MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 23 three

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Since Kangkang turned one year old, every two or three weeks, Yan Ruxu would bring him here. Kangkang regards this as a picnic outing and looks forward to liking it very much.

The cemetery is guarded by veterans, and several comrades in arms are buried here. He has no relatives and family members, so he is here to be a companion with the old guys.

Yan Ruxu often comes here, and the veteran knows her very well, and greets her warmly: "Reporter Yan, you are here, alas, Kangkang has grown taller again!"

"Well, Grandpa, I've grown taller again, and my clothes are getting smaller. My mother bought me new clothes!" Kangkang stood on tiptoe to let the old soldier see his new clothes, showing off clearly.

The child's language expression ability has also improved now, and he can speak longer coherent sentences with logic.

The veteran smiled and praised: "Kangkang's new clothes are so beautiful!"

"It's okay." Kangkang said modestly, but on his face was a small look of "you really have vision".

Yan Ruxu took out two bottles of white wine from his backpack and handed them to the veteran, "I heard that this wine is good, I'll bring it to you to try."

The veteran was not too polite, and took it over happily, "Yo, Xifeng, Gao Gaojiu, then I will not be polite."

Yan Ruxu smiled and said, "You're welcome, I brought them for you. You've worked hard for them every day!"

Seeing these veterans, Yan Ruxu felt kind.

The Southern Suburb Cemetery was renovated last year. The inside of the cemetery is paved with bluestone slabs. You can reach the cemetery by walking up the steps of the bluestone steps.

Yan Ruxu pulled Kangkang, accommodated him patiently, took his hand, and let him walk up on his short legs.

On both sides of the cemetery, green pines and verdant cypresses are planted all over the place. It does not look eerie because of the burial of thousands of heroic spirits, but it is filled with awe-inspiring spirit.

Probably due to the large number of trees, the temperature in the cemetery is very comfortable, neither hot nor cold, and the air is fresh. Staying in the cemetery is very comfortable and comfortable.

"Kangkang, are you tired, do you want your mother to carry you?" Yan Ruxu looked at his son who was bouncing and walking vigorously and asked.

"Mom, I've grown up, I'm not tired." Kangkang's little **** twisted and twisted, and he strode up with two little fat legs.

Along the way, under the cover of mountains and forests, rows of tombstones of martyrs are lined up.

Yan Ruxu led Kangkang all the way to the top of the mountain. Kangkang let go of his mother's hand and rushed out first, running to a tombstone familiarly.

"Uncle Hero, my mother and I have come to see you again!"

A name is deeply engraved on the white marble tombstone: Kang Yaoguang.

After Kangkang greeted Tombstone, he reached out to Yan Ruxu again: "Mom, give me a rag, I want to help Uncle Hero wipe his face."

"Okay, you wipe it." Yan Ruxu took out a rag from her bag and handed it to Kangkang, who took it over and wiped it very carefully.

Yan Ruxu bent down, caressed the name on the tombstone like a lover, and then sat down on the ground.

His body is not buried here, but a tomb of clothes and crowns. It is said that there is no remains of his body, and only a **** epaulette was picked up on the battlefield. Later, he brought back the **** soil under the epaulet, together with his old clothes, and buried him Here it is.

Kangkang finished wiping seriously, "Mom, I finished wiping for uncle, my arms are so sore."

Yan Ruxu smiled and pulled Kangkang over, blew his arms for him, and rubbed them again: "Are you ready?"

"Mom, you are really amazing, you are not sour at all." Kangkang said exaggeratedly.

Yan Ruxu pulled him to sit in front of the tombstone and said, "Tell uncle what you have done for the past two weeks."

Kangkang sat down obediently, and after a little thought, he began to talk to the tombstone seriously with his fingers, talking about what delicious food he ate, what he learned in the kindergarten, and what he played with the children, and his mother told him again. what story. While listening, Yan Ruxu took out food and drink from her bag, and helped Kangkang make supplements from time to time.

