MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 100 : For Kyoto

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This is the Spring Festival that Lin Feng stayed at home the longest. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Lin Feng returned to the provincial capital.

Since Yisou was spun off, the number of people suddenly became much less, and the company seemed to be deserted all of a sudden.

But now the 168 is more pure and the goal is more clear.

At the beginning of the new year, Lin Feng also made some adjustments to the 168 departments.

He started by splitting the gaming department in two.

Liu Zhongjun is in charge of research and development, and Shi Jiahui is in charge of operations.

The research and development of a new generation of online games with the theme of Journey to the West has been put on the agenda, and several small and medium-sized games have also been established. When the SP business is declining, the future main direction of 168 has been very clear.

Wang Shuang was transferred to 168 Capital Investment. In the future, he will be in charge of Lin Feng's investment matters and will set up a sound investment institution.

2004 is the best year for capital to enter. In the next few years, countless Internet companies will sprout up like mushrooms after a spring rain. It is at this time that many giants in the future will start to sprout. facebook.

Sometimes, the vision of a prophet can bring unexpected gains, but sometimes it can also make life lose its passion.

Lin Feng felt that way now.

Everything is under control, but the life after rebirth is too dull.

Except every weekend night or early morning, Lin Feng felt like he lived like a retired old man. Whenever he looked at Liu Zhongjun, Shi Jiahui and others working with passion, he was always envious.

Lin Feng felt that there was something wrong with his mentality, and he himself didn't know where the problem was. He had to go out and take a look.

He had promised to take a plane to Kyoto, but when the time came, the old lady Wang Guihua regretted it.

"Didn't you say you want to go by plane? How do you say you won't take it if you don't take it?" Lin Kun looked annoyed as he watched a plane take off with a 'su'.

At this time, the old lady no longer had the domineering arrogance when she was in Liujiashan. She looked at the iron bump that was flying slowly, and she was extremely nervous.

She looked at her man, then tightly grabbed the corner of her clothes and whispered, "I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?" Lin Kun said, "your man and son are with you, what are you afraid of?"

"If you don't want to sit, don't sit." Wang Guihua raised her salute and was about to leave.

"If you don't sit, don't sit. I'll have someone buy a train ticket now." Lin Feng said quickly.

Lin Kun looked back at the airport three steps at a time, his face full of regret.

Seeing his father's appearance, Lin Feng knew that he really wanted to try this, so he said: "Dad, otherwise, I will take the train with my mother, you will take the plane, and then ask my sister to pick you up at the airport."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Kun hesitated.

"Mummy, I'm on a plane alone, the airport is so big, what if I get on the wrong plane?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head resolutely, and then said righteously: "If your mother doesn't sit, what's the point of me taking the plane alone? Forget about taking the train, anyway, your mother has never been on a train, I'll accompany her ."

Hearing a hint of protection in her man's words, Wang Guihua's face showed a hint of warmth, she stretched out her hand and tugged at Lin Kun's sleeve, quite a bit like a husband and wife.

Even though Lin Kun said so, the eyes that turned back frequently still betrayed his heart.

Lin Feng took these in his eyes and smiled secretly.

For people who rarely walk out of the ravine, taking a train is already a very novel thing.

Looking at the giant python-like train, Wang Guihua was not afraid this time.

"Is this car going fast?" Wang Guihua asked as soon as she entered the train station.

"Quick, of course." Lin Kun said as if he had been on a train.

"But if the wheel is fast, the plane is still fast." After speaking, he did not forget to add.

When it was finally time to get into the car, Wang Guihua followed Lin Kun carelessly, for fear that she would be squeezed out.

Lin Kun was also very nervous, he followed closely behind his son, not leaving an inch.

After getting on the train, when the train started, Wang Guihua was still very excited, looking at the fast-swept scenery outside the window.

"Is Kyoto far away?"

"Nonsense, can the capital be not far away?" Lin Kun asked.

Wang Guihua let out an "oh", then looked at the scenery outside the window with interest.

Since it is a long trip, you have to take a good look to see how the outside world is different from Liu Jiashan.

The first thing that catches the eye is the farmland next to the railway.

Looking at the neat and tidy farmland, Wang Guihua was full of envy.

"The whole field is a good seed. You can see that a small square is worth a row of our terraced fields."

Lin Kun nodded in agreement.

Having served the land all his life, Lin Kun knew that terraced fields were difficult to grow. His biggest dream was to have such a farmland.

But he immediately remembered who he is today, and then shook his head.

Now he doesn't want to grow fields like this. He doesn't know how much food he will buy with the money he earns from selling Gastrodia elata a year.

No matter how new things feel for a long time, they will be boring.

Looking at the monotonous scenery outside the window, Wang Guihua finally got a little bored when she learned that there were still 15 hours left in Kyoto.

"I knew that I would take the plane, these iron bumps don't seem to be so scary." Wang Guihua muttered for an hour.

"Why did you go earlier, making it look like I'm going to hurt you." Lin Kun's face was full of indignation.

After staying on the train for a whole day, Wang Guihua completely felt the remoteness of Kyoto. Thinking of her daughter living so far away alone, she became sad again.

The train finally arrived at the station.

Wang Guihua, whose whole body became stiff, couldn't wait to follow Lin Kun out of the walked out of the station, and saw Lin Li waiting there at a glance, seeing her relatives, the fatigue brought by the long-distance running seemed to disappear. Sweep away.

This time I came to Kyoto and moved to the provincial capital last time. Almost all the food in the big bags and small bags was food.

Now that we have a house in Kyoto, we naturally have to invite relatives and friends to our house. Since there are no relatives, we can only invite friends.

Lin Li didn't know why, she didn't plan to invite her colleagues to the house, but Lin Feng really wanted to take advantage of the old lady's presence to greet some friends with hometown dishes.

He called Lei Jun, and the time was quickly determined. He originally wanted to invite Li Yanhong, but thinking that he was also going to invite Zhou Hongyi at the same time, for safety reasons, he could only give up.

Old Zhou is not easy to invite now, and Lin Feng has to come to the door in person.

Coming to the original 3721 office and Qiao Building, looking at the long-lost 3721 logo and the office building painted with the purple logo of Yahoo, Lin Feng felt an indescribable sense of pity.

"I hope Lao Zhou is happy." Lin Feng thought silently.

"I am very happy now, there is no pressure on my body, and my whole body has become relaxed."

Zhou Hongyi crossed Erlang's legs, looked at Lin Feng who was visiting, and said proudly.

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