MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 5 Zuo Xiaonian's calamity of life and death!

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  Chapter 5 Zuo Xiaonian's Life and Death Calamity!

   Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned for a moment.

  Zuo Xiaonian, will he die?

  Since she was a child, she has always loved and taken care of her sister Xiao Nian... Will she die in two and a half months? Looking at the beautiful face in front of him who was heartbroken because of his own sadness, Zuo Xiaoduo felt a little suffocated for an instant.

  Why did such a line appear in front of me?

What's this?

  Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly asked in a hurry: "Sister Xiao Nian, are you going to attack the Yin-Yang world in two and a half months? Break through the Dan Yuan?"

Zuo Xiaonian was sobbing, Zuo Xiaoduo's tears made her aching heart twitch, she felt her heart was about to break, she was sad, when she heard this question, her heart jumped suddenly, her head turned red Looking at Zuo Xiaoduo with squinted eyes, he choked and said, "How do you know?"

   After asking, she came back to her senses, wiped away her tears, looked more cautious, and asked again: "How do you know two and a half months later?" Suddenly fully reacting, her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

  The surprise in Zuo Xiaonian's heart was really no small matter.

   There are many people who know about the fact that I want to break through the Yin-Yang world; because my cultivation base is here, this is an indisputable fact.

  But everyone only knows that it should be recently, or at most no more than a month. And one month later, the wrong information will be released again, and the ecstasy array will continue to confuse.

  The specific time and place must not be disclosed. This is a matter of life and death.

  Warrior breaks through the Dan Yuan period, which is a big hurdle; in other words, the road to the strong will be completely opened from then on.

  Dan Yuan Realm is the realm of martial arts masters in the eyes of ordinary people.

  The younger the person who breaks through this realm, the more promising he is for development; Zuo Xiaonian is only nineteen years old this year, and it is unprecedented for thousands of years to break through the Alchemy Realm at the age of nineteen!

  If there is a breakthrough, it will inevitably create a new page in history.

  Nineteen-year-old Alchemy Realm! Nineteen-year-old girl grandmaster!

   This is a miracle enough to shake the world!

  So this news will definitely attract attention, and it will definitely not be peaceful.

   Naturally, there will be people with ulterior motives who have thoughts about it, and I don't want Zuo Xiaonian to break through smoothly!

  Assassination in normal times is mostly difficult to be effective, especially in the city Zuo Xiaonian is familiar with, it is too easy to escape and avoid; it is even possible to be counter-killed.

  However, during the breakthrough process, especially at the critical moment of breaking through the bottleneck, even a loud cry from an ordinary person is enough to make the person concerned go into a state of chaos!

   If you want to kill such a genius, at that time, it is undoubtedly the best time!

   And Zuo Xiaonian's breakthrough date, at least so far, is the biggest secret in Phoenix City!

   As far as Zuo Xiaonian knows, only two people know!

  One is Zuo Xiaonian himself, and the other is Zuo Xiaonian's master.

  Even the use of the Star Source Room is now full and there is no vacancy, and there is no sign of Zuo Xiaonian wanting to use it.

  Zuo Xiaonian was in doubt.

  How did Zuo Xiaoduo know?

   Could it be a random guess?

   But the guess is too accurate, right? !


  Seeing Zuo Xiaonian's reaction, Zuo Xiaoduo's heart went cold!

  The content of that line is actually true? !

  Holding the hope of the eventuality, Zuo Xiaoduo tentatively asked: "In...Xingwu Jinjing?"


  Zuo Xiaonian straightened up all of a sudden, and widened her beautiful eyes, which were full of shock!

   He really does!

   Xingwu Jinjing is the result of long-term consideration by myself and my master. In order to avoid being disturbed, I didn't even use the top three jade crystal rooms, the Sky Crystal Room and the Soul Crystal Room!

   Instead, I chose a relatively ordinary golden crystal room!

   This is even more top secret among top secrets!

  I have never told anyone about it, and Master regards me as a continuation of her own life, and will only be more careful than myself.

  However, how did Xiaoduo know?

  Zuo Xiaonian's face turned pale.

   Turning around, he said hoarsely: "Not necessarily, everything is still undecided."

   Maybe others can believe this sentence, but Zuo Xiaoduo, who grew up together, can tell at a glance that Zuo Xiaonian is lying!

   Otherwise she wouldn't have turned around.

