MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 974 Lift the body

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Chapter 974: Ascension

At this time, the coercion of the Ryukyu Emperor Party could no longer have any negative impact on Li Yunmu, which made Li Yunmu very surprised, because in the short three months, his own soul strength was actually stronger than before. It has more than doubled. This kind of promotion intensity is a rapid promotion effect that was difficult to bring before, and the result is obviously easy to see. At least, he now has a certain confidence.

"Senior, it seems that I won this game. Can I go out?" Li Yunmu said with a faint smile to the Ryukyu Emperor.

"So eager to go out? Is it just enough to improve?" The Ryukyu emperor said lightly. He looked at Li Yunmu in anxiety, as if he saw himself in his youth. Once upon a time, he was not like this at all. He is still too young to know how to seize the opportunity and try his best to improve his strength. The Ryukyu Emperor sighed.

Seeing the appearance of the Ryukyu Emperor, could Li Yunmu have a way to improve himself?

The Ryukyu Emperor did not speak, and a big hand waved, and a breath appeared in the space. The breath was like a fist, and it hit Li Yunmu severely.

Li Yunmu had just tried to resist, and suddenly heard the words of the Emperor Ryukyu: "Don't resist, take it with your body!"

Li Yunmu quickly hurried back the mysterious power in his body, his hands were poorly against his chest, and the fist hit directly on Li Yunmu's arms.

The punch was extremely powerful, and Li Yunmu, who was low-ranked with both arms, was also struck backwards a few steps. Before Li Yunmu stood firm, he was punched again.

Hey ~ Li Yunmu spit out blood. At this time, he felt that his internal organs had shifted. He did not expect that the seemingly bland fist actually had such great power. You know, his physical defense is not simple. The aspect is his specialty.

Li Yunmu immediately sat cross-legged, pacified his breath, and began to repair his injuries little by little.

After seeing the state of Li Yunmu, the Ryukyu emperor also put away the attack, and said lightly: "You still want to be the first person in Wonderland? Such garbage body is the lowest in ancient times!"

After Li Yunmu heard the ridicule of the Emperor Ryukyu, his face turned black. How could he admit what the Emperor Ryukyu said? At this time, he was very firm in his heart. I will show you. I am not vegetarian!

After Li Yunmu accelerated his breath, he immediately stood up, his eyes turned red, and he said to the Emperor Ryukyu, "Come again!"

The Ryukyu Emperor looked at Li Yunmu: "Is the anger coming up? But it doesn't make much sense. The facts are the facts. The facts are in front of you. If you have a temper, they are just clouds!"

The Emperor Ryukyu once again mobilized the space. This time, it actually issued three consecutive laps. Li Yunmu's eyelids jumped. You are trying to kill me!

However, Li Yunmu still didn't run Xuan Gong to resist. He had a good arm to catch his fist, but the brother control was hit once, and Li Yunmu's ribs were interrupted by three.

At this point after Li Yunmu received five attacks from the Ryukyu Emperor, his physical condition was very poor, his arms were trembling slightly, no accident should be a bone fracture, but he was still repairing.

But the next second, Li Yunmu actually stood up again.

"Come again!"

It was three more attacks. Li Yunmu again vomited blood and regressed, and his bones were broken again, but after a little adjustment, he stood up and gasped with a big mouth, but his eyes were firm.

"Come again!"

"Oh ~"

"Come again!"

"Oh ~"

Once again, Li Yunmu was beaten and spattered, and stood up again and again. This scene made the Ryukyu emperor's eyelids jump. He didn't expect this guy to be so tough.

He finally understood why in this age of scarce resources, such an excellent junior could be born. He was not only **** the enemy, but even harder on himself!

But his purpose today has been achieved. If it continues, I am afraid that the boy's penetration will leave permanent damage.

"Well, that's it for today. Are there any herbs in your space that I have placed outside?" Said the Ryukyu Emperor.

Li Yunmu took a look at the Astral Realm. The herbs he had obtained in the Yin Palace had not been exchanged by his people, so he took them all out.

The Ryukyu Emperor shook his head as he looked at the herbs. These herbs still had a bad taste or two. Li Yunmu once again took out a bunch of herbs that he had previously used on his mobile phone.

However, the Ryukyu Emperor shook his head. Later, Li Yunmu was in trouble, and his body was extremely painful at this time, which was really unbearable. So he opened the astral space with a gritted tooth and let the Ryukyu Emperor go in and look for it.

Li Yunmu was not afraid of the bad intentions of the Ryukyu Emperor. If his forces wanted to be detrimental to himself, he had already started, and he didn't have to wait until now.

And he could see that although the Emperor Ryukyu was very fierce at himself, it was all to improve himself. In the mind of Li Yunmu, the Emperor Ryukyu had been regarded as his teacher, so Li Yunmu was not fortified against the Emperor Ryukyu.

The Ryukyu Emperor was very moved when he saw that Li Yunmu had such trust in himself and even opened the small world for himself to enter.

In ancient times, because of his powerful power and others' defense against him, he had no friends and could not even feel this trust among friends. I didn't expect it to be this many years, but I felt this trust in a junior. .

This made the Emperor Ryukyu even more determined to treat Li Yunmu as his disciple, so he also looked for medicine for Li Yunmu in the astral world.

However, the Ryukyu Emperor rummaged for a while, and could not help but feel dizzy. Is this kid's occupation a scavenger? What are these things?

What is the sharp point of the beetle king and the snot of the lava beast? I rely! This kid didn't even let the bricks go ...

"Boy, I really convinced you, do you have the dignity of the strong? Is this a stock that a fairyland strong should have!" The Ryukyu Emperor at this time looked helplessly and complained to Li Yunmu.

At this time, the Ryukyu Emperor decided that he would never let the boy tell the outside world that he had taught him, which was too shameful.

At this time, Li Yunmu's spirit also got into the astral world. As soon as he entered the astral world, his face changed immediately and he said anxiously, "Senior, don't throw it! That's a good thing !!!"

"What a good thing? This shabby is also called a good thing?"

"That's the saliva of ancient dragons! Using him to bathe can stabilize the realm ..."

"Get out of here, throw it!"

"Can't throw!"

"I throw it when I say!"


(End of this chapter)