MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 44 good days are about to begin

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  Backing to the side of the van, Wen Xu opened the door, took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag in the car, tore it open, and put each pack into the hands of a group of nephews and grandnephews.

   "Old man, you are still so proud, you are Ruan Zhonghua as soon as you make a move." Wen Guanghong immediately raised his eyebrows when he saw Ruan Zhonghua, he quickly tore open the package, took one out, put it in his mouth, and sucked it beautifully.

  Wen smiled and said: "I want to say that smoking is harmful to health, but you probably don't take it seriously. Do you have anything to do later? If there is nothing to do, come back with me and help me drive this cart of pigs back to the village!"

   I heard that the gang of boys rushed to fight, and heard Wen Xu say that the gang of pigs immediately had more things to do.

   "Uncle, I have to go to self-study at night"

   "Uncle, I suddenly have a stomachache"

  In short, as soon as Wen Xu finished speaking, a bunch of kids started looking for all kinds of weird reasons.

   What Wen Xu couldn't understand the most was that some of these guys shamelessly told the reason for going to self-study! It really made Wen Xu a little bit dumbfounded, so I guess he would be more at ease if he didn't go to the teacher, but he would feel worried and disturb other students' study if he went to the teacher.

  Wen Xu didn't say much, pretended to get in the car and then sighed: "Then I just need to ask Guangshou and the others for help. The three hundred rewards per person can only make them earn, and I don't know if they have time...".

"Uncle! You just want to drive the pigs back to the village, so don't bother Uncle Shou and the others. There are old and young and some of them will help you drive the pigs to the village. It will be midnight when you come back." When they said that they would pay each person three hundred yuan, Wen Yuansheng immediately stopped Wen Xu and said with a charming smile, without saying anything about going to study by himself in the evening.

  Wen Guanghong also laughed along with him: "Uncle, Yuan Sheng is right, we happen to be free here, and besides, we are going to go home to see our parents"

   "Yes, yes! Uncle, if you are looking for someone to drive pigs, you can come to us. I will help you with evening self-study and playing games."

  In an instant, I heard that there were three hundred yuan to be earned. A group of boys went to school from time to time without mentioning playing games, and all of a sudden they became dutiful sons.

The three hundred yuan per person is not just for driving the pigs, and it doesn't take three hundred yuan to drive the pigs back and forth. A total of three hundred yuan can hire people to go back and forth from Liyuwan to the village several times, because just now these children should be paid in their early years A little reward.

   "Okay, let's all get in the car!" Wen Xu said: "If you squeeze in the front, you can only squeeze two more people. You decide who will sit, and the rest will have to squeeze with the pigs in the back."

Wen Xu's car is a small car with only two seats in the front, but because it is now a rural road and there is no traffic police checking, so one more person can be stuffed in, but Wen Xu is not so good at stuffing all these children into the driver's cab. Ability, those who can do this will probably have to be placed in Brother Ah San's hometown.

   In less than a minute, the group of children decides who will sit in the cab and who will huddle with the pigs in the back. Of course, the one who sits in the cab marks that these two children are the king of the group. As Wen Xu expected, the king of children among this group of children is Guanghong and Guangcheng.

  Started the car, Wen Xu chatted with the two children while driving the car: "You guys just hang around in the town with nothing to do?"

"We wanted to go out to work, but our parents didn't take us there, they insisted that we finish high school, or learn some skills in a technical school. I can't figure it out. You can learn it in a technical school but you can't learn it in a factory. You need to pay money to learn in technical school, but you don’t need to pay to learn in the field, and you can get paid for it!” Wen Guanghong scolded his parents behind his back confidently.

Wen Xu listened to Wen Guanghong finished talking and said with a smile: "Do you think the boss in the factory is a fool, who has nothing to do to teach you skills and pay you? Let me tell you that entering the factory is not as good as you imagined. On the big assembly line, you You don’t even have time to go to the bathroom, and you have to report to the foreman every time you get up, and then you have to solve it within a few minutes…”

Wen Xu has never stayed in a factory, but she has been to a factory. It is still a typical electronic foundry factory. The workers in it are not so much workers as humanoid machines. They repeat mechanical labor all day long, and it takes about ten hours to do it. , Seeing that the income of several thousand yuan is still okay, but it is in exchange for health.

  It is not a new thing to exchange life for money. It is happening all over the country. From time to time, you can also see news reports and news of workers committing suicide.

   Bosses and companies like this would go bankrupt long ago in developed countries, but who cares if they are in China? A group of officials and gentlemen only look at how much the economy has grown each year under the rule, and a few care about the mental health of these bottom-level assembly line workers.

  What if someone jumped off the building? It's nothing more than setting up a few cheap nets upstairs to stop people. As for the future, the shift will increase and continue to work for more than ten hours a day. This kind of unconscionable approach is to show the emotion of "crying out", claiming that the good boss gave him a bowl of food.

   Waiting for the painting style to change, when it came to the entertainment board, these bosses appeared in newspapers and magazines with supermodels and ladies in their arms, brazenly swaying their money. Sometimes the world is so crap!

   "Is it as scary as you said!" Wen Guanghong and the two couldn't help but shudder when they heard what Wen Xu said.

   "This thing is boiling frogs in warm water. You can do it for a day or even a year or two without any problems, but if you have been doing this kind of labor for five or ten years, you will always have some mental problems."

