MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 206 get away

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Ancient romance

Chapter 206 flies

The otter knows the inside story unknownly. When Lin told her to do something, she also consulted Gu Xiren with Gu Yu, and she just had to steal the key from Chen’s side, open the corner door and let them go out, no more. Thinking of this critical moment, Gu Yu actually refused to leave.

She was so anxious that she looked around from time to time and urged: "Three masters, three girls, can't be honed anymore, you can't walk, let's make a decision."

"Go" Gu Xiren impatiently yelled at her, then turned to pull Gu Yu: "Follow me"

Gu Yu just shook his head and flinched.

"You--" Gu Xiren was really angry. She wanted to force her to go out, but when it came to the end, she still couldn’t keep her heart. She couldn’t do anything that forced her to violate her wishes. She had to suppress her depression and try her best: "You should help me, let me go."

Gu Yu looked at him with doubts.

Gu Xiren said again: "If you don't leave, I won't go, but if that's too, you will force me to go to the Zhangzhang girl. What kind of person is she? You know, you want me to be the same for the rest of my life. Is a nasty woman staying together and being pushed crazy by her?"

He said this, Gu Yu was hesitant, because she had no ignorance about her family's affairs these days, and she did not know that Gu Xiren was forced to marry her wife. She thought that Gu Xiren would take her away. She could not understand her now. After the house arrest, she was afraid that she would be married by the old lady, so she did not leave. Most of the reason was that she was really tired and tired. Another reason was that she did not want Gu Xiren to make a defection for her. .

If you look at Gu Xun, you will know that if he stays in his family, even if he is only the top of the scorpion, he will be able to share some money after he has married his wife and children. When he goes out alone, he will always go out without a penny. Start from scratch

Gu Xiren sighed again: "There is a rude and unreasonable Taijun at home. It is enough to have a chapter, and how do you let me live?"

It is really embarrassing for Gu Yu to look at him. This is the only important person in her life. She does not want him to be forced to be like herself, to be as good as death and to linger.

"Three girls, what are you still thinking about?" The otter saw her so eagerly dead: "It’s too late to leave."

"Go" Gu Xiren then grabbed her hand and dragged it to her side.

Gu Yu was taken over by himself and took a step forward.

Forget it, listen to your fate.

Anyway, she doesn't have anything to insist on and persist in. Everywhere is the same. If Gu Xiren feels that this is good for him, then let's go.

Gu Yu bit his lip and finally took a step on his own initiative. He followed Gu Xiren with a panic.

The otter didn't look at the shadows of the two of them disappearing into the hustle and bustle of the night, and this finally gave a sigh of relief, hurriedly covered the corner door, and then locked the lock, but when he turned around to take the plate, Seeing a touch of white shadow standing in the distance not far from her, this embarrassing, almost lost the soul of the disk to the out.

Fortunately, the moonlight was extraordinarily chaste, and she was extremely scared. She still clarified that the figure was the second girl Gu Yu, and a heart fell back to the original place, but still a little fearful, catching up and going down. I want to explain: "Two girls, this is what the wife told..."

Gu Yu looked at her faintly and turned and left: "I don't need to explain it to me. It doesn't matter to me. I didn't see you, you didn't see me."

She just woke up in the middle of the night and saw the moonlight and glory. She sat in front of the window and looked at it for a while. She didn't want to see the distance, the two shadows that were invisible, and the thief would go out and smash. Knowing that Gu Xiren was taking away with Gu Yu’s night, she was too lazy to move, and came out in vain for this cool breeze.

The Gu Yu was gone, and the otter was still unsettled. He stood for a while before he rushed to send the dish to the kitchen. He took the cold water and washed his face. He took care of his clothes and was busy with Chen. Go to the residence.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Lin's gaze with the intent of asking, and nodded quietly.

Lin stood up and said: "I only eat the white fungus, and I accidentally drank two bowls of tea. I can’t say it, I have to borrow a place from my brother and sister to get an emergency."

Chen naturally asked her to take care of herself. The otter followed the name of the hospital and followed the bedroom. She placed the key on the dressing table and put it together with the bracelet ring that Chen had unloaded.

When he came out again, Lin screamed and said that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to rest. Poor Chen was still in the dark. I still don’t know that the master and the servant have moved on her side, and they are still rushing. They sent out the courtyard door, letting them play a lantern and stalking them in front of them.

When I returned to the room, Lin was so tired that he was in the chair. He looked at God for a moment. After that, he asked about the details of the otter. When he heard that this was actually seen by Gu, she was It was a bit of an accident, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I just said, "Small sister is not a nosy, but who is it for me? Isn’t it for her and the two? I think she can understand me. Hard work, it’s okay."

After two more words, Lin asked the otter to hit the water. After washing, he lay down and went to bed.

Just lying down and lying down, she will not sleep for a while, but it is not a sudden sleepless sleep, because Gu Da is at the time she often stays alone, just thinking that he is already in the hall Among them, have not been buried, husband and wife, in the end some sad, I did not feel sprinkled some tears, but sad, and remembered their own years of experience and forbearance, she gave birth to a bit of resentment, resent the Dachao three, four wives In groups, hate Gu Da, so she and her children went like this, but they left this mess and taught her to clean up.

There is also Lao Taijun, which also makes her grieve and hate the teeth.

It was pitiful to see that she had inadvertently heard the dialogue between Taijun and Gu Xiren, and eagerly remembered that Gu Xihe had mentioned to her, Gu Yu’s mother did not keep the woman’s affairs in the same year, and then she could pass this news to Gu Xiren and tell him It is possible that he may not have a close relationship with him. This has led him to be tempted to take Gu Feiyuan to go high. Otherwise, she still does not know how to deal with the absurd thoughts of Lao Taijun who wants to support Gu Xiren.

Lin's squatting over the bed, sighed, this is really **** undead, not **** it, but if Gu Da is still, change to Laotai Jun, she clap her hands and say it is too late, where? Will there be an upset today? At this moment, Gu Xiren and Gu Yu have been sent out, but she still has a snack.

I was afraid that the next day, I would be investigated by the old lady, and she would find out what she had done from her, and she would attack her. But when she think about it, she is not leaking today. Even if the old lady suspects her, I am afraid I can’t hold her handle. ? Then just pray up to heaven, I hope that Gu Xiren is smarter and can go away with Gu Yu smoothly. The farther the better, from now on, no matter how poor or rich, never come back. . . .

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