MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 31 : This is what I want

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In the evening, Little Glasses volunteered to cook a few side dishes at Xiao Dan's house. Zhang Bo did not return to his home in the provincial capital, but chose to fight on the front line.

Several people did not drink, and after a quick meal, they entered a nervous waiting.

This is a war, and it is a long psychological war.

As night fell, the world seemed to fall into silence, but the lights in EasyNet were bright.

Yiwang's traffic dropped and dropped again today, while the opponent's traffic reached its peak at night.

Ding Shi rejected the box lunch that the secretary handed over, with an indescribably solemn expression.

"Did you reply to the email?" Ding Shi asked a subordinate.

The subordinate shook his head with a wry smile.

"In the afternoon we sent another email but so far there has been no response."

Ding Shi asked for a cigarette from one of his subordinates, but he seldom smoked, maybe he couldn't get used to the spicy taste, so he coughed repeatedly.

After a long time, Ding Shi gritted his teeth and said, "Call the other party, and I will communicate with the other party in person."

The subordinate shook his head and said, "They don't have a phone, and the only way to get in touch is by email."

No phone either?

Ding Shi twitched the corners of his mouth.

It's bound to be a long night.

After eating, I took a bath at Xiao Dan's place. Just as Lin Feng was about to make a cup of strong tea, the email alert sounded.

Although he did not reply to the other party's email, Lin Feng was very concerned about the other party's dynamics, because this could test the bottom line of Yiwang's psychological tolerance.

Just as Lin Feng was about to read the email, Zhang Bo, who was beside him, moved over the computer first.

After a while, a strange smile appeared on Zhang Bo's face.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked quickly.

Zhang Bo pushed the computer in front of Lin Feng.

Looking at the email from Langxin in the mailbox, Lin Feng grinned., can't you learn from each other? You will have no friends if you hold it like this.

Looking at the mail in front of him, Lin Feng was indescribably satisfied.

Langxin's attitude is very sincere and his attitude is very low.

They first thanked the 168 website for their strong support to Langxin, and then simply and clearly expressed their willingness to pay a certain amount of advertising fees for future friendly cooperation.

Lin Feng nodded in relief.

This is the attitude of talking about things. Only by lowering your posture can you cooperate sincerely.

When I was about to discuss with Zhang Bo and others how to reply to the email, I received another email in the mailbox.

Simply looking at the email sent by Arc Search with the same content as Langxin, Lin Feng smiled more and more happily, and his inner anxiety gradually dissipated a lot.

The timely response of Langxin and Arcsou was beyond Lin Feng's expectations, but it was normal to think that the other party could be so big in just a few years, with a keen sense of smell.

The key is that they may have initially tasted the sweetness and the dangers that may occur.

Lin Feng said with a bit of air: "Look, it's not without reason that they can become such a big company. Didn't you see that they were still working overtime to discuss business so late?"

Zhang Bo gave Lin Feng an angry look.

Lin Feng's squeamishness was quite a bit of Liu Jing's charm.

Since the other party has a good attitude, Lin Feng will no longer hold it.

Just what kind of offer should be given to the other party?

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then raised a finger to Zhang Bo.

Zhang Bo pondered for a while, then nodded.

Xiao Dan is now numb to numbers, but he is still startled when he sees Lin Feng thinking about the lion opening his mouth like this.

Just put the website into the category and dare to ask the other party for 100,000 yuan?

This is crazy.

To know that the other party is a powerful listed company, what is the difference between this and a tiger's mouth?

However, maybe Xiao Dan has to rethink his life.

Because soon he was about to cry without tears and found that Lin Feng's offer was not 100,000, but 1 million.

Xiao Dan is going to take a bath, he needs to calm down.

After the email was sent, it was difficult for Lin Feng and Zhang Bo to calm down.

Will Langxin and Arc Sou agree to 168's offer?

However, to Xiao Dan's surprise, the two companies soon gave their own responses and agreed to Lin Feng's offer without any hesitation.

Lin Feng and Zhang Bo looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

2 million, so easy to get?

Lin Feng said: "Little glasses, pinch my arm to see if I'm dreaming."

Wang Shuang stepped forward cheerfully, and then suddenly exerted force in her hands.

"Ah! Take it easy, you really pinch."

Wang Shuang smiled and let go, and happily went to prepare the contract.

The first battle was won, and the situation was very good.

Thinking of the bargaining with Zhou Hongyi for 1 million yuan, Lin Feng couldn't express his sighs and emotions.

Sure enough, it's still rich and powerful, and when you spend money, you don't even blink your eyelids.

After reaching an agreement with Langxin and Arc Search, Lin Feng began to reply to the e-mail.

Continuing the previous style of Yiwang, Lin Feng first expressed his admiration for Yiwang, and then explained that he had never had any misunderstanding with Yiwang. Finally, he vaguely expressed that the reason why he removed the Yiwang portal was because of the other two. 1 million advertising dollars from a company every year.

Looking at Lin Feng eloquently as if writing a paper, Zhang Bo couldn't help joking: "What are you talking about, why are you so simple and domineering like 3721?"

Lin Feng pointed out the email and said with a smile, "It's a listed company, we have to respect it."

Zhang Bo smiled and shook his head.

You make each other sleepless, do you have such respect for people?

Lin Feng is very lively here, but Yiwang is very quiet.

Ding Shi quietly looked at the email replied by the 168 website, UU Kanshu said nothing.

"Is the situation true?" Ding Shi asked.

"We just got the news of conviction, that's what happened."

Ding Shi pondered for a moment, and then asked in a deep voice, "How long will it take us to make a website like this?"

The vice president of Yiwang Company replied in a low voice: "It won't take long to make a website like this. It will take a few days to make a website like this."

Ding Shi frowned, "How about we make one ourselves?"

The vice president shook his head, "The 168 website has formed a habit of stickiness among netizens, and their website's so-called Duanzi column has a lot of popularity. We only need to keep an eye on the two at this juncture. It's alright, no more troubles."

Ding Shi thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Reply to the other party and say that we agree to pay the advertising fee like the two of them, but I want the link of our website to return to the previous position, the first row and the first column."

The subordinate hurriedly sent an email, and this time, they got a reply quickly.

"Mr. Ding, it is said that in principle, the first to buy Langxin will appear in the first column."

Ding Shi was stunned for a moment, then twitched the corners of his mouth.

What a **** principle.

"Ask the other person what we have to do to put us first."

Outgoing emails were quickly answered again.

Only this time, Yiwang's conference room was quieter than before.

Far away at Xiaodan's home in Edong, Lin Feng typed out the word 'add money' and clicked send.

Zhang Bo nodded in relief.

This is what I want...