MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 29 watermelon out

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Everyone saw the melons that Wen Xu had peeled out, they were quite aesthetically pleasing, each of them stretched out the small silver forks in their hands, forked a small and thin petal about three centimeters thick, and put them in their mouths. After eating a few bites, they couldn't help but He sped up the speed, and after finishing eating quickly, he stretched out his silver fork to fork the second piece. In the end, everyone simply put down the cups in their hands and began to concentrate on dealing with the two watermelons on the table.

   Xu Daxin not only ate it by himself, but also took a few pieces and gave it to the waiter next to him, and let them taste it.

"Very good! I don't really deny that your watermelon is better than mine. Both the sugar content and the taste of the melon soil have reached a delicate balance!" Xixi boy praised Wen Nu with a thumbs up Said.

Wen Xu was afflicted by this bastard. I didn't expect this person's Chinese to be so good. If you listen to him with your eyes covered, you can't tell that this is a foreigner, and what he speaks is standard. Putonghua, the accent is purer than that of Xu Daxin and many others. Wen Xu feels that if she practices a little more, she can become the host of Chao Ting TV.

   "Your Chinese is really good!" People praised their melons, but Wen Xu simply praised his English.

   "My name is Aonzo, from Florence, Italy. You can call me Aang like them. I opened a Chinese restaurant on Sifang Road," Aonzo said.

  Hearing that the restaurant this guy opened was a Chinese restaurant, Wen Xu was a little confused. Foreigners always open Western restaurants when they go to China, so this guy opened a Chinese restaurant? What the **** are you trying to make trouble with?

  Zhuo Yiqing interjected at this time: "Aangzuo's restaurant is called Bi Huansha!"

Hearing the name, Wen Xu couldn't help but lean in, because this Bi Huansha is not only famous but also quite famous. On the anniversary of their love last year, Guan Siya wanted to go to this restaurant. When Wen Xu called, he couldn't make a reservation. The restaurant couldn't make a reservation a week in advance, and a meal for two would cost more than a thousand dollars. Even in Mingzhu, there are not many restaurants. It is said that Bi Huansha's Although the place is quite big, the whole floor of the building is ordered, but there are not many seats, less than 200 seats, and each table guarantees relative privacy. Might not even meet once.

  Looking at Aangzuo, he said warmly: This foreign devil is not simple, he can make such a big name out of Chinese food!

  Wen Xu was looking at the foreign devil Aonzo, but he didn't see anyone staring at the watermelon knife in his hand.

  Yu Yao pushed the glasses on his nose, and asked Wen Xu: "Can I see the watermelon knife in your hand?"

  Wen Xu held the blade in his hand after hearing this, and handed the special handle to Yu Yao.

Yu Yao took the watermelon knife, looked at it over and over again, the expression on his face was very exciting, after looking at it for a while, he asked Wen Xu: "Friend, where is your Uzi knife?" Got it?"

   "Uzi knife?" Wen Xu was a little confused, and began to search for what it was?

  Seeing Wen Xu's confused face, Yu Yao changed his phrase again: "Damascus short knife!"

  As soon as Damascus was mentioned, Wen Xu immediately felt thunderous, so he opened his mouth and said: "One of my elders gave it to me before he died, and didn't tell me about Damascus. Are you sure it is a Damascus dagger?"

Hearing what Wen Xu said, Yu Yao took out a handkerchief from his pocket, threw it into the air, and then slashed the handkerchief falling in the air with a short knife, and then saw that the original piece of handkerchief fell silently. His handkerchief had split into two.

   "Wow!" The people around exclaimed almost at the same time.

Yu Yao said: "And there is a name on this short knife of yours. This kind of knife cannot be used by ordinary people, it must be owned by high-ranking Persian nobles or kings. Even in that era, this kind of knife was the top craftsman. It can also be made, but I don't know Persian, so I don't know what is written on the handle of your knife. If it is a person's name, and the number can be correct in history, your short knife is worth more. If it is not well-known or not famous, the value of this knife will be less, but depending on the sharpness, no matter how you look at it, it will cost 200,000 yuan, and it is enough for you to peel watermelons."

   Originally heard that it was a Damascus knife, Wen Xu was a little excited, but when he heard that only 200,000 were going up, the joy in his heart was like pouring a basin of cold water, and all of a sudden there was no flame.

"There is no delay in cutting watermelons for 200,000 yuan," Wen Xu said. When he heard Damascus, Wen Xu felt that the mines for this thing had been mined, and the forging method had been lost. No matter how you say it, it must be a million-level. It's about 200,000 yuan after a long time of trouble, which is too disappointing for myself.

"The price is getting higher and higher, especially for a top-level Wuci steel dagger like yours. Although the price seems very low now, if you meet the right person, you may not be able to sell it for hundreds of thousands, or even millions. , if you want to sell, I'll find you a buyer, nothing else is guaranteed, half a million!" Yu Yao stretched out a slap and shook Wen Xu.

When Wen Xu heard about the 500,000 yuan, he lost all interest. Now that the renminbi has fallen so badly, if he got 500,000 yuan, he would probably spend 600,000 yuan to buy this thing after a while. Why is this thing so expensive? It is considered a valuable antique, and it really holds much more value than banknotes in your hands!

   "How about this, you sell me, I'll exchange the Q5 outside the door with you, the brand new Q5 has been bought for less than a week, and only ran 800 kilometers" Yu Yao said.

  Wen Xu shook his head and said: "Forget it, I have to keep this thing, it's better to keep it as a gift from the elders!"

   "By the way, where do you grow these melons?" The one who started bragging about European melons saw that Yu Yao's business with short knives could no longer be discussed, and reluctantly returned the knives to Wen Wen's hands, so he interjected.

