MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 43

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Under the guidance of the housekeeper, Gu Ningxi insisted on seeing off the last relative, friend and guest, looking back at the huge mansion where he was the only master, and realized deeply that his and his wife's home had already broken up.

Gu Ningxi's aura also seemed to have dissipated, he felt like a hollow skin sac that had been peeled off, his heart and liver were all lost, his five senses were out of order, and everything was wrong.

The housekeeper wiped the sweat from his brow, he didn't dare to compliment the master's ability to cultivate himself and manage the family, and he had to report the matter according to his duty: "Master, Miss Mo's side, I asked our servants to come back and ask, are you in better health? I hope you can go and accompany her."

Gu Ningxi knew that she should send brother Mo off for the last time and give him the first seven, but hearing this, she felt endlessly exhausted.

He asked about the progress of the funeral, and when he heard that everything was going well, he ordered in a hoarse voice: "I listened to my grandmother's teachings, and I know that it's difficult for you, housekeeper, pass on my order, and everyone who attends the funeral will get a double monthly report. Thank them for me. Old lady Mo Don't cut people around, I'm afraid that she will be unstable recently and something unexpected will happen, so tell her that I will be on duty tomorrow and I will go over to take a look at it at night."

After trying her best to arrange all the details, Gu Ningxi dragged her exhausted body to the side of the shelf bed in the room, fell down, buried her face in the pillow, blood oozes from the wound, her whole body seemed to be in a deep sleep or fainted, she was so frightened that she could read While calling "Master", he boldly probed his forehead temperature.

"Master is breathing faster and his body temperature is okay. He probably fell asleep due to exhaustion. Let's call him tomorrow morning. Don't miss the opening of the seal and go to court." Trapped in a dark, dreary dream.


On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the sun is shining, it is warm and pleasant, and the spring is full of joy. It is the day when the imperial court and merchants open their stores.

Officials of the sixth rank and above all went to the court in the early morning, and there was a crowd of people, red and crimson.

No matter how different the political opinions are, there will be so much quarrels over court affairs in the past and in the future. When we meet today, everyone congratulates each other on the new year, and spreads auspicious words as if they don't want money. It looks like a scene of prosperity and harmony.

There are still subtle differences.

There are no secrets in the capital. For example, there is Tao Cheng, a member of the Ministry of Industry in Sanpinhong official uniform. Everyone pays special attention to their words when greeting him, for fear of bringing up the sadness of his eldest daughter's reconciliation. Later, he gradually discovered that he was actually very proud of it. Colleagues were puzzled, but wisely they didn't ask more questions, they just guessed the story.

Another example is the location of Gu Ningxi, the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Etiquette who wears the official uniform of the fifth-rank scarlet clothes. As the grandson of the former prime minister and the youngest mid-level civil servant, even if everyone knows that he doesn't like to speak up, many people are willing to say hello to him, regardless of whether he is arrogant or suffering from a strange disease.

Today, seeing the eye-catching blood on his face and the news of his reconciliation last night, everyone didn't know what to say, and tacitly stayed away. Just his colleagues before and after standing, saying "Gu Sicheng, new year and new atmosphere", this kind of blessing without pain or itch.

Gu Ningxi stood up straight and upright, her hands folded and her head bowed to listen quietly, she was indescribably handsome and unrestrained, and she would not be picked out by the ceremonial officer. However, he knew that his mind was dizzy, not far away on the throne, the emperor The loud words of encouragement to the ministers floated past his ears, like a noisy noise, and he seemed to only hear his own violent and chaotic heartbeat.

He could only look at his colleagues from the corner of his eye, followed others to bow down, three guards "long live", and filed away from the hall, like puppets or puppets without soul infusion.

Afterwards, Yingmao, the Yasi of each ministry, went back to each department. Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites specially called him to his room on duty, and asked with concern: "Gu Sicheng, I heard that there have been changes in your family. Are you okay now?"

Gu Ningxi sighed silently, thanked her boss for her concern, and said a few words about the reconciliation and departure, leaving room for reunion everywhere.

