MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2639 2641 [Cultivate successors]

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  Chapter 2639 2641 [Cultivate successors]

  Since meeting in the bar that night, Zhang Bozhi fell in love with Xiang Nan at first sight.

  In her opinion, Xiang Nanxun's gangsters are just like training his own son. They are really domineering and charming.

  So when Xiang Nan went to visit the crew of "Star Wish", Zhang Bozhi took the initiative to pursue him.

  Xiang Nan heard that Zhang Bozhi fell in love with him at first sight, and couldn't help feeling that her aesthetic perspective was too biased.

  He has so many advantages in himself, but he didn't expect that she only valued his own stubbornness.

   She really deserves to be the daughter of a gangster, and her aesthetic point of view is so special.

  However, the beauty offered to throw herself into her arms, and he had no reason to refuse, so he immediately gave Zhu Yun a breakup fee and got together with Zhang Bozhi.


  In early 1999, Han Bin and Shisanmei officially got married.

  The two started dating in 1997, and they were also the thirteenth sister that Han Bin actively pursued. It is really a great fate to be able to come together now.

Xiang Nan attended the ceremony together with all Hong Xing's fit people. Even Jiang Tiansheng, Big Brother B, who had retired from the arena, as well as the Yamada group in Dongying, and the Sanlian gang in Baodao all sent people to congratulate. face.

   "Mr. Jiang, long time no see, how are you?" Xiang Nan asked Jiang Tiansheng.

   "Very well, now I eat well and sleep well. I don't have to work and no one comes to disturb me. I just play every day." Jiang Tiansheng laughed.

   "Mr. Jiang, I am very envious of you saying that." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Anan, you have done a good job in the past year, keep working hard!" Jiang Tiansheng also said with a smile, "When the club is on the right track, you can enjoy it comfortably like me."

   "How can I compare to you, Mr. Jiang was born to be rich and honored, and I was born to work hard." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "By the way, I heard that Kazuo Kusakari, the leader of the Yamada group, plans to marry his daughter to you?" Jiang Tiansheng asked curiously.

   "Yes, but I rejected it." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled.

   "Why, do you know that Kazuo Kusakari only has one daughter. If you marry her, Kazuo Kusakari may hand over the Yamada-gumi to you." Jiang Tiansheng asked doubtfully.

"That's why I refused." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "I was born as a Hongxing man and died as a Hongxing ghost. If I take over the Yamada group, with the size of the Yamada group, Hong Xing will definitely Be swallowed by it.

  Although I can benefit in this way, I am sorry for the brothers Hong Xing, and even more sorry for Mr. Jiang's trust in me. "

  Jiang Tiansheng nodded with a smile when he heard it, obviously satisfied with Xiang Nan's answer.


  From the beginning of 1999, Xiang Nan began to support Han Bin and Pheasant vigorously, hoping that they could take over the leadership position in the future.

  In the comics, Han Bin once became the leader of Hong Xing, and his performance was much better than that of Chen Haonan. And the pheasant also made its own snake gang prosperous, becoming the largest gang in Baodao.

  In the movie, both of them have strengths.

   Pheasant is brave, smart, and studious, growing up in almost every movie. In the end, he even became the leader of the two major gangs, the Sanlian Gang and the Yamada-gumi.

  Han Bin is loyal, steady, and resourceful, especially after marrying Thirteen Sisters, the two are a perfect match, and they are really in tune. Therefore, Xiang Nan felt that both of them had the qualifications to succeed the leader.

  However, there is only one leader in Hong Xing, and Xiang Nan can only look at their performance, and he will give the leader position to whoever performs best.

  Han Bin and Pheasant also saw the meaning of Xiang Nan's passing on the position. To be honest, it would be a lie if they were not moved. However, both of them are loyal men, unlike Crow, Smiling Tiger, Ji Ge, and Liang Kun who have no loyalty, fighting each other for fame and fortune, which is not moral at all.

  So the healthy competition between the two made Xiang Nan feel gratified.


   In the blink of an eye, in the middle of 1999, Lin Shufen broke up with Xiang Nan and chose to go to Japan for further studies.

  It turns out that although she and Xiang Nan get along happily, Xiang Nan does not belong to her alone after all, so this makes Lin Shufen feel very painful.

  Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and decided to study in Japan.

   Although Xiang Nan was sad about this, he also expressed his understanding. After all, it was impossible for him to marry Lin Shufen, so instead of getting tired of seeing each other until the end, he might as well choose to let her go and let her go.

   Doing this will not make you a lover, but at least you can still be a friend.


   Not long after Lin Shufen left, Zhang Bozhi dumped Xiang Nan and started dating the handsome guy Chen Xiaodong.

  It turned out that she originally thought that Xiang Nan was the kind of big brother who often led his younger brothers to sweep the streets, shouting at the front and hugging at the back, walking with the wind, and pulling two to five to eighty thousand.

   But I didn't expect that after dating Xiang Nan, I realized that he was actually so low-key. Even though he was the leader of Hong Xing, he didn't have any younger brothers around him. Only lawyers and assistants accompanied him, and everyone was gentle and courteous.

   Let her not enjoy the refreshing feeling of being called "sister-in-law" by thousands of younger brothers, and the stars are holding the moon and being majestic. That's why she dumped Xiang Nan and fell in love with the popular fried chicken Chen Xiaodong.

   Xiang Nan readily accepted this.

  Because apart from a pretty face, Zhang Bozhi's head is actually empty, just an embroidered pillow, without self-cultivation and quality.

  So it's not surprising that she has low-level aesthetics and likes the feeling of gang sister-in-law, yelling, and no one dares to mess with her.

  Xiang Nan has been with her for half a year, and he is basically tired of playing with her, so it is just right to separate.

  Xiang Nan seamlessly befriended Lin Xilei, a beautiful woman from Taiwan.

  She came to Xiangjiang to develop in 1999, and the first movie she starred in was Wang Jing's new work "The Gambler vs. Las Vegas". Because of her exquisite face, hot figure, and bold and **** performance with Andy Lau, she attracted attention as soon as she debuted.

  Xiang Nan also had a special liking for her. When they met for the first time, they gave her a Ferrari sports car; when they met for the second time, they gave her a mansion directly.

  Such a bold move made Lin Xilei quickly captured by him and became one of his many favorites.

  Compared to Zhang Bozhi's ignorance, Lin Xilei, who graduated from California University, obviously has more common language with Xiang Nan, so they get along more happily.


  At the end of 1999, Xiang Nan's business expanded further.

  Real estate industry, financial industry, electronics industry, Internet industry, entertainment industry...

  Xiang Nan has a lot of funds and business opportunities, so for him, investment is simply a matter of getting something out of his bag, and he can hit it all.

   Therefore, he invested so much money, not only did not damage his property, but also greatly increased its value.

   And Xiangnan's immigration road is almost paved.

  He is going to immigrate to Greece.

  On the one hand, no criminal record certificate is required for immigration to Greece. For a person like him who has a lot of criminal records and enough information to fill a cabinet, it is really good news to allow immigration without looking at the criminal record;

   On the one hand, Greece is located in Europe and is a member of the European Union. According to the "Schengen Convention", once you become a Greek citizen, you can freely enter and exit the EU and live indefinitely.

  It means immigrating to Greece is equivalent to immigrating to Europe, life and safety are guaranteed.

  (end of this chapter)