Kangkang's mouth became dry, and he just opened the small kettle to drink water. From time to time, he glanced at the delicious food brought by his mother, including biscuits, bread, oranges, and ham sausage. I can't hold it anymore.

Yan Ruxu looked amused and said, "Let's eat first."

Kangkang hesitated a little: "But I haven't finished talking with my uncle yet."

"Then tell uncle after you finish eating."

"Okay then." Kangkang nodded his head and said towards the tombstone, "Uncle Hero, I'll go eat some delicious food first, and I'll talk to you after I'm done. Don't worry, I'll be here in a while."

Kangkang sat on the tablecloth laid out by Yan Ruxu, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, first picked up a piece of ham sausage, and laboriously bit open the package with his dog teeth, and began to eat with a small bite of beauty.

Yan Ruxu looked at his son, smiled, turned his eyes to the tombstone, hugged his knees, put his face on the knees, and rushed towards the tombstone with a smile on his face, talking silently in his heart.

The two of them, mother and son, laughed and laughed in this solemn and solemn place, but no one would think that this was disrespect for the heroes in the tombstone.

Yan Ruxu wanted the people engraved on the tombstone to see Kangkang's healthy, happy and innocent appearance, which was the continuation of his blood.

When the child grows up, Yan Ruxu will tell him about his life experience and tell him what kind of person his biological father was. One day in the future, when she is gone, there will be someone who will remember him and know his life. His deeds, not his name forgotten in yellowed newspapers.

Kangkang started to feel drowsy after eating and drinking, his little head was drooping, trying to fight against the drowsiness, and he was still thinking that he hadn't finished talking to Uncle Hero.

Yan Ruxu held her in his arms and patted his back: "Sleep if you're sleepy."

Throwing himself into his mother's familiar and warm embrace, Kangkang fell asleep with peace of mind.

After Kangkang fell asleep, Yan Ruxu packed up all the things and garbage she had brought, put them in her backpack, then transferred Kangkang to her back, and carried him down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, I met a group of elementary school students wearing school uniforms and red collars. The hot sunlight filtered through the branches and green leaves and shone on them warmly, full of vigor and confidence.

Yan Ruxu turned her head, looked at their backs against the sun, smiled, and thought of a sentence on the Internet of later generations: This prosperous age is as you wish.

At the door, the veteran guarding the door sat at the door, sipping wine and basking in the sun.


Yan Ruxu nodded: "Let's go."

The veteran said: "Should be completely stable in the future?"

Yan Ruxu said, "It's definitely possible."

The two seem to be playing charades, but they both know it well.

For many years, neighboring countries began to harass our borders. We were unbearable to be harassed and passively defended. Small-scale wars broke out between the two sides. Until the early 1980s, we could no longer bear the frequent provocations by the other side and formally declared war on the other side.

The war lasted for many years, and we and the other party suffered a lot of casualties.

Until the end of June, our army went straight to the capital of the neighboring country and captured the head of state and several supreme commanders of the army. The neighboring country announced its surrender and the two sides signed a peace treaty. This tug-of-war that lasted for nearly many years officially ended.

In July, the three armies returned triumphantly, and a grand meritorious service award ceremony was held in Beijing.

That night, after Yan Ruxu watched the news broadcast, she couldn't sleep all night.

Veterans mean that after a war with neighboring countries, there will be no more wars in our country.


A lot happens in August, the warmest month of the year in the north.

At the beginning of the month, Wang Yani's child was born. He was a big fat boy who weighed six pounds and three taels, and he was two taels heavier than Kangkang when he was born. Yan Ruxu knows that the fetus is too big, which is not good for the mother and the fetus, so she has been controlling her weight during the third trimester of pregnancy, and she taught Wang Yani the same way. Wang Yani has always believed in her, so she didn't listen to her mother-in-law and mother's stereotypes. She insisted on doing appropriate exercises in the late pregnancy, and she didn't blindly take supplements. When Wang Yani gave birth, like Yan Ruxu, she gave birth naturally, and the birth went smoothly, with only slight tears and no pain.

