MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 115 Ghost face five uncles of Shura field

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The two negotiated, and when the fog cleared and they started to collect supplies, they separated from Yang San and the others.

The two took the system and went to a gas station in the city center according to the verbal directions of an uncle in the hotel.

Originally, Congliang wanted to find a big truck and put some oil in oil drums with it. There are gas stations all over the country, and the oil is not difficult to get. However, on the way to the gas station, I only saw small boxes of goods and no keys. , There are large trucks parked in the garage, I don't know what's wrong, and it's a hassle to drive away.

But when she got to the gas station, Congliang found that her **** luck was still there. A tanker truck was parked in the tank farm behind the gas station. Ding Mao and Congliang got off the system and went straight to the tanker truck. From the fuel gauge at the back, I saw that there was a small half-can inside. Ding Mao took off the oil pipe and put some oil out. He smelled it, and luckily, it was diesel.

From Liangxi in shape, stepping on the pedals of the car, lying on the window of the oil tanker and looking in, the space is a little smaller than expected, but it can be modified completely!

Ding Mao was obviously happier than she was. She carried Cong Liang out of the tanker and rubbed her hair vigorously, "Open the door of the small house and look for the keys."

The system was originally wrapped around Yang San's body well, but when he was dragged down by Cong Liang, he couldn't help but say that he used it as a mount. After meeting the two of them, instead of looking for food, they found a car. They seemed very happy, and finally felt that something was wrong.

"Why are you looking for such a big car? It's very inconvenient in the city." The system asked Congliang in his mind.

Cong Liang opened the small door, and separated from Ding Mao to find the key. The system asked her, but she didn't hide it, and told her plans to leave one by one.

The system was silent for a long time, and then said sadly, "That big darling of yours is acting as a demon again, I managed to find Cong An, our family is just like the last life, how nice it is to be together. what…"

There was a round key ring hanging on the wall of the room, and there were many keys hanging on it. Cong Liang handed it to Ding Mao and told him to try it. He held a dozen brand-new wire gloves in the room. Hearing what the system said, he laughed. : "You can stay, I didn't plan to take you with me."

Cong Liang said, "Look at Yang San, he doesn't remember me anymore. As soon as I approached him, he felt that I wanted to have an affair with him." Cong Liang found a key from a human skeleton on the ground and held it in In his hand, he said, "Look at the atmosphere between Ding Mao, Yang San, and those young men, it will explode at any time. In this life, I am afraid we will not be able to be a family."

"Don't plan to take me?" The system voice was a little excited, "I'm your companion system, you want to leave me and run off with the target mission?"

"The mission has been completed." Cong Liang said, "Besides, don't you have Yang San?"

"He doesn't like me at all," the system said angrily. "It's good that it's summer. If it's winter and I'm unconscious, he might take the opportunity to kill me."

"No, didn't you say that he follows Cong Ann is a data link," Cong Liang said, "You have to believe that no matter how he changes, he will always be Cong Ann in his bones."

"Besides, the four seasons don't change now, what are you afraid of?"

"My suit does not hibernate according to the temperature, but according to the month. Now in July, I will sleep all day in November." The system sighed and drew circles on the ground with its tail.

"Before hibernation, you can go back to the system space," Congliang said: "Actually, you don't have to worry, just like the big baby will like me no matter what," Congliang said: "The same is true for Cong'an, if you can fall in love with you once, you can Falling in love with you the second time, be patient..."

"Neither." Ding Mao came in with the key ring at this time and was still on the table.

"Try this," Cong Liang handed Ding Mao the key he picked up from the ground, pointed to the skeleton on the ground and said, "I found it from there."

Ding Mao took the key and went out, and the system turned into **** wrapped around Congliang, "Do you have to leave, leave these people behind? When will you leave?"

"Not right away," Cong Liang patted the system's head resting on her shoulder, "We'll see the situation after the beast swarm."

The sound of the car starting outside the door sounded, Congliang walked out of the hut, Ding Mao jumped out of the car, whistled happily, and ran towards her.

The system rushed to the ground before Ding Mao picked up Cong Liang, and crawled away with lingering fears.

Ding Mao was hugged by Cong Liang and turned in circles. Ding Mao was very happy and kept blowing the whistle. Cong Liang rarely saw him like this.

The two drove the car out of the gas station, and brought everything that could be used in the gas station. Cong Liang took down the two chairs behind the driver's seat, and took a sofa bed from the gas station and stuffed it in. It was full. Sleeps two people just fine.

From Liang Dian upside down the sofa bed, the shock absorption of the cart itself and the elasticity of the sofa bed, shaking like a trampoline, Ding Mao was in the cab, and after a good Dian twice kneeled on the sofa bed, crossed the seat to hug Ding Mao neck, "Dad, I haven't tried it in the car yet."

Ding Mao was wiping the dust with a rag. Hearing that, he put down the rag, raised his head and hooked Cong Liang's neck down, and kissed deeply.

