MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2581 2583【Turning against the wind】

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  Xiang Nan took Shaqiang and Fang Ting back to Xiangjiang.

  As soon as he left the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal, he saw Chen Yao leading someone to meet him at the door.

   "Anan, get in the car." Chen Yao said, "Mr. Jiang sent me to pick you up."

   "Thank you Brother Yao." Xiang Nan nodded, and then took Sha Qiang and Fang Ting into the commercial vehicle.

  As soon as the car started, Xiang Nan was pointed at with guns at the same time.

   "Brother Yao, what does this mean?" Xiang Nan pretended not to know, looked at Chen Yao and asked.

   "Anan, don't blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for knowing too much." Chen Yao sighed.

   "So, you and Liangkun are in the same group?" Xiang Nan smiled, "No wonder, I fell into a trap as soon as I arrived in Macau, so it was all arranged by you."

   "You are indeed smart, but unfortunately, your smartness is mistaken by your cleverness." Chen Yao nodded, "Originally you just wanted to lose your reputation and save your life, but now you can't even save your life."

   "Aren't you afraid that Mr. Jiang will blame you for killing me?" Xiang Nan asked again.

   "Jiang Tiansheng himself is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. If he can't protect himself, how can he control you." Chen Yao smiled slightly.

  Xiang Nan nodded, knowing that after Liangkun's plot was exposed, he would probably launch an attack immediately and usurp Hong Xing's position as the leader.

  Although Jiang Tiansheng is the leader, he doesn't actually have his own territory. And among the twelve fit people, apart from Big Brother B, he has no confidants. Even his confidant Chen Yao rebelled.

  In this way, Jiang Tiansheng became a loner. Even if he has a net worth of more than a dozen or two billion Hong Kong dollars, he can't immediately transform into a human being, so he can only be forced to run away to the Netherlands.

   When the time comes, Liang Kun will be the leader of Hong Xing and the family will dominate, who will care about Xiang Nan's life or death.


   "Okay." Xiang Nan nodded, suddenly his eyes flashed, and the gunman who pointed at him suddenly became dizzy.

   At this moment, Xiang Nan made a sudden move, knocking out the shooter with a knife, and snatched his pistol.

  Another gunman saw it and shot immediately.

  Although the speed of the bullet was extremely fast, Xiang Nan had already judged the path of the bullet the moment he fired, and dodged the bullet with a flash of his body.

   "Ip Man's Biography: Zhang Tianzhi" has a saying that the punch is fast within seven steps, and the spear is fast beyond seven steps.

  Because the bullet is fast, but you need to pull the trigger before shooting. Martial arts masters can dodge bullets by relying on prediction. Even when the opponent is about to buckle, he has already made a move, within seven steps, in the blink of an eye, he is knocked down with one blow.

  Xiang Nan's martial arts is much better than Zhang Tianzhi, so he can naturally dodge bullets.

  After dodging, Xiang Nan immediately shot back.

  He inherited Ning Wei's marksmanship, and he was much more accurate than his opponent, hitting his forehead directly with one blow.

  Then he pointed his gun at Chen Yao, and smiled slightly, "Brother Yao, do you need me to say anything else?"

  Chen Yao's face was ashamed, he didn't expect Xiang Nan to come back from a desperate situation, even the two pistols couldn't stop him.

  He didn't dare to resist anymore, and immediately ordered the driver to go to the peninsula instead.


   A moment later, the car drove into Jiang Tiansheng's mansion.

  Xiang Nan supported Fang Ting, escorted Chen Yao and Sha Qiang out of the car.

  Jiang Tiansheng and Big Brother B were waiting there, and they couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw this.

   "Anan, what's going on?" Big Brother B asked in puzzlement.

  Xiang Nan pointed his gun at Chen Yao, which really confused them.

   "Mr. Jiang, Brother B, you will know after listening." Xiang Nan threw the tape recorder in his pocket to the boss B and said.

  Big Brother B took it over, pressed the play button, and then Chen Yao's words were played.

   "Ayao, you..." Jiang Tiansheng and Big Brother B were surprised when they heard this.

   Unexpectedly, Chen Yao and Liang Kun were in the same group, not only betraying his brother, but even intending to usurp power.

   "Wang Badan, I'll beat you to death!" Big Brother B stepped forward angrily, grabbed Chen Yao and was about to beat him.

   "Ah B, don't touch him yet." Seeing this, Jiang Tiansheng stopped him. Then let the servant help Fangting into the room first, and ask the family doctor to help her do an examination.

  Take Chen Yao, Sha Qiang, Big Brother B, and Xiang Nan to the study together.


   "Ayao, I really didn't expect that you would betray me when we were brothers." Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chen Yao and said very sadly.

  He has always regarded Chen Yao as his confidant, and he has been living in seclusion for a year, and Chen Yao takes care of all the affairs of the club. Originally, I thought that my sincerity would be exchanged for my sincerity, but I didn't expect that what I got in the end was betrayal.

   "Brother Sheng, I'm sorry, Akun gave me five million, and I want to immigrate the whole family to South America." Chen Yao explained.

   "Ma De, for five million, you betrayed Mr. Jiang, you are really a piece of shit." Big guy B slapped the table and said.

  Xiang Nan understood Chen Yao's approach.

  Although Chen Yao is nominally the second in command of the club, he doesn't have any territory, so his income is far less than that of a fitter like Big Brother B.

   Just like the Tang Dynasty, the feudal towns were separated. Even if he was a prime minister, he only received some salary. Far less than those Jiedu envoys, dominating one side, domineering.

  Therefore, five million Hong Kong dollars is nothing to Big Boss B who owns many bars and dance halls, but to Chen Yao, it may be his salary for several years.

  Man dies for money, and bird dies for food. It is not surprising that he betrayed Jiang Tiansheng.


"Ah B, don't scold him." Jiang Tiansheng stopped him, and then said to Chen Yao, "Ah Yao, you tell the truth about Akun's plan, because of the past, I will not punish you, and I will continue to use it again. you."

   Chen Yao nodded upon hearing this.

  He knew that if he didn't cooperate, he might die.

   After all, Xiang Nan has already killed so many people, so he is not missing.

   And he believed that since Jiang Tiansheng dared to say this in front of Big Brother B and Xiang Nan, he would not break his promise.

   Therefore, choosing the lesser of two evils, Chen Yao immediately revealed Liangkun's plan.

  It turns out that since Jiang Tiansheng semi-retired last year, Liang Kun has already started to seek the leading position.

  For this reason, he kept wooing the brothers in the gang, throwing out a lot of money, and also seduced people from other clubs, and suppressed those who didn't want to be wooed by him.

  With his hard work, now Hong Xing's twelve fitters, except for Big Brother B, are almost all useless.

  Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help turning pale when he heard this.

   Unexpectedly, he had only retired for a year, and the situation had deteriorated to this point.

  Twelve fitters, but eleven of them betrayed, which was really beyond his expectation.

   But this is no wonder.

  Twelve fit people are basically supported by his father Jiang Zhen. In order to respect his father, he has not started cleaning since he took over as the leader.

   But in fact, once the emperor and the courtiers, he should have replaced these veterans and replaced them with his confidants. In that case, even if Liangkun wants to rebel, at least he has the power to fight back.

   "Mr. Jiang, Liangkun has indeed planned it for a long time. Even Macau Fat Dog is supported by him. This is their account book." Xiang Nan took out the account book and said, "The amount is astonishing."

  Jiang Tiansheng roughly flipped through it, and it was indeed shocking, and the transactions were often in the tens of millions. It's no wonder that Fat Dog is so bold that he dared to blackmail Hong Xing.