MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 23 Gone!

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  Chapter 23 is gone!

   "Master, woo...give me a clear way." The young man really wanted to die.

   "Okay, seeing your sincerity, giving up your good fortune, and thinking about the fate between you and me, I will try my best to go against the sky, and consume a lot of cultivation... That's all."

  Zuo Xiaoduo accepted the money in a dignified manner: "You just need to go all the way east...keep going, don't look back...the danger to your life can be solved."

   "Many... Thank you, master, for your guidance."

"Well, you can't look back tonight. You and I are destined today, and I will help you this time because of fate. At this time tomorrow, if your life is over, you must come here again to share with the poor. The cause and effect are settled..."

   "Yes, yes, I will follow Master's instructions."

  Zuo Xiaoduo took out a pen and paper, and wrote something flamboyantly: "Come, sign it."

   Then fold it up and put it in the youth pocket.

   "Poor boy, go."

  The young man was like a mangy dog ​​with a broken spine, rolling and crawling all the way eastward.

  As for tomorrow’s ending, karma and so on…

  Kill me to death, I won't come either...

   Let me meet this lunatic again, it would be better than hitting him head-on to death!

   It's scary!

  You say you rob money, just say rob money, but what kind of fate is needed, fortune-telling...

   Feeling in his pocket, he actually received an invoice: 10,000 yuan for the hexagram, and it also distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.

   "What the hell...this is to prevent me from calling the police..." The young man held this simple invoice, wanting to cry. It also has my signature on it...

   "I'm a thief, why are you so guarded against me calling the police? Your legal knowledge is too rich..."

   "What kind of lunatic is this..." the young man finally burst into tears.


   "I didn't lie to him. It's really life-threatening. But, going east from now on, it's really avoidable, it depends on whether you listen or not."

  After Zuo Xiaoduo hit the young man for the first time, he suddenly discovered that the boy's eyebrows were full of evil spirits, and his life was actually in danger!

   And already full.

   "I said there was a life-threatening situation, so there really was... just now..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo felt a thump in his heart.

  However, since you have given instructions, it is really up to you whether you listen or not. Go east all the way, don’t look back, it can be solved. But if you don't's over.

   But there is no movement in the eyebrows!

   What about luck?

  What about the coolness?

  I’ve read it all, done the calculations, finished it, collected the money, why not?

   Zuo Xiaoduo became a little angry again.


  Zuo Xiaoduo walked over with ease.

   After such a long time, the girl was still looking at her phone and giggling.

  Zuo Xiaoduo was taken aback: "Hey...who dropped this wallet?"

  The girl was taken aback for a moment, and looked down, only to see her wallet lying securely under her feet.

   When I turned my head to look, the person who made the sound just now had already disappeared.

  The girl held the wallet in her hand, looked at the direction Zuo Xiaoduo left, her eyes were deep, and she didn't move for a while.

   After a long time, the girl gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice; "Where did such a **** stick come out?! I'm so mad!"

   A pair of small hands rubbed the wallet, and the expression on his face was distorted.

"I'm furious!"

   "In what age, there are still such stupid meddling birds!"

   "It can be achieved by seeing..."

  The girl's face turned blue, she was extremely annoyed.


   There are still fifty meters to go home.

  Zuo Xiaoduo took his steps lightly, leaning against the corner, sneaking forward.

  I have a huge sum of money now, so I have to hide it quickly!

  If the parents find out, confiscating it directly is only a minor matter, and it is inevitable to get to the bottom of it. Then a beating is imperative, and there is a follow-up letter of guarantee, vowing to never commit such a crime again. In short, it is scary to think about it.

  But this time I made a breakthrough and achieved great results. My parents must be very happy. I will tell you when I go back... Hehe,...

  Fantasy about the surprised and unbelievable expressions of his parents, Zuo Xiaoduo felt inexplicably overflowing with happiness.

   "I, Zuo Xiaoduo, can make my parents happy and proud once!"

  Zuo Xiaoduo walked while fantasizing, his face full of joy.

   Walking out seven or eight meters on tiptoe, I suddenly felt dark in front of my eyes, and walked with the world spinning, as if I had entered a space-time tunnel.

  Zuo Xiaoduo immediately screamed: "Zuo Xiaonian, I hate you!..."

  A moment later, the eyes were bright again, but the whole person flew into the living room from the window of his house like a cloud and a fog.

  Zuo Xiaoduo regained his footing on the ground, stood on the ground, swayed dizzily for a moment, then repeated Qingming, and then flew into a rage: "Zuo Xiaonian! Are you itchy!? How dare you tease the great Master Xiaoduo like this!"

  This sentence is as shocking as a stone, shaking the world.

   Zuo Xiaoduo, who has always been at home for thousands of years, actually speaks so loudly today!

   And he even called himself "Master Xiaoduo". Not only was it the first time, it was even more unbelievable!

   Zuo Changlu, who was drinking tea and reading the newspaper, suddenly looked up and looked at his son with the eyes of a revolutionary soldier.

  Wu Yuting, who was cooking in the kitchen, stretched out her head suddenly, and asked with shocking eyes: "Who was the one who spoke loudly just now?! Why does she look so much like Xiaoduo? But Xiaoduo is so kind!"