  I hit the spot.

  Zuo Xiaoduo only felt that his heart was sinking gradually.

  Using the physiognomy in his mind, he carefully looked at Zuo Xiaonian's face, and saw a faint black line forming between her brows.

  The black air in the Yintang gradually fills up, reaching up to the canopy and extending down endlessly. This is... the sign of death? !

  Zuo Xiaoduo is in a mess, what should I say to make her believe me?

  I'm just a martial artist now... What should I do to prevent Miss Xiao Nian from this catastrophe?

   "Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if you make a breakthrough earlier or later, right?" Zuo Xiaoduo said dryly, "...or, this, it's better to prepare more."

  Zuo Xiaonian let go of the doubts in his heart, smiled sweetly, and said, "Don't worry about me. It's you... little dog... why did you cry so sad just now?"

  Zuo Xiaonian has already made up his mind.

  Tomorrow, when I go to Star Martial Academy, I must discuss this matter with my teacher. What went wrong?

   "I really didn't cry, I just lost my eyes just now..." Zuo Xiaoduo gritted his teeth.

   No matter what, this matter must be resolved!

   "Your breakthrough this time, I feel that it will be dangerous... Can it be postponed?" Zuo Xiaoduo said dryly.

   "Dog, are you cursing me?" Zuo Xiaonian didn't care at all.

"It's really dangerous, I... I know how to read..." Zuo Xiaoduo was anxious: "I can see that your breakthrough is dangerous! It's better to rearrange the arrangement. Otherwise, how do you think I know Xingwu Jinjing? "


  Zuo Xiaonian rolled his eyes. It's really strange that you can know where it is, but when it comes to looking at it, it's dangerous... Hehehe.

  Dog Da is worried about me having an accident, is he worried about me?

  But I would rather believe it or not, I still need to discuss it with my master tomorrow.

   "Don't worry." Zuo Xiaonian patted Zuo Xiaoduo on the shoulder, and said, "My master, but the great master of baby transformation!"

   The implication is that nothing will go wrong.

  Besides, Zuo Xiaoduo's only cultivation level now is... Cough. Speaking of helping out...cough.

  Zuo Xiaonian said softly: "Xiaoduo...practice hard! There must be hope!"

   "I can really see that..."

   "Okay, okay... Well, I believe it, I believe it, okay? Don't worry." Zuo Xiaonian's words were full of perfunctory.

   Zuo Xiaoduo froze.

  Zuo Xiaonian doesn't believe it!

  She won't believe it.

   Compare your heart with your heart, if someone suddenly tells me that you will be dangerous in three months, I will not believe it.

   What's more, the person speaking is the younger brother she watched and grew up with, and he can clearly understand how much he weighs...

  Grow up together since childhood, and then my younger brother has been wandering around with poor aptitude, and I have made rapid progress in genius aptitude...Suddenly one day, my younger brother told me: Sister, your life is in danger! After three months!

  Zuo Xiaonian sighed inwardly.

  Xiao Duo is under a lot of pressure... I can no longer talk about cultivation in front of him. Don't let this kid think about it...

  Zuo Xiaoduo is infinitely lost.

  Zuo Xiaonian didn't believe it at all, not at all. She said the time and location of the breakthrough first, but she still didn't believe it...

   Zuo Xiaoduo asked himself: If it were me, would I believe it?

   Shaking his head bitterly.

  I probably don’t believe it either…

  So, if you don’t believe it, you have to let things happen?

  How about telling your parents?

  But parents are ordinary people, telling them, apart from adding worry and worry, it is also useless.

   Moreover, most of the parents' reactions are the same as Miss Nian's, they don't believe it.

   Might as well beat yourself up: You cursed your sister to die? !

   Seeing that a person will die after three months, this is simply nonsense!

  Only I believe, only I know. But I... am so weak.

   "I'll try my best to find a way, but it won't work. On that day, I'll pretend to be dead to help you delay the time? I don't know if it can be done..." Zuo Xiaoduo said silently in his heart, making up his mind.

  Since you don't believe it, let me work hard.

  I am very weak, but I can never do nothing!

  While working hard, I will look for opportunities and remind you with facts... Anyone can understand if I don’t believe it now. But don't believe it, you never believe it!

  The solution is always figured out by people!

  Zuo Xiaonian's death made Zuo Xiaoduo almost out of breath. Thinking about it, the breath on his body became inexplicably violent.

