MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 448 African Seafood All You Can Eat

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  Chapter 448 All you can eat African seafood

   Captain Qi saw that everyone was thinking, and continued to explain:

   "If it's all free of charge, do you believe that millions of people in Sierra Leone will come to see a doctor? With our 100 people at that time, can we see it? So charging is the way.

  Even if we are busy, we can’t let our country afford the free medical care for the millions of people in Sierra Lebanon, can we? We can't afford it either. You have to know how many ordinary people in our country can't see a doctor or take medicine. This is unfair to the ordinary people in the country. "

  Chen Qi slandered in his heart, this is not the first time he has done this, isn't the amount of money that has been thrown out still low?

  What does a country rely on to make friends?

   You should learn from Europe and the United States, rely on your fists, if you refuse to accept it, you will be killed, and you will be asked if you are afraid.

  If you keep giving money, supplies, this and that, you will only raise a group of lazy people. As the saying goes, Sheng Mien, Dou Michou comes from this.

  Why are these countries poor? Why lag behind? Why support? You know what kind of garbage country it is.

  Don't say that these garbage countries lack resources, what resources does Japan have? spa? Well, you said that Japan relies on the sea, but Switzerland doesn’t rely on the sea, right? What resources do they have? snow mountain?

   So don't make excuses for being lazy.

   Like Zhejiang in China, why is it developed? People from Zhejiang are rich? What resources does Zhejiang have? It is thanks to Zhejiang people who are busy from morning to night, can sleep on the floor and also be the boss.

  Have you seen the boss who is still carrying cloth and loading goods in the early morning? Have you ever seen old men and women in their 70s and 80s in Zhejiang still working in factories, or selling vegetables on the side of the road to make money? Zhejiang abounds.

  So making friends with **** countries and asking them to support them is not good for the overall strength of the country. Instead, they will **** blood on you.

  Chen Qi heard that there is a fee for seeing a doctor, so he felt relieved, knowing that in the next two years, he can get close to small African animals.

"Old Zheng, Lao Zheng, come here quickly and tell you that this sailfish is ours now, you hurry up and bring someone to cook it, and do a few more cooking methods. Let's celebrate today, and we should clean up the dust for ourselves. gone."

   Chef Lao Zheng was excited when he heard this:

   "Okay, I've never cooked such a big fish in my life, so I'll show you off today."

  For foreign aid missions, the chefs invited are not ordinary chefs. You must know that the big restaurants these days are all state-owned, and the state has missions, so it will naturally send the most powerful master chefs.

  Old Zheng is one of the chefs of the Xizi State Hotel, and this time he brought a full set of kitchen equipment and a few apprentices.

  Before, he was still worrying about asking him, a first-level chef, to cook corn and roasted cassava every day.

   "Chief Qi, Dean Chen, for such a big fish, should we get some fish pieces to marinate for a while, the taste of salted fish will definitely be good."

  Chen Qi waved his hand: "It's not necessary, I cooked everything today, let everyone eat with an open stomach. Anyway, in the next few years, we may eat seafood until we vomit."

   Today people can use sailfish as medical expenses, and tomorrow there will be other fishermen carrying a bucket of big lobsters to treat diseases. There will definitely be such things.

  When the other members of the medical team heard that they could eat seafood for free, they all excitedly shouted long live, and all turned into "foodies".

   As expected, the fishermen of Vivian's tribe sent a lot of seafood from behind.

  There are all kinds of brightly colored fish, shells, lobsters, and crabs, all of which are delicacies that you have never seen before, let alone eat.

  All members of the Haidong Provincial Medical Team worked together. The freshest ingredients only need to be steamed for a while, and then dipped in soy sauce, the taste is so fresh that everyone can't wait to swallow their fingers.

  Especially the taste of the sailfish, it smells a bit like Spanish mackerel, but it tastes fresh and delicious, not worse than veal.

  The Sierra Lean Ministry of Health kindly sent several barrels of African specialty "banana wine".

  When everyone heard about the wine made from bananas that they had never drunk before, they lined up with cups and decided to try it.

  People in Haidong Province generally drink rice wine mainly, and also drink baijiu, but drink less. Fruit wine is almost rare, such as wine and the like.

   Now that there is banana wine, brewed with fruit, drinking it can beautify the skin, and the lesbians are all very positive.

  But when Chen Qi excitedly opened the lid, a sour and smelly smell wafted out along with a faint smell of alcohol, which stunned the crowd all of a sudden.

  Is this what wine should taste like? Why is it like rotten swill?