When she was just pregnant, Wang Yani and Yan Ruxu ordered Kangkang's little clothes.

Kangkang has washed all the clothes, toys, and supplies from birth to now. She is out of inertia and never thought of giving away old clothes to others, but Wang Yani mentioned it, and Yan Ruxu did not refuse. Age is a virtue, anyway, these things will not be used in the future, and some people are willing to use them, so as to save waste.

Yan Ruxu found Kangkang's small clothes, shoes, quilts, etc., and gave them to Wang Yani one after another.

The things Kangkang used were of very good quality. Grandma Wang Yani was very happy and said that she saved a lot of money. For this reason, she gave Yan Ruxu a lot of her own crocheting works, such as TV covers, sofa covers, tea tray covers, etc. Knit a sweater for Kangkang.

Wang Yani joked with Yan Ruxu, saying that she would give half of the money for Kangkang's clothes, toys, and books in the future. Anyway, if Kangkang wears small clothes, they will all belong to her children. After all, she took advantage of it.

On the 6th, a new issue of "Hundred Flowers Movies" was published and began to accept the test of the market. Both Jiang Yun and Chen Yang were a little nervous. Jiang Yun was okay and could sit still. Chen Yang wished he could go to the distribution department ten times a day to ask about the circulation. This is the first time he has cooperated with Yan Ruxu in planning, and he is very concerned about it. But in fact, the data of the distribution department is not real-time and not accurate.

Wanting to know the daily sales of "Hundred Flowers Movies" magazine, and whether the sales volume has increased compared to the previous period, there is one place where Yan Ruxu can clearly and intuitively understand, which is a large newspaper outlet about one stop away from here. However, the data in the first two days of release is not accurate enough, and it will have to wait for ten days and a half months, after the word of mouth spreads, it will be of reference value.

Chen Yang leaned forward, resting his arms on Yan Ruxu's desk.

Now there are only Yan Ruxu, Jiang Yun, and Chen Yang left in the office. Liu Shu has transferred away, and Wang Yani will take a one-year maternity leave.

Since last year, the time of maternity leave for female employees has been increased. There are two options: one is to take half a year and compensate 180 yuan for nutrition, and the other is to take one year without subsidy. That's right, and I feel sorry for her, so let her rest for one year.

All of a sudden two people were missing. The agency leader assigned the two new college graduates to Yan Ruxu's place. Both of them graduated from the journalism department. They have good writing skills, and they don't lack initiative and enthusiasm. They just lack experience and cannot carry out their work independently. , someone has to take them with them, and at least two or three months of study and transition period are needed before they can be used.

Liu Shu was replaced by the editor of a foreign teaching magazine. Her husband is an employee of Dazhong Daily. She called. But even if they are in a hurry to hire people, they still have to give them time to go through the formalities and move. That person is enough to cooperate with the work, but he won't be able to report until next month.

However, even if the staff is in place, Yan Ruxu can't be sure of the other party's ability. After all, the style of the previous magazine is too different from that of Hundred Flowers Movies.

Therefore, for at least one or two issues of the magazine, the three of Yan Ruxu have to support it, but the good thing is that they have finished the content of the series of Red Star Factory. In order to give priority to this series, the previously scheduled manuscripts Pushing it to the next few releases helped them reduce some workload.

Even so, the workload of five people is piled up on three people, and the burden on each person is not light, and they can't get off work on time as before.

It didn't matter to Jiang Yun and Chen Yang, these two bachelors, Yan Ruxu had to adjust his usual arrangement with Kangkang. Pick up Kangkang normally at noon, eat the meal made by Aunt Hua at home, take a nap at home before going to school and work; Afterwards, Yan Ruxu continued to work, while Kangkang played in the office.