Zhang Shangshu is an old man, why can't he hear the reserved words of the young man, so he swallowed the words of protecting him as a matchmaker, and prepared to wait and see for a while, until he completely gave up on his ex-wife, and then help his niece and granddaughter to catch this wealthy son-in-law.

Waving his hand to let Gu Ningxi go to work on his affairs, Zhang Shangshu was thinking about it alone in the room, and in the future he would go to the Ministry of Industry to check on Tao Cheng's tone, and it was also important to confirm that the woman would not miss her any longer.

The Gu Ningxi in his heart is only in his twenties, born in a famous family, full of talent and learning, upright, reticent, hard-working, hard-working, and meticulous in doing big things and small things, but he is not popular enough, otherwise, he will be promoted to Sizheng just around the corner.

Originally, when Tao was a wife, she took care of the wives of various officials, and accompanied Gu Ningxi to socialize and recognize others. Although she caused some criticism in terms of women's inferiority, she still had a good reputation as a virtuous person, which made up for Gu Ningxi's shortcomings.

Now that they are reconciled and separated, without support, Gu Ningxi's popularity is likely to stagnate even more. If he really wants to promote him, he can't convince the crowd. Zhang Shangshu sighed deeply, it is not easy to cultivate young people.

In the Gongju Division, colleagues come and fight with each other. Everyone wants to know why Gu Ningxi, the deputy second only to Sizheng, who has always shown herself as a loving couple and often mentions "my wife" in her speech, broke up without warning, what is the inside story, what is the reason, whether the man or the woman feels bad I went down, but unfortunately no one started to ask.

At this time, they felt that Gu Ningxi's face blindness was useful.

Probably because he couldn't understand their curiosity, Gu Sicheng was able to meditate as if nothing had happened. If it were any one of them, they might have fled because of the constant inquiries from their colleagues.


Tao Xinqiang finally returned to the Tao Mansion again, laughing and jumping up and down, so that the eldest sister Tao Xinhe who was following behind her murmured: "Slow down, your foot injury is just right, and you haven't learned to be careful yet."

"Ah, sister, I've been bedridden for several days, and I can't hold it anymore. Thinking about my sister-in-law who will be bedridden for a whole month, I worry about her." Tao Xinqiang turned around, and saw her sister walking steadily but slowly for some reason. He stepped closer, hugged his sister's arm, and responded coquettishly shaking.

Tao Xinqiang felt restrained after walking a few steps with Tao Xinhe, and she wanted to speed up when she dragged the other party: "Sister, your gait, why does it look like an old woman, walk faster, you are already divorced, don't need to be with that little goblin Having dealt with each other, aren’t you happy to fly?”

"Be more cautious, it's time to find the eldest girl from your in-law's family, don't hold back your words." Tao Xinhe softly reprimanded her younger sister, but with a smile on her face.

Tao Xinqiang began to break it seriously: "It's obviously a little fairy. When I was at your house, she came to give New Year's gifts. I remember that it was Qingfang who went out to send her away. It happened about ten days ago. Brother-in-law... ah, No, Gu Ningxi...Sister, don't stare at me, okay...Gu Sicheng, how long ago has something to do with her, and you have to bring someone into the room, hum!"

"Kids, why don't you ask me?" You can't let them mention the Mo family and Mo Qiqi like Gu Ningxi or Qingfang, Tao Xinhe has nothing to do with her sister, she just prevaricates it.

"Hmph, don't tell me, sister, I'll ask Qingfang. My sister, hurry up and go to sister-in-law's yard together. She should be waiting impatiently for me."

"Okay, okay. By the way, Qiangniang, um... I went to see you last time, Ningniang was not there, and I didn't see her today. She knows that I am no longer her cousin, what did she say to you?" Tao Xinhe thought of her sister The handkerchief was handed over, and my former sister-in-law, Gu Runing, was also someone I had hit with, but it would be embarrassing to meet again in the future.

