MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 217 Who cares about the wooden bridge

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Gu Pansheng

Running all the way, staying up all night.

Due to the recent disasters in Sedum, many victims fled to other cities, so the checkpoints of the cities and the roads were very strict. Fortunately, Gu Xiran had a road to the official seal, which was unimpeded.

And into the Suhe City, get off in front of Gujiamen.

Gu Xihe said nothing, and when he put on his clothes, he rushed into the door and hit a janitor to catch someone. "How? How about Taijun?"

The Ding was hit by a stun of his stunned, straight tongue: "Tai Jun... No... not too clear..."

He is the care of the outer court. He is naturally unknown about the things inside, but this sentence has already explained the problem. Gu Xiran immediately drank Gu Xihe and said: "What? What is it? It is not clear, it is still fine, you walk well."

Gu Xihe now sees the second brother as the backbone of his heart. He was taken care of by his drink. Because I don’t know what the situation is like now, it’s natural that it’s important to care for the living, so no one thinks that I’m going to go to Gu Daring’s crying spirit. The group is led by the ink and goes down. It was just that Du Qiu was not very convenient. In the middle of the road, he went around Yunxiaoniang.

Before I arrived at the yard of Lao Taijun, I had a sharp eye to tell me. Lin’s panic came out and caught Gu Xihe and took him to look at him. When he saw nothing, he said: “You eat this child. The leopard is daring? If you don’t see your eye, you will take a small sneak out of the door. If you want to have a three-length and two short..."

She was waiting for the ink to be dyed, but she looked up and saw Gu Xiran standing there with her hand in her eyes. She looked at her indifferently, and suddenly she made a sudden attack. She barely squeezed her smile and said hello to him: You are back."

Gu Xiran nodded slightly: "Mrs.

Lin turned his eyes and saw Shu Huan standing beside him. After a slight sigh, he really smiled. It was just a smile in the smile with a little joke: "Since I am back, I will go in too soon." Jun, her old man is still awake in these two days."

Where did she still use her to say that Gu Xihe had already broken her away, and ran away, Gu Xiran took Shu Huan’s hand and followed the house.

It’s awkward to see the curtain, and I’m surprised to see Shu Huan. I’m afraid that the old lady will see her angry and busy, and stop: “Shu girl please stay, Taijun thinks that if there is something important, tell the second master, the blind man will lead you to the hall. Is it good to sit on the tea?"

Shu Huan has not answered yet, Gu Xiran first glanced at the past: "You should learn the rules, there is no Shu girl here, only the second grandmother."

The face of the face suddenly rose red, and he bowed his head and did not dare to say anything.

When I entered the room and turned to the inner room, Shu Huan saw that Gu Xihe had already reached the front of Lao Taijun. I didn’t know what to say. Besides, there was a pair of middle-aged men and women who stood by the bed and looked like they were all three. At the age of forty, she expected to be the owner of the house. Gu Xun and his wife, Chen, went to see the ceremony.

Gu Xun was heard that Tai Jun was in critical condition and he came back. He had never seen Shu Huan, but he also knew a little about what happened to Gu Xiran. He could guess, and he nodded slightly to Shu Huan, but Chen was a The kindly person who did not have the heart, the younger generation saw her gift, and the first time I saw it, I quickly squatted the phoenix-eye bodhi bracelet hanging on my wrist and gave Shu Huan a face-to-face ceremony.

Several people here are talking in a whisper, the old lady is awake, seeing that Gu Xiran is coming in. It is already a smile, trying to open his mouth and talking to him, but I can’t say it for a while. After a while, I said: "Help me to help me sit..."

Gu Xihe quickly helped her to sit up and put a thick soft pillow behind her waist, and Ji Danqing was asked by Gu Xi and asked for help for the old lady, and then went forward. Asked Ann, first sitting in the chair in front of the bed, reaching out and setting up her veins.

When the old Taijun sat up, he coughed for a while, and as soon as he looked up, he did not see the sight of the account and immediately saw Shu Huan. The breath that immediately sighed back and went back, and she turned her eyes straight. Or Ji Danqing sees the situation is not good, busy taking a silver needle for her to poke a hole, she coughed out a thick sputum, and gradually gasped.

When Gu Xun saw this situation, he couldn't help but frown his eyebrows and looked at Gu Xiran. "Taijun is not angry, he is so eager to see if it is..."

"Okay." Gu Xiran smiled slightly, took Shu Huan's hand and went out: "Since Tai Jun will be angry with us, then wait until the disease is better."

"You are this child..." How could Gu Xun not know the thoughts of Lao Taijun? He did not rob the idea of ​​his brother's family property. He hurriedly stopped Gu Xiran and lowered his voice. "How come you are so embarrassed? Didn't let you catch up." She went out, just to avoid it, and then slowly asked for Taijun..."

"I can't do it," Gu Xiran interrupted his words. He raised his voice and said: "When it is my mother, there is no such thing as a sneak peek."

To put it bluntly, he came back to see Lao Taijun, and he was ready to take up the mess of Gu’s family. He was looking at Gu Xihe’s face and sentiment. He had helped him a lot in the past. He didn’t watch him lose his father. Grandmother, lost the discipline, let the unscrupulous people slowly smash the property, the truth of the street, and then change the angle, but at this time, the parents can still support the family business, he is absolutely Will not come back

Since he is back at this moment, everything has to be decided by him. According to his rules, if the other party does not agree, he has already had a clear conscience. Since then, he has taken a shot and he has taken his Yangguan Road. Who cares about the Dumu Bridge?

"This..." Gu Xun made a fuss for a moment. He has no son. He has not been too close to his brother in the past few years. The children are also unfamiliar with him. He does not know that he should take out the uncle's posture and majesty to reprimand him. Gu is still a good student to talk about soft words.

Gu Xihe also took a look at this, and then look at that, I don't know which one to help, the face is anxious, only Chen does not understand, no words, and Lin wants them to make trouble, gloating in the side Smirking smile.

At this time, I heard the old lady sigh and sighed: "Well... nothing... come over..."

She has learned the arrogance and resilience of this grandson. Before the disaster, she was still a tough bone. When she was able to move, she took Gu Xiran without a half-point method. At this moment, even the words were unfavorable, and I was counting on it. Can you persuade him to soften?


She saw it clearly, and she died. She still saved her energy and said that it is a matter of urgency. It is not a bad thing to have arrogance and resilience. It can be seen that Gu Xiran is a man who is determined to be able to take his own ideas. Such people are in trouble. Often decisive, not delaying the fleeting opportunity, and then she has learned that this grandson is quite important in the outside world, and that must not be known as a slap in the face, but must have its own superiority.

As for this, she grew up, why the long-term sick grandchildren suddenly became so smart and capable, she did not want to pursue, and could not be held accountable, she only knows that this person who is standing in front of her eyes is the most suitable person to inherit the family business. Even more suitable than the original long-term grandson Gu Xitian, because Gu Xitian's temper is too soft, the ears are soft, can't stand the other people saying that two good words can not distinguish well, for this, she has not been too worried.

However, nowadays, even if she wants to worry about it, she will not worry about it. Just open her hand. As long as Gu Xiran promises to take care of Gu’s business, he can prop up this home, not to mention that he wants Shuhuan’s poor woman to be the main room. Just want to be a prostitute and a prostitute, and that can only be what he meant. No pop-ups, updated in time!