In the past, Yan Ruxu had occasional errands and asked Aunt Hua to pick her up once or twice, but she didn't allow this to happen often. Kangkang sees his mother pick him up every day after school, he is so happy, pure, beautiful, and happy as if he owns the whole world, for such beauty, Yan Ruxu is willing to give everything to maintain it.

Yan Ruxu made a small space next to his office, spread out tablecloths and mats, and let the children play with toys and draw pictures on it. Kangkang used to come to the office often, but he had never stayed in the office for so long. He also found it very fresh and interesting.

"Kangkang, mom is going to work, you play here obediently, keep your voice down, don't disturb your aunt and uncle, okay?"

"Got it, mom." Kangkang replied in a low voice, very serious.

Jiang Yun held her face and laughed out loud, and couldn't help but say: "Oh, Kangkang, you are too cute, Aunt Jiang can't work well when you are here!" Poor her, an editor in a publishing house, is also speechless Well, if time goes forward thirty years or so, she will be able to find a suitable word to describe it, that is: cute with blood all over her face.

I have to say that the child is so magical that Jiang Yun, who has always been serious and quiet, seems to be a different person, with a smile on her face all the time, and she finds it cute and funny when she sees Kang Kang doing anything.

Chen Yang put down the work at hand, squatted beside Kangkang, and watched him play.

Editor-in-Chief Yan's son is just like her, so good-looking and cute, you can't help but want to get close to him.

"Uncle, how about playing with you?" Chen Yang said with a smile on his face.

Kangkang turned his head, looked at Chen Yang, and nodded his head shyly.

Boys naturally have a sense of closeness and admiration compared to older men. The lack of a father's role in the growth process makes him look forward to it more than waiting for that child.

Yan Ruxu looked at Kangkang's happy face, and unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

Chen Yang was a little distracted, and looked at Yan Ruxu's face from time to time. She was so charming, and she was even more charming when she smiled. At this moment, he had an illusion that the smile on Yan Ruxu's face was for himself, and his heart skipped a beat. Like a drum beating, the raging love almost blurted out, and a surge of joy surged up in my heart, which quickly filled my heart that was always empty ever since I fell in love with Yan Ruxu.

He thought that if Yan Ruxu kept looking at him like this, he would have the courage to fight against his family, endure others' criticisms, and stay with Yan Ruxu resolutely. With Kangkang being so well-behaved, he also had the confidence to be a good stepfather.

Like today, a family of three is also very good.

While playing, Kangkang forgot Yan Ruxu's advice, let himself go, and started to shout and laugh.

"Kangkang, Uncle Chen still has to work, don't disturb him, can you play by yourself?" Kangkang's face was flushed with excitement, his forehead was sweating, his forehead was wet, his head curtain was stuck on it, and his voice was a little yelling Hearing the sound, he wished he could knock down the roof.

Yan Ruxu was afraid that he would make too much noise, be exhausted, have cramps and bedwetting at night, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"It's okay, Sister Yan, I'll just get the manuscript done later, there will be no delay."

"Xiao Chen, go and do your work, work is important."

Seeing what Yan Ruxu said, Chen Yang had no choice but to pat Kangkang's head, and said with some regret: "Then uncle will go back to work first, and then play with you later."

When Chen Yang left, Kangkang was left, and immediately stopped like a toy car that had run out of battery. Yan Ruxu looked annoyed and helpless, and hurriedly took the water bottle to feed him water: "Chou Chou, you're tired, what if you pee on the bed at night and wash yourself away?"

"My mother lied to me, so I can't rush away. I'm already three years old, not a two-year-old baby!"

"Okay, okay, you are three years old, you are an older child, mother can't lie to you anymore, drink some water and rest for a while, we will go home later."

The next morning, Hao Siyuan, the secretary of Dazhong Daily, came to the 208 office, called Yan Ruxu out, and told her to go to the president's office and tell her something.

