MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 5

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A message came in from the phone on the table, and his friend asked him: [What time is it? I will pick you up. 】

Jiang Shenghe slowly looked away, and returned to his friend: [No, there is a car. See you at night. 】

After replying to the message, Jiang Shenghe took off his sunglasses, put on a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, and connected the laptop to the power supply.

In the next aisle seat, Luo Qi stood up, and quickly sat down again. He didn't look there any more, and turned on the phone to read the mail.

Luo Qi adjusted the seat, picked two of the photos she took just now and sent them to Pei Shixiao, telling him that she had already set off for Suzhou City.

After half an hour, Pei Shixiao came back with only one sentence: [Yes, the camera technology has improved. 】

I didn't ask her where she was and what she was doing like before.

She asked: [Just woke up from a nap? 】

Pei Shixiao: [I didn't sleep today, I was outside. 】

Luo Qi thought he had an appointment with someone to talk about, 【Then you are busy. 】

Pei Shixiao: [Well, I'll call you tonight. 】

Luo Qi stared at the phone thoughtfully, did not return, and continued to watch the movie.

As the ending song sounded, more than two hours passed without knowing it.

After turning off the tablet, Luo Qi unconsciously glanced to the right, only to realize that it was the boss's seat when she saw the person next to her. She was about to turn her head, but it was too late, Jiang Shenghe took a step ahead of her, and turned her head to look over.

The moment they looked at each other, Luo Qi was slightly surprised. She had never seen Jiang Shenghe wearing myopia glasses before, but she heard that the female colleagues in the company were nympho, saying how abstinent the boss was wearing glasses.

She only felt that Jiang Shenghe, who was wearing glasses, had no warmth in his eyes, and was even more unkind than usual.

In order to ease the embarrassment of looking at each other, Jiang Shenghe did not look away, but looked at her generously, first breaking the silence: "What are you calling me? I didn't hear clearly just now."

Rocky: "..."

At this time, you can't say to the boss: I didn't call you.

Still calm, she followed his words and said: "It's a private matter. The hotel we stayed in is not far from my home. I want to go home at night and report to you in advance."

What Jiang Shenghe dislikes the most is that she calls you "you" every time, but she can't find a suitable reason not to call her that.

He said: "Tonight and tomorrow morning are your free time. It will not affect your work and you don't need to report."

"Thank you, President Jiang."

Jiang Shenghe didn't respond, his eyes fell back to the laptop screen.

Luo Qi waited for the boss to turn around, then hurriedly looked away.

Remind yourself that the boss is sitting on the right, so don't turn your face away!

The weather along the way changed from clear sky to cloudy, and it was cloudy and rainy when we arrived in Sioux City. The air is humid and hot, and it has been raining for half a day, and it stopped two hours ago.

When the wind blows, large drops of water shake off the tree.

Jiang Shenghe didn't take off his glasses until he got off the car.

A total of two vehicles came to pick up the station, a commercial vehicle and an off-road vehicle.

The driver of the off-road vehicle got off, handed over the car keys to Jiang Shenghe, and sat in the passenger seat of the commercial vehicle.

Jiang Shenghe didn't let anyone follow, and drove away by himself.

Secretary Ju watched the off-road vehicle drive away, and said to Luo Qi, "Boss Jiang went to see his friends, we are free now."

"Why didn't you even bring a bodyguard?" Luo Qi said casually.

Secretary Ju is used to it: "Every time I come to Suzhou City, Mr. Jiang goes to meet friends alone." Even the bodyguards are dismissed. It should be to meet a very special friend, most likely a female friend.

Of course, this was all her own speculation without any basis.

She likes shopping on rainy days the most, so she asked Luo Qi, "Where should I go shopping first?"

Luo Qi plans the route: "First go to my house to check in. If you come to Sioux City and don't come to my house, you are not really coming to Sioux City. The scenery during the day and night has its own characteristics. After shopping, go to the food street for food."

"Listen to you, go wherever you say."

The two hit it off.

After checking in at the hotel, Luo Qi found a strapless skirt from the suitcase, changed the trousers and shirt she was wearing, and took out the makeup mirror to touch up her makeup.

Secretary Ju lived in the same room as her, and when she came out of the bathroom, she had already finished her makeup in there.

"Let's go, let's go through the waves." Secretary Ju put on her bag and went out with Luo Qi on her arm.

"Master, didn't you come to Sioux City on business before? Didn't you go shopping?"

"No. They all live in the new district, and it's the first time they live in the downtown area." In the past, Mr. Jiang would give them vacations when he saw his friends, but she was the only woman in the work team. She didn't want to travel so far. son video.

Coming out of the hotel, the road outside is bustling.

