MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 55 Performance

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   Raised his head and looked around, Wen Xu saw two or three townspeople standing by the side of the road, and a few passing cars also stopped, and looked towards him one after another.

  Wen Xu can also understand why these people are so curious. If he saw two men hugging a young man with his legs on the road, he would stop and see what was going on.

   "Get up, get up, there are so many people outside." Wen Xu hurriedly said to the two who were hugging her legs.

  The strong man wiped his face: "If you agree, we will get up, if you don't agree, we will just kneel like this!"

   "Yes, yes!" The thin man nodded again and again.

  The strong and the thin looked at each other and nodded secretly.

  Now the two want to believe that Wen Xu is the kind of expert who hides in the city, that is, the so-called real master. If it is about this master, the two of them have paid a few visits with the former boss.

   Good guy! That's a prestige, the master walks in front of the crowd, and the guests are either celebrities or officials. The so-called black and white can take both, and I have seen the master perform kung fu on the spot. Slowly the water turns red.

Pointing at the water to turn red, and being able to change the car around are not on the same level at all in the eyes of the two of them, and this person doesn't have a younger brother at the moment, so if the two of them cast their votes now, it is obvious that they are the first disciple of Kaishan and the second brother. Disciple, when the master becomes famous in the future, what about the blessings that the two of us will enjoy as the first younger brothers to serve?

Wen Xu didn't know that the two men were thinking about such a thing now, seeing that the two of them couldn't get up, and there were more and more people watching on the road, so she opened her mouth and said, "Well, let's talk in the yard, okay?" ? Do you see so many people outside?"

  The strong man turned his head and looked at the people on the national road. There were indeed many people. The old man blushed, nodded and said, "That's okay."

   Just like that, the two of them were still unwilling to let go of Wen Nu's legs, and walked into the yard together with Wen Nu, hunched over awkwardly.

   "Zhuo Yiqing, Zhuo Yiqing! Why are you in a daze, quickly close the door, it looks like a circus, it's so beautiful!"

  As soon as she entered the door, Wen Xu signaled Zhuo Yiqing to close the door, but she winked and snapped her fingers twice, but Zhuo Yiqing didn't see her, so she called her name.

  Zhuo Yiqing came back to her senses, jumped on the spot, stretched out her hand and stroked her arm a few times, as if there were some bugs on her body: "Oh!"

   "I'm talking to you." Wen Xu said again: "Close the door, close the door!"

"Why are you yelling, you think you're handsome, you're crazy because of your ugliness!" Zhuo Yiqing immediately looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, jumping around and pointing angrily at Wen Nu with her fingers Yelled up.

  Wen Xu felt a little overwhelmed by the little girl's fuss, and said to himself, "What am I shouting about?"

"You just yelled! I'm leaving! You bastard, you bastard!" Zhuo Yiqing ran into the car without closing the door after finishing speaking, drove her luxury car out of the door, turned the corner The national highway disappeared after a while, running like a frightened rabbit.

  Wen Xu scratched his head wonderingly and said, "Is it because Saturn is retrograde today, which has burned everyone's brains, and there are not many normal ones early in the morning!"

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the two people who were squatting at his feet and continued to hug his trousers, and said, "I said, let's talk about something, okay, don't do it?"

   "Are you going to accept us? Master, boss!"

   "Let me tell you, I'm not a master, nor the boss of the society, I'm just a vegetable seller, it's as simple as that, I don't have any status!" Wen Xu said.

  The two men, the strong and the thin, immediately nodded and hummed a few times: "Yes, yes! You are not a master, we are talking nonsense, we know that you don't want people to know your magical powers...".

The two guys immediately shouted like a tide, Wen Xu rolled his eyes when he heard it, but after rolling his eyes, Wen Xu finally understood, he didn't frighten the two of them last time, instead they I regard myself as the upper qigong master of the society, the kind of charlatan who cheats and cheats freely.

"Let me tell you that I'm really not the kind of person you think." Wen Xin's expression was unprecedentedly sincere: "The two of you should go back and earn a living honestly, live a good life, thinking about getting rich overnight That's not right!"

   "We know you are not!"

   "Yeah, yeah, you sure aren't, none of us would tell"

  Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Wen Nu couldn't help but let out another long sigh. He clearly didn't believe that the expressions on the faces of these two people were affectionate.

   At this time, Xu Jingrong had already taken a shower and changed into dry clothes. She walked downstairs and said as she walked, "Wen Xu, I'm done washing, go and wash!"

I just came down from the stairwell, and I was stunned when I saw the scene in front of me. I was completely confused by the scene I saw, but fortunately, I have been forced to pay for the past two months. What kind of thing? It can be considered to have experienced it, and it can be considered to have seen all kinds of people. The mental endurance is much better than that of Zhuo Yiqing or even Wen Xu.

   "What's going on here? These two are your friends?" Xu Jingrong looked at Wen Xu and asked.

