MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 115 Cousin please pay attention

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Tonight, the moon is full of people, I don’t know who the fall is.

According to the rules here, I will burn the incense and worship the moon. My heart will pray silently. Shu Huan hopes that her thoughts can be sensed by relatives who are far away in different time and space. It is better not to grieve for her anymore, no longer worrying about her.

The beautiful scenery is next to you wishing: "By the moon, the second prince is going to step up the palace, and the high-climbing fairy laurel, the milk looks like a sly, round like a moon."

A sudden sigh of relief, said by her words, suddenly turned into nothing.

Shu Huan couldn't help but scream and scream, "I don't want to be like a moon."

What's more, here is not the age when fat is beautiful, and the best fit is

When the scenery was awkward, I immediately thought that Shu Huan’s body shape was round and full moon, and the appearance of walking and lying could not help but laugh: “I’m not thinking about it when I talk to the common people.”

Gu Xiran was just listening to the laughter. After that, the beautiful scenery called the other buddies to come to worship the moon and ask for a lucky one.

Looking at the crowds laughing and laughing, Shu Huan felt that he was in a good mood. He looked up at the moon that was hanging high in the sky. Suddenly, Gu Xiran reached out and took her, whispered: "I don't want to go out." Looking at the lights?"

"Now?" Shu Huan was surprised. At this time, if it was calculated according to modern time, it was almost a bit more. It was deep in ancient times.

"The custom here, every autumn, the lamp market does not stop." Gu Xiran said with a smile: "If you want to go, it is not too late at this moment, but the countryside is no worse than the city, the lights are not so brilliant."

"Go to me" Shu Huan jumped up, since I know that I can't go back to modern times, then I will regard life here as a rare ancient trip. After all, not everyone has this opportunity.

Gu Xiran smiled: "When you want to go, move quickly. Go back and get two thick clothes first. The wind is very cold outside."

Shu Huan ran with the sound, the scenery was heard, and eager to chase her: "Milk, bring me, I want to go"

"Hey, you are going to shout, I am familiar with it, and we are not afraid to get lost."


The two said while running away, Gu Xiran looked at their backs and smiled.

At this time, Zhang Youfang’s lesson was over, and he was groaning and groaning. He had to go back to Zhai Zhai. When he passed by here, he happened to see Gu Xiran’s smiling hand in the moon. His figure was long and straight, and his clothes were moving. Lined up behind the round of Qinghui Haoyue, it is really like drawing people.

She didn't feel that she was a little crazy.

Gu Xiran's appearance was excellent. No matter where he was, he stood out from the crowd. There were very few opportunities for the ancient niece to go out to see people. It was a long time to do nothing, and it was inevitable that there would be grievances and grievances. Once the situation sprouted, there was no way to vent their venting. It is easy to germinate and grow, and the species is deep.

At this time, Zhang Hanfang has a magical obstacle that can make people fall into love.

"Is there a cousin?" Gu Xiran had already discovered that Zhang Hanfang was coming to him. He only pretended not to know, and did not want to care about her, but did not think she suddenly stopped, but stood there and worried.

When he was called, Zhang Hanfang woke up, she was arrogant, and she was an unmarried girl. She was afraid that her mind would be sneaked away. She suddenly became shy and bowed her head. The voice was softened and warm and elegant. : "Cousin..."

This smothered, shy and sly, made Gu Xiran follow, and the tone immediately faded by three points: "The night is deep, if the cousin is fine, please go back and rest."

Zhang Hanfang only asked him if he was concerned about himself, raised his eyes, and hoped with hope: "I... I heard you going out to see the lights, can you bring me?"

Guan Ma is a person who came over, no more than a singer, swearing at her own girl, squinting in her heart, suddenly realized, then she realized why she was always sitting in silence, silent, and often looking at two ordinary The oil paper umbrella sighed.

"Girl..." She is anxious to stop Zhang Hanfang from being stupid. If she wants to know that Gu Xiran is a wife who has married a wife, Zhang Jia can’t marry a prostitute to go to the door to be a small person. This kind of love can’t be moved, and it must be severed as soon as possible. it is good

Who wants Zhang Hanfang to hear her from talking at the moment, and she ignores her, but she looks at Gu Xiran and asks her: "Cousin, is it good?"

Of course not good

Hiding her, she can’t hide.

Gu Xiran smiled slightly: "There are many people in the city, and it is easy to get rid of it. If something goes wrong, I can't afford it, and my cousin still wants to go back."

The partiality of the chapter, including Fang, refused to understand, and couldn’t help but reached out and grabbed his clothes: "I will follow you carefully, and bring two more shackles, not going away."

Gu Xiran has limited patience. Seeing her so obsessed, she is really impatient, and her face is flat and unpleasant: "The cousin should be self-respecting"

Five simple words, like a hammer, hit Zhang Xiangfang, and her face immediately rose red.

In the age of such parents, the age of the media, the spring-hearted girl, most of them did not have the courage to declare the love word to the mouth, Zhang Hanfang is also true, not to mention her body and mind are very proud, the other party has a holiday with her, there are The man in the wife's room, she could not have the idea of ​​voicing her feelings, not even thinking about her sympathy with Gu Xiran. She just obeyed the instinct, couldn't help but want to approach him, and couldn't help but reveal the delicateness of the children. State, still not knowing.

At this moment, she was drunk by Gu Xiran, and she was ashamed and embarrassed to be shocked by a cold sweat. Then she found that she was unknowingly venting her mind before the people, and she felt that she was not as good as death.

"Girl..." Mama tried to speak again: "Let's go back..."

The singer also screamed at the swollen face and followed the road: "Yes, yes, the outside is big, the girl has been cold before, and it is better to go back to the house earlier."

In fact, they didn't use them to persuade this time. Zhang Hanfang had no face in front of Gu Xiran, but he still didn't wake up from the blow. At this moment, they listened to them and said that they are more and more self-sufficient, and naturally they want to save their faces. One sigh: "The cousin has to be careful, this is going to be passed on, and others are still not me."

Gu Xiran did not speak, just looking at her with a smile.

The words were more confident, Zhang Hanfang had a ghost in his heart, and he was staring at him. He took a slap in his face and turned and choked and ran away.

This scene happened to be taken out of clothes, with a beautiful view and a fascinating view of Shu Huan, but she was only slightly surprised, and did not ask anything, the voice: "Ready, let's go"

Gu Xiran smiled and took her hand and took two steps in the direction outside the park. Then she glanced at her and whispered, "You have nothing to ask me?"

Shu Huan is confused: "What are you asking?"

"Zhang Isn't she mad at you and ran away?" Shu Huan said naturally: "As for what she did to do the best brain damage, I was not interested in knowing. I don't want to hurt my mood."

As for other associations, she has never had a taste. Gu Xiran’s taste is no worse, and it’s not to provoke the one who seems to be from Spartak, always do not fit things, always say that it is not suitable for the cousin.


Relaxed, finally stayed for a month, no breaks, no leave.

Continue to insist, try to ensure the promised update, but it is really almost tired, crying a turtle speed ~

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