MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 847 I also want!

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"I know Dad, I will definitely do this." Long Tianyun responded and then smiled at Ling Chen: "Ling Chen, when you need to directly inform me."

The relationship between Ling Chen and Long Tianyun has always been very harmonious, as if the forgiveness of the year has long been forgotten. This is the most gratifying thing that Long Zhengyang has always been. Looking at their harmonious communication, he was relieved in his heart, and said with a smile: "What is your mother's recent life? Recently, the national cold current is down, she is weak, and she must be reminded to protect her body."

Ling Chen nodded slightly: "My mother has been in good physical condition for the past two years, and I will bring it to the care of the head of the dragon." He turned to Longzheng Yundao: "The sooner the better, the better."

"Now?" Long Zhengyang, who just sat down, stood up again and said: "It’s rare to take a trip and sit for a while. I have a lot to say to you."

"Thank you, the head of the dragon is kind, next time." Ling Chen rushed at him nod, then took Su Shi out of the door, and Long Zhengyun also quickly followed him.

The door was gently closed, and Long Zhengyang slowly sat down with a sigh in his mouth. He knows that Ling Chen still hasn't forgiven him... indeed, it was treated like that, even if it was a relative, it was so easy to let go. He knew that to let him fully accept his father, he still needs a lot, and a long time to make up and work hard.

When I walked to an uninhabited place, Long Tianyun’s serious face immediately smashed down. He shrank his body, and “咚” slammed into Ling Chen’s body, and his body trembled with trepidation: “Master, mother... ”

The wind outside was somewhat cold. Ling Chen took Su Shi to his chest and half of his coat wrapped around her. He didn’t look at Long Tianyun with his eyes. He said faintly: "I want a lot of red books, you Give me a good record, dare to have one person, one word wrong, I want you to look good."

"Yes, the master's business, I... I must do it well." Long Tianyun nodded and bowed, and lived off a loyal dog.

"Have a good record of the name. As for the information, I believe that you have made the decision. The photo is empty. We will post it ourselves. The seal will also be given to me directly. Now I will listen to it... Su Shi, Ling Shuiruo, Yun Dream Heart, Xiao Qi, Li Yuxue, Li Yuying, Li Wei, Philip Shalin Kapalaya, You Yi Xue Lier Kapaliya, Mu Bingyao, um, and Ling Tiantian."

Long Tianyun keeps these eleven names firmly in mind, and these are basically familiar names for him. It is not too difficult to remember all of them. He half-body crouched on the ground and respectfully said: I will do it right away, and I will never let the owner down."

After that, Long Tianyun got up carefully and left after a few steps. Ling Chen suddenly yelled at him at this moment: "First wait... well, add Lingshasha."

"Ah!" Hearing this name, Su Shi’s subconscious Su Shi exclaimed, she said with a pure and innocent eyes: "Lingtian brother, you even have salsa..."

Even though Ling Chen’s face is as thick as a city wall, under the gaze of Su Shi’s eyes, he can’t help but blush. He whispered: “This is... from the time when Salsa was born, she was fourteen years old last month. So I am ah... ah... I picked it. Although she is young, she is a god, and she is completely resistant."

"Picking... Ah!" Su Shi has been pushed down by Ling Chen three years ago. In the past few years, he has been bumping down the phoenix for many times. It is no longer a blank piece of paper that he did not understand at the beginning. The meaning of "picking", she said softly and weakly: "I... I just wonder that Lingtian’s brother will bring the little salsa, because her age is too small... I didn’t expect Ling Tian’s brother to have Little Salsa gave...given..."

Ling Chen knows that he will be wrong... With Su Shi’s simple heart, how can he directly think that Ling Chen is actually a beast to eat salsa, he said: “This, sooner or later, sooner or later. All the same. If your sister is very supportive." Then he squinted his eyes and slammed into Long Tianyun: "What are you doing here, don't hurry and do it well."

"Yes, yes!" Long Tianyun nodded in confusion and then prepared to leave.

"...wait again!" Long Tianyun ran out of no three steps, Ling Chen's voice came from behind, and he quickly turned back and threw himself back to the ground.

"Add another meditation to me... amount, forget it, or write 'cold child' directly. In addition, add a scorpion... You can't find the files for these two people, age, ID number or something. Give me empty! Almost, you can roll."

Long Tianyun was nodded again, but the action when he left was a bit treacherous. After he had walked out of ten steps and was not called back by Ling Chen, he quickly stepped away.

" don't even have a spirit...but she is only 11 or 12 years old..."

"Eleven-two years old is just superficial age. Her true age is already 10,239. But it doesn't matter what age is, Xiao Susu, accompany me to blow the night wind of Jinghua."

After that, he was in the scream of Su Shi, holding her to the roof of Yanhuang Building.

After all, Long Tianyun was placed there, and he personally went to do this, so the efficiency is naturally quite high. Only in an hour, he ran back. Holding a small box in his hand, filled with small red books.

