MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 40 It turns out that you really know how to read pictures!

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  Chapter 40 So you really know how to read pictures!

  Zuo Xiaoduo rushed forward with teeth and claws, furiously: "Such a good opportunity, you just let it go? Give it to me? What are you doing for me! You, you, you... really **** me off!"

  Zuo Xiaonian froze for a moment, then his eyes became more and more watery, and he reached out to stroke Zuo Xiaoduo's face: "Dog..."

Zuo Xiaoduo was so angry that he pulled her hand, and said angrily: "You also said that this thing contains 20-30% of the clone's cultivation, as well as the power absorbed by witchcraft. If you use it for yourself, wouldn't it be You can make a breakthrough in advance, even a silent breakthrough... You are wasting it on me like this, and you have seriously injured yourself, this is a golden mountain from the sky, a **** golden mountain!"

  Zuo Xiaoduo stood up, his face extremely anxious, he grabbed his hair and spun around three times, growling in a low voice; "Zuo Xiaonian! Do you know how dangerous you are now?!"

  Zuo Xiaonian's eyes darkened.

  She looked at Zuo Xiaoduo fixedly, and said, "So you really know how to read faces."

   Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned: "???"

  Zuo Xiaonian whispered: "Didn't you catch a thief that day? Then, you also instructed this thief to go east to avoid disaster? To avoid death and prolong life!"

   Zuo Xiaoduo: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!"

Zuo Xiaonian took a soft breath and said, "Did you know that the thief was the last target chosen by the Tanlang sect, and it was also the closed loop of the Tanlang game; the ending link, and you destroyed him Theft, and returned the wallet. The most direct consequence is that the greedy wolf soul in it was not sent out..."

"It is precisely for this reason that that guy suffered backlash and came to you later... Do you know? That gang of thieves, including the boss, has a total of ten people. Last night, apart from this thief, Everyone else is dead!"

  Zuo Xiaoduo felt his throat dry, and said, "They're all dead..."

  Suddenly felt that human life was so contemptible.

   "But the thief didn't die, he was very obedient, well, although I don't know if he was really obedient, or he was afraid of you, in short, after listening to your words, he followed the caravan to Antai City that afternoon and left Phoenix City."

   "Right now, this thief is still in Antai City, he is not dead!"

  Zuo Xiaonian looked at Zuo Xiaoduo's face with cold eyes, and asked uncertainly: "You... what you said about physiognomy, isn't it just talking nonsense?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo felt confused in his heart, and murmured: "How do you know so clearly?"

Zuo Xiaonian said indifferently: "In the early hours of this morning, the Greedy Wolf Bureau detonated. Although the nine bodies involved in the case died in different places, they died in exactly the same way... We knew about it in the early morning; then I remembered that you caught the thief, Because at that time, something was very wrong. Since you said it, I started to pay attention, and felt that the woman seemed to be fishing."

"So from what you said, I was just waiting for the Greedy Wolf Bureau to detonate; as expected, those nine people died inexplicably, and no one knew the reason." I found out that I was not in the city, and after investigating whereabouts, I found out that I left Phoenix City. I went all the way east to Antai City!"

   "And he went all the way east, but you ordered him."

"Then I flew directly to Antai City early in the morning to find this thief named Zhang Yuan, well, Zhang Yuan was the thief who was beaten by you, told your fortune, blackmailed by you, and then pointed out the way out by you. "

   "I asked the thief everything, exactly as you said."

   "As for Zhang Yuan, it was because of your advice that he ran away and went to Antai City, so he avoided death!"

   "And at that time, I was sure that this was a situation of greedy wolves."

  A flash of light flashed in Zuo Xiaoduo's mind.

  He knew how the sudden drop of cooling liquid came from!

  So that's how it is, that thief... because of his meddling, he changed his fate of death!

   "Zhang Yuan also knew about the death of several other people, and now he is looking for a job in Antai City, and vowed not to steal again...and let me pass on his thanks to you."

  Zuo Xiaonian smiled gently: "He said that he has no ability or money now, so he can't repay you, but he will definitely repay you in the future."

   Zuo Xiaoduo nodded silently.

I see.

   In this way, everything is strung together.

  Zuo Xiaonian said: "So, after I came back, I have been following you; because I know that the person who set up the greedy wolf will definitely find you! Because if you don't solve it, she can't do it all!"

   "It' complicated..."

   Zuo Xiaoduo murmured.

  At this moment, he felt that his vest was cold, and even his heart was cold.

  It's completely cool.

  Firstly, it is the strange means of the Wumen, secondly, it is the horror of Jianghu, nine people died like this; thirdly, the most important point is - Zuo Xiaonian has been following me?

  Then I...

  Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly started to panic.

  At the same time, there is a kind of pride that arises spontaneously: Nian Nian Mao is so powerful, I just guessed so much from my random words, and guessed so much!

  This level of delicacy and sobriety is really admirable.

  But Zuo Xiaonian obviously doesn't consider other aspects now, and his heart is on Zuo Xiaoduo's physiognomy.

   "You...are you really good at reading pictures? Or is it a lie? It's just a coincidence!"

Zuo Xiaoduo took a deep breath, lowered his voice, and said word by word in an extremely serious, solemn, and solemn tone: "Sister Nian Nian, I really know how to read faces, and , My physiognomy attainment is quite high, beyond your imagination, your cognition!"

   "How tall is that?" For some reason, seeing Zuo Xiaoduo's serious expression, Zuo Xiaonian first felt like laughing. Although he hadn't laughed out loud, his eyes had already turned into crescent moons.

However, she didn't doubt Zuo Xiaoduo's words too much. If she pointed out the thief Zhang Yuan, it could be said to be a casual judgment. The iron mouth is straight off, what capable people can't.

  At least in Zuo Xiaonian's cognition, there is no such mysterious physiognomy!

   "It's so tall, it's so tall that you can see through life and death with a single glance!" Zuo Xiaoduo said seriously: "One look can determine life and death, one word can change fortunes, one word can change the world...Really, what are you laughing at?"

  Zuo Xiaonian covered her mouth, shaking with laughter, rolling around on the bed.

  This is Zuo Xiaonian's cultivation base is unfathomable, and his physical attainment is good, otherwise he would be really blind to roll around on the landslide bed.

  Zuo Xiaoduo looked at the disfigured old lady, with black lines all over her hair.

  If it wasn't for her worrying about her father suddenly opening the door and coming in, this girl would probably have laughed out loud by now.

   Zuo Xiaoduo frowned, very angry.

  At first, talking about the topic of physiognomy made him very excited. He thought that he could finally explain his "extraordinary" ability in a legitimate way. Then, he further reminded Zuo Xiaonian about avoiding death...

  At this moment, he even scolded himself for being stupid in his heart. Why didn't he think of using this method? Just take Miss Xiao Nian to go to the physiognomy with me, verify my physiognomy level, it's true, and then...

   But this is just thinking about it. If Zuo Xiaonian is not subjectively happy and drags her to go by himself, it is conservatively estimated that he will fly a few times in the sky...

   "Can you be more serious!" Zuo Xiaoduo was furious.

   "Hohoho..." Zuo Xiaonian huddled himself in the quilt, and let out a suppressed laugh, but he didn't dare to make it loudly, so he could only vent his full laughter like this.

   Zuo Xiaoduo let out a long sigh.

  Heaven, earth, gods and Buddhas all over the sky, who will clean up this sand sculpture? She was going to die of anger!

  After a long, long time, Zuo Xiaonian finally stopped laughing, but she was already out of breath, with crystal tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Keep blowing... Uh no, keep talking."


  At this moment, Zuo Xiaoduo only felt dull for a while, as if chewing wax in his mouth, he looked at Zuo Xiaonian helplessly, rolling his eyes more than a dozen times in a row.

  The original idea of ​​bragging, at this moment, is actually a bit emotional.

   "I know what you want to say, and I know the true meaning of your efforts to prove it."

Zuo Xiaonian stopped laughing, and said softly: "You just want to prove that you really know how to read physiognomy, and you are quite accomplished. You can also see that I am about to break through through reading. The most important thing is that you can also see that I am about to break through. There will be danger, there will be danger when breaking through the bottleneck, life and death will be catastrophic!"

"So much so that in the past few days, no matter what you say or what you say, you have tried your best to remind me that when I break through, there will be danger, so I must be careful and careful, cautious and cautious ?”

  Zuo Xiaonian's voice was very soft and soft, accompanied by an indescribable sense of depression.


  Zuo Xiaoduo nodded like a chick pecking rice, and almost broke his neck: "Yes, yes, yes, that's the thing, do you know how hard I worked to pull it out?"

  Zuo Xiaonian narrowed his eyes, lost in thought, and murmured: "Dog, I believe you."

  Zuo Xiaoduo smiled gratifiedly, finally someone is willing to admit his intangible physiognomy. But then he reacted, and said anxiously with a pale face: "Can you not call me a dog?"

  Zuo Xiaonian didn't laugh, let alone refute, but said quietly: "Xiao Duo, you claim to be a master of physiognomy, and you can tell life and death at a glance. I believe you...but when you look at my physiognomy, what do you see?"

   "..." Zuo Xiaoduo was tongue-tied.


  <Third watch, please recommend! >

  (end of this chapter)