MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 61 good fortune

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Walking up the hill, the whole hill is surrounded by lush greenery. Except for those near the bottom of the hill, the closer to the old grave, the more trees there are. Although they were all replanted later, there are dozens of them now. As the year comes to an end, it can be regarded as a forest full of shade, a bit of a scale.

  Walking through the woods, Wen Xu saw many old ancestral graves, and couldn't help being surprised, because Wen Xu felt that even if the old graves weren't overgrown with weeds, they were still full of grass on the top of the graves. Because the people from the family of Wenjia Village are offering sacrifices to new graves, counting six or seven generations from the living, and there are very few people from Wen Xu's generation at the old graves. When Grandpa Wen Xu was alive, that generation Most of the old people whose tradition is deeply rooted in their bones often come here when they are still alive. Nowadays, many young people in their teens probably don’t remember the old grave unless they mention it.

At first, I thought no one would come to the old grave, but I didn’t expect that the old grave was well maintained. There was grass on the more than thirty grave mounds, but they were all simply pruned, and new grass was piled on the tip of the grave mound. Even if the words on the stone tablet in front of the grave can't be read clearly, the obvious stone tablet has been wiped off.

   "Who could it be?" Looking at everything in front of her, she couldn't help talking to herself.

   Stretched his head to look around, but found no one there, so Wen Xu opened the bag, took out the sacrifices he brought, and began to place them one by one on the grave. The things Wen Xu brought were very simple, a pair of joss sticks, a few small fruits, and two glasses of wine on each grave, and then walked along the road and kowtowed them one by one. Although not necessarily all of them are his direct ancestors, but if this goes on like this, there must be one who is connected by blood and has been passed down to Wen Xu.

   "Ancestors, I am sorry to disturb you. If there is another way, the boy will not dare to disturb you! Now we can only keep our own things in the name of the ancestors..."

  At each grave, Wen Xu mumbled a little before preparing to plant her own tea tree. He took out the tea saplings from the space, looked at the direction of the grave, and began to plant it in the shape of a character with the southeast as the front.

Using the small shovel taken out of the space, Wen Xu dug a small pit nearly ten meters away from the nearest grave, took out the small tea seedlings, dipped the roots into the undiluted space water, and put them in instantly. Then fill in the soil while watching the small tea tree grow miraculously.

Six tea trees in the shape of a Chinese character were planted at each mouth. After the eighteen tea trees were planted, Wen Xu began to water according to the formula he had calculated. The chainsaw in the space cut off the main trunk, and then continued to water to let the tea tree sprout new branches. After going back and forth two or three times, the fourth time the tea branches from the main trunk once again showed the ancient appearance of coiled branches, it stopped. hand.

After several transformations, the old tea trees of the Ming Dynasty planted by the ancestors of the Wen family, created by Wenxu, appeared grandly around the old cemetery. Eighteen old tea trees now have scars on the original old tree trunks that look full of age. The old trees more than three meters high, each old tree now looks like a tree, squeezed together to form a piece.

This is entirely because Wen Xu didn't think carefully, and didn't know how to widen the distance between the tea trees, but even though it was a mistake, it was a slap in the face. Since he pretended to be an 'old tea garden', he had to look like an old tea garden. If the distance is widened, it won't be good. Beauty, it is only after hundreds of years of 'unattended' old tea **** that they can be 'real'.

  Fake successfully! At least it seemed that Wen Xu had succeeded, so the contented Wen Xu walked around the 18 tea trees and looked very satisfied.

   "Where did you come from, boy, this is the ancestral grave of our Wen family, leave quickly!"

  Wen Xu was content, and was about to pack up his things and leave when he suddenly heard an old but energetic voice from the opposite woods. This voice almost scared Wen Xu to sit on the ground. If someone saw the process of planting tea trees, Wen Xu felt that he had no choice but to silence him!

  Turning his head, Wen Xu felt relieved, and shouted to the old man who was walking towards him holding a pole: "Grandpa Ninth, I am Daxu! Wen Shixu, my grandfather is Wen Renting".

The one who yelled at Wen Xu was the Ninth Grandfather that Wen Xu met before sitting under a tree and couldn't remember. When he saw this, Wen Xu felt that he didn't need to stop talking. Even if he said it, no one would believe it. nah!

   "Ren Ting?! The eldest brother of the young master's family?" There was no response when he mentioned the old man Wen Xu, but when he mentioned the grandfather Wen Xu, Grandpa Ninth immediately put down the pole in his hand.

   But then Wen Xu got confused and didn't know what to say, the old man ran over and pulled Wen Xu and said, "Ren Ting, where did you go, Brother Ninth has never been able to find you here..."

   咱! The old man regards Wen Xu as Wen Xu's grandfather.

   "Grandpa Ninth, I am not my grandfather!" Wen Xu hurriedly explained to the old man: "I am Wen Renting's grandson, my name is Wen Xu, and also Wen Shixu!"

"Oh!" Grandpa Ninth nodded, and said just after the end, "Ren Ting, it's good if you come, I'm here to weed the ancestral grave, and I have to invite someone to put a monument on the ancestral grave after a while I have described the words on it, and Liangjin and I have been talking about this matter these days, and he always said that he has no money, or he has no time, and pushes back and forth... ".

  Listening to what the old man said, Wen Xu knew that the old man had lost his memory, and he didn't know when the old man was talking about it. Liang Jin was his eldest son, and he passed away almost ten years ago.

"Hey! Where did these trees come from!" Grandpa Jiu saw the big tea tree behind Wen Xu at a glance, looked at the tea tree with a puzzled face, walked over, stretched out his hand and touched it, with a very puzzled expression on his face. expression.

