MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 25 Zuo Xiaoduo's celebration banquet!

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  Chapter 25 Zuo Xiaoduo's celebration banquet!

   "I can really tell fortunes!"

  Zuo Xiaoduo has a strong desire to survive: "Dad! Dear Dad! You don't know, my son, I have received an inexhaustible inheritance, a great destiny, can see through a person's fate, I can really..."

  Zuo Changlu calmly said: "Tell me, how much did you earn?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo trembled all over: " thousand..."

   "One thousand, your small treasury is only five thousand in total, and you made a thousand today, but how did you say it was more than ten thousand just now? Do you think your father has no brains? He can be easily fooled by you?"

  Zuo Changlu roared, like a tiger howling in the forest, its momentum was shocking.

   The eyes stare, wanting to devour the little devil in front of him.

  After years of accumulating prestige, Zuo Xiaoduo's mind suddenly went blank. Facing the old man's staring eyes, he was instinctively cowardly, and treated him truthfully like a little quail in the cold wind: "1...10,000..."

   "Ten thousand!"

Zuo Changlu sneered: "I believe in everything in my life, but I don't believe in liars! I believe in everything in my life, but I don't believe in fortune-telling... I can believe everyone in the world, but why can't I believe you, Zuo Xiaoduo ! Suffer it, melon counselor!"

   With a quick swipe, the entire belt was pulled out!

  Zuo Xiaoduo screamed, put his head in his hands, curled up into a ball habitually, but exposed his buttocks, reflexively set up a beating position, and screamed miserably: "Easy..."


  Wu Yuting coughed, and said lightly: "Eat first, today's meal is a celebration feast, what are you doing? If you have anything to do, we can talk about it after dinner!"

  Zuo Changlu thought for a while, slowly put away the belt, nodded, and said, "That's right, let's eat first, and we'll talk about things after we finish."


  The banquet starts again.

  Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian are sitting side by side, but the two people look unwilling to eat, from time to time you look at me, I look at you, and you can see the regret in each other's eyes...


   I shouldn’t feel sorry for how hard my father was supporting the family, and wanted to help, but he sold himself in the end...

  For a while, both siblings felt annoyed and regretted their mistakes.

Especially Zuo Xiaoduo, secretly scolding himself for being a pig's brain, knowing that the money he "earned" will not be visible, and it will be a disaster if it is exposed, so why is there no one to control his mouth? Now the nature of eating has changed, it is no longer The celebration banquet turned into a beheading meal. I just don't know whether it will be men's singles or mixed doubles. I guess the possibility of mixed doubles is higher...

   I don’t dare to think about it anymore, it’s too scary!

While pouring wine for Zuo Changlu, Wu Yuting said, "Xiao Nian, do you have more than 200,000 yuan now? The family is indeed quite nervous these days. You can use some to supplement the family, but don't give it all out." , the girl already needs to leave some money with her for emergencies."

   The flattered Zuo Xiaonian immediately sat up straight, flatteringly said: "Mom, I have a total of 360,000 yuan on hand; I will leave 350,000 yuan for Dad, and I will keep 10,000 yuan for myself."

   "Oh, so it's not more than 200,000, it's 360,000..."

  Wu Yuting nodded, and said: "Then you can just take out 300,000 yuan. You are an adult now, and a girl must be nice to herself when she is out of the house. What can I do if I have no money."

  Zuo Xiaonian nodded like a pardon: "Yes, Mom; yes, Mom. I'll take it out, Mom."

  Following that, I took out my own card, operated it on my mobile phone, and transferred the money to my father. Only then did I finally feel safer.

  Looking at Zuo Xiaoduo's pitiful eyes begging for help, Zuo Xiaonian gave him a look of "please yourself", and turned to concentrate on eating, his heart gradually calmed down, and his complexion also changed after the rain.

  Even though the parents are still angry, there is a dog standing in front of them, so beat him up first.

  Xiaoduo’s mistake seems to be more serious hehehe... I spent 300,000 yuan, so I should buy it back after a fight, right?

   "And Xiaoduo..."

  Wu Yuting picked up the jug, actually poured a glass of wine for her son herself, and said with a smile: "Xiao Duo is now a warrior; congratulations, today, mom does not restrict you to drink, let's drink two more glasses with your dad."

  Zuo Xiaoduo's hand holding the wine glass was trembling, his face was green and pale, and he stammered: "Mom, I really make money by looking at pictures, I didn't steal or snatch..."

   "Well, mom believes in you, why doesn't my son believe it?"

  Wu Yuting then said: "What about the money you earned, let me see it, I just don't believe that you can earn more than 10,000 yuan, that's more than 10,000 yuan!"

Zuo Xiaoduo hurriedly got up, ran into his room with his tail between his legs, opened the hollowed-out memorabilia, took it out like a treasure, and said, "Mom, look, this is five thousand, and this is twelve thousand." ..."

  Wu Yuting: "It's not ten thousand, but it's twenty thousand?"

