MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 99 research point

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  Seeing the big brown donkey's reaction, Mr. Chi said, "You donkey is a bit scary!"

"Afraid of people?" Wen Xu looked back at the big brown donkey: "It bit me just now, and I'm about to clean it up, forget it, today it's lucky. Since you came with your wife, I'll clean it up tomorrow , I will show you my hand today, my homemade Shanzhen Sauce Noodles!"

   "Your kid says it's delicious, so you can't be wrong!" Mr. Chi also knows that Wen Xu is a foodie, and when he hears what Wen Xu shows off, he knows that it must be full of color, aroma, and taste.

Wen Xu smiled and took the old man out of the mill. As for the big brown donkey, Wen Xu thought about starving it all night, and then cleaned it up when he came back from Liyu Bay tomorrow, but he dared to bite himself. I thought I might as well change my surname to Donkey.

  After leaving the mill, Mr. Chi went back along the village path to call his wife. And Wen Xu went home and started making noodles. The marinade is ready, just take it out and put it in a pot to heat it up. The flour used this time is naturally ground out, and the ground noodles are much thicker than those made by machines. Of course, the taste of rough noodles and fine noodles is also different.

   Just halfway through the reconciliation, Mr. Chi has already entered the yard.

   "Hey, when did you have another **** squirrel in your house? It's really rare to see such a big squirrel in China." As soon as the old man entered the yard, he spotted the squirrel standing on the treetop with sharp eyes.

   The squirrel glanced at it, but the old man didn't pay attention to the squirrel. The old man didn't do animal research, so he didn't care much about squirrels.

  The old man turned around the tree, patting the trunk while turning: "This old jujube tree in your yard is about to bloom."

   "What?" Wen Xu was busy with his work in Guowu, and couldn't hear the old man's words clearly at first, so he couldn't help asking aloud.

  Old Master Chi walked to the door of Guowu and said loudly, "I said, the jujube tree in your yard is about to bloom?"

"Really?" Wen Xu asked in surprise, originally thinking that the water in his own space would be poured down, so such a big reaction should be something like a dead tree in spring or something, who knows that there is only an old tree with new branches, and now there is not even a flowering shadow. No. Looking forward to it for one day and two days, even after looking forward for a long time, the old jujube tree still hasn't bloomed petals, and gradually the warmth has given up this thought. Now when the old man said that the jujube tree was about to bloom, he was naturally happy.

   "Hmm! It's a bit late for this old tree of yours to bloom, but it seems that it only took two days to bloom," Mr. Chi said affirmatively.

The old man stood in front of the pot house, and almost at the same time, an old lady appeared behind her. The old lady was not too tall and not too short, about 1.6 meters, with curly hair covering her ears , a head of hair is black and shiny, I don't know if it was dyed or it was just like this, and she looks much younger than Mr. Chi. From now on, you don't need to guess how old the old lady was when she was young. Demeanor, she must be an outstanding beauty.

"This is my wife, Ma Minglan. Before retiring, she taught in elementary school. You can call her Teacher Ma. The old lady likes to be called that, and she seems to be a glorious teacher of the people!" Mr. Chi introduced his wife to Wen Wen. a bit.

   "This is what I mean by warmth, don't look at the good cooking at a young age!"

   "It's really too young. It's really rare for young people nowadays to be able to calm down and cook." The old lady Ma Minglan complimented warmly.

  Wen Xu smiled: "I'm just doing nothing, I don't have much to do, and I just plan to eat a bite all day long! You two find a place to sit first, and I'll be here soon."

   "Don't just eat noodles tonight, I've brought some good things." The old man took out a bottle of wine from behind him. It was a white porcelain bottle with no trademark on it.

   "Is this wine?" Wen Xu asked.

The old man put the wine on the table: "Don't underestimate this wine, don't look at it without a trademark or packaging, but let me tell you that this is a wine rated as excellent by Blue Dream Winery. It has been cellared for decades, and it is generally small. Even the liquor store doesn’t have this patience, one of my students gave it to me some time ago, I’ll bring it for you to taste!”

   "Then I order some food?"

"Don't do any dishes, just come with some noodles first. It's getting late today. I'll wait for two days before I sort out the things at hand before coming here. By then, your boy will cook a few dishes. Our father and I Just have a few cups of good wine!" said Old Master Chi.

   "Okay, I'll listen to you." Wen Nuan continued to knead the noodles on her hands as soon as she heard that she didn't need to cook.

  Watching Wen Xu knead the dough on the panel, almost using his body's strength to knead it over and over again, the old man and the old lady sat aside and watched for a long time, and found that Wen Xu didn't intend to stop.

   "How long will it take?" Teacher Ma asked.

