MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 624 meat buns

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  Chapter 624 Meat bun

   The steamed stuffed bun shop is doing very well, and there are many diners gathered in front of the shop.

  Yu Niaoyou managed to squeeze in.

  She asked the boss, "How do you sell the buns?"

  The boss was busy selling steamed buns and said, "Three Wen for meat stuffing, and two Wen for vegetable stuffing."

  Yu Niao opened the purse, poured out the copper coins inside and counted them, exactly ten copper coins.

  She handed over all ten copper coins: "Two for meat stuffing and two for vegetable stuffing."


  The boss accepted the copper coins, quickly picked up four buns, wrapped them in oiled paper and handed them to her.

   "Little lady, this is your bun, take it."

  Yu Niaoyou turned to Xiao Juan with the steaming steamed buns in her pocket.

   "Let's go and sit in the shade of the tree in front."


  The sun is quite bright today, but the villagers are busy with business and have no time to rest, so the shade under the trees is empty, which is just convenient for Yu Nianyou and Xiao Juan.

  The two sat down in a random place under the shade of a tree.

  Yu Niaoyou opened the paper bag carefully, and handed two of the buns to Xiao Juan.

   "Two each, and this is yours."

  Xiao Juan took the steamed stuffed bun, lowered his head and took a bite. The soft dough was wrapped with delicious meat filling, and when he bit it, the hot soup overflowed, which tasted very good.

  Yu Niao said while eating: "This bun is so delicious!"

  Xiao Juan looked up at her, just in time to catch a glimpse of the steamed stuffed bun in her hand.

  He couldn't help asking: "Why is yours a vegetable bun?"

  Yu Youyou smiled: "I want to eat something vegetarian recently."

  After she finished speaking, she opened her mouth and took another big bite of the steamed stuffed bun. Her cheeks bulged, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

   Xiao Juan somehow thought of something, picked up another bun, and gently opened it, the inside was also filled with meat.

  It turns out that my two buns are filled with meat.

  He looked at Yu Niaoyou again and asked.

   "How many meat buns did you buy?"

  Yu Niao said while eating: "Why do you ask this? You should eat quickly, the steamed stuffed bun won't taste good when it's cold."

  Xiao Juan took another bun from her hand.

  Yu Niaoyou became anxious immediately: "What are you doing? You haven't finished eating your own steamed stuffed bun yet, how can you **** mine? Give me the steamed stuffed bun!"

   As she spoke, she was about to reach out to grab it.

  Some pedestrians passing by saw this scene, and couldn't help casting contemptuous glances at Xiao Juan, and whispered.

   "Who is it? He even wants to take away his own daughter-in-law's steamed stuffed bun. He's really not a man."

  When Yu Niao heard this, she was immediately embarrassed.

   On the contrary, Xiao Juan looked calm and didn't care about other people's opinions at all.

  He broke open the steamed stuffed bun that he had just snatched, and as expected, there were only cabbage and shredded radish inside, not a little bit of meat.

   There were four buns in total. She ate the vegetable stuffed buns herself, and gave him the two meat stuffed buns.

  Xiao Juan's hand holding the bun trembled slightly, and his heart was full of sadness.

  Meat buns are not worth much, but she still left the best ones for him.

   "Yiu, I'm sorry."

  Obviously when they got married, he promised to take good care of her.

  But now, she has to live and sleep with him, and she can't even eat a meat bun.

  Yu Niaoyou sighed.

"Why do you say I'm sorry? I gave you all the meat buns because I was worried about your injuries and needed to eat something good to replenish your body. When you recover from your injuries, you can make money and bring Let me eat delicacies from mountains and seas all over the world."

  Xiao Juan didn't say anything, and silently stretched out his hand to hug you into his arms.

  He hugged her very hard, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

  Yu Niaoyou felt a little out of breath.

  She exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Okay, okay, there are still people watching, please let me go."

  Xiao Juan doesn't care what others think.

  He hugged you and did not let go, his voice muffled.

   "I don't like meat buns, please help me eat them."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Liar! Meat buns are so delicious, how could anyone not like them?"

   "I just don't like to eat it. From now on, all my meat buns will belong to you."

  Xiao Juan paused and added another sentence.

   "I give you everything."

  Yu Niaoyou couldn't laugh or cry: "It's just two meat buns, why are you like this?"

   To the former Prince Lang, two meat buns were really nothing, but to Xiao Juan today, two meat buns are a rare delicacy in this world.

   No matter how many years later, he will never forget the scene that happened at this moment.

  After getting Yu Niaoyou's consent, Xiao Juan let her go.

  Yu Niaoyou held the half-bitten meat bun and said it funny.

   "You've already eaten this, so you might as well finish it."

  Xiao Juan looked at her steadfastly: "Are you despising me?"

  Yu Niaoyou denied it flatly: "How could it be? Nothing!"

  Xiao Juan: "Then you eat."

  Yu Niaoyou: "..."

  Under the scorching gaze of the man, Yu Youyou obediently ate the two meat buns.

  Xiao Juan took out the water bag from the bag and handed it to her, then he picked up the two vegetable buns and ate them in two bites.

   After eating and drinking, Xiao Juan asked Niaoyou what would she like to do next?

  Yu Niaoyou wanted to buy some medicinal materials for wound healing.

  The arrow wound on Xiao Juan's back became inflamed, and the inflammation has not subsided. The wound medicine they brought is almost used up, so it must be replenished as soon as possible.

  Before, Yu Niaoyao mentioned the matter of buying medicinal materials, but Xiao Juan rejected them all.

   Knowing that he was injured, the government will definitely set up eyeliner in various pharmacies and medical clinics in advance. As long as they show up, they will be arrested.

   To them, pharmacies and clinics are like traps laid out by hunters.

  Xiao Juan must not let Niao Niao put herself in danger.

  Yu Niaoyou naturally knows Xiao Juan's scruples, but if the medicine is stopped, Xiao Juan's injuries will be more serious, and may even endanger his life.

   Both left and right are dead, so it's better to gamble!

  She raised her hand to cover her forehead, making a motion to block the sun.

   "It's too sunny today, go and buy me an oil-paper umbrella, I'll wait for you here."

  Xiao Juan looked at the market in front, and indeed there were shops selling oiled paper umbrellas.

  He said to Yu Niaoyou: "I'll come back as soon as I go, you stay here and don't move."

  Yu Youyou nodded obediently, and then said.

   "You are tired of running around with your burden on your back, why don't you give me your burden, anyway, I don't need to move while sitting here."

  Xiao Juan didn't think much about it, and immediately took off the burden on his back and handed it to her, and urged him repeatedly.

   "When I come back, don't run around."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Got it."

  Xiao Juan pressed the brim of his bamboo hat, and strode towards the shop selling oiled paper umbrellas.

  As soon as he left, Yu Niaoyou jumped up immediately.

  She carried the burden and rushed towards the nearest pharmacy.

  There are too many people in the pharmacy, and the two clerks are very busy.

  Yu Niao looked around and found no suspicious person in the pharmacy.

   She leaned over to the counter and asked one of the clerks.

   "Do you have medicine for trauma here?"

  (end of this chapter)