil.

"Try my handicraft, your son said it is very delicious." Yan Ruxu pointed to the large bowl and said.

"Okay," Kang sat down again, picked up his chopsticks and took a big bite.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Yan Ruxu looked at him with her face in her hands.

"Delicious", Kang Congxin ate it with big mouthfuls.

Yan Ruxu curled her lips, "Hypocrisy, your son thinks it's delicious because of his mother's aura, what about you?"

Kang Congxin smiled and shook his head: "Whether something is delicious or not depends on who made it and who you eat it with. I have been waiting for this meal for four years, how can it not be delicious?"

Yan Ruxu was moved, lowered his head, took a mouthful of noodles, "I will make it for you every day from now on."

Kang Congxin: "I'll do it for you too."

Yan Ruxu thought of Kang Congxin, who smelled of oily smoke all over his body, which was too incompatible with his temperament, so he said with a "chi" smile, "Forget it, let Aunt Hua do it."

After the two finished their meal, it was just after 9 o'clock. Kang Congxin first took Yan Ruxu to the department store to buy some gifts. Although it was a bit hasty, it was also the first time for the new son-in-law to come to the door, and the proper etiquette must be followed. Kang Congxin thought about going back to the dormitory to change clothes to waste time, or to buy a new set of clothes to change into. Unfortunately, at his height, suitable clothes are too difficult to buy, so he can only give up for the time being.

Yan Ruxu swept him up and down: "You are in good shape, and you look decent in old clothes. When I get back, I will go to the sewing shop I often go to and make some new clothes for you."

Her gaze and voice made Kang Congxin's ears warm, so he hurriedly said in a low voice, "It's outside, be careful."

Yan Ruxu glanced at him: "What did I say?" Then she leaned closer to Kang Congxin, and whispered, "Yesterday you were holding on to him tightly, and today you are going to keep your distance?"

Kang Congxin had no choice but to cough lightly and said in a hoarse voice, "You know I can't stand your teasing. If you do this again, we'll have to go home."

Yan Ruxu blushed, and said, "What did I say? I just told the truth." But she didn't dare to tease him anymore.

Outside, not only can the two not hug and hold hands, they also have to keep a distance when walking, which makes Yan Ruxu very uncomfortable. When I saw Kang Congxin again, I wanted to lean against him all the time, and my eyes would be glued to him unconsciously. I wish I could be inseparable and become one person.

It's a pity that the current social atmosphere is too conservative. In broad daylight, any intimacy between men and women will attract criticism, ridicule, and even be reprimanded by security officers. Both of them are people of status, so naturally they can't be like those "little hooligans" and "little gangsters" who are at the forefront of the times. They must be unconventional and challenge the world, but they still have to respect the current social customs.

The two bought Moutai, snack gift boxes, and candies, etc., drove into the family courtyard of the municipal government, and stopped in front of the innermost two-story building. As soon as he stepped into the courtyard door, a small figure rushed out of the house.


Kangkang is like a cheerful bird, hopping and waving his two small arms, his big bright eyes are staring brightly, and he can only see his mother in his eyes.

After not seeing Kangkang for a few days, Yan Ruxu missed him very much. He quickly bent down, stretched out his arms, and welcomed his son into his arms. As soon as he touched his son's chubby and warm body, he hurriedly kissed him a few times, and the mother and son whispered intimately.

Kang Congxin looked down at the mother and son with a smile, and seeing Yan Liangshen coming out with Wang Zhaodi and Yan Ruyu, he went forward with a hand full of gifts, stopped in front of Yan Liangshen, stood at attention, and bowed respectfully: "Uncle Yan."

Yan Liang nodded with a deep smile. His face was a bit edematous, his face was yellowish, and his eye bags were obvious. It was obvious that he didn't have a good rest last night.

He was lying in bed last night, thinking about Yan Ruxu and Kang Congxin, complaining, joyful and angry at one moment, intertwined with all kinds of emotions, and finally figured it out in the early morning.

He remembered that when he saw Kang Congxin and Kangkang getting along, he was moved to match him. Although his daughter was divorced and had a child, Kang Congxin was never married and held a high position at a young age. , must feel that his daughter is not worthy of him, but as a father, he feels that only such a man is worthy of his daughter. He planned to ask Sister Xu to test and persuade Yan Ruxu, and the next step was to match the two of them.

However, before the plan was implemented, he became aware of the relationship between Kang Congxin and Kangkang. At that time, he was surprised but found it reasonable. He was secretly delighted and even hoped that this was the truth.

It has to be said that it is human nature to take a fancy to material conditions. It is Kang Congxin who has a child with his daughter, a young and promising person, not Sui Yuanzhi, an ordinary person, which is more acceptable to Yan Liang.

But after confirming his guess, he tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. He thought that Kang Congxin was irresponsible. He made his daughter pregnant before he was married, and he didn't show up until four years later. I also thought, if my daughter didn't tell me about such a big thing, it's because my father is negligent of his duty...

Tossed until the early morning, when Yan Liangshen was about to fall asleep in a daze, he suddenly became enlightened. My daughter is clear and she has her own judgment. Since she has accepted Kang Congxin again without any grievances, it means that he has not done anything wrong to his daughter. Maybe there is some reason or unavoidable reason for this. He had originally intended to match Kang Congxin and Yan Ruxu, but now that the eldest daughter's mandarin dream is reunited, and Kangkang has a father, wouldn't everyone be happy?

But here I am thinking and worrying, it is really mediocre!

Figured it out, although Yan Liangshen described it as a little haggard, he was in excellent spirits. There was a smile in his eyes, but he didn't show it on his face. He put on his father-in-law airs and nodded to Kang Congxin who was a head taller than him: "Here we are."

"Oh, this is Vice President Kang. He looks really tall. You say, come here, why do you still bring such things?" Wang Zhaodi went to pick up the things in Kang Congxin's hands with a smile on his face.

The author has something to say:

Hahahaha, I seem to be adding updates every day~

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