Holding a small book, Ling Chen and Su Shi returned to the Su family and presented them to the three elders of the Su family. They straightened their eyes into a thin seam.

At night, Ling Chen and Su Shi did not spend the night at the Su family. They bought the ice cream cake and the fruit treasure gift bag for the children. They returned to Zhuhai Wonderland.

Although the time is already late, Ling Chen did not come back, and they naturally did not sleep. Ling Chen, who came home, shouted directly: " Come on, today is a big day, there are surprises!"

As he yelled, more than a dozen copies of the red book were filled directly with a table. With a burst of Yan Yan, all the girls walked out in their pajamas. When they saw the little red books on the table, the whole living room suddenly exploded. The girls were completely out of the usual or warm. Or the cold image, very excited and anxiously looking at the little red ones, looking for their own names, at the moment they see their names, each of them will give a very happy exclamation.

"This is mine, wow!" Xiao Qi took the little red book that belonged to her, hugged her chest, her face full of happiness and happiness, then turned to Ling Chen, and turned around and started. Calling Yunmeng, Li Yuxue, Mu Bingyao who are in the game: "Dream sister, Mu sister, 霄 snow, come back soon... there are huge surprises!"

Lingshui also found his own little red book, she gently put it in the hand, be careful as it is the most sacred sacred object in the world. Although she and Ling Chen have already been physically and mentally integrated, the things in this hand make her feel more real that she has completely belonged to him. She closed her eyes and gently meditated in her heart: Dad, mother, my brother and I will always be happy, you must be happy in heaven...

"Hey, I know that there will be me." Every day, I found a little red book with my own name, and I was happy. She can't wait to show her to her mother.

"It seems... even my own." When I finally saw my name, I was especially surprised by the blushing, and I was careful to hold it on my chest.

Yingying and Yan stood next to each other, looking at their happiness and joy with a smile. However, they have always been servants, and they dare not expect to receive the same treatment as them.

"Shadow, hey, but still come to take your small books." You picked up two little red books and smiled at them.

"We...have it?" Yan Ying's face showed an unbelievable look at the same time. They rushed over and grabbed the little red book on You Yu's hand. On the top, they clearly saw their name.

At that moment, the huge surprises and happiness made them stunned and almost burst into tears. Who would know that these two arrogant women, who are coveted by countless dignitaries, are most eager to stay with Ling Chen, and never even hope to get his favorite. At this moment, they feel that even if they die for him immediately, they will be happy.

You Yu looked for a little while, but he never found the name of the Philippines. She suddenly looked at the Philippine standing in the corner. And her eyes, Philip certainly know what it means, it doesn't matter.

Just right, Ling Chen got to her side: "Philippine, I guess your character, certainly do not like this tone, it is estimated that it will save you trouble, I will not give you, you would not mind?"

Fei did not look at him, and said with a blank expression: "You really are I certainly don't mind, that kind of thing, I don't bother to squat under the eyes of you."

Philip said it was calm, but there was a faint sigh under the calm... um, murderous. Ling Chen shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I knew it would be like this..." He took a small red book from his pocket slowly: "Fortunately, I didn't give it to you directly, then I still throw it away."


Philippine fiercely reached out, this moment of action is almost faster than lightning, numerous times beyond the limit that the Philippine can reach, so that Ling Chen, who has the eight gods, is not responding, directly by the Philippine to the small book Grab it in your hand.

Fei looked at the name on the small book, and her eyebrows gradually turned up. She slowly inserted the small red into the full gully of her chest, giving Ling Chen a charming look, red lips and shallow curls. Dust made a few of the most confusing mouth shapes: there are rewards tonight.

After that, the Philippine Nana left, like a little girl who got a sweet candy.

"Sasha, this is yours." When he returned to his room, Ling Chen was very guilty of taking out the little red book belonging to Salsa. His appearance, provoked water to "snap" and smile.

"Hey, thank you Ling Chen." Sasha gently clicked on his face with his own pink lips, took it happily, and then looked at it in exchange with him every day.

"Well..." Ling Chen shouted out the cold child and the spirit, and one gave them a copy: "This is for you, you have to collect it."

"Hey? Red...what?" Yan Ling looked at it for a little while, leaning against the white face. The cold child is also very blind, and he has to ask the same question.

"It is proof that you will always be with your brother." Ling Shui laughed and answered for Ling Chen.

"Forever proof of together... Hey... Really?" The spirit gave a laugh and carefully closed it up: "Thank you, Master, I like it too much."

"I also... like it." On the face of Lenger, there was a little smile.

At this time, Ling Chen’s heart suddenly felt a deep sway in the depths of his heart. His eyebrows moved and he was helplessly called out.

As soon as the color appeared, he waved his hand and shouted: "I want to... I want to... I want too!!"

[I originally planned to end the two chapters yesterday, it is a blackout, and I was told that I might not come late, just think about it, or write a little more, I will greatly expand the original two chapters... Today will be five more. 】