MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 71 big talker

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  The original Eight Immortals table was not enough today, Wen Xu deliberately borrowed a large round tabletop from another house and put it on the Eight Immortals table, squeezing out these dozen or so people.

When Wen Xu walked to the table with the two people who had changed their pants, the dishes were already on the table, and a dozen people started working together. The stew was moved to the big round table.

  Yu Yao looked at the table full of dishes, and asked Wen Nu who came to the table: "You cook such a large table by yourself?".

  Wently said: "No, no, I didn't make the cold salad, but the chef I hired today. The duck eggs are also pickled by the neighbor's house. If you want to eat my pickled ones, wait until this autumn."

Today's business is a bit big, the whole village gathered dozens of people together, and with the addition of workers who built a new greenhouse, the number reached more than two hundred, and they needed a dozen or so noodles. Wen Xu simply went from the town The master who organized the banquet was invited to make a one-day running water banquet.

   After explaining, Wen Xu said to the crowd: "Everyone, sit down as you please. We are all friends and I won't arrange any seats. You don't need to pay attention to the old customs here!"

   Originally, the people at the table didn't think too much about it, so they sat down around the round table casually after hearing Wen Xu's words. There is nothing to pay attention to, everyone just pick up the chopsticks and eat. Those who are willing to drink drink alcohol, and those who are willing to drink drink drink. No one has the habit of persuading people to drink, and the whole room is considered lively.

   After finishing the meal, Wen Xu, Sun Anan, Zhao Defang, and Yan Dong cleaned up the house, and saw that these guys were divided into two and three to dial cards.

"Zhou Qian, why didn't the little girl Zhuo Yiqing come today? She used to run very fast when she had food. Could it be that she has a boyfriend now and committed a problem of valuing **** over friends?" Wen Wen smiled Said to Zhou Qian who had already pasted two notes on her face.

   Zhou Qian didn't turn her head: "She probably likes torturing that man now!"

Yang Han next to him interjected: "Don't mention that man, who is he? He has no masculinity at all. When he met Yiqing, he immediately became like a grandson! The day before yesterday I had a meal with them, a meal I was trained three times by Yi Qing in kung fu, and every time this guy had a smile on his face, the smile was so obscene, it made me sick so much that I almost spit out all the food I ate! A pair of Q, anyone want? ".

   "I said Brother Chef, if you move so far in the future, it will be so troublesome for us to come and eat." Qu Yinger looked at the pair of Q and shook her head as a signal, then complained to Wen Xu.

"Come if you want, you can stay here for two more days in the future, and when you are traveling, I will go up the mountain to get game for you! Don't take too long, wait until summer comes, and tell you, Cicada monkeys are the most common thing here, and then I will mobilize the little ones to take pictures at night, so that you can have a full meal." Wen Xu knew that Qu Yinger likes to eat this, so he said.

  The cicada monkey is the larva of the cicada.

  Qu Yinger nodded her head several times when she heard it: "It's a deal!"

   "It's settled!" Wen Xu said with certainty.

  Xu Daxin said with a smile: "Wen Xu, you are too kind, everyone is also giving gifts, why can't you come to our side to express condolences first?"

   "This is a beautiful woman, what can I say to you elders?" Wen Xu said this, and looked up to see Shi Shangzhen and Wen Shijie coming in from the gate, so he raised his feet to greet them.

   "Director, why come to my place today!" Wen Xu asked with a smile.

Shi Shangzhen said: "I heard that you have a friend coming today. I came here to say hello. There is nothing to entertain in the village. I have prepared some new tea for everyone. Let everyone try something new. Our village's specialty is newly concocted. Fukuzawa Nobu!"

   "Fukuzawa Nobu?!"

Hearing these three words, Wen Xu felt a little puzzled all of a sudden, and began to search for what Fu Zeyan was, but he didn't expect that the tea produced by the eighteen tea trees he made had already become new. name.

Seeing the bewildered look on Wen Xu's face, Wen Shijie explained with a smile: "Professor Chi named the tea produced by our old tree. Since it was left by the ancestors to bless the descendants, let's just call it Fuze." Yan, the lottery is good and the meaning is good, I, the teacher director and the second brother all agreed."

"Fuzeyan, let's just Fuzeyan!" Wen Xu felt that the name was really not very good, it was not loud at all. Look at the names of Dahongpao and Longjing, and then listen to Fuzeyan. , I can't even hear it. But Wen Xu just thought about it, he himself was not in the mood to bother about naming the old tea tree.

  Shi Shangzhen saw that Wen Xu was still in a daze, and immediately said: "What are you thinking about, hurry up and boil the water, I will make tea for the guests who come to the village!"

   After yelling at Wen Xu, Shi Shangzhen held the small box in his hand and walked towards the main room, with a smile on his face as he walked.

   "Everyone, everyone, welcome to Wenjia Village. I am the village director of Wenjia Village, and Wen Xu didn't tell me that you are coming. This is a bit of a bad reception..." Director Shi was full of nonsense when he came up.

Looking at her appearance, Wen Xu thought that her coming was definitely not a simple matter of inviting people like Xu Daxin to drink tea. Moreover, it had not been a day or two since Old Man Mao adjusted the roasting process of the new tea, and Wen Xu hadn't even tasted this new tea. Shang can really bring this kind of tea to entertain guests, it must be a very small picture!