  Zuo Xiaonian coughed repeatedly, turned his back and kept winking at Zuo Xiaoduo.

  Don't betray me, don't betray me...

Zuo Xiaoduo hesitated for a moment, and under the gaze of his mother, he hesitated for two seconds before betraying Zuo Xiaonian: "Yes...I asked you for money someday and you didn't give it...Sister Niannian will give it to you." I paid 10,000...then I bought a piece of jade and spent 8,000..."

  Zuo Xiaonian's complexion turned dark again, biting his lower lip, looking at a certain traitor with resentment.

  Wu Yuting gave Zuo Xiaonian a meaningful sideways glance, and then said, "Oh, that's it, it's okay."

   Picked up the money in his hand and counted it, said: "Seventeen thousand and twenty? What's the situation with the twenty dollars..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo swallowed: "Small sum... change..." Even if you die, you dare not talk about fortune-telling.

  Wu Yuting said: "You don't need so much money to go to school...Your sister gave you 10,000, but you actually spent 8,000 by changing hands, are a bit extravagant..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo looked at the money in his mother's hand with eyes full of despair, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his heart was pierced: "So...?"

   "So, let me keep it for you first."

Wu Yuting put the money in her small Kun bag as a matter of course, thought for a while, and said: "But you are also a warrior, and you can't justify going to school without pocket money. Nuo, you take the twenty yuan change and save some money. ah."

   Zuo Xiaoduo took over the twenty yuan in a daze, feeling his heart beating with emotion.

  I left 60,000 for my sister...

   left me twenty...

  This ratio...

   But it’s okay, it’s okay, sister Xiao Nian’s money, isn’t it my money?

   If you can escape a beating, it will be worth it. Trying to soothe his heart that was already in pain that was about to bleed, turned grief and anger into appetite, and started eating and drinking again, eating wildly.

  Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting really didn't pursue the matter any more, the family enjoyed themselves, exchanged cups, and finished the meal in a harmonious atmosphere.

  The restless hearts of Zuo Xiaonian and Zuo Xiaoduo gradually stabilized.

   Even Zuo Xiaoduo was already thinking about the 12,000 ill-gotten gains, and he would hand them over to the public. He planned to hand them over, but is it possible to get back his original 5,000 private house? If possible, how should I tell my mother?

   Zuo Xiaoduo thought hard, carefully choosing his words. The money was originally saved by himself over the years.

  Save money hard, and then turn it into whole; exchange it all into new banknotes with joint numbers; all the hard work... But the whole family knows it.

  So the possibility that I want to come back seems not small...

   While thinking about it, he picked up the wine glass to drink, and before he knew it, he had already drank a lot.

   Really full of wine and food!

   "These five thousand..."

   Wu Yuting spoke.

   Sure enough, it will be returned to me. Zuo Xiaoduo cheered up, his eyes sparkled.

   "I'll keep it for you first, and see your performance. If you perform well, I'll return it to you." Wu Yuting said.

   "Okay. Mom really loves me."

   Zuo Xiaoduo just said a flattery and hurried to shoot. My heart has settled down a lot, um, there is still hope.

  There's a lot of hope...

   "Well, isn't this salted fish your favorite?" Wu Yuting said, "Don't just eat one side, give this salted fish a turn."

   Zuo Xiaoduo quickly followed suit.

  But... I always feel that there is something wrong with this sentence.

  Zuo Xiaonian laughed out loud.

   At the moment, Zuo Changlu is already a little drunk.


  Zuo Xiaonian is not as optimistic as Zuo Xiaoduo. The intuition of a high-level martial artist makes Zuo Xiaonian faintly feel that the crisis seems to have always been faintly present.

   That is to say, this place is not safe!

   Seeing that he had finally finished eating, Zuo Xiaonian put down the chopsticks, stood up, and said with a serious face, "Dad, Mom, I still need to practice, so I will..."

   "Leave in no hurry."

  Zuo Changlu raised his eyelids: "Girls, at this age, you know how to eat? Don't you know how to clean up the table after eating?"

  Zuo Xiaonian had a gentle and pleasant face: "Yes, Dad, I'll clean it up now...Mom, put it down, I'll clean it up..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo hurried to help, and the two cleaned up the dishes together while making eye contact.

   "What should I do? Hurry up and find a way to slip away..."

   "Sneak to where?"

   "Anywhere is fine, the biggest problem now is whether you can slip away..."

   "I have no master..."

"…Me too…"


  Finally, the two siblings cleaned up their belongings and came to the living room after a while, before they spoke about going back to the room.

   But before he spoke, the left side of Changlu spoke first.

   "Let's leave Zuo Xiaonian to you. You two are big girls. You two can handle it by yourself." Zuo Changlu said to Wu Yuting, "I'll take care of Xiaoduo, Mr. Samurai."


  Wu Yuting shook the thick ruler in her hand, stretched out her hand, and pulled a long bench in the living room over, and said to Zuo Xiaonian with a cold face, "Lie down!"


  (end of this chapter)