Except for the few days during Chinese New Year, Sioux City is bustling and crowded all year round, especially during the peak tourist season.

The two chatted, and they talked about Jiang Shenghe.

"Master, you work with Jiang every day, is there a lot of pressure?"

"It's big." Secretary Ju smiled, "I haven't seen me so rebellious? It's all boss Jiang's sequelae. Who makes the salary high, and the pressure can be tolerated. But to be honest, President Jiang is the best among the bosses. That's it. Just like now, we can go shopping to our heart's content."

While chatting, they walked to the riverside trail near Rocky's house.

The landscape lights have just been turned on, and the dark green and dark yellow correspond to each other, dotted on both sides of the small river.

Luo Qi pointed to the front, "After crossing the stone bridge, my house is in that alley, and the house by the river is my house."

Secretary Ju looked at the white-walled and blue-tiled houses with envy. She is from the north, and she has longed for the poetic and picturesque Jiangnan since she was a child, especially this kind of house built near the water, where the scenery can be seen through the windows.

"When you get married, go to your house to play. I dreamed of living in this kind of house when I was a child."

"This house is suitable for travel and checking in. It really makes you live. You may not be able to bear it if you live for two days. The humidity is high, the furniture is particularly prone to mold, and the cabinets and tables have to be raised. When the weather cools, you come to my house for a few days."

Luo Qi took out her mobile phone, "This place looks good for taking pictures, you stand over and I'll take pictures for you."

The two took pictures while strolling around, and after playing around, it was almost 8:30.

At this time, at the gate of the high school three kilometers away, Jiang Shenghe parked his car on the side of the road and waited for more than an hour.

Ten minutes later, a man in a white shirt came out of the school, and there were two spots of chalk dust on his dark pants.

Jiang Shenghe lowered the car window and teased the people who came by: "Even if you paint your body with chalk dust, it still can't prove how high your teaching level is."

Lu Baisheng sat in the co-pilot and pulled the seat belt with his backhand, "You and Qin Moling are both so indebted, why didn't you get beaten to death by your class teacher back then."

Jiang Sheng laughed, "As a teacher, how do you talk?" He started the car.

As soon as he merged into the traffic flow, he was blocked and couldn't move.

Jiang Shenghe leaned on the car window with his left hand, held the steering wheel with one hand, and turned his head to look at Lu Bosheng, "Isn't it late self-study? Why are you still in class? And taking up the self-study time of the students to take the English test? The students don't scold you?"

Lu Bosheng: "...If you come to Suzhou in the future, don't look for me. I want to live a few more years."

Jiang Shenghe laughed out loud.

Lu Bosheng found a wet tissue, bent over to wipe off the chalk dust on his trouser legs, "Why did you come to Su City suddenly?"

Jiang Shenghe looked out the window with his forehead propped up, turned around, and said, "Sign a contract for my aunt."

"How is your aunt?"

"It's okay, I can't be tired anymore."

Lu Bosheng threw the wet wipes into the trash bin of the car, and when he turned his face, he saw Jiang Shenghe's glasses on the bridge of his nose. He felt something was wrong just now, "What kind of glasses are you wearing?"

"I can't see clearly when driving at night without wearing glasses." Jiang Shenghe asked Lu Bosheng if he was free the night after tomorrow, "I signed a contract with He Wancheng Company the day after tomorrow, and there is a dinner tonight, you can come with me."

"What am I going to do?"

"Loki is here too."

There was a sudden silence in the car.

Lu Baisheng looked at Jiang Shenghe, unable to talk about it.

Jiang Shenghe broke the silence, "I will introduce you to each other at that time. Luo Qi will go to Shanghai next year, and she will definitely return to Sucheng in a few years. The Pei family is difficult to deal with, and she may not be able to handle it."

There was a few seconds of silence in between.

He said: "It is impossible for me not to be married for the rest of my life. After I get married, I have someone to take care of, and then I think she is not suitable. You and sister-in-law should be able to get along with her. She also has two more sincere friends in Sucheng." friend."

Lu Baisheng was older than him, and had lived in Sioux City for many years, only taking his son back to Beijing for a period of winter and summer vacations. Lu Baisheng's wife is a native of Sioux City. At the beginning, he gave up a lot for his wife. The company was managed by a professional team and he came to Sioux City to become a high school English teacher.

Lu Baisheng readily agreed: "Okay, I'll go there."

Now that Luo Qi was mentioned, he asked by the way: "Have you paid off the money owed by Luo Qi's family?"


Knowing that Luo Qi was going to get married this year, he no longer paid attention to her and their family.

Too much mixing is not good for her.

