MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 20 don't take advantage

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Before the sun came out in the morning, Wen Xu had already woken up, pushed open the door, and suddenly a gust of fresh air rushed in, the weather in the mountains was colder than outside, suddenly the cold air penetrated into the lungs, Wen Xu couldn't help shivering, and when the whole respiratory system got used to it, he felt refreshed all over his body.

The cool and pure air made Wen Wen, who had been inhaling the smog, feel that the air inhaled into his body was lighter than before, with a little moisture, mixed with a little earthy fragrance, and a faint smell of grass and trees, all of a sudden conquered It hurt the whole heart and lungs of the person, and made people take a few breaths involuntarily.

While taking a deep breath, Wen Xu walked around the yard doing chest stretching exercises. At some point, two or three magpies stood on the dead branches of the jujube tree and chirped non-stop. The clear birdsong accompanied the blue and pure sky in the morning. There is also the faintly glimmering morning sun in the east, which makes people feel better.

It was only at this time that Wen Xu could see the old yard of his home clearly. The wall was already a little dilapidated, and a piece of the original barn on the left had collapsed. The remaining wall was less than one meter away, and it could be easily climbed by one person. Come here, as for the barn, I can't lift it anymore, there is not much left of the grass tent above it, only a few frames of dead wood left. The only shelf is starting to rot because of years of disrepair

Looking back at my old house, a lot of wormwood had grown on the roof, as if the roof had been planted with wheat, and some tiles seemed to be broken. In rainy days, it may mean that there is heavy rain outside and small rain inside.

  Looking at Wen Xu, he felt that the old house at home must be repaired. If it is not repaired, it will really be uninhabitable.

   "Shixu, Shixu!"

  Just as Wen Xu was thinking about his old house, Wen Xu heard someone calling him at the door, so he immediately went to the gate and pulled the latch.

Standing at the door was an old man in his early fifties, wearing a military overcoat, a blue suit inside, a checked sweater inside the suit, and a light gray suit on his lower body. The old man held a cigarette **** in his hand, and the **** holding the cigarette had been smoked dark yellow from years of smoking fish.

  As soon as he saw the person at the door, Wen Xu immediately recognized him, and while letting the old man in, he said, "Second brother, you came here so early, and I said I'll go to your house later."

   "You brat, why don't you be yours? Didn't you always call out the long and the short?".

The old man who came was named Wen Shigui, and he is now the director of Wenjia Village, and he also served as the party secretary. In fact, when Wen Xu left the village, Wen Shigui was the director of the branch village. Everyone is from the same family, there is no outsider, and he is the most prestigious person alive in Shizi's generation, so he has been chosen for more than 20 years.

Wen Shigui looked at Wen Xu and said: "I said you Shixu, what do you want me to say about you? I didn't believe the news from the village. Your household registration has been moved to Mingzhu for so many years. How come you were beaten back?" Now, who knew that it was true after I saw it this way, I said, didn’t you commit some crimes at Mingzhu’s place, and asked them to return their household registration to their original place?”

   "I'm tired of staying at Mingzhu. Why do you say the same thing when others say that? I'm planning to return to my roots. Isn't that a good thing?" Wen Xu said jokingly with a smile on his face.

Wen Shigui glanced at the cigarette **** between his fingers, took a sip, and threw it on the ground, then said to Wen Xu: "If you get old and go back to your hometown, you will naturally have your share here, and anyone who doesn't let you hang out is a bastard." But you guys need to know that it is Mingzhu Hukou, you can’t get it even if your eyes are green, not to mention that there is a child in Mingzhu who can go to college. No undergraduates."

   "You are an old Huangli. In the future, the countryside may not be worse than the city. Besides, what is there in the city now? Even the air you breathe is mixed." Wen Wen smiled.

Wen Shigui heard Wen Xu say this, so he sighed a long sigh: "If the old man knows, he might be so sad. If you are well, Mingzhu people don't do it, and run back to this corner. You said that if you came back, what would you do if you got out of the exam? , Isn’t that a waste of time, you are the first college student in our Wenjia Village, and you are also the only one so far. Who in the four townships and eight villages don’t give a thumbs up when they mention you, the county champion, the city’s Tanhua, how about you? I ran to Mingzhu, wandered around and came back, what do you call this!"

Old Wen Xu blushed when the number one scholar Tanhua said something. This has been happening for more than ten years. Opened the topic: "Then I am settled?"

   "What can I do if I don't settle down! If Mingzhu doesn't want you, how can I not want you? If I don't want you, one day I won't have the face to see my uncle and the others." Wen Shigui sighed again.

   "The land that was planted when my grandfather was alive is no longer there. Is there anyone else to plant it?" Wen Xu had no choice but to change the subject and change the subject.

In the past, when the old man of the Wen family was alive, he planted more than ten acres of land on the southeast hillside. The old man was too old to cultivate intensively. The old man also planted daily vegetables in the front and back of the house. This is generally the case here in the countryside. No one has nothing to do to run a few miles to sell green peppers or something. Even if they go to the market, they buy meat, melons and fruits Yes, or it’s just for fun, if you pick bundles of vegetables to sell in the rural fairs, you’ll probably have to pick them back intact after a day of squatting.

Wen Shigui said: "Who still farms now? For example, there are still people renting the land outside. Our family in Huluwa is not even interested in renting. The transportation is inconvenient. Although there is no need to pay for farming now, but There is still no one to plant, most of the land in the village is deserted, and all the young people have gone out to work. After two or three months of work, it is better than one year of farming. Who else will plant any land? There are also big farms outside the mountains.”

The Huluwa mentioned by Wen Shigui refers to the landform where Wenjia Village is located. Wenjia Village is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by mountains, which presents a rough gourd shape when viewed from the air. Being able to reach the county seat is half as close as it is now.