  Chen Qi took a flashlight to take a photo, but he didn't see the bright yellow color of rice wine, nor the clear fragrance of white wine, but instead saw a bucket of cloudy white liquid.

   No matter how you look at it, it makes people lose their appetite.

  Head Qi saw Chen Qi and the others stupefied, and then thought that there were still officials from the Serbian side watching, so he kindly reminded them:

   "Hey, Chen Qi, what's the matter? Now that the wine is fine, share it with everyone."

   Chen Qi frowned, bravely took the cup and shook it out of the wine, and all the sediment at the bottom of the barrel rolled up. God knows that Africans don't know how to filter it?

  Chen Qi made up his mind not to drink, but he can ask the leader to take the lead in drinking, who let him be the leader.

   "Qi Chu, you come, you are our leader, the big leader, you should come for the first drink, you come."

  Qi Yunming was delighted when he heard it: "Oh, yes, I know how to respect the old and love the young, okay, then I'll try the banana wine given to us by the African brothers."

  Taking the tea cup handed over by Chen Qi, Commander Qi drank it down in a bold gulp, and then also stood there in a daze.

  Chen Qi and the members of the regiment all fixed their eyes on the face of the head of the medical regiment.

  I saw that Qi Yunming's face was getting redder and redder at first, then red with purple, and purple with black, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, puff~~~ It all came out all at once.

  Chen Qi had already taken precautions and jumped aside all of a sudden,

   "Qi Chu, what's wrong with you? You vomited all the wine of friendship sent by the African brothers?"

  Qi Yunming was suddenly embarrassed, coughing and explaining:

   "No, no, I, I drank up my trachea, good wine, good wine~~"

  Chen Qi pretended not to know, poured another teacup full of banana wine and handed it to Commander Qi:

   "Come on, Qi Chu, today I drank the wine to celebrate my achievements, and my ambitions are not rewarded. I will never stop swearing. In the future, I will show my talents and write my spring and autumn~~~"

  Chen Qi has already sung Peking Opera here, and when Qi Yunming saw the cloudy banana wine, he couldn't help it anymore, and vomited it all up.

   After teasing the leader, all the Huaguo doctors around him burst out laughing, some were out of breath, and some were rolling on the floor.

  Chen Qi quickly fled the scene to see how the seafood was grilling.

  That night, a bonfire was lit in the camp. Everyone was enjoying the food while listening to the singing of the little nurses. Everyone was very happy.

   Chen Qi looked at the sky full of stars, unconsciously thinking of his wife, son, daughter, and three siblings...

  After more than a hundred people from the medical team cleaned up and cleaned up, and the Serbian side also sent a lot of supplies, this simple military camp has completely changed its appearance, and it already looks like a simple hospital.

  In addition, the internal and external pediatrics, ENT, and traditional Chinese medicine departments are all complete, and even the auxiliary examination equipment is all brought from China.

  Although the hospital is rudimentary, whether it is the level of doctors, or machines, equipment, and medicines, its strength definitely represents the strongest in Huaguo.

   Two weeks later, the "China-Serbia Friendship Hospital" finally opened.

  All the medical staff were also engaged in intensive work. Unfortunately, Chen Qi found that the patients who came to the hospital were basically of unusual identities, and almost all of them were rich people from the capital.

  There are very few poor people like Na Vivian.

  Of course Chen Qi doesn’t want the Holy Mother either, what a joke, if you really want to show kindness to millions of black uncles, when will you have to send it?

  If you have such kindness, how about sending it back to China?

  Compared to the busyness of other people, Chen Qi is relatively free. One of them is the leader, and the other is the international dual director. The cards are there.

  So some minor operations are handled by Yi Zewen and other domestic doctors. Dean Chen will only do it when he encounters difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

   No, not long after the China-Serbia Friendship Hospital opened, the local Freetown National Doctor’s doctor gave the Hua Guo doctor who “robbed business” a blow.

  African black doctors also have self-esteem, okay?

  No matter how poor and backward the Sierra Lean Republic is, it is still a country. If a hospital is built with the power of the whole country, then this hospital is obviously a world-class hospital, right?

   Anyway, it is a national hospital.

  Anyway, black doctors don’t care what other people think, they just think so, it feels like Yelang Kingdom.

  Of course they also have confidence. In Freetown National Hospital, a considerable number of doctors have returned from studying in European and American countries.

  Most of these students who study abroad are public-funded students paid by the state. Generally, they only study at the level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree and then return to work in the country.