Tao Xinqiang pursed her lips, her voice became low, and she twirled her fingers around the fabric of her sister's arm: "Ning Niang knew, so she cried bitterly. She thinks that the second cousin is a big villain, and he drove you away, and even she, as the Gu family, feels sorry for you and has no face to see you, so she hid on purpose. "

Alas, the reconciliation is not only a matter between her and Gu Ningxi, the intertwining of people is so complicated, and they move around, her surroundings and Gu Ningxi's interpersonal interactions will undergo profound and helpless changes. For example, she and Gu Runing could only digest and adapt slowly.

Tao Xinhe forced a laugh, pulled back her sleeve, patted the back of her sister's hand, and responded, "As long as it doesn't affect the friendship between you two."

Tao Xinqiang soon cheered up, and told her sister about the interesting stories in the second room of the Gu Mansion, chattering and making Tao Xinhe laugh.


On the night of the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, the moon is above the treetops, half-covered by dark clouds, and the shadows are faint, old Gu's mansion.

Gu Ningran asked his mother, Aunt Gu, with a look of doubt: "Mother, Gu Ningxi, did you divorce last night? Is it true?"

"Is this still fake? Your grandmother, your father, me, your second uncle and second aunt, and seven aunts and eight aunts were all present and witnessed the whole process of reconciliation. Tsk tsk tsk, you didn't see it, Gu Ningxi's face Come on, being hit by your grandmother with such a long and **** hole, the whole person is hideous and terrifying, and I don’t know how to wipe it off, and I don’t know who to pretend to be pitiful with.”

Gu Ningran didn't think of her cousin's annoyingly handsome face, but thought of Tao Shi's exquisite figure. If you gain one point, you will get fatter, and if you lose one point, you will get thinner. Unfortunately, it may not be common in the future, so how beautiful is it. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Third Aunt Gu patted her son's hair lightly, more than intimacy but not enough admonishment: "Little brat, you came back at night on the seventh day of the lunar new year, and you didn't know where to wander off the next day, and you only came back tonight, how can I tell you?" Besides, it's not like you don't always like to hear about Gu Ningxi's affairs, sooner or later you'll know what's the matter."

Even to her own mother, Gu Ningran did not dare to say the bad things he did on the sixth day of the lunar new year. Although he is lustful and greedy for flowers, he likes the pleasure of flesh and blood, but he has always paid attention to your love and my willingness, and this is the first time he has come to rape/prostitution.

He was acting on the spur of the moment, not rigorous at all, for fear that he would accidentally leave any clues and be discovered by Gu Ningxi who often went to that small courtyard.

If Gu Ningxi asks him to settle accounts, his aggressiveness, he has experienced it before, and the scene where he is at a loss for words, isn't it good-looking?

Therefore, for the next few days, he was worried and afraid to stay at the prostitute's house and dared not go back to the house. Until today when he was on duty in the Imperial Academy, he deliberately turned around to the entrance of the Ritual Department and looked at the calm, so he came back to the house at night with suspense.

Unexpectedly, the person who greeted him was the news of his cousin He Li! It was so unexpected and shocking that he pestered his mother to ask the reason.

Third Aunt Gu was drinking the ginseng soup deducted from the old lady's share, and said casually: "That's right, you are so confused, you don't want to hear the good news from Gu Ningxi, but this time you reconciled, it was him who was pushed away by someone." Kick, put on a look like a mourning concubine, and tell you something to relieve your boredom."

"Good mother, don't make fun of me, Gu Ningxi has already died once, her parents, can she die again?" Gu Ningran carelessly ordered her servants to bring him a portion of ginseng soup. fun.

Third Aunt Gu also seemed to feel that her words were off, she waved her hand and said, "Brother, be careful, that's your uncle and auntie, to let others know that your frivolous words about elders are not good to you. Speaking of which, I heard Ah, Gu Ningxi insisted on taking a girl named Mo or something out there as his concubine, but Tao Xinhe quit, and made a fuss and got divorced."

Mo? Mo Qiqi? That yellow-haired girl he just picked?

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