  Because of this voice, Zuo Xiaonian also fell into a dazed state, maintaining a posture of reaching forward with one hand, like an eagle's claw volleying in the air, stunned on the spot, not moving for a while.

After such a moment, Zuo Xiaonian's neck slowly twisted in an almost stiff posture, her beautiful eyes stared at Zuo Xiaoduo, with a little bit of doubt, a little bit of disbelief, and murmured: "What happened to the dog today?" ,crazy?"

Zuo Xiaoduo continued to be aggressive, blasphemy: "Zuo Xiaonian, I hereby solemnly warn you! If you dare to call me a dog again, I will definitely beat you in the future, until you are beyond recognition, and you dare not see people or go out on the street That kind!"


  Zuo Xiaonian slowly turned around Zuo Xiaoduo twice, seeing her feet from the top of her head, with a look of sudden realization on her face, and murmured: "The sun must be rising in the wrong direction today..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo supported the table to stand firm, and then patted the table arrogantly.

   "Dad! Mom! Miss the cat!"

  The family of three were completely shocked!

   What's wrong with this kid? !

This is…


   Instead, it's floating out of shape!

   Not only did he dare to slap the table, but he even dared to have a red mouth and white teeth, and the person named "Niannianmao" by name!

  Duoduogou, Niannianmao, these two names were given by Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting when Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian were young.

  The original intention was to yell smoothly and play, but the two of them were ignorant when they were young, and they agreed as soon as they yelled; Zuo Changlu and his wife yelled down after they were so happy.

  But as Zuo Xiaonian grew up and became a girl again, the name Nian Nian Mao had already left the stage of history for a long time. Right now, Wu Yuting still called her once in a while; Zuo Changlu, the father, had almost forgotten this title.

   Zuo Xiaoduo's Duoduo dog has continued to use it all the way. Even though Zuo Xiaoduo protested many times, he lost in the face of an absolute disadvantage of three to one.

   Not only has it been used, but it has also changed in many ways.

   Now, when Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly said the name cat, all three of them felt that the sun must be rising in the wrong direction today.

   "Dog egg!"

   Zuo Xiaonian, who was called "Nian Nian Cat", finally regained his clarity, and roared, "What did you say?!"

Zuo Xiaoduo's shameful legs gave way, and his aura blew up. He tried his best to hold back the flustered waves in his heart. He stubbornly ignored it, trying to turn the tide, and said loudly: "I have a good news to announce! There is also a bad news. The news must be announced! Dad! Mom! Niannian...sister..."

  Facing Zuo Xiaonian's fierce gaze, Zuo Xiaoduo wisely changed the "Nian Nian cat" that was about to blurt out to "Nian Nian sister".

  Zuo Changlu frowned suspiciously: "You... good news? Could it be that you... finally found the money?"

  Wu Yuting looked forward to it: "I'm afraid I was praised by the teacher. It seems to be the first time in six years!"

  Zuo Xiaonian had a smirk on his face, waiting for someone to speak.

Zuo Xiaoduo took a deep breath, straightened his chest hard, made himself look tall and straight, put his hands behind his back, and said with all his might, "The good news I want to announce is... I broke through the warrior today! Finished the tempering of my right leg, my right leg is now as hard as iron! I have officially entered the warrior class, what's more, in the first class, I have ranked myself from thirty-six all the way to The thirtieth place, with the blue clouds rising straight up, who can but me! Destroyed, invincible!"

Having said that, someone intentionally pretended and sighed pretendingly: "At first, I wanted to continue to rush forward, but sometimes the manpower is short, so I really don't have much energy. I haven't fought against the twenty-nine. A crime not a crime of war!"

  Hearing this explosive news, Zuo Changlu was stunned, and Wu Yuting was also stunned.

Zuo Xiaoduo finally couldn't hold back, he laughed loudly, rushed up and hugged Wu Yuting, hugged her and spun around in circles: "Mom! Are you happy, are you happy hahahaha... I broke through, I'm not a waste anymore, I He is a genius! I can practice, I can practice!"

  Wu Yuting stayed for a long time, and finally murmured: "My son has made a breakthrough... My son is not a waste material, he can cultivate..."

  She slowly stroked her son's hair, her eyes suddenly became very complicated.

   When he turned his head to look at Zuo Changlu, the look in Zuo Changlu's eyes also became complicated and abnormal at this moment.

  There is joy and relief in it, but more worry and sadness.

  Yeah, I am no longer a waste, I can practice, I have become a warrior, and the road to cultivation has opened...

   That's a good thing...

  However, this also represents the risks that need to be faced, and the dangers in the future are coming one after another.

  It is a blessing not to be able to practice, but to live in the city safely and worry-free for a lifetime.

  Because once you become a martial artist, a successful martial artist must go out! Go out and face those enemies and dangers that ordinary people cannot face, cannot face, and even unimaginable.

   There is a saying in the Star Soul Continent: "An ordinary person can easily live to be seventy years old. However, out of ten warriors, there are at most two who can live to be over eighty years old."

   Above the martial artist, before Dan Yuan, is the most dangerous part of the road for the martial artist!

   There is no danger for a samurai warrior, because there is no need to go out on missions, but once you become a warrior, everything will be different!

  The risks faced are tens of millions of times more than ordinary people!

   This is an extremely cruel reality!

  Zuo Changlu's eyes gradually became deep.


  (end of this chapter)