On the way, Hao Siyuan said in a low voice: "Thank you, Xiaoyan, Liu Shu has already told me, thanks to you, I showed her the way. Sigh, we didn't care enough about her, and we didn't know her until now. Live like that."

Hao Siyuan is Liu Shu's uncle, but he is only 5 years older than her. His wife can't understand Liu Shu talking about her husband and mother-in-law all day long, wishing she could tell the whole world about her happy life, so the relationship between nephew and uncle Not exactly intimate. Liu Shu submitted a transfer application, and he didn't know until the final step of the process that he needed the approval of the president. After he was shocked, he went to Liu Shu, and Liu Shu told him what had happened at home in the past two years.

Yan Ruxu smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with me, it's Liu Shu's own idea."

It was only recently that Hao Siyuan found out that Yan Ruxu was actually the niece of the president Xu Huanqing. However, because both Xu Huanqing and Yan Ruxu deliberately concealed this matter, Hao Siyuan had to keep it a secret. He originally planned to reveal it to his niece Liu Shu in private, but who knew that before he had time to say it, his niece would transferred away.

Yan Ruxu is Xu Huanqing's niece, but she didn't join the club because of the president's relationship, because Xu Huanqing was transferred from Guangming Morning News two years ago. The former president was transferred to Beijing, and Xu Huanqing was transferred from a first-line newspaper like Guangming Morning Post to a top-level newspaper like Dazhong Daily. Although they are both presidents, their administrative rank is half a level higher, which is a real promotion.

Today Xu Huanqing asked Hao Siyuan to invite Yan Ruxu to come over. In order to show his respect for the president's niece, Hao Siyuan didn't call, but came here in person.

He took Yan Ruxu to the door of the president's office, knocked on the door for her, and nodded with Yan Ruxu after hearing the president say "please come in".

Yan Ruxu pushed the door in and closed it.

Xu Huanqing was sitting on the sofa by the window. Seeing Yan Ruxu coming in, a smile appeared on his serious face, and he pointed to the sofa next to him: "Come here and sit down."

"Uncle", Yan Ruxu called out, and sat down next to Xu Huanqing.

"I read the new issue of your magazine. The planning of the Red Star Factory is very good. The family members are also curious about how the movie was made, and they are waiting to read the next issue." Xu Huanqing is serious and treats himself. People have high requirements, and they are not used to complimenting others, and they never talk in public.

He is an old media person, Yan Ruxu is very happy to get his approval.

"It is expected to be serialized for four issues, and each issue will reveal a part of the inside story of filming."

With Yan Ruxu's understanding of Xu Huanqing, he specially called himself here, not to praise himself, but because he had something else to say, so he waited for Xu Huanqing to speak.

Xu Huanqing paused for a while and said, "I heard that you haven't seen your father for more than two months?"

Yan Ruxu: "He is looking for you?"

Xu Huanqing: "He came home yesterday. He looks a lot older and is not in good health. His blood pressure and blood sugar are high, and he can't do without medicine three times a day. He misses you and Kangkang very much, but he called you several times , you didn't even go there, he had no other choice, so he came to my door."

Yan Ruxu: "I didn't go there because there was nothing special. There are people in his family's unit who are taking care of him, and his condition should be under control."

Xu Huanqing sighed: "Yanyan, do you still hate your father? After all these years, he has been feeling bad."

Yan Ruxu shook his head: "I don't hate him, it's just that we've been strangers for so many years. He formed a new family, and I also got married and had children. We both have our own lives to live. Naturally, it won't be like when we were young."

"Besides, I didn't intentionally not go, and there were no festivals during this time... On the Dragon Boat Festival, Kangkang and I went to pick mugwort in the southern suburbs. Kangkang was so tired that he slept all the time when we got home, so I didn't go. I called him I've been on the phone... I don't go there, it's also good for the harmony of their family."

Yan Ruxu is telling the truth, she really thinks this is good for both of them, so that every time she goes there, Wang Zhaodi will be so distressed that she can't sleep for several days.