Wen Xu said with a little emotion: "When I went to work, I would rather have less money and get off work on time, so that I would have time to arrange my life. Life and life are not only about a new word, but also about a job, You have to be in a good mood when you are alive, and you have time to make a cup of tea to pass the time, just talking about life is a way of life for animals and not for people!"

Wen Xu could understand the feelings of their parents, and continued to speak to the two of them: "Your parents must have suffered from lack of education and skills, so they let you learn skills before going out. Being able to live the kind of life I just mentioned is a machine on the assembly line that no one cares about except for your parents, so they want you to learn technology, mainly to learn how to make a living. I think you are more Learn how to take care of yourself."

   While talking, several heads sitting in the back compartment stretched out from the rear vent window, listening to Wen Xu's words.

I don't know if these half-children listened to it, anyway, Wen Xu suddenly had a feeling: everyone can't manage it by themselves, it's beyond the scope of his ability, but these children, he must not let them Working as cows and horses for others, and living as minions of black-hearted capitalists. Wen Xu understands that these hateful **** are enslaving these low-educated assembly line workers not only physically, but also mentally.

   "Then let's learn the technology well." Wen Guanghong was stunned, and opened his mouth and said, "However, I guess I can't stand this anger. If I get angry, I'll just **** my mother!"


Wen Xu chuckled: "Who are you going to do? Can you meet the boss? Before you saw the boss, the security guards in the factory beat you like a dog. Do you think you are so young? They have a way Treat you, even if you put it on some ground, even if you go to court, that's all!"

Wen Xu also understands that even if he said it with tears, these children will forget it all when they turn around. Only when they come into contact with such a life, will they regret that they didn't study hard in school. This is the truth that those who work hard rule over others.

   "Uncle! You quit your job as a good pearl, why did you come back to do greenhouse planting?" Wen Guanghong asked curiously.

   smiled warmly: "What's the matter, you don't have confidence in my greenhouse?"

Wen Xu knew that the bigger the stalls on his side, the more weird words there would be in the village. These people didn't have bad intentions, they just thought that many people were engaged in this kind of thing, and everyone had seen the output of these greenhouses, so they all The people in the department did some calculations in their minds, thinking that Wen Xu would have to be busy for ten years just to pay back the capital, so more than half of the people in the village were not optimistic about Wen Xu's sunny greenhouse.

Of course, Wen Xu didn't give any explanation here. Wen Xu understands that for these old farmers, even if you make the sky clear now, they won't believe you unless you really make money, Hong The big dangling bills were slapped on the table, and the money they made was more effective than 10,000 kinds of excuses for them.

"No, I just think your stall is quite big, and you raise sheep, pigs, chickens, geese, etc. I heard from my father that you have invested more than two million in total now," Wen Guangcheng said. .

When they heard more than two million yuan, all the half-children took a deep breath. For the boys who are rushing to earn three hundred yuan, more than two million yuan is a lot of money. To the point of not knowing how to spend it!

"Almost!" Naturally, it is impossible for Wen Xu to invest more than two million yuan. Now the main money is spent on the warm-light greenhouse. As for fish, sheep, etc., they are all saved from the space, and they don't spend a single one. Zier, but these things are a waste of money in the eyes of outsiders.


Hearing Wen Xu's confession, the group of half-grown children immediately took a deep breath. Everyone knew what was going on with this little clan uncle and clan master's family. Junior and middle-aged elders are like their idols.

   "Uncle, you take us to hang out!" Wen Guanghong said immediately.

   "Yes, yes, uncle, just take us along!"

  Wen Xu said with a smile after hearing this: "Take you with me? Do you think that someone who runs the rivers and lakes is still taking you with me! I'm hiring people to pick vegetables and see the big tent, are you willing?"

  Hearing what Wen Xu said, the kids started scratching their heads. Children of this age don't even go to their own vegetable garden, let alone picking vegetables for others!

"My mother said, your job is unstable, and you may not be able to do it for a long time." Wen Yuanbin's voice came from behind, and he immediately explained: "Uncle, I am optimistic about your strength, but I Mother thinks..."

   "Okay, I got it!" Wen Xu thought for a while and suddenly felt that he really has a job suitable for these children. Even if it hasn't appeared yet, there will be such a demand as the scale expands in the future.

  Thinking of this, he suddenly asked, "Do you have a driver's license?"

  Suddenly heard Wen Xu ask this question, a group of guys scratched their heads: "We don't have a car, why do we need a driver's license?"

   "Go and learn one!" Wen Xu said here, thought for a while and then said: "I see if there is a way to help you find a job like driving and delivering goods"

  Hearing that he was going to learn to drive, a group of boys immediately became happy. There are not many boys who don’t like cars. A few guys seemed to be charged, and started to ask questions.

   Just chatting like this, Wen Xu drove the truck to Liyu Bay, drove the pigs off, and then a group of half-grown children held a tree branch laughingly and drove the pigs along the mountain road to the village. Wen Xu, on the other hand, was riding a small motorcycle, following behind these half-grown children with a happy face.

  After these pigs are in place, Wen Xu's cover-up plan can be said to have begun to take shape, and there is no need to pretend to 'buy goods' in the middle of the night in the future.

  For Wen Xu, the truly good days have already waved to him!