The system couldn't stand the suffocating atmosphere that two people would be intimate at every turn. Congliang and the others also had a car and didn't need it as a mount, so it grew bigger and twitched and went back first.

The two found a few households nearby, collected some useful things, hung up the roof of the car, and drove back when it was almost dark.

As soon as he entered the building, the faint smell of rancidity drifted into his nostrils. Cong Liang frowned and looked at Ding Mao. There was no such smell when he came down in the morning.

The two stepped up and walked up. The higher they went, the heavier the rancid smell was, and there were sporadic animal corpses. It's not dead yet, it's already rotten.

Ding Mao unfastened the lock on his waist and held it in his hand. Some of those who were half-dead and tried to bite were all crushed to death by him. Next time, Ding Mao carried her on his back and ran up quickly.

Cong Liang had an ominous premonition and knocked on the system in his head: "Fang, what's going on in the corridor?"

It took a while for the system to reply, "Fuck... I stink, what else can happen, it's a beast swarm."

Finally arrived at the door of the top-floor restaurant, saw the system tightly coiled to block the door, Cong Liang got off Ding Mao's back and walked over, the system raised its head, shrunk to the size of a normal python, and shouted at Cong Liang, "Quickly. Wash me, I'm going to stink..."

"These animals..." Ding Mao bent down and looked at a dead cat, turned it over with his foot, half of his face was rotten, and it looked very disgusting.

Congliang knocked on the door, the person inside came to open the door, the system was still crashing in his head, and asked Congliang to wash it, the door opened, Congliang disliked it was dirty and didn't hold it, and let the system climb behind her.

The people in the room were seeing the system for the first time. There were a few daring people who kept clinging to the door and watched the whole process of the transformation of the system just now. After opening the way, two aunts who were not afraid of snakes asked Congliang if he needed help.

Cong Liang generously handed the system to the aunts to serve him, opened the door and walked out by himself, and saw Ding Mao holding a wide mop, pushing the corpses piled up at the door into a pile.

She also hurried over to help, grabbed the big trash can next to it, took off the top cover, and shoveled the corpse on the ground.

"These animals all died on their own," Ding Mao said. "They're all rotten. It won't take long for them to rot... So this should be the last madness."

Congliang covered his mouth and nose and shoveled the corpse. Hearing this, he waved at Dingmao and said, "Stop talking and block your breathing with your hands. If you smell it too much, you might get sick."

Ding Mao was obviously very excited. The beast tide they were waiting for came unexpectedly, but it was at the end of the force, and it would soon rot on its own, so how could he be unhappy: "You said, will this world return to normal? "

Congliang's thoughts were not so optimistic, but she didn't express her opinion. Instead, she tore the hem of her inner T-shirt with her bare hands and tied Ding Mao's mouth and nose directly.

He also tied it together and said, "Hurry up, don't talk, it stinks."

She lived in ancient times and knew that there would be more carrion, which would cause a deadly thing called plague.

Although this is in modern times, in this collapsed world, the standard of living and medical care in all aspects is not as good as in ancient times. If there is any infectious disease, it is likely to cause human extinction.

Ding Mao didn't speak any more. At this time, Yang San came back together with a few brothers. They went out for a day, but they were empty-handed. Seeing Congliang's first reaction, he took two steps back and stood vigilantly.

"Come here to help, why are you in a daze?" Cong Liang was polite to Yang San, but not to the ones behind Yang San, "It's getting dark, I don't know if these beasts will come at night, this time we are not here, Thanks..." Cong Liang smiled, "Thanks to your sister-in-law."

Several people still stood still, Cong Liang and Ding Mao both felt something was wrong and stopped their movements.

"The third district was attacked by the beast tide last night," Yang San said, "their mutants went crazy, not only killed a lot of people, but also opened the doors they had piled up and let the mutant animals in, and the entire third district ran out. Only these two..."

Zangliang looked at Yang San's line of sight, and several of Yang San's brothers gave way. Behind the strong men, there were two women who were scratched and bitten all over their bodies, hunched over their backs and looked over in panic .

"What the **** do you mean?!" Ding Mao immediately exploded: "Get out of here without you waiting! Get out now!"

Congliang also reacted at this meeting. These people were afraid that her "mutated person" would also go crazy like the one from the third district. I have to say that she felt a little uncomfortable, but she still stopped the first time to fight. Ding Mao of Yang San.

Congliang did not explain that she was not a mutant, nor did she say she was going to leave, she only said: "Xiao Bai blocked the beast tide by himself, and is injured in the house..."

Yang San's expression changed, and he was no longer vigilant. He took a step and walked into the house. The starting speed was quite astonishing. The Hululiu brothers who were left behind did not reach out to catch them.

The author has something to say: Congliang: Xiaobai...

Yang San: What happened to Xiaobai? !

Congliang: Xiaobai... it wants to come with me.

Yang San: Why QAQ?

Cong Liang: Who told you to get back the two women.

Yang San: I don't like women... No, no, I, I don't like people!