MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 902 Father of 6 children

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"Is it eligible? Yeah ... you're already qualified ..."

Looking up at Li Yalin's tall dragon body, Bai couldn't help muttering.

Regarding Li Yalin's sudden transformation, she was already taken by surprise in her heart, but what puzzled her even more was that when she saw Li Yalin's dragon body with her own eyes, her heart was born unexpectedly A fiery feeling.

This feeling ... It was as if the instinct was driving her, letting her go forward exhaustively, combined with the existence that has been crushing her existence in all directions, giving birth to a stronger next generation.

This is an instinct from the depths of the soul!

And Bai found that he seemed to be completely restrained!


Transformed into a white dragon god!

approach him!

Into him!

Lying in a slot?

what's going on?

Li Yalin forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart, but did not think that Bai, who was talking with him, would also become a dragon **** in the next moment.

What will she do?

What does she want to do?

and many more!

Not just white!

Why are you transformed?

And youth!

Hey, what do you want?



you guys!

do not do that! calm down! I don't plan to do things like this! Even if you want to do things, you will become a humanoid to me!

What should be said about the process of combining dragons and gods? After all, it is not an ordinary creature, and naturally it is impossible to have too spicy eyes.

But even so, Li Yalin didn't expect that after turning herself into a dragon, she caused the six-pillar dragon sister Qi Qi to lose her mind, and then a seven dragon battle was staged!

Even if there were no unspeakable scenes of the Dragon and Dragon Gongkou, and this combination of dragons and gods is generally comfortable for his soul to be sublimated, but in fact he still feels like ... he lost!

Mother chicken!

I don't like this game at all!

How can the collision of souls come directly from the body!

and so……

"I say you guys ... don't think this is over!"

After recovering the human form, Li Yalin's urge has disappeared a lot because of the previous combination, but it is reasonable to say that if that's the case, then he might be too bad, right?

Therefore, after the six pillar dragon gods have recovered, one by one, it is good, let us continue the second stage of the ‘battle’!

Anyway, you are all dragon gods, it is definitely impossible to lose so soon, right?

Then ...

The second round officially begins!

Well, the real harmony scene starts here. Visual inspection can omit tens of thousands of words ...

"You guy ... It's really daring, and it took all six of us in one shot, really ..."

After the harmonious plot passed, Li Yalin and the six-pillared dragon sisters gradually recovered their senses, and everyone clearly remembered what happened before.

So naturally, there is Li Yanlin's rude behavior of rudeness. As the most intimate relationship with him, Bai naturally initiated the 'conquest'.

I just listened to Bai ’s ‘consultation’. Why did you hear how it sounded like a coquettish?

"This is a qualification for being a strong man, and it is also our choice."

Impulsively passing, Li Yalin, who had calmed down completely, felt a headache when he faced the six dragon **** sisters.

He did not expect that after combining the power of the six-pillar dragon god, he brought him such a serious 'sequelae'. After all, he must know that he was a very restrained person, and this disagreement caused six cracks Dragon God sister or something, he dare not think about it before.

Just doing everything now, he ca n’t really complain about the sequelae, right, so he could only scratch his head with an awkward look in the face of the white ‘request’.

After all, he is already his person, and he can't pull out that ruthless right now.


Not waiting for Li Yalin to show something here, Jin on the side has already spoken for him.

And how to say, after Jin said this sentence, and then look at her performance, she actually touched her lower abdomen subconsciously.

"Is this the feeling that gave birth to life? I have felt it for the first time for tens of thousands of years."

"Well ... this feeling is really good."


Nurture life?

Are you serious?

Li Yalin didn't expect it, but he just slammed the dragon **** sisters, and as a result, they really started to think about killing people.

No, to be precise, should it be a dragon?

Just slammed once, are you sure I'm so accurate and hit in the first shot?

"The same is true, although some people always say that I am the mother of the earth, but this time, I really felt the feeling of being a mother."

Well, not only the gold, but even the greens on the side started to stroke his belly.

Do you have it too?

real or fake?

"Hum! Since it is my child, I will have to make him as brave as my mother in the future!"


You also……

"Congratulations, Yalin, you want to be the father of six children, do you like it?"

what? Bai you mean ...

"Dad for six children? Bai you mean, all of you are pregnant?"

As a person who has reached a psychological age, Li Yalin certainly thought he would have a child, but the problem is, he never thought that this day would come so fast.

Are you going to be a dad now?

And still be the father of six children in one breath?

Seeing one by one caressing his own belly, at the same time, the mothers of the dragon gods were also exposed on the face, Li Yalin didn't know what kind of expression he should show at the moment.

I'm going to be a dad?

As soon as he thought that he might be wearing an apron, carrying a child, holding a child, and four children around him who wanted to feed, he couldn't help shivering.

Is this ... really okay?

"What? Are you upset, Yalin? You don't like children?"

Seeing that Li Yalin was lost in thought, and then he shivered instinctively, which made Bai subconsciously think that he actually did not like children.

Because of this ~ ~ Bai also frowned slightly.

As a dragon **** who has survived for tens of thousands of years, it is undoubtedly a heavy responsibility for them to conceive their lives. Their children are as important as their own lives.

But as a child ’s father, if Li Yalin does n’t like them ...

"No! Of course I like children! How could I not like children!"

The conversation between Li Yalin and Bai was not only for the two of them to hear, but the Dragon God sisters who were exuding the glory of motherhood were clearly heard.

Because of this, Li Yalin's strong sixth sense also made him return to God immediately.

Don't like children?

How could this happen!

I'm Li Yalin! But I like children the most!