MTL - Repairer-Chapter 332 Destiny Child!

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  Chapter 332 Son of Destiny!

  A small spaceship was flying at high speed in the chaotic star field. When the detection instruments of many forces just captured the spaceship, they found that the spaceship had already left at high speed.

   The speed of this small spaceship far exceeds that of ordinary spaceships.

   The detection instruments of the Starlight Pirates all over the space found that in the starry sky with few planets, this spaceship has already reached fifteen times the speed of light.

   Countless reports to intercept it were sent to the Big Three, but they were all dismissed. No one knew why the high-level members of the Star Thieves turned a blind eye to such a spaceship.

   Not only that, the Big Three of the Starlight Pirates also jointly issued an order that all forces in the chaotic star field are not allowed to intercept this spaceship.

  Three days later, the little Corolla who had gone to capture Alfonso woke up and was immediately sent to the planet where the Starlight Pirates were stationed.

  Under the personal inquiry of the Big Three, little Corolla couldn't say anything. He didn't know what happened, and suddenly fell asleep.

  Celia and old Corolla were a little confused, but He Lianxiong, who had always hidden his body under the cloak, turned pale.

   "During this period of time, don't act rashly!" He Lianxiong confessed, and his figure disappeared into the room.


  Two months later, the spaceship that Su Xiaofan and others took arrived at the edge of the chaotic star field.

  At this time, the spaceship they were riding on had changed, and the previous tiny spaceship with a length of 100 meters was taken into the internal space by Su Xiaofan.

  The one I’m taking now is the small 300-meter spaceship, and the ride is much more comfortable than the previous one.

  The larger the spaceship, the more stable it is to fly. The previous spaceship darted left and right in the starry sky to avoid planets, which really made the people in the spaceship suffer a lot.

  At this time, the number of planets in this star field is much rarer, and the speed of the spacecraft has gradually increased, and it has now reached twelve times the speed of light.

  During the flight of the first two months, although the spaceship was also accelerated to fifteen times the speed of light, that was only to test the function of the spaceship.

  In the chaotic star field with many planets, it is difficult to increase the speed of the spacecraft. Usually, it is only traveling at three or four times the speed of light to avoid hitting the planet.

   "Brother, how long will it take for us to leave the Chaos Star Field?"

  Idyll sat in the cockpit bored, his eyes were a little dull, and he was no longer interested in taking a look at the dark cosmic starry sky outside.

  During the voyage of the previous month, the spacecraft shuttled among many asteroids, and the bumps made several people almost vomit for a month.

  Although things got better later on, Idyll felt boring again.

  Because there is a game cabin on the spaceship, but Alfonso has disconnected from the cosmic network. The stand-alone game in the game cabin has long been tired of playing by Pastoral.

  In fact, it’s not just the pastoral that is boring, Alfonso and Tina also feel the boringness of space travel.

  Only Lin Yifei and Su Xiaofan didn't feel this way at all. The cosmic energy overflowing from the spaceship was just suitable for Lin Yifei to absorb. He spent these two months in cultivation.

  As for Su Xiaofan, he closed his six senses and allowed himself to enter a deep level of samadhi. Unless someone wakes him up or feels threatened, Su Xiaofan will not wake up.

  Su Xiaofan did not absorb the energy of the universe, but this kind of deep concentration in the universe and starry sky is of great benefit to Su Xiaofan's practice.

  Planetary life should stay in space. Only by merging himself in the starry sky can Su Xiaofan experience the unique insight of planetary life.

   Being in the starry sky of the universe, Su Xiaofan seems to feel that he is one of the planets, constantly feeling the gift of the starry sky and the universe to the planets.

  In the past two months, although Su Xiaofan's cultivation has not improved much, his state of mind has become more and more complete.

  Su Xiaofan can feel that when his planet continues to grow and reaches a critical point, it may re-evolve.

  Like the explosion of planets in the universe, death is rebirth, and when everything returns to nothingness, it may be the rebirth of star life.

  Since entering the planetary life, this is the first time that Su Xiaofan is realizing the realm. Originally, because of missing his family in his hometown, his heart has gradually calmed down.

   "I'm about to fly out of the chaotic star field, there should be about three days..."

