MTL - Restart the Protagonist’s Way of Survival-Chapter 50 condemnation

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"Everyone—" a thick male voice sounded, and the crowd who had been a little noisy just now quieted down in an instant, and all looked towards the high platform.

It was a tall and straight man with a hood covering his head and a mask covering his cheekbones, revealing the lower half of his face. His retinues are divided into left and right, and they all wear masks.

It seems to be a very important figure in Dacheng Sect.

"As a rule, pray first before starting today's regular meeting." The man put his palms together and closed his eyes.

"Follow the decree of the law—" the crowd shouted in unison, and they all put their hands together, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, and they seemed to be praying sincerely.

Yang Dejin and Xie Zhi stood in the dark place in the back row, their hands were indeed doing the same movements, but their eyes were looking around.

The Nameless Temple is still relatively far away from the official road, and these magic sticks probably took it as their own because they saw that no one passed by here.

It's the same as those desperadoes who casually find an abandoned factory as their lair in modern times.

Compared with looking from the outside, the inner view is not very dilapidated, but there are more fallen leaves and dust, and some shady places are covered with mottled moss.

There is a small pond not far away. For some reason, it was covered with a huge cloth cover, and the pebbles pressed the corners.

Believers in white robes and cloaks were crowded in front of them, and they deliberately hid their figures and appearances. The light was dim, and they lowered their heads again, even Xie Zhi, who had bright eyes, couldn't see anything.

"The ceremony is over—" After a long while, the man in the high position shouted.

The believers put down their hands one after another and raised their heads.

Several congregants wearing masks walked down the high platform, not knowing what to do. The new believers below seemed to be a little puzzled, and gradually there were small voices of discussion among the crowd.

"What is this for?"

"I do not know."

"I heard from the seniors that the most vicious criminals are going to be sent up to be tortured."

"Ah? What's the matter? Who is it??"

"No matter who it is, that person must have made a big mistake before being executed by the Holy Church."

"The holy religion is merciful, and the execution of justice is even stricter than that of the government."


Hearing this, Xie Zhi frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Listening to their discussion, Yang Dejin seemed to think that those wearing masks wanted to bring someone up?

Also execute, this cult will not use lynching secretly, right?

She looked up the high platform through the gap between the heads, but didn't notice a figure approaching her quietly.

A gust of palm wind hit, and Yang Dejin felt a chill on the back of his head, followed by a muffled slap on the fabric.

Yang Dejin hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see Xie Zhi's eyes flashing with coldness, and his left hand was firmly pinching a person's wrist.

The other person was also wearing a cloak, with a tiger's eye under the hood, and his right hand was shaped like a knife. Xie Zhi tightly clamped him an inch away from the back of Yang Dejin's head.

If Xie Zhi hadn't stopped his moves in time, Yang Dejin probably couldn't stand it.

Yang Dejin looked at that person in horror, unable to utter a word, because of fear, his body unconsciously moved towards Xie Zhi's side, clinging to Xie Zhi's right shoulder, and encircling her right hand.

Xie Zhi was a little surprised, he didn't expect Yang Dejin to be so scared.

"Can you let go?" The man glanced at Yang Dejin indifferently, and asked in a low voice.

Only then did Xie Zhi let go, the man's hand was tightly held, and after he withdrew his hand, he kneaded and squeezed again, probably causing quite a mark.

Yang Dejin felt that tonight was too exciting, but she would call out if her mental quality was a little weaker.

Although she didn't get the trick, she still asked Xie Zhi in shock, "He..."

Xie Zhi didn't answer her directly, but pulled him to a corner away from the crowd, making sure that no one noticed them, then looked at the man with a sullen expression, and asked in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "Pei Shaoqing, What are you doing here?"

Pei Yu replied dissatisfied: "I should ask you this, Xie Shilang, what are you doing here?"

Xie Zhi ignored him, and only tilted his head to explain to Yang Dejin: "His name is Pei Yu, and he is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple." While talking, he patted her on the back to comfort her.

Before Yang Dejin asked why the people from Dali Temple were here, Pei Yu spoke first:

"Don't ignore me! Xie Shilang, if I remember correctly, the Dacheng Sect should be the case of our Dali Temple."

How annoying!

After he returned from visiting places, he was going to investigate the illegal associations in the capital. When he returned to Dali Temple, all the relevant files were gone.

After asking, I found out that Xie Zhirui from the Ministry of Punishment took the letter from Prince Yu's residence and took away all the relevant files before him! Haven't returned yet!

He had no choice but to start from the beginning while inquiring about the whereabouts of Prince Yu and the minister of punishment. From Jing Zhaoyin Cheng Duo to Guozijian Cheng He Cong, he was basically one step behind them every time.

After a lot of effort, I found out that there is such a place as Wumingguan, but when I came here, I found that these two people were also here, and the first thing they said when they met was "What are you doing here?".

What do you think I am doing here? ! This is the case of our Dali Temple! What do you think I am doing here? !

The hands are about to be broken, how can there be such a person? !

"Ah?" After hearing Pei Yu's words, Yang Dejin also looked at Xie Zhi with an expression of accountability, and complained in a low voice, "Master Xie, why are you robbing Rendali Temple for work?"

No wonder when she asked Xie Zhi how much he had found, the other party couldn't say anything specific. She also wondered why Xie Zhi's work efficiency didn't even have any clues. Dare the Ministry of Criminal Justice do this job? !

Why can the judicial departments compete with each other for orders? This must be involved, right?