It's not that there is much conflict between the stepmother and stepdaughter, after all, they have never lived together before. When Yan Ruxu and Wang Zhaodi met, Yan Ruxu was already a rational adult with mature thinking ability.

The problem still lies in the distribution of benefits. To give a simple example, Yan Liangshen has ten apples. Originally, these ten apples should belong to Wang Zhaodi and his daughter Yan Ruyu, but Yan Liangshen divided seven of them and gave them to Yan Ruxu and Kangkang. There are only three mothers and daughters of Wang Zhaodi.

Yan Ruxu didn't believe that Yan Liangshen would fail to see Wang Zhaodi's displeasure. The father-daughter relationship between them, after being washed away by time, separation, and accidents, has been pushed forward step by step, and it has come to this point, just like a piece of torn paper, no matter how sticky it is, there are traces of it , cannot be intact.

Yan Liangshen will spend the rest of his life with Wang Zhaodi and Yan Ruyu. Rationally speaking, Yan Liangshen should cherish the talents around him, but there is no need for her, the eldest daughter who has grown up and has been divorced. care.

In fact, it's a bit ridiculous to think about it. On the one hand, Yan Ruxu doesn't want to get close to Yan Liangshen, but on the other hand, she enjoys the convenience he brings to her life. The most intuitive manifestation is the food and use. With her current ability, It is not easy to buy with money.

Xu Huanqing picked up a cigarette and lit it, took a puff, "You are also a mother now, and you should understand the heart of being a parent. This person, the older he gets, the more he will think of the past, and the more he will yearn for the company of his children .Yanyan, you still have time to visit him more often.”

"Okay, Uncle, I understand." Yan Liangshen said.

After Yan Ruxu left, Xu Huanqing stood by the window and smoked two more cigarettes.

His niece has always been very assertive, persistent and stubborn. She has made up her mind that even nine cows can't be pulled back. These years, he saw that Yan Liangshen was not easy, and finally decided to help him as a lobbyist, but he still failed, and was almost persuaded by Yan Ruxu.

Thinking about the conflict between Yan Ruxu and Yan Liangshen, and then thinking about the conflict between my family and Yan Ruxu, I suddenly felt that I had no position to be a peacemaker for others. Yan Ruxu could still visit Yan Liangshen at least a few times a year, while my family Woolen cloth? After Yan Ruxu moved out, she never visited the door again. With her temper, I'm afraid she will never visit the door again in this life.

Thinking about what my wife said and did to Yan Ruxu, and then thinking about the younger sister who went to England from Hong Kong Island, I sighed deeply.

Xu Huanqing's words were not untouched by Yan Ruxu.

She really didn't want to see her father on purpose, but subconsciously, she didn't like Wang Zhaodi's vigilant and defensive attitude very much. She didn't want to bear it, let alone let Kangkang bear it.

But she really didn't care enough about Yan Liangshen these years.

On Sunday, Yan Liangshen was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the second-floor small building in the deepest part of the municipal party committee's family courtyard, raising his wrist to look at his watch from time to time.

Yesterday Yan Ruxu called his secretary and said that he would take Kangkang home at noon today. He was very happy and woke up early in the morning and couldn't sleep, so he just sat in the living room and waited.

After Yan Liangshen learned that Yan Ruxu and Kangkang were coming, he immediately asked his secretary to call home and inform Sister Huang to prepare in advance for the arrival of her daughter and grandson tomorrow, and Wang Zhaodi then knew about it.

Wang Zhaodi was going to be **** to death, why is the queen mother going down to earth? Such a big show! Come back this time, how many good things will I take away?

Wang Zhaodi was so distressed that she didn't sleep well all night. When she got up and went downstairs, she found that Yan Liangshen had already got up, sitting on the sofa, holding a newspaper in her hand, but her mind was not on the newspaper. She looked at the sun outside for a while, and looked at the wall for a while. The clock on the table looked like he wished time would pass by quickly.