  Alfonso is a bit better. He has research to do every day, and he has to pay attention to the starry sky route map all the time, so he won’t be as boring as an idyll.

   "After flying out of the chaotic star field, I can connect to the cosmic network, and I can apply for citizenship to the starry country in advance."

   Alfonso also wanted to fly out of the chaotic star field as soon as possible. Although he didn't know why the Starlight Pirates didn't block and intercept them, as long as he was still in the chaotic star field, Alfonso was not at ease.

   "Hey, it's better to practice brother Lin's exercises, and you won't be bored in the universe."

   Pastoral looked at the holographic image star map in the cockpit, counting the planets there to play.

   "Hey, brother, what do you think about this planet?"

   Pastoral suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent, pointing to a bright spot in the star chart and shouting.

   "This is not a planet, someone locked our spaceship."

  Hearing the words of the pastoral, Alfonso walked over quickly, his face could not help but shudder.

  The two spaceships he built use the latest stealth materials, and they are small in size. It is difficult to lock their spaceships unless they are top-notch star monitors.

   "Huh? That's not a spaceship, is it a planet?"

   Alfonso pulled up the holographic image and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he was also relieved.

   Planets can build land-based detectors, and can also deploy space eyes in the surrounding starry sky, and can survey hundreds of millions or even billions of square kilometers of star fields around them. It is not surprising to be discovered by them.

   "That is the planetary military fortress in the chaotic star field."

  Although he was not targeted by the opponent's battleship, Alfonso's expression was still serious.

  This planetary-level military fortress is to build the entire planet into a huge war fortress, and it can even compete head-on with the space fleet of the Purple Blood Civilization.

  So although the spaceship they were riding on was small in size and fast in speed, if it was really locked, it would be difficult to escape the artillery attack of the military fortress.

   "Accelerate to fifteen times the speed of light!" Alfonso gave an order in a deep voice.

  The spaceship that had already reached twelve times the speed of light suddenly increased a lot, and the red dot that originally locked on the spaceship also disappeared.

  Purple Blood Civilization’s technology, spaceships are usually five times the speed of light, and now their spaceship has exceeded three times the five times the speed of light, Alfonso is 80% sure that he can escape the blockade of the planetary fortress.

"what's going on?"

  The sudden acceleration of the spaceship woke up Lin Yifei, who was still practicing, and came to the cockpit with Tina.

   "There is a planetary military fortress here, as long as we break through, we can enter the buffer star field."

   Alfonso briefly explained to Lin Yifei, but his eyes were still fixed on the holographic screen.

  The distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers in the starry sky is actually a very short time for the spacecraft, and it can be traversed in a few moments.

   "Alfonso, open the aft compartment, I'm going out."

  Suddenly, a voice sounded in the cockpit.

   "Master, have you left the customs?"

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's voice, several people in the cockpit breathed a sigh of relief. With Master around, even difficult things can be easily solved.

   "I found something interesting, I'll go to that planet to have a look."

  Su Xiaofan said: "You all go to the Star Republic with all your strength, I have left coordinates on the spaceship, and I will catch up with you."

  At this time, the spacecraft is only tens of millions of kilometers away from the planetary military fortress, and it only takes half a minute to pass safely.

  In fact, at a speed fifteen times the speed of light, it is difficult for the opponent to lock the spaceship again.

  Alfonso didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly opened the tail cabin, only to see Master's figure disappearing into space in an instant.


   "My lord, the speed of that spaceship is too fast, we can't lock it."

  In the underground base of the planetary fortress that was armed to the teeth, the base commander was sweating profusely, reporting to a man in a black cloak.

   "The speed of the opponent's spaceship has reached fifteen times the speed of light, my... my lord, we are really powerless."

  The commander of the base trembled a little when he spoke. The sense of oppression from this lord was too strong. Even standing beside him, the commander's legs and feet felt a little weak.

   "Forget it, don't lock that spaceship anymore, don't release hostility."

  The man in the black cloak shook his head, feeling a little regretful in his heart, but he was also relieved. If he hadn't had to, he didn't want to provoke that person with such a strong mental power.

   "I don't want to be an enemy, so why lock my spaceship?"

  Suddenly, a voice rang in the ears of the man in the black cloak, and he shivered all over, feeling a cold current from the soles of his feet to the sky.