   His face was very gloomy.

  The sky has darkened.

  Zuo Xiaonian frowned and sat sideways on the edge of Zuo Xiaoduo's bed, thinking about something, and felt a little headache; Xiaoduo couldn't practice, how could he change his aptitude? …

How to do it?

  The other thing did Xiaoduo know about his own breakthrough? What went wrong?

   Someone must have told him, so who is this person?


   Zuo Xiaoduo is also in a hurry.

   Zuo Xiaoduo never thought that he was really a good-for-nothing.

When Star Soul awakened, Zuo Xiaoduo knew that although his aptitude was not good, he was definitely not rubbish. However, dreams began to appear sporadically, and then Star Soul suddenly became half-dead. Pacing back and forth repeatedly.

  Especially after that strange and incomplete jade pendant appeared, no matter how hard he tried, his cultivation still rarely progressed, and even regressed.

  Zuo Xiaoduo understands very well that he is not industrious, but he became a martial artist four years ago, how could he regress after four years of hard work? There is no such reason.

   Now that all the restrictions have been lifted, Zuo Xiaoduo can already feel that the star power between heaven and earth, along with his spiritual power, is rushing into his body frantically!

   It's like a desert that has been dry for a long time, absorbing water crazily, and this speed is getting faster and faster!

  The samurai crossed the barrier of the samurai, and was already trembling violently, ready to break open at any time...

   He's just worried, it's still too slow.

   Only a little over two months away!

   Too urgent!


  Wu Yuting and Zuo Changlu walked together, talking and walking. They all frown deeply.



  Both siblings were lowering their heads to think about their thoughts, and finally heard the sound of the door, which slammed shut.

   Immediately, Wu Yuting's voice was heard: "Dog! Is your sister back yet?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo walked to the door weakly: "Mother...can you not call sister is in my room!"

  Wu Yuting was immediately vigilant: "What are you doing? Dog, I can warn you, you..."

  Zuo Xiaonian flushed and rushed out: "Mom! What are you thinking?"

  The two of them went out, facing Shangzuo Changlu and Wu Yuting, both of them looked at their siblings suspiciously.

   "Don't make trouble!"

  Long left road warning.

   "Be honest!"

  Wu Yuting warned.

   "You guys hate it!" Zuo Xiaonian rushed into his room with a blushing face.

  Behind Zuo Xiaonian, a speechless Zuo Xiaoduo appeared, looking at his parents with loveless eyes.

"ready to eat!"

Wu Yuting didn't find anything unusual, so she breathed a sigh of relief, then rolled her eyes, and turned Zuo Changlu: "You, a father, don't even believe your own son and daughter, it's too much. I've never seen a father like you !” Twisted away.

  Zuo Changlu was a little confused.

  Did I say it first?

  Didn't you shout the loudest first?


  During eating, Zuo Changlu said: "Xiao Nian, during this time, you don't have to go home every day. You should stay at Xingwu and ask your master for advice at critical moments."

  Zuo Xiaonian smiled gently: "It's okay, everything is ready."

  She looked at her parents and Zuo Xiaoduo with beautiful eyes, with deep yearning in her eyes. Attack the world of yin and yang, if you fail, you will die. Although you are full of confidence and you are sure, there is always one in a thousand.

  If that eventuality really happens, then being with your family during this time is the ultimate happiness.


  Zuo Xiaoduo was grilling the rice while practicing the exercises in his eyes. He only felt the coolness rushing again, but it was much weaker, and it reached his eyes in an instant, and then he looked towards his parents' faces.

  See how the fate of mom and dad is, so be prepared.

   After looking at it, Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned.

  Zuo Changlu's face... nothing?

  Look at mother again.

  Wu Yuting's face... also has nothing?

   Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned.

  What's going on?


  The cool feeling is exhausted and I still haven’t seen anything.

   Could it be that this ability that I acquired with great difficulty failed?

  He looked left and right, Zuo Changlu finally couldn't help it, put down his chopsticks, faced Zuo Xiaoduo, sat upright, raised his head, and stared quietly.

   "Dad, why are you looking at me like that?"

  Zuo Changlu put on a fake smile: "I think you've been watching like you haven't seen me before, so I might as well ask you to look carefully."

   "Look more clearly, this is your father!"


  (end of this chapter)