MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2035 Breaking the palm of the sky!

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"This is Yan Beifei's junior, Skylark, very wild and domineering, cruel and cruel. It was only because the Sect Master of Stepping Yunzong glanced at him in the crowd, he killed more than 300 mouths of Stepping Yunzong alone and killed him. The blood will flow into a river, don't keep the chickens and dogs!"

"This is simply a living Hades! We can't afford it, go back and go!"

"I heard that Huang Ling'er rejected Yan Beifei's proposal. I was stopped now. I'm afraid it will be worse!"

Immediately, all the monks around were frightened.

Panic and fleeing like a stray dog, he didn't dare to touch the mold at all.

After all, Skylark and Yan Beifei are both young handsome men, geniuses, and both have attained the power of transforming gods.

Moreover, with a big backing and a strong background, the son of Yan Nanxian, deputy lord of the Tianluo Sect, is not something they can provoke.

In a blink of an eye, many monks walked away cleanly.

But Yan Beifei flew slowly before Feizhou, and said with a smile: "Little sister Ling'er, where in life really don't meet, I didn't expect that we will meet again here!"

Huang Linger looked at Yan Beifei coldly, and said indifferently: "Get out of the way, I have no leisure to chat with you!"

"Haha, little girl, you are strong enough!"

Yan Beifei's face sank, then grinned and said:

"But, you may not know my little girl, I, Yan Beifei, likes riding a fierce horse the most. Today, I will hold your braids and ride the horse!"

Next to him, Simatu was so scared that his face was pale and trembling, and he trembled:

"Fairy Ling'er, it's really impossible, just follow it. He is also a god-transforming genius, and he is also a sacred deity, and his strength is equivalent to an ordinary semi-sage. You are not at a loss!"

The transmission magic weapon and the sound transmission of the divine sense were all cut off by their magic array magic weapon. This Yan Beifei made it clear that he wanted to use it strong.

But Yan Beifei would also be afraid of the Lianhuahun and Luoyingzong behind Huang Linger. After all, it depends on the owner to fight the dog, not to mention Huang Linger is still a direct disciple under Lianhuahun.

Therefore, Yan Beifei will not let the news go out. After he kisses Fangze, he will definitely kill others, including himself!

Huang Linger ignored him, but looked at Yan Beifei mockingly, and said:

"You are not only ugly, but you are also ugly in your heart. You are so ugly!"


Yan Beifei laughed in anger, gritted his teeth and said: "What a girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, since your mouth is good, wait, I will let you use your mouth to serve me!"

Skylark smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother, you slowly chat with your Xiaoqinger, and I will take my brothers out to let you out!"

As he said, with one hand raised, dozens of disciples all scattered.

"Woman, come into the arms of the master!"

Yan Beifei smiled, and pointed his right hand towards Huang Linger.


A crystal-like jade palm is condensed in the air, with a radius of more than ten meters, as if it is not a body of flesh and blood. It is completely composed of laws and avenues. It is very condensed and vast, as if covering the sky and the sun. Huang Linger and Simatu were all covered.

"Heavenly palm palm!"

"Fairy Ling'er, let's go, what is more important than fate!"

Simatu was so scared that he was about to cry, and persuaded again.

"Yan Beifei, you are looking for death! How did your old man teach you? Is it a male dog? Everywhere in estrus!"

Huang Linger's face was indifferent and did not speak, but Jiang Tian sneered, squinting at Yan Beifei.

"Who made you talk nonsense! You are a handyman, what qualifications do you have to speak!"

Seeing this, Simatu felt ashes in his heart, wishing to cover Jiang Tian's mouth!

Yan Beifei was furious, and said with a grin: "Haha, I didn't expect that a child of a handyman would be so rampant, dare to provoke this seat!"

"My seat, I want to smash you into pieces!"

"It's over!"

"I poured blood mold for eight lifetimes before I became a pig teammate!"

At this moment, Sima Tu simply beat his chest and his feet.

He suddenly felt that Huang Liang, who had left the team before, was extremely wise.

This handyman surnamed Jiang is not as simple as a drag, he is clearly a catastrophe!

Just when the giant palm was less than a hundred meters away from the three of them, Simatu was desperate to the extreme, and wanted to close his eyes to relieve the terrifying pressure and fear. Suddenly, he saw a dimly bright light bursting from the bow of the flying boat. Out.

The bright light was a sharp light, incredibly sharp and radiant, like a bolt of lightning that pierced through the sky and the earth.


Yan Beifei let out a scream. The heavenly palm, which was extremely tough and solid, capable of blocking the attack of the Taoist soldiers, was cut off by all the wrists, and countless divine blood poured out and dyed the sky red.

When the knife started, Jiang Tian stepped forward and sneered: "My woman, how can you blaspheme?"

"how can that be!"

At that moment, no matter Yan Beifei or Simatu, all dumbfounded, unbelievable gazes converged on Jiang Tian by appointment.

Jiang Tian's waist was straightened suddenly, and it suddenly became towering like a mountain, his white hair turned black, leaving only slight frost on his temples, but it became more melancholy and deep.

The turbid eyes are instantly clear and sharp, and the aura is compelling. He instantly transforms from a decadent and mediocre middle-aged person to a proud but stubborn young man like a true **** descending into the world! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"It turns out that a giant turned out to hide his strength!"

Simatu's eyeballs were so hung and didn't stare out, he couldn't believe it.

In fact, it is not surprising that there are too many monks to keep their hole cards and hide their cultivation bases.

Simatu is also a veteran, you can tell how much.

But like Jiang Tian, ​​who is completely like an ordinary person, with both form and spirit, and no trace of a monk, he definitely saw it for the first time.

"Damn! You ants, dare to hurt me!"

Yan Beifei was completely angry.

Although he had just shot, he didn't use his full strength, just a random blow from the magic phase, the magic of the golden core period.

But Jiang Tian slashed across the sky and cut through his face, which is also a great shame to him, such a arrogant and handsome man.

"A little handyman, with a mere Yuan Ying's cultivation base, the Tao is in the slightest, how can he hurt me if I don't rely on the Taoist soldiers?"

Yan Beifei's eyes fell on Jiang Tian's hand, and saw that he was holding a black long knife, and he couldn't help showing a bit of contempt.

The blade was dark and oddly shaped like a death sickle, with layers of scales shining on it. I don't know how many times it has been forged.

"It turned out to be a Taoist weapon! Didn't it hurt Yan Beifei by his own strength?"

Simatu suddenly realized.

But even if Jiang Tian was wounding by relying on the Dao and soldiers, Simatu was shocked by his cultivation and boldness. Able to mobilize Dao Qi, even if it is reluctant, it must be Yuan Ying's cultivation base.

Besides, this is too courageous.

Simatu thought to himself that even if he was carrying a Taoist instrument, he did not dare to arouse the slightest resistance. After all, the suppression of cultivation is not a joke.


Jiang Tian didn't wait for Yan Beifei to take action at all. He just shook his figure, and flew across dozens of miles to Yan Beifei. The speed of his body skills was incredible.


Yan Beifei was shocked. Jiang Tian was in front of him. Even the pores on his face were clearly visible. His eyes were cold and merciless.

He had never seen a Nascent Soul so fast in his life to kill and kill, and he simply ignored the existence of space.