   "Ex...Senior..." The man in the black cloak gritted his teeth and managed to utter a few words.

   "My lord, what's the matter?" The commander turned his head to look at the man in the black cloak. For some reason, he seemed to feel that the lord in front of him seemed to be afraid of something.

  No, it must be my illusion. The commander shook his head vigorously. My lord, those are the Big Three of the Starlight Pirates. In the chaotic star field, they are like emperors.

   "No... none of your business!"

  The man in the black cloak felt weak in his legs and feet at the moment, even worse than when the commander faced him. He is not a brave person, otherwise he would not have hid in this galaxy.

   "Ex...Senior, can the junior explain in person?"

  The man in the black cloak took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He can be regarded as a person who has experienced a lot of wind and waves. After the initial gaffe, he immediately thought of an excuse in his heart.

   "Come out, meet me outside..."

   That voice rang in the ears of the man in the black cloak, but hearing this voice, the man in the black cloak felt as if he was listening to the sounds of nature.

  The other party did not directly attack, that is to leave room for myself, otherwise, with the other party's cultivation base and strong spiritual power, I am afraid that even a single shout can shake me out of my mind.

   Not daring to be negligent, and after telling the commander not to act rashly, the man in the black cloak took the elevator to the ground.

  As soon as he left the gate of the base, the man in the black cloak saw a figure standing outside the base.

  Looking at that figure, the respectful expression on the face of the man in the black cloak added another three points, and he couldn't sense this person's cultivation level at all.

  But the man in the black cloak knew that the planetary base he was in was not a planet of life, but was exposed to cosmic rays.

  Even the man in the black cloak, a Nascent Soul cultivator, cannot stay for too long, otherwise he will suffer irreversible damage.

  But the way the figure strolled in the garden and the way it appeared on the planet all showed its great strength.

   "Senior, junior He Lianxiong, please come inside and talk about it!"

  He Lianxiong stepped forward quickly, and bowed deeply to the man, his head almost touching the ground.


  Su Xiaofan nodded, he had seen He Lianxiong thoroughly before he came out.

  Cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage, and it should be the late Nascent Soul stage, already has the ability to survive in the starry sky for a short time.

  If this person's cultivation can go further, the Nascent Soul and the physical body will be combined to reach the state of integration, and they will be able to survive in the universe and starry sky for a long time.

  Compared with the Nascent Soul practitioners on the earth, the biggest difference between the two Nascent Soul cultivators lies in the difference in the condensed Nascent Soul energy between the two.

  The energy of the Nascent Soul condensed by the earth practitioners is the aura on the earth, but it is the aura that has been diluted how many times, and it does not contain cosmic energy.

  The reason for He Lianxiong was cultivated on the orthodox cultivator civilization planet.

  As long as it is the cosmic energy diluted by the atmosphere, it can be transformed into spiritual power for his cultivation. The power that his Nascent Soul can explode is a hundred times that of the Earth Nascent Soul cultivator.

  Su Xiaofan has no hostility towards this person, this is the first cultivator he has seen in the universe starry sky besides Guanghan Xianjun's avatar.

  In the future, if Su Xiaofan wants to bring relatives and friends from the earth out, this person's Nascent Soul is very valuable for research, and it is too late for Su Xiaofan to protect him, so he is willing to hurt him.

   "Senior, please..."

  He Lianxiong was overjoyed when he heard that Su Xiaofan agreed to come down, and hurriedly led the way.

   "Senior, this quiet room was used by the younger generation for cultivation, and no one can monitor it."

  After introducing Su Xiaofan into a room, He Lianxiong got busy.

  He Lianxiong first boiled a pot of water, then took out a small bag of something that looked like tea from his bosom, and put some into the pot, with a pained look on his face.

   A moment later, a refreshing aroma diffused in the quiet room.

   "Senior, please drink tea..."

  He Lianxiong respectfully poured Su Xiaofan a cup of tea.

   "Huh? This tea has a fairy spirit, which is very extraordinary."

  Su Xiaofan drank that cup of tea in one gulp, feeling a little surprised in his heart, this tea actually has such a nourishing effect on his physical body.

  You must know that Su Xiaofan's current physical body has absorbed a lot of cosmic energy, just like the starry sky in the universe, but this cup of tea can match the effect of his practice for several days.

