MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 657 set off

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5 days passed in a flash. After 5 days, Wang Aiguo basically learned the breaststroke, although the posture ...

Breaststroke, as the name suggests, swimming should be like a frog, but the posture of Wang Aiguo's breaststroke is a bit like a pig struggling in the water.

But anyway, this is also learned. At least Wang Aiguo should not drown if he falls into the water now.

However, the day after learning to swim, Wang Aiguo set his sights on the swimming pool, which was more than three meters high.

Seeing Wang Aiguo looking at the diving platform there, Shen Long somehow panicked.

"Fat, calm down, I only teach you swimming, but I don't teach you diving!"

However, Wang Aiguo still looked intently at the diving platform, then his face was serious.

"Actually, diving is my ultimate goal. Learning to swim is just because I'm afraid of diving!"

"Now I have learned to swim, and this platform is not particularly high. At this time, I must fulfill this wish!"

After all, Wang Aiguo rushed to the platform without saying a word.

At this time, Shen Long hugged Wang Aiguo's thigh and said loudly: "Fat, calm down, you really calm down, this kid on the platform is just fine. You do n’t have to toss, you Golling, I feel that this may not be the problem of sinking to the bottom, it will smash a hole in the pool! "

Let's be honest, in fact Shen Long is quite reasonable, but Wang Aiguo can't listen.

So Wang Aiguo dragged Shen Long holding his thigh and rushed to the diving platform.

This swimming pool is actually a more professional swimming pool. This diving platform is not for others, but it also says non-professionals, do not use this diving platform.

At first glance, Wang Aiguo is not a professional. Have you ever seen that diving guy with nearly 200 catties? Besides, there is still a person hanging on him.

As soon as Wang Aiguo stepped onto the edge of the jumping platform, a lifeguard started to blow his whistle, and then Wang Aiguo ignored it, and today he wants to fulfill this wish.

"Fat, calm down, don't jump, this jump will be very problematic. If you can't jump, don't toss!"

The lifeguard jumped into the water directly from the rescue platform, and then swam over to the platform.

However, at this time Wang Aiguo suddenly showed a weird smile.

"No one can stop me today! Hahaha, today I will show you what the real **** of heaven is! Hahaha!"

Speaking of it, Wang Aiguo didn't care whether he was crying or embarrassingly on the side. He hugged his Shen Long, and jumped off the platform without a word.

Wang Aiguo diving, huh, huh, if it is placed in the international diving competition, it is definitely 0 points. The other person diving is that the smaller the water splash, the better, but Wang Aiguo is different. He directly jumped out of the tsunami effect.

Wang Aiguo jumped into the water, and soon his head emerged from the water, then his face said excitedly.

"For so many years, I finally completed my wish of diving, ha ha ha ha, hey, what about Shen Long?"

While talking, Wang Aiguo found a figure floating on his left hand side.

At this moment, Wang Aiguo felt weird. It looked a bit like this person was fainted in the water, then his body slowly floated.

Wang Aiguo just wanted to save the figure on the left hand side, but he suddenly found that a person was also floating on the right hand side, and then Wang Aiguo was aggressive on the spot. In this case, why did he jump into a coma?

Soon, Wang Aiguo turned the two over, and as a result, hehe, one was Shen Long, and the other was a lifeguard who wanted to come over to save him.

There is no doubt that the moment when Wang Aiguo smashed down, he stunned the person.

Then Wang Aiguo and Shen Long entered the blacklist of this swimming pool that day. It is impossible for these two people to swim here in their lifetime.

On the way home, Shen Long kept covering his face with his hands. This thing could not be known to others. It was too shameful.


Wang Weihua granted Wang Aiguo a full 7-day rest or study time, but in fact Shen Long and Wang Aiguo only took 5 days.

However, because the meeting place is in the city of S, the two decided to go home early, just to do such a big task, and more or less should have a meal with the family and speak a few words.

This idea was originally reported by Wang Aiguo with upset thoughts. It was normal for them to disapprove of the detachment leader. However, they did not expect that the detachment leader was very supportive, and even Wang Aiguo was hailed to leave.

Wang Aiguo was very puzzled. Recently, his performance is okay. As for sending them like the plague god?

However, only the leader of the detachment knows that now that they know Wang Aiguo's identity, they now look at Wang Aiguo and feel that the whole person is not good.

Now the captain of the detachment is afraid of making some mistakes and being reported by Wang Aiguo, so in fact Wang Aiguo is like a big Buddha pressing him down. Now they can send Wang Aiguo away as soon as possible ~ ~ as soon as possible Send it away, otherwise they would be uncomfortable.

The false note was approved the same day, and then Wang Aiguo and Shen Long set out.

However, Wang Aiguo thought he was walking quietly, and no one should come to see them off. However, they did not expect that as soon as they came to the door, they saw the captain bringing Dadong and other veterans to see them off.

Seeing this scene, Wang Aiguo couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Why are you here?" Wang Aiguo asked in doubt.

However, at this time, the elder brother came to the forefront, and then one turned backwards, with his back facing Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo and Shen Long are both stunned, what is the situation? I saw that at this time, Fage took out a baton with a length of about 50 cm from his pants pocket.

And Dadong and others are standing upright.

"Come, get ready to sing!"

"Ready? Soldier brothers! When that day really comes!"

The familiar melody sounded in Wang Aiguo's ear. At this moment, Wang Aiguo couldn't help laughing.

Dadong and others did not come to send Wang Aiguo away, but to cheer Wang Aiguo.

They already knew that Wang Aiguo was going to participate in the World Soldier Competition, so here they sang the military song "When that day is coming."

As for the previous "Jing Zhong Guo Bao Guo" is a song that the deputy captain likes to sing.

As Dadong and others sang, the captain came up and looked at Wang Aiguo with a smile.

"The fat man went out this time not only on behalf of our ship, but also on our base, and even on the Chinese soldiers. So you must get a good ranking!"

Looking at the captain's serious expression, Wang Aiguo saluted, then straightened his waist, and said earnestly: "Guaranteed the completion of the mission!"

After speaking, Wang Aiguo and the captain both laughed.