MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 25 : The old man who can't stand it

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When I got home, Zhang Xiaoying had already cooked the porridge.

Looking at the busy look of the other party wearing an apron, Lin Feng instantly forgot the rippling scenery just now.

Men may be like that.

They occasionally become interested in something, but there is always a place that cannot be replaced by others.

Lin Feng never thought about planting radishes widely, as in the YY rebirth novel he had read before. No matter in his past life or this life, he always wanted to stay with one person until old age.

So after confirming the relationship with Zhang Xiaoying, he decided to drink only one scoop of weak water for the rest of his life.

But today, for some unknown reason, when he saw Shi Jiahui, he couldn't help but feel a surge of appreciation for the opposite **** in his heart, which also gave him a sense of guilt like a spiritual derailment.

"Men should be like this. This should be just an appreciation of beautiful things." Lin Feng thought silently in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiaoying added a bowl of porridge to Lin Feng and asked softly.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Lin Feng quickly came back to his senses and said, "I just remembered what I said when I ran into Shi Jiahui in the morning."

Having said that, Lin Feng hurriedly informed Zhang Xiaoying that he was going to transfer Shi Jiahui to the game department.

Lin Feng also didn't know why he did this. This is quite a bit of an explanation that is equivalent to a cover-up self-defense.

"Could it be that I have a guilty conscience?" Lin Feng thought secretly.

Zhang Xiaoying didn't notice Lin Feng's strangeness. She smiled and said, "Sister's ability was top-notch in school. It's not wrong for you to reuse her."

Lin Feng nodded, but thought in his heart: "It doesn't matter if she is important, but I have to stay away from her in the future."

It's just weird, senior sister's figure is too...too proud.

After dinner, Lin Feng was busy helping Zhang Xiaoying wash the dishes, and then the two drove to the company.

As soon as they entered the office, Jin Yan and Hu Changlong arrived together.

"Mr. Lin, the agency sales channel has been established, and Manager Jin thinks we can adopt bidding ranking."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said softly: "It's hard work."

Lin Feng originally asked Hu Changlong to open up Yisou's sales agency channel within three months. At that time, Hu Changlong was still a little discouraged, which was a seemingly impossible task at the time.

Facts have proved that anything is possible as long as you grit your teeth and roll up your sleeves.

No, the three-month deadline has not yet come, and Hu Changlong actually completed the task.

After encouraging Hu Changlong, Lin Feng turned to Jin Yan and asked, "How is the preparation work?"

Jin Yan nodded and said, "The preparations are all done."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Go and call Mr. Tang over, and let's discuss the specific operation mode." Lin Feng said to the interim secretary Zhang Xiaoying.

The bidding ranking was born out of the auction of Zhou Hongyi's gold Chinese website.

In 2000, Zhou Hongyi took the lead in launching the auction of the Chinese website keywords of "One Word, Thousand Gold". At that event, the enthusiasm of the cooperative enterprises exceeded people's imagination.

That is, from that time on, Zhou Hongyi gradually figured out how to make 3721 profit.

This approach was quickly adopted and carried forward by others.

Baidu also learned from this experience to establish a search PPC ranking last year, and achieved good results, and then follow the trend one after another, and even those portal sites have gradually adopted this model.

Lin Feng has long wanted to join the competition in this market, but because his own Yisou portal did not have the matching traffic at first, and the sales channel was not established completely, Lin Feng never joined this ranks.

Now, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

After a day of discussion, Lin Feng finally gradually improved the bidding plan for search ranking.

With search rankings about to kick in, it's time to test your search.

For some reason, Lin Feng was extremely excited at this moment, and this excitement even surpassed when he bought Tencent shares and invested in Alibaba.

Since his rebirth, Lin Feng has always felt like a duck to water, and his advanced experience has given him no disadvantage in both layout and business competition.

But after entering the search market alone, in the fierce competition between 3721 and Baidu, he did not have any confidence in his heart.

But this sense of unknown not only did not dampen his passion, on the contrary, it also provoked the blood that was buried deep in his bones.

From its inception to the present, Yisou has been independently developed by 168. This is the first brand founded by Lin Feng, and it is also the first symbolic product.

This is like studying hard for ten years in a cold window, and finally taking the college entrance examination to verify my achievements, which makes people nervous and uneasy.

