MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 338: Sword gasification

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Immortal killing tricks - rumors!

Zhou Xiongxin took a shot with his palms. For a moment, countless countless silver characters sprang out and flew in the forest home blessing.

Some of these words are as big as horses and horses, and some are as small as ants. They are intertwined to form a huge ball, which directly encloses the five celestial celestial beings in the heavens, and the Lin family is too old.

"Successful." Zhou Xiongxin spit out a sigh of gas, revealing the excitement.

A good start is half the battle!

The rest of the heavens and four immortals also relaxed slightly.

What they are most afraid of is that the Lin family is too old and everyone is gone.

Everyone is eight-turned, and five-day one-day courts have an advantage, but the eight-turning celestial one wants to escape, and the number of people is too difficult to hold.

The heterogeneous traces are mutually exclusive, making it difficult for the number of people in the immortal to play. In particular, the five celestial celestial celestial sects, the channels, the inflammatory roads, the bloodways, and the changing lanes are mutually exclusive.

"The speed of the rumor cage battlefield is really the fastest in the world."

"But I didn't expect Lin's family to be too old to avoid."

"Does he see it?"

Tianting Wuxian communicated with each other and communicated quickly.

They appeared in an imposing manner, and they had already moved their hands and feet, and arranged a temporary fairy squad outside the Lin’s public blessing base camp.

Once the Lin family is too old to flee and fly out of the public blessed land, it will lead the fairy squad, attack, and speed.

Xingsu Xianzun personally ordered the scorpion, the fairy scorpion and the flesh of the sword fairy, and the five people in the heavenly court were naturally prepared.

Although there is not much attacking power in this big array, it is the personal improvement of the star fairy, and it is specially aimed at the old flying dragonfly of the Lin family.

The public blessed land has always been weaker than a single blessed land defense.

Zhou Xiongxin is a channel power. He has already raised relevant and detailed information when he has been walking in the West Desert for a long time.

Lin family is too old, everyone has fallen into the rumored battlefield!

Prince Fengxian shouted and flew in.

He drove his body, swung in the air, and opened his mouth under the hall.


The flame spewed out of his mouth, and it fell on the ground and quickly spread, turning into a fierce fire.

The palace was just a mortal house burning in the sea of ​​fire and quickly collapsed.

Lin Jiatai, everyone is forced to break through and get off the enemy.

Prince Fengxian was slowly retreating.

"Lin's family is on the old Lin Jianxing, come and try my means!" Wan Zihong smiled and replaced.

She spurred the wooden road to kill, and the petals fluttered for a time, covering the battlefield, and the sweet smell spread rapidly.

The five gods in Tianting have held their breath!

Lin Jianxing was full of face, and his hands were pushed, and the sword was swaying and turned into a huge wave.

The waves rolled and washed the poisonous petals in midair.

The purple-red figure suddenly disappeared in the petals, and the next moment appeared behind Lin Jianxing.

Wan Zihong stretched out his left hand and his thumb was sharp and purple. He directly poked Lin Jianxing.

The immortal killing trick - the spurs refer.

Lin Jianxing in the move, the body shape, the sword gas suddenly rose up, will lock the purple red!

The next moment, the swordsmanship he had previously rushed back and rolled back.

The huge waves roared, and Lin Jianxing and Wan Zihong both drowned.

At the time, Tianting Sixian did not shoot, and stood by and watched to prevent the injury.

The sword and the huge waves immediately dissipated, leaving only Lin Jianxing, but Wan Zihong disappeared again.

The next moment, the phoenix prince suddenly fluttered around the petals, condensing the purple.

Wan Zihong had scars on his body, but at the moment he was proud of laughing: "Hold him, he has the means of me. The longer he is, the more and more thorns will grow in his flesh and blood, hindering his actions. Until they are assassinated and killed."

Wan Zihong has already made meritorious deeds. After he finished, he slowly retreated and began to heal.

The rest of the heavens, Zhu Xian, continued to surround Lin Jianxing, not giving the latter a chance to breathe.

Heaven has taken full advantage of its own number of people.

Every silver-and-white text that made up the rumor cage suddenly began to shine. The rich brilliance seems to have become flowing water, drifting in the air, constantly flowing, and then gathering. Then, from the silver streamer, the silver tiger was jumping out of the head.

The tigers whistled and rushed to Lin Jianxing.

It is the killing move that Zhou Xiongxin urged - three people become tigers.

Prince Fengxian then shot again and formed numerous beautiful flamingos out of thin air.

The flamingos burned, and they were so smart that they flocked in groups and followed the tigers.

The red-hearted walker also followed suit.

A **** giant column, rolling down.

The tiger group, the flamingo, and the blood column form three waves of continuous offensive frenzy!

Lin Jianxing is surrounded by it and does not evade.

In the face of the offensive, he screamed, and the sword gas slammed into the surrounding area and rushed into the tiger group.

Beside the tiger group, the sword gas suddenly condensed, turned into a vine, and tens of thousands of tigers tightly wrapped around. There are countless kendo spikes on the vines, and they are deeply plunged into the body of the tiger.

The tiger mourned, like a balloon that was pierced and pierced, and collapsed on the spot.

At this time, the flamingo group was wrapped in a hot flame and flew into the battlefield.

Lin Jianxing once again reminded the valley that the sword in the battlefield was replenished and quickly turned into a gusty wind.

The wind whistled, and the remaining tigers were strangled, and the flamingo group was blown down countlessly. The remaining half was also smashed, and it was not a battle.

The **** giant pillars were crushed and the squally winds were quickly weakened.

