MTL - Repairer-Chapter 53 Treasure Appreciation Program (Part 2)

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  Chapter 53 Treasure Appreciation Program (Part 2)

   "According to your words, don't I have to find some white beard to stick to my face?"

  Jing Shizhen glanced at Su Xiaofan angrily. He knew what Su Xiaofan meant, he was mocking those experts.

   "In our circle, although some people are touted, they can't go far without real talents."

  Recently these yearbook treasure programs have become popular, and a group of treasure appraisal experts have emerged as the times require.

  The audience watched the excitement, but insiders know that these treasure appraisal experts are also good and bad, and there are not a few of them running around to make money.

   "By the way, Uncle Jing, how old are you?"

  Su Xiaofan looked at Jing Shizhen curiously.

  According to Su Xiaofan's understanding, Jing Shizhen returned to China to establish Jingxintang more than forty years ago, so no matter how young she was, she must be in her twenties.

   That is to say, Jing Shizhen is at least sixty now, and if you haven't seen the shopkeeper Yuan with a white beard in Luochuan Jingxin Hall, you have to call Brother Jing.

  But from the outside, Jing Shizhen definitely looks like a middle-aged uncle.

  You can say that he is forty years old. If he dresses more fashionable, some people will believe him when he goes out in his thirties.

   "What are you doing with all this idle time? I'm talking to you about the show." Jing Shizhen waved her hands a little dissatisfied.

   "Uncle Jing, how old are you? How is this maintained? Tell me."

  Su Xiaofan is not interested in those treasure appraisal programs at all, but is very curious about Jing Shizhen.

   You know, when setting up a stall in the Luochuan Antique Market, Jing Shizhen was in Su Xiaofan's heart, she was a god-like figure, and it is definitely not an exaggeration to use the word worship to describe it.

  Su Xiaofan didn't expect that one day he would be so familiar with Jing Shizhen, so he naturally wanted to know more about his idol.

   "I'm sixty-eight this year, okay? It's useless to care about these things."

  Jing Shizhen was overwhelmed by Su Xiaofan, so she revealed her age.

   "Uncle Jing, how did you take care of it? We two went out, and people would believe you were my elder brother."

  Su Xiaofan's words are a bit exaggerated, but they are not too far off the mark. Jing Shizhen's appearance is indeed too far from her actual age.

  Su Xiaofan suddenly exclaimed, and said, "Uncle Jing, you must have been given an injection, right? I saw that nine out of ten of the celebrities received injections, and they looked very young."

"go away."

  Jing Shizhen was told by Su Xiaofan that she had black lines on her head.

   "The health-preserving exercises I practice, it's strange that I look younger. Hey, I said you boy, why do you always change the topic?"

   "Uncle Jing, I really don't want to participate in the treasure appraisal program."

  Su Xiaofan was overwhelmed by Jing Shizhen, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he didn't take Jing Shizhen's words about health preservation to heart. Some male stars in their sixties looked only in their thirties or forties.

  As for the Appreciation of Treasures program, it is fine for Su Xiaofan to watch it as a lively audience, but Su Xiaofan is not happy to let him be watched as a lively audience.

   "You kid knows what a fart!"

  Jing Shizhen took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, and said, "You think I'm fine and willing to appear on those shows? I'm short of those two appearance fees?"

   "Huh? Still have money? Uncle Jing, how much did they pay? You didn't say this earlier..."

  Hearing that there is still an appearance fee, Su Xiaofan's eyes lit up. If you mentioned that you can make money, then we can continue to chat.

   "How fresh, there is no appearance fee, and most of those 'experts' will starve to death?"

  Jing Shizhen laughed.

   "Uncle Jing, how much is your appearance fee?" Su Xiaofan asked.

   "Me? I'm half a million."

  Although Jing Shizhen seldom participates in treasure appraisal programs, he is well-known in the industry, and the fee for inviting him to appear is far beyond what those experts can compare.

   Besides, Jing Shizhen really didn't like the half a million dollars.

   He usually appraises an object in the store, and it is more than a hundred thousand, and the less is tens of thousands.

  But when you go to the show site to appraise, how many antiques do you have to look at, Jing Shizhen must be at a loss.

   "Then if I go, how much can I pay?" Su Xiaofan is most concerned about this issue.

   "You? About fifty thousand."

  Jing Shizhen was a little uncertain. To give 50,000 yuan, Yanjingtai was rich and powerful. Some 'experts' who ran around the field, the appearance fee was only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

"so little?"

  Su Xiaofan was a little disappointed.

   "50,000 is still less? Do you really consider yourself an expert?" Jing Shizhen squinted at Su Xiaofan.

   "50,000 is quite a lot. I would have had to earn it for several months before."

  Su Xiaofan was taken aback by Jing Shizhen's words, he was a little bloated recently, and he didn't even care about 50,000 yuan.

   "When I participated in Appraisal of Treasures, what I valued was not the appearance fee."

  Jing Shizhen said: "Xiao Su, you know that I open a shop to sell antiques, what is the most important thing?"

   "Customer source? Supply source?"

  Su Xiaofan replied based on his own experience of setting up a stall: "When I set up a stall, the most important thing is the source of customers. The transaction rate of tourists is relatively low. Some old customers who like to collect bronzes are the most stable source of income."

  The bronze wares that Su Xiaofan sells at the stall are all made by himself, so there is no problem with the supply of goods.