Lu Baisheng offered: "Luo Qi's parents still need my help in private, just tell me."

"No need. From now on, her family's affairs are Pei Shixiao's affairs. I just introduced you to Luo Qi. You don't need to tell me how you get along in the future."

Jiang Shenghe changed the topic: "Where to eat?"

"I invite you to eat barbecue. The stall set up by my students is at the night market."

"Your students come out to set up stalls when they are old?"

"The first batch of students has graduated from university. He set up the barbecue stall in the night market with his college classmates when he was in school. The business is booming, and now he works as a side job. I often go to his barbecue stall."

Jiang Shenghe nodded and said, "It's not bad to be a teacher."

"It's not bad." Lu Baisheng joked: "Why don't you come to Sucheng to be a teacher too. Mathematics is your strong point, and you teach mathematics in the intensive class of the third year of senior high school."

"You stayed in Sioux City because your wife is here."

Pause for a few seconds.

Jiang Shenghe looked at the windshield of the car, half-smiling: "What am I doing in Sucheng? See her full of children and grandchildren?"

Lu Bosheng was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Jiang Shenghe smiled lightly and asked, "How do I get there?"

Lu Bosheng pointed to the front, "Turn left and turn in when you see the parking lot. It's not easy to park at the night market, so you have to walk over."

Park the car, and the two go over there.

Today Saturday, there are many people in the car.

The night market was so crowded that it couldn't be crowded.

The barbecue stand of Lu Bosheng's students is famous far and wide, and there is a long queue in front of the stand.

The student's eyes were sharp, and when the crowd saw him, they shouted enthusiastically from afar, "Teacher Lu! Is it still the same?"

Lu Baisheng didn't answer immediately, but asked Jiang Shenghe what he wanted to eat.

"The guest does as he pleases."

"As usual, double."

There was still a while in the queue, and Lu Bosheng asked for cigarettes and lighters from the students, and went to the smoking area next to him with Jiang Shenghe.

Jiang Shenghe didn't have a lighter when he wanted to smoke last time, so he finally did it today.

Lu Bosheng just accompanied Jiang Shenghe to smoke, took a few symbolic puffs, and went to a nearby store to buy beer. Remembering that Jiang Shenghe was going to drive, he replaced Jiang Shenghe's beer with a few cans of carbonated drinks.

When they returned to the barbecue booth, there were already empty tables.

The student turned around and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll bake it for you right away."

"No rush." ​​Lu Baisheng cleared the table.

Luo Qi and Secretary Ju were queuing up to wait for the barbecue. Suddenly, Secretary Ju bumped her with an elbow and lowered his voice: "Boss Jiang is here too. He also eats barbecue! I don't know if he saw us or not."

Luo Qi didn't dare to look around, "Which direction?"

"Front right, second table."

"It's so close, I should have seen it."

The boss is just a few meters away, so you can't pretend not to see him. Secretary Ju had no choice but to look over generously. Jiang Shenghe had indeed seen them, but only just now.

She left Luo Qi in line, and hurried over by herself, "Boss Jiang, what a coincidence."

Jiang Shenghe nodded, "Shopping with Assistant Luo?"

"Well, I've been shopping all the way here, and I heard that this barbecue restaurant is delicious, so come and try it."

He said to Secretary Ju: "Let's go together."

After Luo Qi ordered the barbecue, she came over to say hello to Jiang Shenghe.

Just now Jiang Shenghe almost didn't dare to recognize Luo Qi. He usually saw her at work. She was either wearing work clothes or business clothes. It was the first time he saw her wearing a skirt like tonight's.

He introduced Secretary Ju and Luo Qi to Lu Bosheng.

Finally, introduce Lu Bosheng to the two of them: "My friend from childhood, Lu Bosheng, works as a teacher in Sioux City No. 1 Middle School, teaching English."

Not only Luo Qi, but even Ju's secretary was flattered that the boss actually introduced his friend to them so formally.

After exchanging greetings, they sat down.

Luo Qi and Jiang Shenghe sat opposite each other, speechless.

Secretary Ju and Lu Bosheng had a good chat. They both have children, and the topic of children instantly brought them closer.

Jiang Shenghe opened a can of drink and pushed it to Secretary Ju.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Secretary Ju was only focused on chatting with Lu Bosheng just now, and didn't think carefully about asking the boss to open the drink. She didn't wink at all.

There were still a few cans unopened in front of the boss, so she quickly reached out, "Mr. Jiang, I'll come."

Luo Qi also reached out, intending to help.

Jiang Shenghe didn't let it go, "You don't have to be cautious when you talk. I don't have so many rules when I'm off work." As he said, he opened a second can and put it in front of Luo Qi.