MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 149 irrefutable evidence

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This matter completely deviated from Gu Yu’s cognition in the past ten years. She did not want to believe it, but Lao Taijun’s words were very organized, and she couldn’t find a flaw. She couldn’t help her, she couldn’t believe it. I don't know what to say and what to say.

It turned out that the initial mistake was made by her mother? It’s her mother’s self-confidence and she’s hated for so many years, so heart-wrenching, so negative, it’s just excusable.

Gu Yu was completely confused. After the initial shock, she discovered that if the truth is like this, then what she did, the person she killed...

No no no

She can't accept it

When she started killing, she always had the righteousness. She thought that she was for Heaven, and she revenged for her mother. Therefore, there was hate, grievance, and suffering, that is, no guilt and conscience.

She always thought that she was right, but now Laotaijun told her that she was wrong and how could she accept it?

Emotional flipping makes Gu Yu suddenly anxious, she desperately recalls what the old lady said, and wants to find out the loopholes to prove that all this is a lie, all want to defeat her, smash her mother's lies

Frantic confusion, she couldn’t hear her words. She just thought hard with her head until she finally didn’t want to raise her eyes and saw Gu Da’s back standing outside the pavilion, so she jumped into her. The mind: These many women, each of my own flesh and blood, only you, is a wild species

"Don't lie to me, you lied to me." Gu Yu finally yelled at the old lady. "If this is the case, what should the master say that I am a wild species? The words of both of you are not deceived." Lie to me, I don’t believe in any of you."

Lao Taijun frowned, just wanted to explain, and Gu Da returned and walked back.

Compared with the previous temper, Gu Da apparently calmed down a lot at the moment, but looking at Gu Yu’s gaze is still with disgusting hatred and hatred, coldly said: "This kind of thing, you may wish to ask your mother in the future, She is the real deception"

"You--" Gu Yu was the most insulted by some people, and immediately wanted to get up from the ground, only to be too heavy to stand up, a pain in his leg, and fell down.

"Okay," the old woman was dissatisfied with Gu Da’s glance: "The more you live, the more you go back? Things are already like this, you are still busy saying these mean things regardless of identity."

Even if he has lived a certain age, Gu Da still dare not let go in front of the old Taijun, but just listened to the only training, but in the end he was resentful. Finally, he argued: "The child said In fact, if it wasn’t for the scent of the past, now..."

"I also said that the old lady suddenly came to the air: "If you were willing to listen to me, don't let her go through the door, is there anything today?"

Gu Da was dismissed without words, and sighed and sat down on the stone bench.

The old lady hated the iron and looked at him. This time, she always taught her to worry about it. For so many years, she has always been so, but now it is no good to pursue these things. She just wants to review it and silently say: "These old memories I didn't want to mention it anymore. I tell you now, just want you to understand that your mother's personality is not the same as what you think. Even if it falls to the point of tragic death, it is her self-satisfaction. It is not someone who wants to harm her. Resentful for many years, it hurts your big brother and hurts their children. It is really incurable."

Gu Yuqiang’s mouth whispered, just waiting for her to continue to say.

Laotaijun thought about it and sent Gu Xihe: "Going to my house, there is a piece of floor tile under the window bonsai frame. It is alive. You pick it up and take the gold-black scorpion that is resting inside."

Gu Xihe hesitated for a moment, didn't want to go, afraid to miss the matter, and finally the old lady said: "Go, wait until you come."

He just ran away and ran away, but for a moment he hugged the **** and ran back, panting and screaming: "Is this cockroach?"

The old lady is beheading and teaches him to open.

In the middle of the head is a pair of men's shoes to achieve half, and a pair of small auspicious wishful lock, buckled in one place, is the texture of sterling silver, the age is very long, the color is already black.

Laotai Jun gestured to take a closer look.

Regardless of the shoe, Gu Yu first turned the concentric lock over, but saw that the back of the pair of silver locks was engraved with a static word, a sea word, which burned her hands and eyes like a flame, making her hurried. Throw it away and turn it around.

"These things were all found in your mother's room at the time." Lao Taijun said faintly: "Your mother is named Shizuka, the man is named Haisheng, and the meaning of the concentric lock does not need me to say, you should know." As for the pair of shoes, I have already compared it with the master's shoes, and the size is different. This is for whom, I can imagine."

Gu Yu’s mother-in-law was good at women workers and left a lot of needlework. She saw it from a young age and naturally recognized it. In fact, she only recognized her needles when she only looked at it. It was indeed out of Her mother's hand.

If the words are not credible, then she has to believe in the face of these two iron-like objects.

Laotai Jun also said: "You are still strange, we have always been rigorous, not to mention the strange man outside, even the adult family can not easily enter the second door, then who is this sea?"

Gu Yu hesitated and nodded, just want to ask this.

Lao Taijun frowned: "He is your mother's brother."


When the words came out, don't say that Gu Yu was very shocked, even Shu Huan and others were shocked.

Gu Dazhen said: "What brother is just a beggar"

Laotaijun nodded and said: "It is a brother who is actually a good friend of your mother. I am afraid that I will be sent to the door after I entered the door. I only said that my grandfather is a brother, and the lord did not suspect him at that time. I believe that is both a relative of my family. I can do it occasionally. There is no reason to see each other. When your mother is in the outer court, I don’t know. I only know that when she enters the government, the brother-in-law comes to the door. There are still few, only three or five months before you come, but since your mother lost, he has been diligent, and always come two or three times in January."

Speaking of this, the old lady suddenly came up silently, with an annoyed look on her face: "At that time, I went back and forth to me. I was only lost when she lost her heart. There was a brother-in-law who talked and talked about it. I just told you to ignore it. I just have to look at it when I go in and out. I don’t want the person to go elsewhere. I thought it was already very strict. When I thought of it... This brother is actually fake. This is still the scandal of your mother. After that, it’s right out."

After a few words, he said that he was completely speechless, bowed his head and trembled, not knowing what he was thinking.

The old lady gave her a look: "They both came and went before your mother recognized you. At that time, your mother was pregnant, and the child in the belly was really unclear. Mother, don't say that the master can't tell, even your mother is afraid that he is not clear."

The last sentence is like a heavy hammer that slams in the heart of Gu Yu. She only feels that her heart beats faster, her mind is heavy, and she can't support it. When she is black, she goes down to the ground.


Read Kill the Sun