Seeing him like this, Wang Zhaodi's teeth were itchy, but he had to greet him with a smile.

Yan Liangshen finished his breakfast absent-mindedly, then sat on the sofa to drink tea and read the newspaper.

Wang Zhaodi drove the nanny Huang to the kitchen. She swept the floor and wiped the table by herself, walked up and down in front of Yan Liangshen, turned her head from time to time, and when he was not paying attention, she swiped at him vigorously and glared at him.

This old man really has no heart. When he heard that his daughter and grandson were coming, he seemed to be a different person. He lost his heart and eyes on others.

Wang Zhaodi gritted her teeth and waved her broom, sweeping the land under Yan Liangshen's feet.

Yan Liangshen raised his feet a few times, and said impatiently: "This area is clean, don't need to sweep it anymore, go to other places." He followed him when he was at his worst, and was more than ten years younger than himself. The uneducated and vulgar step-wife has nothing to do.

Wang Zhaodi is thirty-eight years old this year. She has the most popular curly hair nowadays. It looks like she is wearing a big hat, and she feels hot when she looks at it. There are traces of hard work engraved on her face and body. Even after ten years of pampered life, she has not been able to maintain it, so that when she occasionally goes shopping with her nanny, Sister Huang, others will always misidentify their identities.

Although Sister Huang is the nanny of the family, she is a person with public office. After strict selection and training, she is many times better than Wang Zhaodi in terms of housekeeping, etiquette, politeness, and conversation.

Living in this house for so many years, Wang Zhaodi often dreams that she returns to her hometown, guarding the adobe house with air leaks everywhere, working hard, sweating eight petals from the ground, and often not enough to eat, not enough to wear. Nuan... After waking up, she would fall into panic, afraid that she would really go back to her hometown and live that life again.

If people have never climbed high and looked far, they will not know the vastness of the world. If she hadn't experienced it in real life, Wang Zhaodi would never have imagined that a person could live such a good life, eat well and dress well, live in a big house with a bathroom, and have someone serve him.

After experiencing such a good life, who is willing to go back to the previous poverty?

However, Wang Zhaodi is not a person without a past. When she married Yan Liangshen, she didn't confess, but later she kept it a secret, and it became more and more impossible to tell. In addition, the unshakable position of Yan Ruxu, the eldest daughter in Yan Liangshen's heart, and the rumored, elegant and beautiful ex-wife of Yan Liangshen made Wang Zhaodi feel particularly insecure, even if she and Yan Liangshen had a daughter However, she still always has a sense of unreality that her current life is stolen and borrowed, and she is afraid that one day, she will be beaten back to her original shape.

Beneath this fear and uneasiness, there is also a deep sense of unwillingness.

She followed Yan Liangshen when he was at his worst, helping him to work in the fields, taking care of his food and drink. If it weren't for her, Yan Liangshen would have died of exhaustion and illness. How could he wait until he was rehabilitated and returned to the city to enjoy the blessings?

But this old man always treats her like a wall, thinking about his daughter and his grandson all day long. The youngest daughter Yan Ruyu he gave birth to is beautiful and obedient, but she can't match the status of Yan Ruxu's mother and son. Whatever is delicious, fun, and useful, I just want to send it to Yan Ruxu. Yan Ruxu is young and has not worked for a few years, so he can spend such a large sum of money to change houses with others. Yan Liangshen came out.

Also, that girl got married without discussing with Yan Liangshen, and she secretly divorced not long after giving birth to a child. He is worshiped like a god, and he listens to his father in everything, but Yan Liangshen is partial to Yan Ruxu.

Wang Zhaodi felt unbalanced and felt that it was too unfair.

There was a burst of aroma from the kitchen, and Sister Huang had already started stewing meat.

Yan Liangshen put down the newspaper, with a smile on his face: "Kangkang loves the braised pork stewed by Sister Huang the most. I haven't eaten it for more than two months. I must be hungry."