   Wen Xu said: "Grandpa Ninth, you don't remember, this was planted by the ancestors back then, saying that it was for the future generations to have good tea to drink? Have you forgotten?"

  Ninth Grandpa still frowned in surprise: "The ancestors planted it?"

   "That's right!" Wen Xu began to babble nonsense to the old man over and over again: "There are still tree marks cut by the ancestors on this tree. The old grandpa told you when he was alive...".

  Taking the old man eighteen 'old tea trees' around two or three times, Wen Xu also babbled a lot, and his saliva was almost dried up, and Grandpa Ninth remembered Wen Xu's words.

  Wen Xu pointed at the tea tree, and asked the old man, "Grandpa Ninth, what is this?"

  "Ren Ting, you forgot that it was planted by the grandfathers, you see there are traces of the grandfathers chopping down old trees to grow new branches, you kid is too ignorant...".

   Listening to the old man's rambling, Wen Nu was very satisfied. Although I don't know if the old man can remember it, it's better than doing nothing well.

   "Grandpa Ninth, it's getting late, let's go back!" Qing Xu said.

   "It's not over yet!" the old man said reluctantly.

Seeing the old man like this, Wen Xu couldn't just throw the old man here if he ran into it. Anyway, he had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he just paid the old man to dig grass and add soil to the old grave here. Anyway, there are no outsiders who are cheap , either your own ancestors or your own ancestors.

It took more than three hours, with Wen Xu, a strong young man, new soil was added to all the graves, and the sides of the graves were also simply repaired, and the grass and trees around the graves were also cleared away by Wen Xu with a military shovel Well, anyway, at first glance, it looks much better than when I first came here.

   "Is this the way it is, Grandpa Ninth?" Wen Xu leaned on the shovel in his hand and asked the old man.

The old man was sitting on his shovel, and Dongliang was sitting next to him. He stuffed an orange into his mouth while nodding and said, "Ren Ting, I didn't expect you to be so young, much better than your ninth brother and me! You Remember, get someone to paint the stele tomorrow, don’t forget! In a few decades, the gang of puppies in the village won’t even know the names of these ancestors, what will that look like…”

While talking, the old man gave Dongliang an orange slice from time to time, how could Dongliang eat this, so the old man often cursed, and then put the orange slices in his mouth. to the beard.

   "If it's okay, let's go back. When we get to the village, don't forget to tell others that the tea planted by our ancestors has sprouted." Wen Xu stepped forward, helped the old man up, and said with a smile.

"I know! Ninth brother is not old yet, let me remind you" The old man angrily shook off Wen Wen's hand, then put the orange peel in his pocket, reached out and took out the pipe from the back of his neck, filled it with a cigarette and took a puff His mouth twitched, and then he walked out with small steps.

  Wen Xu had no choice but to help Grandpa Ninth carry the shovel, and followed the old man with the pillars.

  The grandparents and grandchildren did not return to the village until the sun was about to set. When they reached the village entrance, the old man asked for the shovel and wanted to go home by himself.

   Just ran into Wen Shigui and Shi Shangzhen who came over head-on.

   "Shigui, the tea tree planted by the ancestors has sprouted." After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Wen Xu and said, "O Renting, go home!"

  Wen Shigui was taken aback by the old man, and asked Wen Xu, "What's going on?"

"I went to the old grave today to worship, and I happened to see Grandpa Ninth was there. At that time, the old man said that the old tea tree planted by the ancestors had sprouted." Wen Xu said here, wanting to pick himself out, and added a sentence: "I don't know What, Grandpa Ninth knows a lot."

   "It's okay, you go to the old grave... Ouch!"

Snapped! Wen Shigui hadn't finished speaking when Grandpa Nine got a cigarette pouch on his shoulder. The old man not only slapped him but also cursed: "You little bastard! You little bastard!"

  Wen Shigui, in his sixties, was called a **** by an old man, and at the same time was chased and knocked by a cigarette bag but couldn't fight back, so he had to hide, and had to ask for forgiveness while hiding.

   "Grandpa Ninth, I was wrong, I am ignorant!"

   After hitting Wen Shigui several times in a row, the old man's anger finally subsided.

  Shi Shangzhen listened and asked casually: "What tea tree?"

Wen Xu was waiting for her words, but her face was pretending to be very casual: "The old man said that the batch of old tea trees planted by the ancestors, I don't know whether it is true or not, and the generation of the ancestors must be in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Let's go."

   "Hundreds of years old tea tree?" Shi Shangzhen was quick-witted when he heard it: "Are you sure it's a tea tree, not that kind of wild tea tree?"

   "How can I tell the difference!" Seeing Yu Ji's hook, Wen Xu started asking questions.

Shi Shang really doesn't know, if it's just to lie to her Wen Xu, it's so hard, but Wen Shigui has been to the old grave, even if he hasn't been there for a long time, he still has an impression, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Old Tea tree? I haven’t heard of such a thing, and I’ve never seen it before!”

   After Wen Shigui finished speaking, he saw the old man waving his cigarette again, and immediately waved his hand: "I don't know much! Grandpa Ninth, I don't even understand farts, okay!"

"You unfilial children and grandchildren! You have only been to the old grave a few times." Grandpa Jiu glanced at Wen Shigui contemptuously, with one hand behind his back and the other hand holding a cigarette pouch, puffing and puffing, he raised his foot towards his home walked in the direction.

   (Shitou continues to be thick-skinned to beg for collection! Accept recommendations! Ask for everything you can ask for, Shitou kneels here to thank everyone)