   "Knead for a few more minutes, the more you knead the dough, the stronger it will be." Wen Xu said: "If it is less than ten minutes, the dough will not be cut finely, and the taste will be worse!"

"It's not the old wide noodles this time? I still like to eat your old wide noodles!" Hearing that the shape of the noodles has changed this time, Mr. Chi was a little unhappy. The last time I was here , the finger-wide noodles tasted very much like the old man’s, but this time I heard that I was a little unhappy about eating thin noodles.

Wen Xu smiled and said: "You can't just eat one kind of noodles all the time. This time I just learned the noodles from the Internet, and I have improved them a bit. The most important thing is me! You two will know later !"

  Ms. Ma said: "Not to mention anything else, just look at the effort you spend kneading the dough, and you will know that the dough must be chewy enough."

People of the older generation know that hand-rolled noodles are better than dried noodles, and they also know that the more time you knead the noodles, the better they taste. However, there are not many noodle restaurants on the street that spend the effort to knead the noodles. Small business If you do this, you won't lose your life!

   "Is there anything I can do to help? It's the first time I'm eating, I'm watching from the sidelines, I'm not used to it!" The old lady seemed to be restless, and she stood up and rolled up her sleeves to help.

Wen Xu is not a polite person: "How about you help me shred the cucumber over there, of course, if your knife skills are good enough, you can also shred it, and you can also shred the green onions and green radishes Silk, don't be too short, about five centimeters will be... ".

   "Small matter, where is your knife?" The old lady looked like a good cook, rolled up her sleeves and asked Wen Xu for a knife.

"It's wrapped in the leather bag over there. If you like Western-style knives, choose Western-style knives. If you like Chinese-style knives, choose Chinese-style knives." Wen Xu pointed at the knife set next to the side dish board, and the whole set of knives that Zhuo Yiqing gave has been placed. opened.

   Teacher Ma saw it, smiled and said: "Your meal is really expensive, this set of knives is not cheap."

   "My friend saw that I like the **** of tongue, so he gave me such a set of knives." Wen Nuan said while kneading his face vigorously.

  Mr. Ma washed his hands and picked out the knife in his hand: "Should the cucumber be peeled?"

   "No, all the vegetables here are pure natural and pollution-free, and there are no pesticides to remove the skin. You can just shred it"

  Hearing what Wen Xu said, Teacher Ma began to slice the cucumber thinly.

   To say that the old lady's skills are really good, after a jingling sound, the thin cucumber shreds have piled up on the cutting board into a small pile.

   "Is this okay?"

   "Teacher Ma is very skilled, perfect!" Wen Xu said.

With a helper, Wen Xu’s progress is faster, but to be honest, it’s not that fast. Wen Xu rolls and cuts the noodles. The length of each noodle is almost the same, and the error length will not be within two centimeters. , not two millimeters in thickness, when a whole bowl of noodles was presented to the table, forty-five minutes had passed.

   "You have to wait to die for a bowl of your noodles, but fortunately this one is worth the long wait!" Mr. Chi waited for the noodles to arrive on the table, he smelled a special fragrance, and immediately picked up his chopsticks and started to move.

  Wen Xin smiled and said: "Then next time you come, just wait for the hot pot to come, and then I will give you a call."

  Wen Xu opened the wine bottle in front of him, first poured a cup for the old man, and then a small cup came in front of him.

  The wine was poured, and the old man put down the bowl: "Come on, let's go together!"


   After taking a sip of the wine, Wen Xu immediately felt the difference in the wine, it just felt mellow! There was almost no momentum, and the warmth flowed down the throat and into the stomach.

   "Good wine!"

   "Didn't lie to you!" Mr. Chi said proudly when he heard Wen Xu's boast.

  Yu, the two of you met each other, and you drank one cup after another.

  Mr. Ma didn’t drink, but took a sip of soup first. Wenxu’s old stewed soup was light brown, without soy sauce, and served with shredded cucumber and green radish, which made the whole bowl of noodles look a bit bland.

But the smell is completely different. The whole bowl of soup has a strong fragrance, which is not like the smell of meat or spices. It has an indescribable strong fragrance. It's hard to describe, it feels very mixed, but the more you think about it, the more it tastes, the whole taste is divided into layers, first is the smell of shiitake mushrooms, then a little bit of pepper sandwiched with meat, followed by chicken.

"How do you make this? If it's not the secret recipe handed down from your ancestors, you can teach me how to make it, and I'll make it when I get back. The taste is so attractive!" Teacher Ma was overwhelmed by the taste after taking a sip of the soup, and asked Fang Come on.