However, because these mountains produce blue stones, at the beginning of the opening, the boss’s company came to mine these stones, and almost half of the entire mountain was mined from the middle. Later, because of environmental problems, quarrying was not allowed, and the company withdrew. , a cliff was formed, and half of the mountain top to the north was directly cut off, and the road was naturally blocked.

  So now Wenjia Village has become a road in Huashan, and the only way to get in and out is from Liyu Bay. If you want to go in from other places, you have to be an old hunter, and you can't get out even after ten days and a half months.

   "Then I will continue planting!" Wen Xu said.

   "Do you want to farm?" Wen Shigui looked at Wen Xu with doubts on his face.

   Wen Xu smiled and said: "Second brother, can I not farm the land?"

"Don't be joking, you brat. I want to scare your second brother, right? You were still farming. At that time, you were asked to go to the corn field to beat leaves. You just hid in the grass ditch and slept for a long time. If your uncle didn't call you After eating, I guess you can sleep all night," Wen Shigui said with a smile.

Wen Xu said: "Second brother, it's all old. I have something to tell you here, and I want to ask you for a favor. I still have something to do with Mingzhu. I really can only count on you for this matter." .At most, I can come back from time to time to take a look here, but I still need you to help me keep an eye on the big head."

   "What's the matter?" Wen Shigui asked.

  Wen Xu stretched out his hand and took Wen Shigui's arm: "Come on, let's go inside and talk."

  Wen Xu welcomed the second brother into the room, and directly carried two benches. The two old brothers sat directly at the door, one by one.

"Second brother, I want to turn all the land on the southeast **** of my grandfather into solar greenhouses. One is eight meters wide and one hundred meters long. I plan to build three first!" Wen Xu took out the drawings he had drawn while talking. Blank paper, show it to Wen Shigui.

The so-called solar greenhouse is an upgraded version of the greenhouse. The investment in this thing is much higher than that of the greenhouse. The simple 60-meter-long solar greenhouse that Wenxin knows here costs more than 30,000. If you add a steel frame, it will cost more than 30,000 If you get 50,000, if you add other equipment, the money will have to be calculated separately, but 150,000 is not a thing at all for Wen Xu who can earn four to five thousand a day now, and Wen Xu didn't plan to build more at the beginning. , Two or three meanings, just make it up to the force, first have a statement and then expand it to six or seven, it's almost the same, and the money earned is enough.

   "This thing costs a lot of money!" As the village head, Wen Shigui has learned a lot about these new agricultural technologies, not to mention that other villages have sent them out to learn more than once.

"I think this is a good thing, and I've always wanted to do it, but look at the current situation in this village. First, there is no one, second, there is no money, and third, we have no market. Everyone grows vegetables, not everyone grows vegetables. It can be sold," Wen Shigui said.

Wen Shigui has a deep understanding of this matter, not to mention him, the entire Wenjia Village has experience. It was said before that it was necessary to plant pear trees on a large scale, and then everyone planted them in full swing. Only when they waited for the fruit did they realize that so many pears were produced. There is no place to sell them, even if a dealer comes to collect them, the price is better than selling them on the ground as fertilizer, and many plows just rot on the ground. The pears failed, and the township head came and wanted to replant medicinal materials, so he cut down the pear trees and replanted medicinal materials. Who knows what to plant? The old, weak, sick and disabled in the next village can't do anything. Wen Shiguikong is the head of the village, and now he is almost doing nothing from morning till night, becoming the village's 'old gangster' and doing nothing!

Now the situation has become like this, although Wen Shigui wants to lead everyone to get rich, but the young and old have run away, and no one wants money and no money to get rich. The more Wen Shigui thinks that the village head is doing more boring in the past two years .

Hearing that Wen Xu said that he wanted to build a solar greenhouse here, he immediately regained his energy, but soon Wen Shigui's face calmed down again: "Shixu, you must have a market for this thing, and if you don't sell it, don't follow others and invest money. You can see that other people’s money is easy to make, but it’s not the case when it’s your turn. Our village has grown a lot of cash crops before, but now, they haven’t made a name for themselves!”

   "Second brother, although the roads on my side are still not wide, it is no problem to consume these three solar greenhouses!"

   "That's good, that's good," Wen Shigui said while taking another cigarette from his pocket, struck the match with a click, lit the cigarette, flicked out the match and started smoking again.

As if thinking of something, Wen Shigui said to Wen Xu, "I'll see if I can apply for some funds from the county. We are an underdeveloped administrative village. If the money from your side can be in place, the county will give it to you." It is estimated that the support funds are not a big problem, if there is more, there is still 30,000 to 50,000 yuan... ".

  Hearing that he could get the funds from the county, Wen Xu was not as happy as others, but frowned. From Wen Xu's point of view, using other people's money is good now, but what about in the future? It's like before everyone thought it was good to start a company with a public initials, but what happens after the company becomes bigger and stronger? What if someone takes advantage of this matter?

   After thinking for a while, Wen Xu shook his head and said, "Forget it, I can pay for the three greenhouses myself, so don't bother me."

Wen Shigui was a little puzzled, and glared at Wen Xu: "Why can't we use this money if it is used by others? We don't use it, and it's not being used by others. Besides, we took out real money here, not just pocketing the money out of thin air. of".

Wen Xu smiled and said: "Grandpa said a word before he was alive, greedy for petty gains and big losses, I use this money here, I am afraid that there will be troubles in the future, if this inspector who learns from the scriptures does not accept this money, it will be regarded as such troubles , our voices can also be stronger!"

   "You kid!" Wen Shigui shook his head involuntarily when he saw Wen Xu's resolute face.