MTL - Resurrection, Fortunately, I Can Wear the Heavens-Chapter 178 Meet

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After finishing the communication, Xue Chao transferred Chen Yu to the best reception room on this fortress planet.

Chen Yu, who was rather leisurely, picked up the fruit in front of him that Xue Chao would not be willing to eat, which was full of star power, and after shaking it twice in his hand, he put it back in its original place.

Looking at Xue Chao who was circling around the room from time to time, "Commander Xue, why don't you sit down and have a rest."

Xue Chao smiled wryly, "Young Master Chen has a big heart."

Having said that, Xue Chao sat down anyway.

Not long after Xue Chao sat down, the surrounding space fluctuated slightly, and Chen Xin's figure slowly emerged.

Xue Chao, who had just sat down, stood up almost instantly, as if there was a spring underneath.

"Lord Judge."

The reason why Xue Chao is so afraid of Chen Xin is that apart from Chen Xin's position being two levels higher than his, there is also a gap in strength.

Although both he and Chen Xin are called stars, if Chen Xin wants to kill him, he needs two moves.

As for why Chen Xin was able to quietly enter the heavily guarded fortress planet, and even directly appeared in the reception room of the command post without causing any movement.

Xue Chao didn't mean to ask.

Without even looking at Xue Chao, Chen Xin quickly walked up to Chen Yu,

After carefully checking Chen Yu up and down, and finding that Chen Yu was intact, Chen Xin was relieved.

He gave Chen Yu an annoyed look, "I'm capable, I'll deal with you when I get back."

Chen Yu just smiled and didn't refute anything.

After pulling Chen Yu to sit down, Chen Xin looked at Xue Chao and said, "Tell me."

"My lord, are you talking about your younger brother?"

Glancing at Xue Chao, Chen Xin said coldly, "Don't pretend to be confused, start from the beginning."

Chen Yu looked at his elder sister from the sidelines. As in memory, she was full of majesty, but her name didn't quite match her.

Xue Chao's face became a little dark, but he still started from the beginning.

According to Xue Chao, about thirty years ago, a senior member of the Silver Moon Empire contacted him indirectly and asked Xue Chao if he wanted to be promoted.

In this regard, Xue Chao, who used to work **** his own, thought he had a thigh in his arms, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

Originally, Xue Chao thought that all he needed to do was to do some shady things for this boss.

At the very beginning, the boss did not give Xue Chao any instructions, but only gave him some high-level resources.

Xue Chao, who was already on the verge of breaking through, broke through to the star rank not long after.

Then the task came down. After receiving the task, Xue Chao hesitated for a long time.

Because the task assigned to him was to get Xue Chao in touch with someone from the Sun Empire.

However, thinking of his struggles in the first half of his life, and the fact that other people would do it if he didn't do it, Xue Chao still convinced himself.

Of course, the more important point is that if you contact the Sun Empire, you may die if you are found out later, but if you don't contact the Sun Empire, Xue Chao feels that he will die soon.

In the past thirty years, Xue Chao has completed a large number of various tasks from the Yaori Empire.

In return, the Yaori Empire also sent Xue Chao a lot of military merit.

In this way, Xue Chao took the position of commander of the Seventh Army step by step.

Now in the military can be regarded as a prominent figure.

He was even promoted as a positive example of a young military officer, which is why Chen Xin was able to recognize Xue Chao at a glance.

Not long ago, Xue Chao was instructed to arrest a child of the Chen family named 'Chen Ming'.

At the very beginning, Xue Chao was not prepared to agree.

As an officer who was born as a civilian, why would he provoke the children of aristocratic families?

Xue Chao was going to find an excuse to return this task, and Xue Chao had done this kind of thing before.

In the beginning, Xue Chao was dedicated to everything on the side of the Sun Empire, ensuring that it was completed perfectly.

However, by chance, Xue Chao couldn't get away. After rejecting a mission, he found that there was no major problem, and no one who warned him appeared.

This made Xue Chao guess that besides himself, there may be other people doing similar things.

Since then, Xue Chao has opened the door to a new world, and whenever the task is a bit dangerous, Xue Chao finds a reason to push it away.

Of course, Xue Chao didn't dare to go too far. There were probably three tasks, one completed, one rejected, and one accepted the task 'accidentally' and failed.

But in subsequent investigations, Xue Chao discovered that this Chen Ming was just a marginal child of the Chen family, and his parents were no longer there, and he was not very popular with the rest of the Chen family.

It's not too harmonious with my brothers and sisters, and it's not bad to say hello when we meet.

Taking another look at the generous rewards for this task, Xue Chao finally did it.

After talking about all this, Xue Chao said to Chen Yu and the two of them, "You two will know the rest."

Chen Yu asked, "You got the instruction, after you catch Chen Ming, how do you send him there?"

Glancing at Chen Xue Chao said cautiously, "It was through a war, a local war."

Seeing that Chen Xin didn't respond to this, Xue Chao continued, "The other party launched a local war, and in times of chaos, hand over people to the other party."

After listening to Xue Chao's narration, Chen Xin frowned and said, "So the purpose of the force that confuses your information is very clear, two goals."

"One is Xiaoyu's death, and the other is to put the cause of Xiaoyu's death on you and the people behind you."

Xue Chao stood in front of Chen Xin and the two of them, and nodded numbly. He just wanted to slap his former self twice.

Although she didn't have much hope, Chen Xin still asked, "By the way, do you know the identity of the high-ranking person in the empire who first contacted you?"

Shaking his head, Xue Chao said, "After letting me take over from the people from the Sun Empire, that person hasn't contacted me anymore."

"Even before, they never contacted me directly."

"So who was the middleman who contacted you before?"

"It's just an ordinary soldier. I also looked for this soldier later, but it's as if the world has evaporated. There is no news at all, including relevant records in the past."

Chen Yu, who had been listening quietly, said suddenly, "Tell me, will the other party consider that you will recognize that I am not Chen Ming, so they will let me go?"

Xue Chao was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yu said softly, "I mean, in order to guarantee my death, will they do other things, such as what you just said, a local war or something."

The moment Chen Yu finished speaking, a communicator that Xue Chao had been keeping on his body suddenly rang.