Wen Xu smiled and said: "What is the secret recipe? If you make it at home, you can do it, but it is probably delicious, but it is absolutely delicious, but it is made here. First of all, everything here is fresh. Second, the food here is delicious." There are also a few mountain delicacies, such as blue cap mushrooms, wild shiitake mushrooms, and the most important thing is decapitated vegetables. This thing is not only rare, but also poisonous. Although it is not very toxic, it will cause a stomachache for a few days, but it is enough for people. , Only by blanching a kind of cabbage in water, and then stewing it, can there be the umami taste in this pot.”

  Ms. Ma said after hearing this: "Forget it, the price of eating this bowl of noodles is too high, and it is a delicacy and a poisonous weed."

  When I heard that it was so troublesome, the old lady didn’t want to do it. What I cook at home is homely and convenient. Who is like this one? Every meal is as troublesome as it is for Chinese New Year.

   Aside from talking about making noodles, Wen Xu mentioned something else: "Why did Teacher Ma come here with you?"

"I have applied for the project funding, and I will study the planting technology of Fuzeyan tea trees here, and record the ecological environment here. Anyway, I told you that you don't quite understand it. In short, I will stay here from now on, not only Me, the graduate students I bring will use this place as a research topic," Mr. Chi Jiaqiang said with a smile.

   "Your school allocates all kinds of funds. What is there to study in this poor village?" Wen Xu and the old man are also familiar with each other, and they can talk about anything anyway.

The old man was not angry when he heard this, but instead smiled at Wen Nu: "After so many years, if you can't even handle this small subject, what should I do? Anyway, I'm about to retire, and staying here is better than staying in school Well, besides, the protection and research of this old tea tree must be done by someone, young people are looking at the high-end projects, let us old guys do it!".


   Right at the entrance, the scum was calling again from the yard, and in an instant, the scum entered the pot house, looking at Mo Sheng's old lady Ma with his head open.

   "The dogs in your family are all so big, is this also a native dog?" Teacher Ma asked when he saw another big dog entering the house.

Old Man Chi stretched out his hand with a smile, and the scum happily leaned over, rubbed his big head against Old Man Chi's leg, and after rubbing his head a few times, he put his chin on the old man's leg, with his mouth Woohoo and coquettish.

   "No, this is skewers, there are so many kinds of skewers, I can't tell them apart!" Wen Xu explained.

   "You little guy, you have gained a little weight, and if you don't exercise all day, you will become a little fat dog."

  The whole Wenjia Village likes the scum the most. This is the old man. Apart from him, there are not many people who treat the scum, so when they see the old man coming, the scum always acts very happy. The old man probably wants to like Dongliang too, but Dongliang is so cool, let alone the opposite, he is superficially indifferent to the master Wen Xu, and rarely has any intimate movements, let alone the old man Chi.

"Oh, where is this body? It's all grass stalks and scorpions." Master Chi touched it like this, and after a while, he touched a few grass stalks and some messy vine leaves on the scum's hair. I knew that this guy rolled out of nowhere.

Wen Xu said: "This thing, home is its hotel. I go out to exercise in the morning and it sneaks out. I come back at noon and have a meal and continue to go out. I don’t come back until dinner. I just finished my meal. When I am interested, I have to go out and go crazy." One lap, it’s a pity that we don’t have a drug dog here, if it weren’t for it, it would have died more than ten times!”

   The scum continued to rub against the old man's body, but at this time the old man couldn't bear its dirtiness anymore, so he stretched out his hand and pushed it: "Go, eat your food!"

   The scum was obedient today. After Mr. Chi pushed, he immediately turned around and ran to his own food bowl, stuck his head in and ate big mouthfuls.

   "Then you will still live in the village office?" Wen Xu asked again.

Mr. Chi shook his head: "I originally wanted to build a house by myself. Anyway, there are a lot of open spaces here, but that little girl Shi Shangzhen didn't want to, saying that all the house sites are in the village. We don't have a registered permanent residence so we can't build by ourselves. After the village is built and rented to us, I will be charged more than 20,000 yuan a year for a room, hey, it’s really money-losing.”

   "More than 20,000 yuan?" Wen Xu couldn't help but paused when he heard the rent of more than 20,000 yuan a year, and then asked: "One year?"

  Old Master Chi straightened his body, stared and said, "No way! You think it's expensive, don't you! You can buy a small yard here for more than 20,000 yuan!"

  Who knew that Wen Xu quickly shook her head: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive! According to her thoughts, she should charge you one hundred thousand a year!".

  Shishang’s real plan is to build a homestay, and he goes there with a high standard. Now a good homestay is almost catching up with a five-star hotel in one night. Based on this calculation, how much is the accommodation fee of 20,000 yuan a year?

  Master Chi laughed wryly when he heard the 100,000 yuan: "The research funding I applied for a year is only so much, and the accommodation is only 100,000 yuan in a small mountain village. Those who review academic funding will eat me!"

  When mentioning the accommodation fee, the old man was full of complaints, and began to confide in Wen Xu.