With Lin Feng's announcement of the launch of PPC, those policies that were just released were quickly communicated to agents across the country.

Another battle in the search portal has finally begun.

Although the search bidding ranking has formed a very complete system, it still takes a lot of time and energy to fully open up the market to be recognized by others.

But this matter can't be rushed. Accumulating word-of-mouth is a gradual process, and all Lin Feng has to do is wait patiently.

In Nanhui District, Magic Capital, a security door factory was in trouble.

Lao Ding is the factory manager of this door factory. More than ten years ago, despite his family's objections, he resigned as a regular factory worker and founded the predecessor of this door factory, a small workshop.

Taking advantage of the increase in demand for security doors a few years ago, this small door factory has gradually expanded to the scale of more than 100 employees. Lao Ding also purchased land and built a factory, becoming an enviable entrepreneur.

But every family has a scripture that is difficult to read. Many people are like this. They look bright and beautiful on the outside, but in fact, they are about to rot on the inside.

Everyone is holding on.

However, there will always be a day when it can't last.

The old man couldn't take it any longer.

Since last year, the door factory's business has plummeted, and even the longest time has not received a batch of orders for engineering doors for a month.

If it is not for the quality of the doors produced by ourselves, and there are still some private users' needs, I believe the factory would have closed down long ago.

Lao Ding sometimes wonders, why is the business of other door factories so good?

Speaking of which, Lao Ding had to mention another door factory three kilometers away that had only opened for a few years.

I once secretly went to inspect that door factory. Judging from my more than ten years of experience in door making, what kind of door is it? What I make casually in my factory is better than his.

But they can't stand the good sales. Almost every day, cars full of doors leave from there, and then pass by the gate of their own factory.

Lao Ding is called envy, jealousy and hate.

Why is the quality of the doors made by others not as good as their own, but they sell better than themselves?

It's not that Lao Ding hasn't investigated.

It took a lot of effort for him to find out that the other party had built a website, and it was through this website that others came to the door.

Although Lao Ding Shu didn't read much, he was smart when he was a child.

Although he didn't know anything about websites, he quickly commissioned someone to build a website.

It's just that things are not as simple as he thought.

The website is built, but after spending thousands of dollars more, the business has not improved at all.

Lao Ding feels that he has been deceived. A broken website can bring so much business to the factory? Old Ding shook his head.

Thinking of an old employee who had been with him for more than ten years today, who offered to resign, the old man felt a pain in his heart.

Those old masters are the team that he cultivated by himself.

Just what can I do? If I can’t receive orders in my own factory, I can’t even pay my daily wages, not to mention earning overtime pay. It’s normal for people to be jealous of other factories’ high wages.

Thinking of this, Lao Ding's heart ached for a while. If this goes on like this, the factory he has worked so hard to establish will have to be closed It's just that he is not reconciled.

Why, why is the quality of your own door better than others, but you can't do it for others?

Why is the craftsmanship of the workers trained by oneself the best, but ultimately cheaper for others?

Thinking of this, Lao Ding felt a pain in his heart.

"Are we really out of date?" Lao Ding thought silently.

Just then, the phone on the desk rang.

The old man was shocked, could it be that he has come to order?

However, Lao Ding was soon beaten back to his original shape.

"We don't advertise." Old Ding said to the other end of the phone.

It's not that Lao Ding has not done advertising, but the effect is minimal, and the advertising fee is very expensive, so after the other party explained his intention, Lao Ding quickly refused.

The man on the phone seemed extremely patient.

"Our website is not advertising but to help you filter customers. We can let more customers in need know your company first, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting your products."

What was said on the other end of the phone was very mysterious, and Lao Ding couldn't understand it for a while.

Originally, Lao Ding didn't want to talk to the other party, but when the other party said that as long as the cost of 2,000 yuan can be compared to the effect of spending huge advertising fees, the dubious old Ding listened patiently.

"I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you tomorrow."

After listening to the introduction of the other party in the fog, Lao Ding hung up the phone.

2,000 yuan is indeed not much, but there are too many liars these days, and Lao Ding doesn't know whether the other party is telling the truth or not.

It's just that his factory is in urgent need of orders, and Lao Ding doesn't want to let go of any silver lining.

"A dead horse as a living horse doctor?" Lao Ding murmured.

But then the old man shook his head again.


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