MTL - Rise Recovery Era-Chapter 13 praise

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"You can ask for blessings." Zhou Hao patted Zhao Yan's arm, pretending to be deep.

Zhao Yan's father naturally knew about him in the parent-teacher meeting before, after all, he and Zhao Yan had been at the same table for more than a year.

"Wow, Zhou Hao, I took a look at your grade ranking just now, and you have already entered the top 20 in the class. Do you have any good learning methods?" Wang Mengmeng looked at Zhou Hao with curiosity in his eyes. color.

Her grades were in the top 20 in the class, and she surpassed Zhou Hao before, but now she was surpassed by Zhou Hao.

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Hao, and there was a slight shock in her eyes. She knew Zhou Hao's grades, and she had been hovering in the middle and lower reaches of the class, but now she has improved so much all of a sudden.

As for plagiarism, they have no doubts. This monthly exam is extremely strict. There are three teachers invigilating each exam room, and the exam rooms are arranged according to their grades. Zhou Hao used to rank very low, and the students in the exam room had poor grades. It is also impossible for him to make such a big improvement by plagiarism.

Zhou Hao saw him with other boys yesterday. In Zhang Yi's opinion, Zhou Hao should feel a little bit lost, but now he is very calm.

Moreover, this boy who has always been extremely ordinary to her seems to have undergone a slight change.

"The test papers are all about the books. I focus on memorizing the knowledge in the books, so I have improved a bit." Zhou Hao said, he did not hide anything, and revealed his learning method.

In fact, as the front and back desk, Wang Mengmeng and the others knew that he was reviewing textbooks in class.

"However, I don't recommend you to learn the method. Everyone has their own learning method." Zhou Hao said again.

He relies on his strong memory, and he has a strong foundation and strong problem-solving ability, so he has made such great progress in a short period of time.

"I also want to read the textbooks, and get good grades in the exam!" Wang Mengmeng said swearingly, wearing big-rimmed glasses on her face, but she looked a little cute.

"Haha, Wang Mengmeng, won't you fall asleep while reading a book with your confused personality?" Zhao Yan laughed loudly.

"Hmph! Zhao Yan, I just heard that your father is going to deal with you when he goes back, right?" Wang Mengmeng countered not to be outdone.

Zhao Yan's face instantly collapsed.

Of course, this is a joke among classmates.

The first and second classes in the morning were Chinese class. Wang Zhen, the head teacher, walked into the class directly. The class was extremely quiet, and all eyes were on him.

With a serious face, Wang Zhen walked up to the podium, looked at the students below, and said, "This time, the students in our class took the exam..."

Wang Zhen paused for a moment, but a smile suddenly appeared on his serious face, and he said, "Very good! The average score in Chinese ranks sixth among twelve classes, the average score in mathematics ranks fifth, and the average score in English ranks fifth. The comprehensive average score ranks fourth, which is a great improvement compared with the end of last semester."

"Papa papa!"

Suddenly, there was warm applause in the class, and the students all had smiles on their faces. It's about class honor after all.

"The two in the class, Li Mo and Wu Shu, have maintained their grades. Even if they are placed in the key classes, they are considered to be in the forefront. In addition, several students in the class have made great progress, such as Feng Lan and Wei Yuan. …Here, I would like to especially praise Zhou Hao. In the final exam of last semester, his total score was 451, and his grade ranked 584. This time, his total score was 562, and his grade ranked 213. His score has increased by more than 100 points, and his ranking has increased by 300. Many."

Immediately, there was another burst of warm applause, and many people looked at Zhou Hao, even Li Mo and Wu Shu, the two top academics. The key point was that Zhou Hao's progress was too great.

"Student Zhou Hao also raised his grades in the past few weeks, so each of you has hope for improvement. In the last three months, if you sprint hard, you may not be able to pass the exam."

Wang Zhen glanced at the many students and said: "This exam, according to the college entrance examination, the difficulty has been slightly lowered, but according to our analysis, the score line for the first one is close to 550 points, and the second and third... you guys You can check your grades and see the corresponding level."

"There are still the last three months. Let me put down any extra things and sprint with all my strength. University may not be the only way out, but if you are admitted to a good university, your starting point will be higher. I hope you will treat it with caution. , Alright, now let’s start explaining the Chinese test paper..."

There was no noise in the class, only Wang Zhen's explanation.

Even Zhao Yan's face was full of seriousness, and he was listening intently.

After that, the teachers of each subject began to explain the test papers. During the biology class, Zhou Hao was performed again.

This time the biology test paper was more difficult, with a total score of 80 points, and only six students in Class 8 who scored more than 70 points, including Zhou Hao.

After class, students from other classes even came to Class 8 to specifically ask Zhou Hao.

The teachers of other classes also used Zhou Hao as an example to encourage the students in their own class. Throughout the third year of high school, Zhou Hao made the greatest progress. UU reading www. All of a sudden, Zhou Hao became well-known in the entire third year of high school.

The day ended quickly, Zhou Hao walked out of the class, and happened to meet Tong Yao.

"Congratulations, Zhou Hao, you have improved so much, our teacher praised you in class." Tong Yao said with a smile.

"You did well in the exam." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

Tong Yao's grades are very good, and she has been ranked in the top ten in Class 7. This time she is ranked 113th in her grade.

"When you were in junior high school, your grades far surpassed mine, and I often took your homework back to copy." Tong Yao said with a smile.

She and Zhou Hao were classmates in junior high school for two years, and Zhou Hao got good grades. Although she also got good grades, she was lazy, playful, and didn't want to do homework, so she often borrowed Zhou Hao's homework.

But after Zhou Hao's grades dropped in high school, she didn't mention anything about junior high school.

Zhou Hao smiled, and the two walked around together, chatting casually.

Soon, Tong Yao left and Zhou Hao returned to his home.

Wang Lan is busy in the kitchen, while Zhou Hao is entering the house to start studying. He has finished reading the biology textbook. If he wants to improve, what he needs is to do exercises constantly and expand his thinking. Book knowledge is important, but in the end The important thing is to be flexible.

After solving biology, he now focuses on chemistry, and now he has read half of the chemistry textbook.

"Xiao Hao, it's time to eat." There was a voice outside, and Zhou Hao put down the textbook in his hand and walked out.

The family of three sat and ate together, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

Wang Lan looked at her son, wanting to say something, but held back.

Zhou Jiadong took a sip of the low-quality wine, then looked at Zhou Hao, and said, "Xiao Hao, the results of this monthly exam are out, how did you do?"