It's only halfway through this year, are you going to get a bonus for your performance?

Yang Dejin: I don't understand.

When Pei Yu heard Yang Dejin's words, he also looked at Yang Dejin with a frown: "Still pretending here, isn't Xie Zhi just taking your letter to prostitute the file?" !

Although Pei Yu thought so in his heart, he couldn't say that. Instead, he apologized slightly to Yang Dejin: "I offended you just now. I didn't expect Xie Shilang to be good at martial arts." When he spoke the second half of the sentence, he looked at Xie Zhi , with inquiry in his eyes.

Xie Zhi looked very thin, very different from other martial arts practitioners.

Xie Zhi remained calm. As a woman, she had been an official in the court for so long, so she had to work hard to be safe.

She raised her hand and pulled Yang Dejin's hood lower, looked at him and said, "Pei Shaoqing has accepted, if you don't keep your hand, I won't be able to stop your hand."

Pei Yu snorted lightly, noncommittal.

Although Yang Dejin took the lead in intervening in their case, he was still a powerful royal family member. Pei Yu just tried to test the two of them. If he really used all his strength to chop down, would he die?

I don't know what this Prince Yu thinks, and he even ran to this kind of preaching site in person. Pei Yu murmured in his heart, and looked at Yang Dejin with some vague scrutiny.

Xie Zhi could clearly see the curiosity in his eyes. She was a little displeased, and turned sideways calmly, blocking his gaze.

Yang Dejin was unaware of the thoughts of the two of them, but felt that the noisy voices around her gradually subsided, and she quickly made a silent gesture to the two of them.

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

The voices of the people on the high platform were low and loud, but within a second, the crowd who had been whispering just now immediately fell silent and looked at him.

Pei Yu also looked at him, and whispered to the two of them, "The believers call him Cardinal, and he has a high reputation in the church."

Yang Dejin frowned, looking at the man with deep doubts in his eyes: cardinal, cardinal?

Two attendants brought up a heavily tied man from below. He was wearing a tattered yellow short jacket. It looked like he hadn't changed it for at least ten days and a half months. With a sack on his head, he was probably a man.

"What are you doing?" Yang Dejin asked in a low voice.

"I heard that the Dacheng Sect will also do some immoral things such as illegal detention and lynching in secret, isn't that what it is?" Pei Yu guessed.

The cardinal walked up to him, and violently tore off the sack that covered his head, revealing a dark face with disheveled hair. His mouth was tightly stuffed with rags, and he could only squeeze out a few broken words of protest from his throat.

"This man committed crimes and committed crimes. Not to mention the theft and robbery, he has also tarnished the innocence of many women." The cardinal pointed to the dirty man and said, "Today, the cardinal is going to act for the heavens, in front of everyone. You will be punished by the face of believers!"

The man's hands were tied behind his back, and he fell to the ground, looking very excited, muttering something.

The cardinal took out the rag from his mouth, and the man's voice yelled out: "I didn't make a mistake! Why do you arrest me? I'm going to the government to sue you!"

Someone at the bottom laughed softly and whispered a few words.

Xie Zhi knew that many of these people were on official business, and to them, they were above the government.

Playing with the rules and flouting the law.

"People who have been executed by the Holy Cult shouted their innocence before they died. You said you did nothing wrong? We have plenty of ways to prove that you are not innocent."

After the cardinal finished speaking, he waved to the attendants who were waiting behind him: "Come here, bring the divine soup."

After the attendants answered "yes", they ran down and brought up a bucket of water.

The cardinal took out a ladle from the wooden barrel, and said to the people below: "This is the holy soup for condemnation. It is no different from ordinary spring water for innocent people to touch and drink. , You will feel pain like a knife cutting a fire, and your body will burn and bleed immediately."

Xie Zhi clearly saw the different reactions of the believers when they heard the cardinal's words.

"You say you are not guilty, why don't you come and try this divine soup?" The cardinal raised his hand and drank the water in the ladle, then wiped his mouth and gestured to the followers.

One person stepped forward to hold down the man tied into a hairy crab, while the other lifted the bucket of water and poured it on the man's head.

In an instant, the man screamed in pain, the voice was so shrill, it was especially strange and frightening in the night.

He curled up for a while, and then twitched. Even though his hands and feet were bound, the attendant who was holding him was almost broken free by him.


The sparks in the brazier shot out unmoved, only providing the believers in the courtyard with the lowest light and dark vision.

Even so, they still clearly saw the dripping blood oozing from the dying man's body, dripping down the high platform.

The few white-masked congregants standing guard in the front row consciously avoided the bloodstain.


"I've heard that the Holy Cult has such a treasure for a long time. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

"This person must have committed a serious crime, otherwise he wouldn't have been corrupted to this point by the divine soup!"

"I don't want to touch that divine soup..."

"Is that person still alive? It doesn't seem to be moving..."

The believers were all chattering, all of them were shocked by what they saw.

The cardinal didn't call for silence at this moment, but silently watched these ignorant people below, letting them boil like boiling water.

Both Xie Zhi and Pei Yu were quite trembling, and each doubted their own eyes. Ridiculous and true, they had never seen anything so weird.

Only Yang Dejin pouted, scratched her chin with her hand, and stood on tiptoe in the back row looking at the blood on the man's body, thoughtfully.

Skin contact will cause burns, is it sulfuric acid or some other corrosive liquid?

But it's not right, there was no smoke after the water was poured on it, and the cardinal took a sip just now.

What the **** is that?

The author has something to say:

Pei Yu: Your mother is speechless.