   "Senior Gao Ming, this is indeed fairy tea."

  He Lianxiong couldn't help but twitched when he saw Su Xiaofan drinking tea. This pot of tea made such a cup, but he was killed by the other party in one gulp.

  However, for Su Xiaofan's cultivation, He Lianxiong raised him to another level in his heart, because not everyone can drink fairy tea.

  Like He Lianxiong's late Yuanying cultivation base, this cup of added portion of fairy tea is enough for him to drink for three days, and a small sip every day can benefit He Lianxiong endlessly.

  As for the fit practitioners after Yuanying, this cup of tea can also be drunk multiple times in two days. Perhaps only Mahayana practitioners who have a fairy spirit in their bodies can kill them in one gulp like the other party.

   "This tea is not bad, you can get me a few catties later."

  Su Xiaofan said casually, something that can help his current cultivation is a good thing.

  Besides, Su Xiaofan saw He Lianxiong's reluctance when he took out the fairy tea just now, and he also knew that this thing was extremely valuable, so he deliberately teased him with words.

   "Senior, this... this fairy tea, this junior can't afford so much."

   Sure enough, after hearing Su Xiaofan's words, He Lianxiong almost cried.

  He only had one tael of Xianling tea left in total, and Su Xiaofan brewed almost half of it just now, let alone a few catties, he couldn't even take out a few taels.

   "Huh?" Su Xiaofan raised his eyelids and looked at the other party.

   "Senior, junior... that's all."

  Su Xiaofan took such a look, He Lianxiong felt chills all over his body, he quickly took out the remaining fairy tea from his bosom, held it in the palm of his hand and handed it to Su Xiaofan.

   "Forget it, put it away yourself."

  Su Xiaofan shook his head, "We haven't settled the previous account yet, but you were murdered."

  When Su Xiaofan fell into samadhi in the spaceship, he suddenly sensed a killing intent in his heart, and followed the killing intent with his divine sense to find He Lianxiong.

  Su Xiaofan's tone was very flat, but what he said made He Lianxiong fall to his knees on the ground with a "plop".

   "Senior, junior... I didn't know you were on board, otherwise, if I had the guts of this junior, I wouldn't dare to plot against senior..."

  He Lianxiong's face that looked abnormally fair due to not seeing the sun all year round was full of tears at the moment.

   "Okay, dignified Nascent Soul cultivator, cry like this..."

  Su Xiaofan really didn't expect that the other party would kneel down before he said anything, which made it difficult for Su Xiaofan to continue to speak harshly.

  But Su Xiaofan also knows that the other party has some intention of acting. If the cultivator wants to control the lacrimal gland, it really shouldn't be too easy.

   "Thank you senior for not haggling with the younger generation."

  He Lianxiong stood up wiping his tears, but his heart was ruthless, and he poured the remaining fairy tea for Su Xiaofan.

  He Lianxiong has been in the Purple Blood Starfield for so many years, and he actually has a lot of good things, but the only thing that can make seniors fancy is this fairy tea.

   "Come on, keep this cup of tea for yourself."

  Seeing He Lianxiong's distressed expression, Su Xiaofan couldn't help shaking his head, this cultivator seems to be different from what he imagined.

   Among other things, those cultivators on the earth, although some of them have low cultivation bases, but they still have backbone, how could they cry like the person in front of them.

   "This is for the younger generation to honor the elders."

  He Lianxiong brought the tea to Su Xiaofan, He Lianxiong could tell the difference between a cup of tea and his own life.

  He Lianxiong knew that those seniors didn't know how many years they had practiced, and their personalities were often eccentric. One moment was still gentle and drizzle, and they might be able to pat themselves into flesh the next moment.

  So when facing Su Xiaofan, He Lianxiong was really trembling, not daring to show the slightest disrespect, even praising his senior desperately in his heart.

   "You have a heritage."

  Su Xiaofan glanced at He Lianxiong in surprise, the other party actually knew that he could sense his thoughts, and he praised himself like a flower in his heart.

  Su Xiaofan took a sip of Xianling Tea speechlessly, since the other party was sincere and filial, if he didn't drink it, he would feel uneasy.

   "Don't dare, the younger generation's inheritance is like the light of fireflies in front of the seniors, it's not worth it."