Lin Jianxing had to move his figure and keep flying back. After opening the space, he released a lot of swords.

The sword is turned into an ice wall, and it quickly condenses, and the roots of the blood-light pillars are confined and continually consumed.

The three wave offensives were successively resolved by Lin Jianxing, revealing his ingenious martial art.

Nine spirits and aunts look in their eyes and do not hesitate to admire: "Lin's family is very old, and it is unique. It is extraordinary. I can't stand it, take the move!"

The nine spirits are transformed into a wild animal, and the roaring sound is like a thunder, and the rumors are trembled.

Jiu Ling Xian Gu and Lin Jianxing played against each other, and they recruited the strong and heavy, and they beat Lin Jianxing to retreat.

Lin Jianxing had to continue to withdraw, it is difficult to resist the edge of Jiu Ling Xian Gu.

The change of the road and the repair of the force are particularly advantageous in the assault.

In this way, the Tianxian Wuxian constantly turned off the attack, from the beginning of the battle, Lin Jianxing was pushed into the wind.

Although their traces are mutually exclusive, they have a very tacit cooperation.

The offensive of Tianting is like the tide of the river, and it is endless. On the one hand, it is to suppress Lin Jianxing, and he will not give him any opportunity and time to study the rumors and battlefields. On the other hand, it is to weaken him to kill him and create a good opportunity for the last prisoner.

Lin Jianxing's swordsmanship is superb and magical, and it is transformed into various forms. The martial art is very different, and the five celestial beings are secretly praised.

But he is only one person, two fists are difficult to attack four hands, but there are five people in the heavens!

As time went by, the situation became more and more unfavourable to Lin Jianxing.

"Strange, what method did he use to suppress my spurs?" Wan Zihong saw Lin Jianxing moving freely, and could not help but wonder.

At this moment, Prince Fengxian suddenly showed a trick.

After Lin Jianxing’s move, he burned a gray flame on his body.

The flames continued to fly out of the firebird, and the momentum of Lin Jianxing plummeted, and the speed slowed down noticeably.

When the time is ripe, the red-hearted walker will take the initiative and display the hemorrhagic yang red day!

I saw him vomiting and spit out a blood.

This blood is fragrant and fragrant. It flies into the air and whirls and spins. It is like a miniature blood day. It shoots infinite blood and goes straight to Lin Jianxing.

Lin Jianxing surrounded the sword and surrounded it. At this moment, he flew out and turned into a giant python, trying to block the **** day.

But this **** day is like an illusion. It passes through the block and directly hits the brain of Lin Jianxing, turning it into a red mark.

Lin Jianxing’s face changed slightly.

The red day imprint quickly spreads and violently suppresses, forming a **** silk thread.

The blood-colored silk thread wrapped around Lin Jianxing and gradually formed a bloody.

Seeing that it was necessary to completely capture Lin Jianxing, the next moment, Lin Jianxing’s body collapsed and turned into a powerful sword, pouring out of the blood.

After flying to the side, these swords were once again condensed and restored to Lin Jianxing.

"And these means?"

"No, not quite right!"

"This is not Lin Jiatai, everyone is old."

The five centuries of the heavenly courts have changed color, and the flaws have been seen from this change.

They were shocked to find that Lin Jianxing, who was trapped in front of him, was not a singer, but a killer.

Tianting Wuxian was actually played until now, and it was discovered until now.

"He is essentially a sword, and it's no wonder that my spurs have not taken effect."

"It turned out to be like this. This is not the Lin family. Everyone is old, so I used to show rumors before, and he didn't evade."

Zhou Xiongxin's face ugly canceled the battlefield killing.

Tianting Wuxian once again appeared in the public welfare of Lin Family.

The real Lin family is too old to be the old body of the sword, but based on the air, carrying his hands, smiling, watching the five cents: "You finally came out."

"Lin Jianxing Xianyou is really a good means. I don't know what the name of this move?" The red heart walker gently smiled and asked modestly.

Lin Jianxing nodded slightly and said calmly: "This is called the sword gasification."

"A good move is a sword!" Fengxian Prince is sincerely admired.

"After this war, no matter how Lin Jianxing Xianyou is going to play, this move must be famous for five domains." Zhou Xiongxin also commented.

Although he was being played, the Five Immortals of Heaven are only dignified and have no confidence and fighting spirit.

Just in the battlefield of rumors, they also clasped their hands.

After all, the rumored cage created the channel environment, and the four immortals in the heavens were suppressed. They also dare not go all out, lest they will ruin the rumors.

Even if it is not broken, if the shock is severe, it will cause damage to the revealing flaws.

Once the flaw is used by Lin Jianxing, I am afraid he will be drilled out.

At this time, Lin Jianxing reached out to the palm of his hand, revealing several cents that were suppressed by the sword. "The fairy tales of Tianting are indeed exquisite. It seems to be specially improved for the public welfare of my family. Is this the handwriting of the star fairy?"

It is difficult to conceal the color of the heavenly five cents.

Before the secret laying of the large array outside the Lin Family Public Welfare, it was already demolished by Lin Jianxing.

But the next moment, Lin Jianxing stretched his hand and threw the fairy in his hand to the five centuries of the heavenly court: "Xian Yan is still you. Here is my family base camp. It is not too beautiful to break it. You may wish to change a battlefield."

The five gods of Tianting silently took over Xianyu and looked at each other. They finally nodded by the red-hearted walker: "Lin Xianyou is very good and admire."

"Three thousand miles away from here, there is a desolate zone, and you come with me." Lin Jianxing took the lead to fly out of the blessed land, the speed is slow, the attitude is light.

Tianting Wuxian is close behind.