MTL - Shadow Hack-Chapter 12 Defensive burst table

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Chapter 12 Defensive Force Burst Table

In the thirty-sixth style, Li Yunmu only blocked three swords based on combat instincts, and the other two swords passed by the evasion technique that had just realized the arrow flash, but his resistance had to stop there.

The girl obviously has mastered a very high level of combat skills. In this thousand and thirty-six styles, one sword is heavier than one sword, and one sword is faster than one sword, although she can only use thirteen swords with all her strength now.

However, even so, Li Yunmu was cut by his opponent's increasingly powerful eight-blade in the next moment, and the whole process took less than two seconds.

Thirteen knives were cut instantly in two seconds, not to mention how much the attack intensity, just to say that the speed of the sword completely exploded two points and three knives.

"This is the attack combat technique? This is the string combat technique created by the world based on the improvement of ancient combat techniques?"

"Too strong!" At this moment, Li Yunmu knew that Awakening String Force became a string player. This is just the beginning. He has a long way to go in the future.

Dangdangdangdangdangdangdang ...

A series of eight-knife thunderstorms slashed on Li Yunmu. Just when Li Yunmu thought he was defeated and died, he was shocked to find out that the opponent's swift series of slashes, he was standing by?

Well? Really hold on!

"Hahaha, I'm okay? But my chest hurts ..." Li Yunmu returned to God and laughed, just a dull one, he understood.

It turned out that the bell jar's ability to resist damage was so so bad.

After these days of constant internal killings, Li Yunmu has already promoted the Admiralty hood to the fourth level at this time. The mitigation of the Admiralty hood alone can only cause him 60% of the thunderstorm's attack. Six injuries.

That is, the attack strength of the opponent is almost equal to being weakened by three and a half, and the damage that is weakened next falls on the iron armor of the set of iron armor fighters selected by Li Yunmu at this time, but it is worthy of being protected by this set of armor. Living.

Niu X, for the first time, Li Yunmu discovered that the original method of the Admiralty Cover was equipped with a defensive reload, and this defensive power was simply the best.

This kind of extreme protection force is almost no one, it is not simply a plus effect brought by one plus one, but a geometric multiplication.

Really worthy of the top defense skills of ancient warfare!

"How can this happen?" The rookie who had been opposite had long since fallen. Who knew that the other party's cricket had hit all eight, but nothing happened, and the heartbreaking laughed.

As soon as the girl stayed, she immediately turned her face into a rage, and once again exhibited a thousand and thirty-six styles to Li Yunmu.

However, the next result made her stupid. The other party simply did not hide this time. She ate all 13 chops, and then this abominable guy laughed madly again. stand up.

Until now, the girl finally understood it. The daring is not that the data of the dimensional battlefield matching the opponent is wrong, but that this guy has a terrible horror, even the defense method she has never seen before, so it can be explained. Why does the dimension battlefield match this string-strength opponent to her opponent.

"Girl, are you out of power? It's time for me." I can't break the opponent's defense twice in a row. At this moment, the opponent still learns what he has done before to pay himself.

Chu Qingyu's mood has never been tried so badly, she was mocked and ridiculed by a rookie of ordinary string strength?

What made her even more annoyed was that the next moment, Li Yunmu had raised his machete and yelled to use her family's famous combat skills.

"Qian Jue · Thirty-six styles ..." Li Yunmu laughed loudly, learning the appearance of a young girl, and instantly slashed towards the other side.

But how could he have the other's rapid knife skills, he just tried his best to slash at it, but then the results came down, shocked everyone who was watching the battle.

"How could it be, how could Chu Qingyu be defeated by this kid, what the **** is going on here? Is this too ridiculous?"

"It's over, Xiaoyu is going to explode, but who is this kid, and his defense skills will change."

There were actually two of her sisters watching as Chu Qingyu entered the field, but they never expected that this battle was so outrageous and weird.

When Chu Qingyu tried all the attacks and found that Li Yunmu's defense could not be broken at all, the next results were almost predictable.

The battle lasted 37 minutes. At last, Li Yunmu still ignored the audience and chased the girl across the field. The girl finally couldn't bear it. For the first time, she did what she thought was extremely shameful and gave up!

"Ding, you defeated your opponent. You drew seventy-six points from the opponent."

"Ding, your arrow flash basic skills have increased your proficiency by thirteen points, and you are still eighty-seven points away from being promoted to the next level."

"Ding, in this battle, you have initially learned the basic combat skills of" Knife "..."

When Chu Qingyu took the initiative to admit defeat, Li Yunmu finally ushered in a series of harvest tips.

"Suddenly drawn so many empty yuan points?" Li Yunmu gasped, eyes widened.

Before that, he directly killed the first opponent character, but he only ushered in three empty points, but now he just defeated a girl, but the system told him that he took a full seventy-six empty points? What exactly is going on?

What surprises him even more is that after this battle, his arrow flash basic skills improved, and he even realized a mad sword combat skill?

Shuang, this is really a crooked rhythm.

"Huh, I remember you, and let me meet you next time, I will not smash your turtle shell with Chu Qingyu, I will ..." The girlish face blushed red, but she was not finished yet, Suddenly she noticed that her opponent was yelling, and she left without paying any attention. He even ignored her and left the game.

"Li Yunmu ..." The girl gritted her teeth and stood on the spot, almost ran away on the spot.


Retreating from the battlefield of dimensions, Li Yunmu sorted out the gains of his two battles. He suddenly discovered that the battle in this dimension was tailor-made for him. It was simply too cool! After only two battles, his gain was not average.

He thought in his mind that his current personal information appeared in his mind, and as expected, his current personal information added a lot of capital gains.

Host: Li Yunmu

Level: Stringer

Work method: A-class Admiralty cover fourth

Combat skills: Arrow flash basic skills (first glance at the door), crazy sword basic skills (first glance at the door).

Experience: 36 points

Internal work value: 29 points

Null value: seventy-nine


The above is Li Yunmu's personal changes these days. I have to say that the foundation he now has is getting thicker.

As for the girl's last threat of leaving, he ignored it, hehe ... if he can still meet next time, my brother's golden bell jar at that time will not know how much weight he has raised.

(End of this chapter)