  He Lianxiong glanced at Su Xiaofan who was drinking tea, and felt relieved.

   After drinking two cups of fairy tea, even if this senior is moody, he wouldn't kill himself.

   "Okay, tell me, what is your background."

  Su Xiaofan put down his teacup, "You also know that it is best not to lie in front of me."

   "Yes, senior."

  He Lianxiong stood with folded hands in front of Su Xiaofan, looking like a child being scolded, Su Xiaofan looked at him with such a respectful look that he couldn't laugh or cry.

   "Sit there and talk."

  Su Xiaofan waved his hand, he came from the earth, there is no distinction between superior and inferior on earth, Su Xiaofan is not used to this kind of thing either.

   "Yes, thank you, senior, for your appreciation..."

  He Lianxiong knew that it was best for the seniors to agree to what they said, so that they would never make mistakes.

   "Senior, this junior is not from the Milky Way."

  He Lianxiong thought about it in his heart, and said: "The younger generation came to the Milky Way with the Galaxy Merchant Group more than a hundred years ago..."

   "I know, you don't have the ability to travel through the nebula, and there is no other way to come to the Milky Way except to follow the merchant group."

  Su Xiaofan interrupted He Lianxiong, "Tell me which galaxy you came from, and what is your situation?"

  When Su Xiaofan saw He Lianxiong for the first time, he knew that he was not a cultivator of the Milky Way.

  Because the third-level civilization overlord of the Milky Way rejects cultivators, it even launched an interstellar war against the purple blood civilization.

  If He Lianxiong is a cultivator born in the Milky Way itself, it will definitely conflict with technological civilization, and it is absolutely impossible to hide in this chaotic star field and live freely.

   "The origin of the younger generation is a bit complicated. The younger generation was born in the cultivator civilization star system..."

  He Lianxiong gave a wry smile, but he didn't dare to hide anything from Su Xiaofan, after thinking about it, he still told his story completely.

  He Lianxiong was born in a poor mountainous area. At that time, he didn't know what a galaxy was, and he didn't even know what a planet was.

  He Lianxiong's world before he was more than ten years old was the mountain where he lived, with a radius of dozens of miles, because he was the son of Orion.

  After getting a little older, He Lianxiong was somewhat unwilling to live like this.

  Because their family was so poor that they couldn’t even afford to marry the daughter of the local Zhang Baihu’s family, the woman didn’t even look him in the eye.

  With the unwillingness in his heart, He Lianxiong went to a county town more than a hundred miles away from home, and became a waiter in a restaurant that often sent them game.

   There is nothing to say about life in the county seat. At best, He Lianxiong has met more rich and powerful people, but he is still at the bottom.

  Relying on the boxing skills he learned from his father since he was a child, He Lianxiong joined a local gang, and three years later, he became the little leader of that gang.

  If the story continues like this, He Lianxiong is very likely to marry the daughter of the gang boss, and he will be able to reach the pinnacle of life ahead of schedule by 30 years less struggle.

   But the vendetta ruined all of this. Overnight, He Lianxiong's gang was uprooted.

  That night, the county town was filled with blood and heads, from the boss of the gang to the leaders of the various halls, were almost beheaded to death.

  But He Lianxiong happened to have an appointment with someone that day to drink flower wine at the boathouse on the river outside the city, and he was not in the gang.

  Seeing the fire erupting in the county town, He Lianxiong fled directly from the river and swam dozens of kilometers overnight before daring to go ashore.

  After He Lianxiong inquired in a nearby market, he found out that the gang he belonged to had disappeared, and the other party seemed to be still chasing the escaped person.

  He Lianxiong didn't dare to delay, and continued to rush all the way, until he escaped to another big city, he was relieved.

  The gang boss in the past was not his father-in-law. He Lianxiong, who had worked as a waiter for several years, knew very well the principle of seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck. Revenge is impossible.

  But He Lianxiong still had to survive, he was unwilling to do the waiter job, so he joined the biggest gang in this big city.

   But what He Lianxiong didn't expect was that this gang was actually established by the Cultivator Sect in the secular world, with the purpose of recruiting disciples in the secular world.

  Cultivators are also cultivated by mortals. Without secular mortals, where did the sect of cultivators come from? Therefore, the disciples who join this gang must be verified for their qualifications.