   How to sell the produced products is what Su Xiaofan needs to consider at that time.

   "What you said makes sense, but the most important thing for Jingxintang is the source of goods..."

  Jing Shizhen also wanted to mention Su Xiaofan, and immediately said: "Jingxintang has many shipping channels, domestic and international auction houses have cooperation with me, don't worry about that.

   But antiques are non-renewable resources, no matter how many collections Jingxintang has, they will always be sold out one day, so it needs to be constantly replenished..."

   "Uncle Jing, participating in the treasure appraisal program, can you replenish the supply?" Su Xiaofan heard something.

   "Yes, and there are more benefits." Jing Shizhen nodded and explained to Su Xiaofan.

  Compared to museums and some collectors, private collections are absolutely huge.

  The treasure appraisal program is to discover these collections and let the audience realize the value of these collections.

  Jing Shizhen doesn’t need to buy antiques from the treasure appraisal show, he just needs to let these collections enter the circulation system of the market.

   Once the market is revitalized, the business of Jingshizhen Antique Store will be more and more prosperous.

  Of course, if some people are willing to sell antiques on the spot, as long as there is a profit, Jing Shizhen is also willing to accept it.

   After all, antique shops are in business, buying low and selling high is a business, and he can't rely on picking up leaks to prop up the entire meditation hall.

  The antiques in Jingxintang's warehouse were collected according to market rules in all likelihood, and the items that Jing Shizhen personally picked up were only a very small number.

  However, there are also some experts who have no moral bottom line, give lower quotations at the scene of treasure appraisal, and then go back to the treasure holder to buy the object and make a profit from it.

  Jing Shizhen doesn't bother to do this kind of thing. With him at the appraisal site, such a thing will not happen.

   Participating in treasure-appreciating programs is also beneficial to Jingxintang, that is, advertising.

   Jingxintang is naturally recognized as the industry leader in the industry.

   But for folk treasure holders, Jingxintang is a bit far away from their lives. Many people know the four major auction houses, but they may not know Jingxintang.

  So participating in treasure-appreciating programs can also make the name of Jingxintang known to ordinary people.

  These things are subtle, just like advertisements, sometimes you will recognize it unconsciously after watching too much.

  If the viewers in front of the TV have antiques in their hands, when they think about selling them, they will naturally think of Jingxintang.

   "That's not good for me, is it?" After hearing Jing Shizhen's explanation, Su Xiaofan shook his head.

  It seems that apart from the appearance fee, Su Xiaofan is not attracted to anything else. He can't develop Luochuan's street stall into a stall for collecting antiques.

   "Huh? It seems that it is not impossible."

   Su Xiaofan suddenly felt moved, opened an antique shop by himself, wouldn't he be able to cash in those cheap antiques?

  It is too eye-catching for individuals to pick up leaks, but it is only natural for antique shops to sell antiques.

  As for the source of antiques in the store, as long as the goods sold are not cultural relics or stolen goods prohibited by the state, Su Xiaofan has absolutely no need to explain to anyone.

   "This idea is good, we must open an antique shop."

  Thinking of this channel of realization, the problem that has plagued Su Xiaofan these days is suddenly solved,

   "Now open a store in Luochuan, and then open a branch in Yanjing..."

  Su Xiaofan murmured in his heart, the future of money is good, and after that, it seems that he can marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

   "Hey, I said you kid, what are you thinking about?"

  Jing Shizhen's voice interrupted Su Xiaofan's delusion, "Are you going to this treasure appraising show? If you don't, I'll cancel it and let them find someone again."

   "By the way, participating in this program is actually good for you."

   "What good?"

  Su Xiaofan feels that he is very vulgar now, such an elegant thing like antiques makes him feel full of copper.

   "This is a miscellaneous column, maybe there is something you need."


  Su Xiaofan's eyes suddenly lit up. For now, absorbing meteorites is definitely the most stable channel for increasing repair value that Su Xiaofan knows.

   "That's right, I've seen it on the show before."

  Jing Shizhen nodded, and said: "You also know that miscellaneous antiques cover a wide range, and there are almost everything.

  Many people will bring objects that they don’t understand or don’t know the value to come to appraise. If you are lucky, you may meet someone who takes a meteorite. "

  According to Jing Shizhen, the probability of selling items at the Jianbao site is very high.

  Not all antiques can be auctioned.

  Some antiques with relatively low value or niche, when the treasure holder needs funds, many of them are sold directly at the treasure appraisal site.

  Therefore, there are often many collectors and people from antique shops on the scene of treasure appraisal programs. Jing Shizhen's participation in this type of program can be regarded as a near-water advantage.

   "Uncle Jing, you have already spoken, I have to go!"

  Su Xiaofan smiled and said, "But Uncle Jing, you can help me raise the price for the appearance fee. The appearance fee of the person you introduced is too low, so you don't look good, don't you?"

   "Well, Uncle Jing, you can introduce me to them like this."

  Su Xiaofan puffed out his chest, "An antique practitioner, the youngest bronze craftsman, and the youngest bronze appraisal expert!"

   "How did I realize that you are so shameless?"

  Jing Shizhen raised her thumbs up at Su Xiaofan, "I admire you very much, just for being so shameless at you, it will definitely become popular on the show!"

   I appreciate everyone very much, I was wrong, everyone appreciates me very much, and voted for the monthly ticket recommendation, this book will definitely become popular!



  (end of this chapter)