MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 79 Hornet's nest

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After hearing this, Qing Qin could only point a candle in his heart for this teammate who sincerely helped him go bankrupt.

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I accidentally injured my teammates again, let me see who is the unlucky little guy when the results come out.

He ruthlessly arranged the funeral of his teammates clearly and turned his head to continue his poverty alleviation work.

It was only after walking for a while, the bushes next to it moved, and a small group of things rushed out. Qingqin noticed it keenly. When he was clearing this little guy, he stopped and hugged the person in his arms: "Wang Mu?"

This time, Wang Mu's whole spirit is different, he touched the back of his head and looked up and smiled, with stars twinkling in his eyes: "My father said that the mountain road is not easy to walk, let me come and pick them up first. Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts."

His curious eyes swept across the people behind him. This time, the poverty alleviation work jointly with the government is mainly based on science and technology poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation and intelligence alleviation. At the opening ceremony, in addition to official people, there are also officials The media responsible for the interviews and videos, of course, are more of the Qibao Commissioner.

Qibao carefully selected a few of the outstanding graduates from the Agricultural University who have rich experience and beautiful resumes after studying in the farm. As a special commissioner, they taught planting techniques by hand, and even directly in the village. Live for a while.

They are all about people who are close to nature, and they also exude a temperament that makes Wang Mu feel extremely comfortable.

After Wang Mu looked at these people, his heart calmed down a little, and he had a little more trust. He smiled and led the people to the valleys.

Raspberry and the like, hand it over to everyone, in exchange for a few thank yous.


Qing Qin ate a few without any image and thought it was delicious, and then he invited the commissioners from home to gather and whisper.

Wang Mu pricked up his ears and listened—

"This tastes good, is it possible to cultivate it artificially?"

"It looks like a red raspberry, that one is a black raspberry, and this one is a golden raspberry, both are pretty good."

"I remember that our yard also developed a Fuyuan No. 3 before, and you can try it out."

The smile on his face could no longer be controlled, and he couldn't help but wipe a few tears from his eyes with the back of his hand.

This group of people was warmly welcomed by the local villagers. Early in the morning, the village chief gathered a group of people to wait at the entrance of the village, and greeted them warmly when they saw everyone.

Qing Qin took a look and saw that this village is mainly made of bamboo and wooden houses, some even with mud walls, built along the mountain peaks all the way up, scattered and well-proportioned, all drinking water comes from the spring water on the mountain , transported in bamboo tubes, revealing a sense of occlusion and backwardness.

However, the spirit of the villagers is very good, especially after Wang Mu chatted with the village chief father in dialect, a kind of warm emotion erupted in the eyes of most of the people, pulling the people who came To be seated in the house.

They finally rejected a warm reception. Some people started to test the local soil water quality and environment with instruments. villagers sign up.

In the village square where the mountain is relatively flat, several commissioners started to read and explain with big speakers, and booklets were passed around.

This booklet is not only a text, but more parts are illustrated by pictures produced in the text, which is convenient for illiterate villagers to read.

After the end, 70% of the villagers chose to sign up for this project. Although the rest were still waiting and watching, they had already changed a bit.

When she was going down the mountain, Qing Qin was still thinking about the clear mountain spring water that he was surrounded by, thinking of the dinner made by the villagers slaughtering chickens, her mood was slightly heavy, and her words were less. many.

The official person in charge was quite talkative: "Mr. Qing, you really did a great thing this time, at least with new channels, this village will soon prosper , there is another group of people in this world who can come out of poverty."

"Don't you think I am trying to gain a false name?" Qing Qin knew that his purpose was impure, and laughed at himself half-jokingly.

"I only know that the sage's argument doesn't care, if more companies are willing to spend real money and real silver to participate in social welfare for the so-called false name, it is definitely not what you want, what you want!"

Qing Qin pondered, as he went down the mountain, the signal of his mobile phone gradually became stronger, and he received an inquiry from Jian Jun: "Mr. Qing, do you need to develop fruit and vegetable planting on the mountain this time? Need drones to join in?"

I asked, Jian Jun was still pessimistic about this idea: "Currently, it is difficult for drones to correctly distinguish low shrubs and fruit trees, grasses and fruit trees from a top-down perspective, and it is difficult to Taking off and landing in the complex environment of mountains, the penetration rate and coverage of spraying are not good. But I have an idea, we can introduce AI analysis, build a deep learning system, and use neural network technology to enhance practicality..."

Give it! Why not spend money on good things?

Qing Qin gave the task to Meng Yao without saying a word: "The money should not be less, and then find a good person in related fields, the salary does not matter, we should support scientific research even if we break the pot and sell iron. ,Science and technology are primary productive forces!"

Can reach.

The official person in charge secretly praised in his heart, as expected of a patriotic entrepreneur who has been stamped a long time ago, this consciousness is really high, he turned his head and decided to do more activities with his old friends Activity.