   What He Lianxiong didn't expect was that he actually had the aptitude to become a cultivator, so He Lianxiong, who had always been at the bottom of society, suddenly became a disciple of that gang.

  However, He Lianxiong's aptitude is only average. He has been in that gang for more than ten years, and he is only a low-level disciple in the Qi training period, and he has not even been able to formally become a teacher.

  He Lianxiong felt that his aptitude was low. In order not to be looked down upon by others, he found a remote barren mountain and opened a cave five years ago, where he practiced quietly.

  But He Lianxiong escaped another disaster because of this.

  Compared to the secular world, the cultivator's world is actually more cruel. The jungle law of the jungle is most applicable in the cultivator's world.

   Just when He Lianxiong thought that he would spend his whole life in the sect, live a hundred years longer than ordinary people, and then die of old age peacefully, something happened to his sect.

  He Lianxiong's sect is the so-called decent sect there, there are several Jindan cultivators in the sect, and Yuanying Patriarch is one.

   But even such a sect has been targeted.

  One month of dark and windy night, the sect where He Lianxiong belonged to was broken, and countless cultivators rushed into the sect.

  Although He Lianxiong's brothers, brothers, uncles and ancestors fought hard to resist, but the formation was broken and their cultivation was not as good as others. After a night of fighting, the banner of the sect has changed.

  He Lianxiong’s Yuanying patriarch of the original sect was seriously injured and fled. The Jindan cultivators and foundation establishment cultivators were all beheaded, and the Qi training stage cultivators were killed countless by the aftermath of the fight between the strong. It can be said that the entire sect has disappeared.

  However, for the surviving low-level practitioners in the Qi training period, the sect that invaded did not kill them all, but let them make a vow to become their disciples.

   During that night of fighting, He Lianxiong, who had been hiding in the secret room under his cave, became a disciple of that sect as a matter of course.

  This sect is called Wuxiang Sect. It looks like a decent sect from the name, but it is actually an evil sect.

  Wuxiangzong's practice is very different from what He Lianxiong practiced before. It doesn't really need aptitude, but needs to absorb people's essence to practice.

  The non-phase sect technique absorbs the essence of the cultivator, so it is naturally the fastest to cultivate, but it will inevitably involve fighting with others, He Lianxiong feels that it does not suit his temperament.

  He Lianxiong, who has been in the secular world for many years, found another way. He simply ran to the secular world and started hanging out among mortals again.

  Although the spirit of ordinary people is not as good as that of cultivators, they can't stand up to many people.

  He Lianxiong is not greedy, and he doesn't hurt people's lives. After absorbing in one place for a few years, he will change to another city. After more than ten years, he actually broke through to the foundation building stage.

Just when He Lianxiong was about to return to the sect, the unfortunate news came again. The Wuxiangzong was besieged by many sects because of repeated murders in the world of cultivators. None of the disciples staying in the sect escaped. Be punished.

  He Lianxiong who got the news wouldn't dare to go back, he could only hang out in the mortal world again.

  But at this time, He Lianxiong is already a cultivator at the foundation stage, and the effect of absorbing the essence of mortals is not very good, and it is easy to cause accidents.

  So He Lianxiong changed his thinking, and what he showed in front of people was still the cultivation level of the Qi training period, and it was the cultivation method that he had invested in the sect in his early years.

  But behind the scenes, Li Helianxiong formed a gang between immortals and ordinary people, and then used this gang to secretly search for cultivation resources.

  The exercises taught by He Lianxiong are all authentic, famous and upright exercises, so naturally they will not be rejected by the mainstream cultivators.

   And in the dark, He Lianxiong also has connections with the fish that slipped through the net of Wuxiangzong.

   Don't think that there are no good things in the secular world. In the past few decades in the secular world, He Lianxiong has indeed obtained a lot of cultivation resources.

  Relying on these resources, He Lianxiong, who was originally poor in aptitude, actually became a cultivator of the Golden Core stage when he was in his sixties.

  Jin Danqi, who is in his sixties, can be called a genius disciple even in a famous school.

  However, He Lianxiong, who got used to it, didn't say anything, and continued to make a fortune in silence, using the resources of the secular world to practice quietly.