  As for Shi Shangzhen's idea, Wen Xu can guess it. It's nothing more than seeing a bunch of luxury cars at the door, and she came here to get sponsorship for her own travel plan, looking for investment.

   Figured out what Shi Shang really wanted to do, Wen Xu didn't intend to stop her, let alone hold her back, and went directly to the pot room and brought the kettle that had just been filled with hot water to the main room.

As soon as Wen Xu arrived at the main room, he saw that a row of tea cups had been laid out, and there were seven or eight tea leaves in each cup, the thin and long ones were about three or four centimeters long, lying in the white as snow porcelain cups , and then he walked to the side of the teacup, and suddenly a familiar sound of tea poured into his nose.

Taking the happy bottle from Wen Xu's hand, Shi Shangzhen opened the bottle cap to test the temperature of the spout, and began to pour water into the teacup. , Covered the cup, and poured it continuously for ten or so times, until the last cup was filled with water, Shi Shangzhen put down the kettle.

"Don't mind, everyone. This tea needs to be brewed for two minutes to achieve the best taste. Although the tea in our Wenjia Village is not well-known, many people are full of praise after tasting it. Everyone will try it later. !..."

  After boasting about the tea for two minutes, Shi Shangzhen personally placed cups of tea at the hands of the players who were playing cards. Although these guys who are playing cards are very polite, anyone with eyes can see that these guys don't want to deal too much with Shi Shangzhen, the village chief.

   "Where's my tea?" Seeing someone else holding a cup of tea, Wen Xu couldn't help but ask Shi Shangzhen with his hands empty.

  Shi Shangzhen glanced at Wen Xu from the corner of his eye: "You are from Wenjia Village, what do you drink!"

   "..." Wen Xu was so blocked by words that she didn't know what to reply.

   "Good tea, good tea!"

  At this time, Yu Yao put down the teacup in his hand, and praised repeatedly.

   "Good tea is good tea, it depends on what you mean and you are planning to write a poem or something!" Hearing what Yu Yao said, Wen Xu immediately replied dissatisfied.

  The warm words made the whole room burst into laughter immediately.

Yu Yao waited for everyone to finish laughing, and then he explained: "You said you are a rude person and you still quibble, this tea is the same as the tea you gave last time, and the good tea was ruined by you. Take a look , this is called tea!"

  Wen Xu just wanted to refute him, but Shi Shangzhen gave him a wink, and Wen Xu directly told Shi Shangzhen Yu Yao's name in a low voice.

When Yu Yao was warmly joking, he said that he was pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. He was a good writer. Read less, there are many books like Shi Jing.

  Shi Shangzhen laughed and said, "Mr. Yu is also a tea lover?"

"It's just a little hobby. This tea is indeed good tea. It is light and elegant in color. It has a light fragrance when you first drink it, but it doesn't show much. When you swallow it into your throat, the aftertaste becomes more and more mellow between your mouth and tongue. Each sip of this aroma will increase until it feels delicious on the lips and teeth!"

   Not to mention being warm, even those who were playing cards and not drinking tea at the table stopped playing cards, and began to pick up the tea cup at hand and drink carefully.

Yu Yao said as if showing off: "Look at the tea color, the tea leaves are emerald green, it doesn't look like a dead thing, just picked from the top of a tree and put directly into the cup, look at the tea leaves that were originally rolled together, After unfolding, it does not sink to the bottom or float on the surface, and each leaf is so stretched and so natural, it is really rare to stand in the water!"

While listening to Yu Yao's words, Wen Xu raised his foot to come to Yan Dong's side, reached out and snatched his teacup into his hand, took a sip of tea, then smacked his mouth a few times, feeling Yu Yao well It's a pity that he didn't even taste the fart himself. Good tea can taste the fragrance, but Wen Xu can't taste any strong aftertaste.

"Well said!" Shi Shangzhen immediately clapped his hands twice when he heard it, and then gave Yu Yao a thumbs up: "The color is clear and bright, with golden edges and green leaves, and a purple dragon swimming in the lamp. Compared with Dahongpao, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. They are equal! This is the evaluation of Mr. Fang Xibo, a famous tea taster, on Fu Zeyan in our village."

"Crack! Crack!" Hearing this, Yu Yao hurriedly clapped his palms, looked carefully at the tea in the cup and said repeatedly: "Old Mr. Fang is indeed a famous artist, and he can describe the brown color so vividly in ten or so words. I'm really not a mortal..."

   I don't know how others are, Wen Xu feels that his mind is completely messed up now, Wen Xu didn't see any color, golden edge and green leaves at all, and he didn't see any purple dragon swimming in Yuzhan! He even thought: Could it be that the tea in my hand is different from the tea in Yu Yao's hand?

  In order to make sure if he thought so, Wen Xu walked to Yu Yao's side and stretched his head to look at the tea in his cup, only to find that the tea in his cup was not the same as the one in his hand.

  Sweeping Shi Shangzhen and Yu Yao's faces with warm eyes, he said in his heart: Is it interesting to brag so much? !