Waves News Building.

Bao Anguo leaned against the office chair, the desk in front of him was full of reports, behind the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, in front of several editors who were reporting.

When the paper media was declining day by day, Bao Anguo entered the Internet age with the determination of a strong man to break his wrist, dispatched several young elites, and took the lead in building the first domestic news a, and then on the top of the waves, flying pigeons The official account, Baijia account, etc. expanded their territory, turned the tide, and became a dark horse in the era of media decline.

He was quite complacent about it, and that complacent reached a peak today—

"The number of clicks on this news has reached 5 million and is still rising. At the same time, the number of downloads of Wave News a and the retention rate of other news reading time have also increased." Editor-in-Chief With excitement written on his face, "This is a big win for us!"

The Svensman editor-in-chief couldn't hold back any longer, almost dancing: "I said before that the Internet age is an unstoppable trend, and this news attempt proves it! "

Bolan News also had some status in the paper media era, and the editor-in-chief who is still in charge of the paper media is a gray-haired old man who behaves in an old-fashioned manner: "I have also read your report, this new The young people who come in are not good, everyone is a news person, and it can be seen that there are many people who are eye-catching and inciting emotions, and the evidence submitted is also questionable. This kind of article can never be approved by me!"

"That's why your paper media are not good now." It was the high-spirited editor-in-chief with his arms crossed around his chest, raising his eyebrows in mockery.

"News must be fact! From day one we should know, 'facts first, news second'

. The best report should be the most objective. If you look at this news again, where is it qualified? "Obviously the old man was really angry too.

"Editor Miao," Mr. Bao raised his hand and pressed down to stop their quarrel, "Don't get angry, this is also an attempt, young people should try more, and the result is still good. "

This is a final word, the old man reluctantly shut his mouth, only to hear their increasingly drifting president say: "That young reporter hasn't turned into a regular yet? I’ve done it, and this month will give you more bonuses. You can also try more of the methods you tried to stir up conflicts. Now that the news industry is in a downturn, we are just digging a grand avenue for future generations.”

These words are hypocritical and high-sounding to the point of disgusting. This is the first time the old man has heard the CEO express his heart. The ground announced: "You wait for Shuzi, you can't stand in the company!"

After saying this, he walked away and slammed the door angrily.

The remaining two people in the room, including the deputy editor of the paper media who had not spoken before, were never angry. On the contrary, they looked at each other and smiled unconsciously.

"Then the paper media will be transformed by editor-in-chief Qiu."

"Wherever you are, I still have to rely on you a lot."

After a lot of business touts in the president's office, the reporter who excitedly made a big news finally got his reward.

The bonus of 20,000 in one breath, together with the promise of regularization and reuse, directly caught his eye.

The man thought happily: If I am born with my talents, I will be useful, leave the dead state-owned unit, and come to this private enterprise to emerge. Presumably the editor-in-chief of the dead face before has regretted it.

With this subtle complacency and pride, he put on the best suit, took care of it properly and confidently, and stepped into the building of Wave News with the arrogance of a young talent.

However, what greeted him was not the congratulations of his new colleagues, but one after another with faces that were worried and a little helpless.

In the end, I saw the person he was not used to for a long time walk out of the editor-in-chief's office, slowly packed up the suitcase, saw him pretending to be calm and a little anxious, and sneered: "I got on the ship before the sinking, very pitiful."

"What do you mean?" The reporter looked at him as if he was about to resign, and made up his own mind to make up a big scene where people who didn't like him were forced to resign, and his eyes were very contemptuous.

"I'll start with the ugly words first. This morning, our tax supervisor checked it once, and our labor security staff checked it once. Come." He nodded to the reporter who was unaware of the impending disaster, "It's better to do it yourself."

The reporter couldn't help frowning. Now this means, are they being targeted by the authorities?

The next second, the editor-in-chief called him into the office with a rather irritable tone.

"What's the matter? You don't know the details of Qibao?" The editor-in-chief knocked on the table impatiently, "It looks like he has offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

"Qibao is not just a small company, and it has gained some reputation for the previous labor security issue. In fact, the foundation is unstable, and it is absolutely impossible to have such connections." The reporter immediately patted his chest and assured , "I know, some things are impossible to touch."

The editor-in-chief gave him a suspicious look, in the end he felt that people like them who were rhythmic and provoking conflicts had a steel scale in their hearts: "What's the situation now?"

Then his phone vibrated, and countless calls and messages appeared on the phone in an instant.

The people from Black Qibao have been slapped upside down by the officials, and those who have crossed the line have been let in!"

"How is this possible?" The reporter's face was full of panic, and when he killed him, he would never have imagined that even if he received money to hack a company, it would be like poking a hornet's nest.

"Why is it impossible," the editor-in-chief roared angrily, feeling dizzy for a while, "Now that the official government intends to rectify the news industry, several official media have all gone out in person!"