  Of course, at this time, He Lianxiong also made some decent friends from famous families, and he would often visit Lun Dao, and his life was very carefree.

  But after going through many mountains and finally a tiger, He Lianxiong is a remnant of Wuxiangzong, and finally one day the incident happened.

  The cause of the incident was that those fishes who slipped through the net of Wu Xiangzong planned a decent mountain gate and wanted to absorb the essence of their disciples for cultivation.

   But before realizing that the ancestor of Yuanying sect was still there, he bumped his head on the iron plate, most of them were captured, and only a few escaped.

   Those few people were loyal, after they escaped, they sent a communication talisman to He Lianxiong, telling him that his identity would most likely be exposed this time.

  Hearing the sudden news, He Lianxiong, who was visiting a sect, was so frightened that he almost lost his composure on the spot.

  He Lianxiong knew that if he exposed his identity this time, he might no longer have a foothold in the world of cultivators.

  So before the news spread, He Lianxiong turned his attention to the teleportation array of his sect.

  The sect that He Lianxiong visited is a very old and decent sect, which is said to have a history of tens of thousands of years.

  And there are two formations hidden in this sect.

  A formation is an ordinary teleportation formation, which is specially used for disciples to travel between various sects and fairy mountains.

  The other formation is said to be a large teleportation formation, also known as the ancient teleportation formation.

  This formation is said to be able to teleport hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, and move practitioners to other planets.

  However, this formation has a disadvantage, that is, it can only be passed on and cannot be passed back. It has been passed on to many cultivators for countless years, but none of them came back.

   Over time, this Gu Nuo Yi array was abandoned, and only a few low-level disciples were sent to guard it.

  He Lianxiong used research as an excuse to enter the Gu Noo Yi formation, and opened the formation when everyone was unprepared.

  By the time everyone reacted, He Lianxiong's figure had long since disappeared, and the sect didn't know where he was teleported to.

  At that time, He Lianxiong’s friends were still a little strange, why He Lianxiong made such a choice.

   After the news came that He Lianxiong was a remnant of the Wuxiang Sect, the sect realized that He Lianxiong had absconded in fear of crime.

   To say that He Lianxiong was really lucky, he was teleported to a civilized planet by the ancient shifting array, and there were no cultivators on this civilized planet.

  He Lianxiong has basically spent his life in the secular world, and he has been at the bottom of society for so many years, so his adaptability is definitely stronger than Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

  So even if the civilization of cultivators suddenly crossed into the civilization of science and technology, He Lianxiong still adapted quickly and learned modern technology systematically.

   It was not until this time that He Lianxiong understood what is called the universe starry sky and what is called a living planet.

  He was moved to a fifth-level cosmic civilization country, which can be regarded as an intermediate technological civilization in the universe.

  In the early years of this fifth-level cosmic civilization, it was actually a galaxy civilization where practitioners and technology coexisted.

  But a great battle caused heavy casualties to the cultivator civilization in this galaxy, and the technological civilization took advantage of it and drove the cultivators out of this galaxy.

  However, in this galaxy, there are still many legends about cultivators, and even on some planets, there are caves for cultivators.

  He Lianxiong hid his cultivation and relied on his excellent social familiarity to live on a planet of human civilization for a long time.

  He Lianxiong opened a martial arts gym, which specializes in teaching people how to strengthen their bodies.

  Due to the excessive development of scientific and technological civilization, coupled with the fact that human beings often use medicine to prolong life, their own physique is a bit weak.

  So He Lianxiong, who modified some of the exercises taught to him, unexpectedly thrived on this planet where the cultivators disappeared.

   Not only that, He Lianxiong also often went to the planets where the cultivators lived before, and used the identity of an explorer to dig the caves of the cultivators.

   Not to mention, some of the cultivator inheritance that was once brilliant countless years ago still survived, and was found by He Lianxiong.

  Relying on those inheritances and some cultivation resources found in the ancient cave, He Lianxiong's cultivation speed in this galaxy is actually a bit faster than before.

  More than two hundred years ago, He Lianxiong finally broke through the pill and became a baby, becoming the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator he once envied.

  The life expectancy has been extended to thousands of years, and in this five-level civilized country, he is also a successful person with a successful career and respected by others. He Lianxiong is very satisfied with his life at that time.