  Wen Xu didn't know what to say for a while, this matter was not to be discussed in one sentence or two, and it also involved the privacy of the space. When Xu Jingrong asked, Wen Xu really didn't know what to say.

   "This is our big brother!"

   "Oh, I'm Wen Xu's friend!" Xu Jingrong introduced herself after listening.

The thin man looked over and saw that the elder brother's friend was a woman, and she was as beautiful as the other. The one just now was youthful and beautiful, full of vitality, and looked like a little pepper. This one was beautiful, like It looks like a ripe peach, with a plump and round mature woman's breath. It can be said that the ring is fat, the swallows are thin, and each has its own merits.

   Besides, this guy just finished taking a shower, and just now he said to let the eldest brother take a shower, so what kind of friend is it? As for the status of the younger girl just now? What a good idea! Isn't it strange that a man of some status has two or three women? My former boss only had four or five of them, and the number of dewy marriages is too many to count. This master only has two women, drizzle!

   "Hi, sister-in-law!" the thin man said with a smile.

   "What are you talking about, this is my friend, he is married, how old are the children?" Wen Xu said immediately.

  Xu Jingrong said: "We are really just friends!"

   "Oh, I'm sorry!" The skinny man immediately apologized, but this apology was only on the lips, and it was completely true in his heart!

  In his opinion, so what about getting married? What can that piece of paper prove now? !

  Wen Xu couldn't hear what was going on in the skinny man's mind, if he knew, he would have picked him up angrily, kicked him over the wall, and kicked him out!

  The rest of the time is how Wen Xu can explain to the two that he is not the kind of person they think, but the effect of the explanation is not obvious, and the two still want to worship Wen Xu's disciples as younger brothers.

  Xu Jingrong said: "Wen Xu, it's getting late, and the time agreed with the slaughterhouse is almost here!"

  Hearing Xu Jingrong's mention, Wen Xu remembered that the time he had agreed with the people in the slaughterhouse was approaching, so he said, "Let's talk about this later. Now I want to drive all the pigs in the yard into the car!"

   "It's okay, it's okay, you sit with this one, we can do this job" Hearing what Wen Xu said, the two immediately jumped up from the ground, and ran towards the pig pen in the yard before Wen Xu could speak.

  While running back, he asked, "Did you catch up with your truck?"

   "Yeah!" Wen Xu stopped moving after humming, and watched the two work with his hands folded.

   Seeing Xu Jingrong wanting to help, she immediately stopped her with her hand: "Let them do it!"

  Someone came to work for nothing, so there is no way to push it out. Besides, these two guys have upset me for so long, so it is right to let them do some work.

Originally, Wen Xu thought that these two **** in the society would not know how to do any work, but who knew that these two people did it very quickly, and they knew that they had done some work at a glance, otherwise they would not know the **** of Xiangka without being taught How to let go, and although the movements of the two driving the pigs are a bit clumsy, they are better than the young people in the city, even in the severe winter, they are not as good as them at the beginning.

   Seeing this phenomenon made Wen Xu think about it.

   "What are you thinking about?" Xu Jingrong, who was standing next to Wen Xu, had been observing Wen Xu, and asked immediately when he saw that he was distracted.

  Pointing at the busy two with a warm smile, he said in a low voice: "Look at these two, their work is much easier than that of ordinary city-bred children. Could it be that those who are mixed up in society can endure hardships better than urban youths?"

Wen Xu was confused by movies and TV, thinking that gangsters just collect protection fees, watch nightclub venues, did not know that gangsters also run companies, and the former bosses of strong and thin men, part of their business is smuggling, from cigarettes to electronic appliances There are also cars, and transporting things is naturally the job of these younger brothers, so we can't let the boss carry sandbags.

  In about twenty minutes, the two drove all the pigs in the large pen in the yard into the car, and then pulled down the ramp and closed the car door.

   "Brother, it's done!" The strong man said to Wen Xu with a loud voice.

  After hearing this, Wen Xu said to Xu Jingrong: "Get in the car!".

   After speaking, he said to the two people who had been busy for a while: "You two wait for the car to go out and close the door, lock it, and then go back wherever you came from! Don't waste time with me!"

   "How can I waste time!" The strong man said quickly.

  Wen Xu is not in the mood to listen to Ben now. After getting into the car, he slammed the door and started the car, driving the van out of the courtyard.

In other words, these two people are also used to being subordinates, and their minds are also clever. When they saw Wen Nu's small room stuck out of the small courtyard, they immediately closed the door with Xiao Pao, locked it, and opened the door with their old logo. After the warm greeting card, they came together towards the slaughterhouse.

  When they arrived at the slaughterhouse, the two of them were also acquainted with each other. They quickly helped unloading trucks and weighing things, and they were so busy that they didn't treat themselves as outsiders at all. Seeing the behavior of the two of them, there was only a wry smile on Wen Xu's face.