He turned to Wang Zhaodi: "What dishes are arranged for lunch today?"

"I don't know," Wang Zhaodi was annoyed, but immediately realized that her tone was wrong, she was busy and softened her voice and said, "It's all arranged by Sister Huang. Sister Huang knows how to match nutrition. The cooking is delicious. Let her cook." The arrangement is much better than mine."

"I'll go to the kitchen to see what Sister Huang is going to do."

Yan Liangshen stepped forward and wanted to walk towards the kitchen, but was stopped by Wang Zhaodi, "The kitchen is full of oil and smoke, don't go."

Yan Liangshen ignored her and went straight to the kitchen.

Wang Zhaodi rolled her eyes in places where he couldn't see, almost cramp.

After 11 o'clock, Yan Ruxu brought Kangkang to Yan's house.

Yan Liangshen had already moved to the wisteria trellis in the yard to fan himself and drink tea, and when he heard the door knock, he immediately stood up.

"Grandpa!" Kangkang, wearing a yellow straw hat and carrying a duckling water bottle, rushed over like a cannonball, and threw himself into Yan Liangshen's arms.

"Oh my baby Kangkang, grandpa misses you so much, let grandpa take a good look at it." Yan Liangshen was almost knocked down by Kangkang, "I grew taller and fatter, do you miss grandpa?"

"Think about it." Kangkang said in a long voice.

Yan Liangshen: "Then why haven't you visited grandpa for so long?"

For Kangkang, who was only three years old, this question was obviously out of bounds. He tilted his head and didn't know how to answer it, so he looked at his mother for help.

Yan Liangshen seemed to have just seen his eldest daughter at this moment, and slightly restrained his kindness and smile when he was facing Kangkang, and became more polite.

"Dad", Yan Ruxu bowed slightly, called out, and then handed the bag in her hand to Wang Zhaodi who was meeting her, "This is white tea produced by a colleague's own tea garden, and it is the new tea of ​​this year. That's right, I'll bring some for you to try."

Wang Zhaodi hurriedly took it over: "Look at you, why did you bring something back to your own house, our house has everything."

Yan Liangshen hurriedly said, "Brew it for me, I'll taste it first."

Wang Zhaodi glanced at Yan Ruxu, and said: "I just drank tea for a long time, and the intestinal oil has been scraped off. Don't drink it, it's time to eat."

As she said that, she pulled Yan Ruyu who was hiding behind her again, "Didn't you talk about your eldest sister all day? Why are you embarrassed to see people?"

Although Wang Zhaodi has a grudge against Yan Ruxu, if her youngest daughter can be like Yan Ruxu in the future, tall and beautiful, graduated from a prestigious university, and have a job that everyone respects, she can wake up with a smile in her dreams.

Wang Zhaodi is very contradictory. On the one hand, she wants her youngest daughter to get in touch with Yan Ruxuan and learn from her;

She is also considered a smart person, otherwise she would not have fallen in love with Yan Liangshen when he was sent to their village. At that time, Yan Liangshen, in the eyes of others, was a phoenix with no feathers as inferior as a chicken, but in her eyes, she was a rare commodity. Her family has lived in the mountain village for several lifetimes, and has never stepped out of this small valley, let alone know anyone from the city.

Yan Liangshen speaks nicely and politely. He doesn't like to shake his fists. He seems to know everything. She never knew there was such a man in the world. He captured her heart instantly and fell in love with Yan Liangshen. At the same time, there is also a faint hope in my heart, that is, one day in the future, I can go to the city with Zhanguang.

Later, this hope actually came true. Wang Zhaodi still remembered those few days, she was so happy, she was dizzy all day long, it was so unreal. She was grateful and proud of her original choice countless times.

Under Wang Zhaodi's tugging and tugging, Yan Ruyu stood up from behind her.

The author has something to say:

Excellent mother-in-law, excellent sister-in-law~