   Originally, He Lianxiong thought that he would live like this, and maybe he would have the opportunity to break through to the integration stage and the Mahayana stage in the future, and become a real fairy-like figure.

  The martial arts hall has been handed over by He Lianxiong to his disciples. Apart from digging up ancient caves everywhere, He Lianxiong just hides in his old lair to practice, and he lives a very carefree life.

   But fate always seems to be playing tricks on He Lianxiong. After more than a hundred years of submerged cultivation, He Lianxiong accidentally discovered that a cultivator appeared on his planet.

   What surprised He Lianxiong even more was that the cultivator who appeared was actually the cultivator of the sect he used the teleportation array.

  Although the cultivator who came was only a Golden Core practitioner, and He Lianxiong managed to leak his identity as a cultivator to the fifth-level civilization, and was eventually bombarded and killed by the naval guns of the fifth-level civilization.

  But He Lianxiong, who has lived for hundreds of years, still feels the danger is coming.

  After thinking hard, He Lianxiong decided to leave this galaxy rich in cultivation resources, and he wanted to go to a galaxy that had never had any intersection with practitioners.

  After careful selection, He Lianxiong decided to go to the Milky Way galaxy. According to the description of the business group who had been to the Milky Way galaxy in the past, the technological civilization there is not very high, and there are no cultivators there.

  Having stayed in that fifth-level civilization for one or two hundred years, He Lianxiong was also quite wealthy, so he used a company he ran a hundred years ago to get involved in the interstellar business group going to the Milky Way.

  After coming to the Milky Way, He Lianxiong discovered that this place is really a desert of cultivators.

  He Lianxiong spent decades traveling to almost the entire civilized country of the Milky Way.

   Apart from the purple blood civilization, He Lianxiong has never even heard of any myths and legends about cultivators, and the cultivation resources are extremely scarce.

  Finally, He Lianxiong discovered that on the life planet in the chaotic star field, there is more aura available for cultivators to cultivate.

  Besides, the chaotic star field is easier to hide his whereabouts. Even if he is discovered by a third-level cosmic civilization, He Lianxiong can still advance or retreat.

  So seven or eighty years ago, Helian Xiong joined Corolla and Celia to form the Starry Sky Pirates.

  Based on the idea of ​​being able to fight and never getting ahead, He Lianxiong has always been a semi-invisible person in the Starlight Pirates.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the Kabe Empire and human civilization had oppressed the Chaotic Starfield too much for a period of time, He Lianxiong probably wouldn't have acted intimidating. He has never been willing to be famous.

  Relying on the cultivation resources brought from the fifth-level civilization, He Lianxiong has cultivated to the late Yuanying stage in the past hundred years.

  But He Lianxiong's training resources are almost used up, such as the fairy tea, which is completely used up today.

  He Lianxiong originally planned to sneak back to the fifth-level civilization to have a look after a while.

  But He Lianxiong didn't expect it, before he left, he met a great repairer in this galaxy.

  The murderous intent that Su Xiaofan sensed before was correct. He Lianxiong, who has been a pirate for a hundred years, is much more courageous than before.

  He Lianxiong actually wanted to kill Su Xiaofan with the base electromagnetic cannon.

  Because He Lianxiong had contact with very few high-level cultivators, in his cognition, all Mahayana earth immortals and the like only survived in legends.

  So even if Su Xiaofan showed strong mental strength, He Lianxiong didn't think he could escape the destruction of modern technological weapons.

  But He Lianxiong miscalculated this time, not only the technological weapons could not lock the spaceship, even He Lianxiong himself was approached by Su Xiaofan because he revealed a trace of killing intent.

  Skills are not as good as others, and life and death are in the hands of others. He Lianxiong is also very bachelor, and he confessed everything about his origin.

   "Fuck, this **** is the son of destiny!"

  After listening to He Lianxiong's long life experience, the term Son of Destiny popped up in Su Xiaofan's mind.

  Born in Weimo, but he dared to resist fate, after several life and death disasters, and finally he was in several galaxies!

  Su Xiaofan felt that if He Lianxiong's experience was used as the model, he would definitely be able to write a high-quality fairy tale novel.

   It's the end of the month, ask for the monthly pass in the hands of brothers!



  (end of this chapter)