MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 28 Have a little wine, family martial arts

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Under the night sky, Su Yu thought about it together, his heart just moved, and without thinking much, he lifted the bottle and took a sip.

All of a sudden, I just felt that the mouth was fragrant, and the mellow and refreshing wine slipped over the tip of the tongue and slipped into the throat. This kind of taste is really indescribable in words.

Although Su Yu in the previous life was not an alcoholic, but whenever he was upset, he would have a few drinks.

He had tasted a lot of wine, but it was the first time he had tasted such a fine wine.

With the wine in his stomach, Su Yu couldn't help but admire secretly in his heart, what a bottle of poisonous wine, um...

It's quite delicious...

Knowing that the wine is poisonous, it is a glass of poisonous wine. Unless you are forced to do anything, if there is no problem with your head, you will definitely not drink it.

Of course, Su Yu didn't lose his mind.

Since he dared to drink, he naturally had his reasons.

The poisonous bird is a legendary poisonous bird, and the poisonous wine is the poisonous wine that has been soaked with poisonous feathers.

Ordinary poison wine is highly poisonous, and if you drink it, you will die.

And the bottle in Su Yu's hand is a secretly made booze wine, which is even more poisonous.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a congenital expert can't help but take a sip.

But then again, Su Yu is not an ordinary person.

Poison wine is poisonous, but it can't stand Su Yu's deep internal strength, which is invulnerable to all poisons. Drinking poisonous wine in the stomach not only has no discomfort, but also has certain benefits.

At the moment when the poisonous wine entered the entrance, Su Yu's inner strength and mental method of the five poisonous palms in Su Yu's body began to operate independently.

The Palm of the Five Poisons, as soon as you hear the name, you can tell it.

This is an insidious poison art, an evil art.

If an ordinary martial artist wants to cultivate these five poisonous palms, he needs to endure great pain, and soon every day, he will rub various poisons on his body. After he has cultivated to a certain level, he needs to risk his life to take the poison!

This kind of process is horrific, and people who are not determined will not be able to persevere at all.

Even if he gritted his teeth and persevered, he had achieved great success, but because he took a lot of poison in the early stage, toxins remained in his body, which made his face look hideous and ugly.

Although this kind of exercise is said to be extremely powerful when practiced to a certain level, it is not good at this point, and it has too many drawbacks.

However, these are not a problem for Su Yu.

With his current deep inner strength, the toxins in the wine were transformed into nutrients and special inner strength in an instant.

The meridian dantian and the limbs and bones integrated into the body one by one, not only have no drawbacks at all, on the contrary, the five poisonous palms have improved a little, and even the internal strength of the body has increased a little.

"Gudonggudong, ton ton ton ton ton!"

Su Yu raised the wine bottle and took a few more sips. A gust of night wind blew slightly, and after feeling the inner strength in his body suddenly increased a bit, he felt relieved for a while, and his heart was one step closer to the innate eighth rank.

After drinking, Su Yu returned to the house, her elder sister Su Ling and her adoptive father, Old Man Su, were sleeping peacefully.

After putting away the ecstasy, he quietly got into the bed, opened his eyes to look at the pitch-black roof, and couldn't help thinking that his own strength was not strong enough.

Now the only one who offends the adoptive father's family is a little Zhang San, who can take the other person's life with a snap of his fingers.

However, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow.

If after a while, another Li Si who is a thousand times stronger than Zhang San comes, what should I do...

You must know that above the seventh rank innate, there are eighth rank and ninth rank innate, and on top of that, there is the realm of Martial Saint.

There is a long way to go in martial arts.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky...

It seems that I still have a long way to go...

While thinking, Su Yu slowly closed his eyes, the desire to become stronger in his heart has never been stronger than tonight.

Before, he was alone, but now he feels that he has someone he must protect.

One night without a dream, the next morning was early in the morning.

Su Yu got up habitually, he didn't have the habit of staying in bed.

After taking a shower, Su Yu didn't sit still and started making a fire and making breakfast.

About a short while later, elder sister Su Ling and old man Su also got up.

Old Man Su's injury has not completely healed, so he can't move too much.

Sister Su Ling saw that Su Yu was making a fire for breakfast, so she also came to the kitchen to help.

Since she tasted her younger brother Su Yu's craftsmanship yesterday, Su Ling admired her younger brother from the bottom of her heart.

Although the younger brother did not directly pass the test and became a full-fledged disciple of Liuxuanmen, even if he became a handyman, it would still be much better than living in their poor little mountain village.

Especially when I think of the scene where Su Yu just came back yesterday, and what happened last night, although Su Ling's pretty face turned slightly red unnaturally, she felt extremely happy and delighted for her younger brother Su Yu in her heart.

This time, after my younger brother came back from Liuxuanmen, not only did he grow a lot taller, he seemed to be much more sensible than before!

The siblings were busy, and soon a table of fragrant meals was served.

The family of three finished eating and drinking.

Su Yu just planned to help her sister Su Ling clean up the table and chairs.

At this moment, his adoptive father, Old Man Su, suddenly stopped him and said, "Xiaoyu, come here."

While speaking, the old man Su slowly walked towards his house.

Su Yu was confused and curious. He followed Old Man Su into the house and saw Old Man Su walking to the northwest corner of the house and stopped.

In the corner of the wall is a wooden box that is more than half a meter high and half a meter wide. Inside the box is some messy clothes.

"Xiaoyu, come and help my father remove this box." Old Man Su turned his head and said to Su Yu.

Su Yu stepped forward and moved the wooden box with old man Su, then stepped aside.

Old Man Su squatted down, scratched at the corner for a while, and dug out a small dark iron box.

The iron box had a lock on it. Old Man Su groped for a while, took out a small key, inserted it into the keyhole and turned it a few times, and the lock was unlocked.

After opening the box, Su Yu took a closer look.

The box contained a cloth wrap.

Old Man Su stretched out his hand and took out the cloth package. He opened several layers of the cloth package one after another, and only then did he reveal what was inside.

This is a quaint and even a little yellowed thread-bound ancient book!

There are four big characters on the book cover: Family Handed Down Sword Technique!

Old Man Su carefully held the ancient book and handed it to Su Yu.

After Su Yu took it with both hands, the old man Su said, "Son, this is the sword technique that my Su family has passed down from generation to generation. Today, you have grown up and are sensible.

My father is also old. In order not to cut off this sword technique in my hands, my father decided to hand over the secret book of this sword technique to you.

You may feel strange, as the father of a country old man, why would there be such a thing?

Why didn't you practice martial arts?

Xiaoyu, go and call your sister in as well, and hear that the father will bring you two one by one. "

Su Yu was stunned when he heard the words of old man Su.

Unexpectedly, my adoptive father, who doesn't seem to have any internal strength and has not even reached the level of the day after tomorrow, his ancestor was actually a martial artist!

There was even a family handed down sword technique.

Taking advantage of the gap between going to call her sister Su Ling, Su Yu was curious and couldn't help opening the book cover to take a look.

When I saw the first page, written in big and powerful characters, I was startled subconsciously.