   In addition, I am also afraid that these international students will lose their wings after graduating with a Ph. D., and stay in the world of flowers.

   So if you want to talk about the level, there must be these black doctors, but if you want to say how high the level is, this is not necessarily the case.

  However, they despise the existence of heroes in Sierra Lean. After all, the most powerful hospital in the country is only Freetown National Hospital, and other hospitals are scum in their eyes.

   Then slowly develop an arrogant and arrogant attitude.

   Then a group of Chinese doctors suddenly appeared, and they even came to Freetown to open a hospital. Can this be tolerated?

   It's not that the black doctors are going to play some tricks, they are all highly educated, and they won't do things so low, but it's true that they are suffocating in their hearts.

   That is to use their own medical skills to prove to the whole Sierra Lean people who is the No. 1 in the medical field.

   Then because of a patient, the two sides almost had a war of words.

  The matter started with a local black uncle. The patient was named Adem, and his identity was a senior official of the Serbian Ministry of Mines, and he was also ranked among the top in Freetown.

  Others don’t have enough to eat, but he has a lot of fish and meat at home, and there are 8 nannies who take care of the whole family’s life.

  That night, Adem had just finished eating the steak, and he was very satisfied in his mind. He just wanted to drink a cup of Sri Lankan black tea to rinse his mouth, when he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.

   Adham thought that he had eaten something bad, and it seemed normal to eat bad food in Africa, so he immediately ran to the toilet with experience.

  Good guy, after squatting for 2 hours, I didn't have diarrhea, but my stomach hurts more and more.

   Mrs. Adham saw that something was wrong, and her husband's face was pale with pain (how did you see it?), and she immediately realized that she was sick, so she hurriedly called the driver at home to prepare to take him to the hospital.

  Adem’s family’s seaside villa in the west of Freetown is not far from the “China-Serbia Friendship Hospital”, but the National Hospital in Freetown has to cross the entire city, so the driver wisely sent it to Doctor Hua.

   At this time, the Friendship Hospital was closed.

   At night, the security of this country is not good. Hua Guo doctors will not go out, and they will not open the door to let thieves come in and make trouble.

   As a result, the big iron gate was knocked, and Chen Qi was playing cards with someone at this time, and when he lost, he would put a note on his face.

   After a while, the translator came over: "Dean Chen, a local official suddenly has a stomachache and wants us to help see the doctor."

  While playing cards, Chen Qi rushed to Yi Zewen and Zhang Xing who were beside him and said, "Xiao Yi, Xiao Zhang, go and have a look."


  Yi Zewen now obeys Chen Qi's words, without any second thoughts, a standard dog leg, and immediately ran over.

   At this time, under the arrangement of the nurse, Adam was already lying on the hospital bed, humming all the time.

  Yi Zewen put on his gloves, lifted his shirt, and asked the patient's family: "How long has this stomach ache?"

   Aunt Hei quickly replied: "It started at 6 o'clock in the evening, and it has been about 2 and a half hours now, and I haven't felt better. Even going to the toilet can't relieve it, and the pain has been going on."

  The patient frowned at this time, and there was still a little sweat on his forehead, which showed that the pain was not light.

  Yi Zewen patiently stopped by: "Sir, where does it hurt you the most, show me?"


  Adham pointed directly at the lower right abdomen without thinking, "This is the most painful place, as if someone is pumping their intestines. It has never been so painful."

   Pain in the right lower abdomen is a relatively special site, because there is not only the appendix but also the ascending colon under the abdominal cavity of the right lower abdomen, most of which may be appendicitis.

  Yi Zewen relaxed while checking, thinking that this disease is not a piece of cake?

   "Is it the right lower quadrant pain at the beginning? Or is it the pain around the navel at first, and then gradually transitioned to the right lower quadrant pain?" Yi Zewen continued to ask the patient.

   Adham recalled a little and said:

   "At first, it seemed that the pain around the navel was severe, and then it was the lower right quadrant, but I couldn't tell the difference. Anyway, it was the stomach pain. Doctor, can you give me some painkillers first."

   "Don't worry, let's figure it out. Before the cause of acute abdomen is clear, you can't take painkillers."

  Yi Zewen continued to ask patiently: "Do you have any nausea, vomiting, and is your stomach bloated?"

   "No, I haven't vomited, and my stomach is not distended."

  The nurse helped to measure the patient's vital signs, and the overall condition was fine, including blood pressure and heart rate.

  The condition is stable, the diagnosis seems to be quite obvious, and the treatment is not difficult, but is it really that simple?

  (end of this chapter)