   "What?" Wen Xu asked.

   "Can your melon be tested? Can the content of various heavy metals meet the standards? I'm talking about strict standards, not the kind that fool people." The man looked at Wen Nu and asked.

  Wen Xu said confidently: "Let's put it this way, if my melons can't meet the standard, there is probably no melon grown on this earth that can meet the standard!"

Wen Xu knew that the last owner of her space was from the Ming Dynasty. At that time, if there was such a fertilizer or a booster, there would be no such thing as the Qing Dynasty. Let alone the Qing Dynasty, there would be no Europeans. The products that come out are absolutely pure natural and pollution-free products.

   "Then can I take it for testing?"

   After hearing this, Wen Xu asked back: "I said you have nothing to do to test it, what are you doing?"

   "If you are qualified, I will buy watermelon from you!" The man asked in surprise, "Aren't you selling watermelon?"

  Wen Xu had no choice but to nod and said, "Yes, but this melon is not selling well, mainly because the price is high!"

  Hearing the high price, this person frowned slightly: "How much is the price? Wouldn't it be calculated in dollars?"

"It doesn't matter the dollar, let's talk about it, one hundred!" Wen Xu immediately gave the price of one hundred. In his opinion, one hundred watermelons the size of a basketball are indeed expensive. This is an off-season in the market. Watermelons The price of the melon is also high, a catty of good melons is nine yuan, and my melons are more than twice as expensive as those on the market. Five or six catties of watermelon is called such a price because Wen Xu doesn't really want to sell it to this person right now, especially the kid in front of him.

Who knew that when this guy heard that one hundred yuan a piece, he immediately became happy: "Okay, one hundred yuan, but leave one for me when you leave later, don't put it here, just put it at the door From the gatekeeper, if the test passes, I will ask you for 120 watermelons every day!"

Wen Xu didn't expect that one hundred and one watermelon would be considered cheap by some people, and then she thought about it, what kind of husband's, Fiji mineral water is used for cooking, and the small bottle is only a few dollars, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is The price is unaffordable, but the money is nothing to some people!

"There is no problem with the test, but I have a requirement for the delivery here, that is, today's goods are settled immediately, and you can't delay! If you delay once, the price will increase by ten yuan each, and it will continue to rise like this until you don't want it." Wen Wen said .

Hearing what Wen Xu said, this guy suddenly felt a little confused about what to say: "How can you do business like this? Monthly settlement is normal, who has heard of daily settlement? There is no difference in picking up the goods, you know?"

Wen Xu said: "It seems a bit strange for me to do this, but to be honest, few people who do business now know the word "credibility". Yes, in fact, no one takes it seriously. I’m afraid of getting bills. If you think it’s inappropriate, let’s forget about this business. If you want to eat melons, I’ll send you a few. Business, you have to do it according to my method! We are villains first and then gentlemen, otherwise I would rather not do it!"

This person was told by Wen Xu that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and he laughed dryly for a while before saying: "Well, you'd better keep a melon, according to European food standards, especially heavy metals, If you can pass it, I will ask you to make an appointment, one hundred and twenty per day, according to your requirements, if not, let's pretend that this has never happened!"

   "Success!" Wen Xu was not interested in entanglement with him, so he nodded directly.

   After saying this, Wen Xu realized that he had nothing to say with these rich second generations, so he smiled at everyone: "Then you are busy, I will take my leave first!"

   After speaking, he smiled at Xu Daxin, walked back and forth, and disappeared into the arch at the corner in a short while.

   "This person is really amazing, and now there are a few people who take money to pick up the goods when doing business!"

"Look at him, he still seems to be fearless. If he wants something, he will pay for it. If he doesn't want it, I won't ask you for it. Now that he sells vegetables like this, the world has changed?" Yu Yao looked at Wen Nu who disappeared. Arch looked at it and said with a smile.

  Xu Daxin said: "How about it, do you think this person is interesting? This vegetable seller is not an ordinary vegetable seller. He is willing to give up the 200,000 yuan. This person is considered interesting."

"It's really interesting. It's different from ordinary people. After all, this melon is really delicious. After eating this melon, the other things in the cup are not interesting. You know, I don't like eating watermelon. , I ate about five slices today," said one.

   "Tomorrow I'll take the melon for a test. If it's as good as he said, pure natural and pollution-free, then I'll ask him to order it"

Zhuo Yiqing said: "Han Tao, why did you let him earn this money, you see how annoying he is!" After speaking, he reached out and couldn't help touching another piece of watermelon, and put it to his mouth: "People are ugly. It’s a little hotter, but the watermelon is really good!”

Zhuo Yiqing's actions amused the people around him. After chatting for a few words, everyone turned their attention to this project again. You began to draw on the manuscript paper with your own brush, drawing while drawing discuss.

When this group of Fu Er was discussing Wen Xu, Wen Xu was also thinking about this group of Fu Er. Wen Xu felt that these Fu Er were different from the usual rich Er. Raising all kinds of people, there are quite a few people from poor backgrounds who commit murder and arson, and it is not new that some promising people come out of the rich second generation. Wen Nuan is not very good at putting one category of people into one mold.

   But I have to slander: You guys, every one of you drives a Ferrari or a Porsche, so you can't do what rich people are supposed to do? The little girl who has nothing to do with Bubble, was caught by the protagonist as described in the book and slapped her face. She has a good time, and she has nothing to do with design. Besides, looking at the design draft drawn by you, it looks really good. .

  It’s all for me to be rich, but you guys are still making progress on your own. Isn’t this driving the poor out of their way?

  Thinking about it this way, I met a group of motivated rich second-generation people, which really made Wen Xu at a loss for what to say for a while!