MTL - Reincarnation: Demon Hunter-v3 Chapter 19 Encounter

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"Stop! Give me a hand!" The sorghum's cavity modulates the battle at the touch of a moment. Dikais yells: "Whether you are just or evil, it is light or dark, but here is my place! If you want to resolve the conflict Just go outside to solve! Only the guests come here!"

"As you wish!"

Ye Qi was slightly distressed, but the hand on the knives of the knives did not relax, his eyes were staring at the opposite side; the other snorted and the muzzle drooped, making Ye Qi surprised that the other party’s voice was beautiful and pleasing to the ear.

Is the blood family still a dark wizard? Or is it another demon servant?

The negative energy on the other side clearly shows that the other person is in the dark world, and the unique firearms exclude the werewolves who love melee and cold weapons, plus the humanoid body type is only the blood family, the dark wizard or another For the reason, the demon servant who gave his soul.

However, no matter which one you have to be careful! Survival in the dark world is a difficult thing in itself. It is more **** and direct in the dark world. It follows the law of the jungle, which is the strongest of the bare, bare, and naked. As a woman, she can survive in the dark world. Enough means!

"Who are you?" Dikais licked the messy knotted beard and looked up and down Ye Qi: "Who introduced you?"

"In the next leaves! It is recommended by Jacob..."

"Jacob? It turned out to be a demon hunter!" Dikais heard the name as a glimpse, and then he overtook his head and said according to Ben Xuanke: "The firearms have been transformed by two hundred Kimpton..."

Ye Qi nodded very simply and handed over the M500 at the waist, even if the two hundred Kimpton were almost his last savings - for the demon hunter, money and weapons are undoubtedly Weapons that represent life guarantees are even more important.

"M500!?" Dikesi surprised again and looked at Ye Qi is not an extremely strong body, but did not ask too much, just reported the time as usual: "Two days later..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

In the loud noise, a strong vibration interrupted Dikais; the shop door and the three-sided walls were smashed into pieces in the dust, and the crumbling ceiling fell rapidly.

Ye Qi grabbed the front of Dikais and quickly retired to the back hall of the shop, and the woman in the dark world was also behind.


In the sound of the fallen ceiling, the system's mission prompts are immediately:

"Class C mission: attack. Repel or kill all attackers!"

"Bastard! My shop!" Dikais whispered a curse to the attacker who had not yet appeared; then turned his head and said to Ye Qi: "Boy, thank you! If you help me to teach these bastards, I must be the highest." Modification of your M500!"

"my pleasure!"

Although he still doesn't know who the attacker is and who he is dealing with, the system's mission prompts and Diquet's promise are enough for Ye Qi to have a reason to shoot. What's more, the other party has not made an appearance to make such a big move. Obviously, it is not intended to let anyone in the store go - letting others let go of their own fights without counterattacking is not Ye Qi's life standard!

"The bear is tough!"

"Improve resistance!"

"Mage Armor!"

"Stone skin surgery!"

With four consecutive gain spells behind him, Ye Qi thought about the collapsed front hall - getting the two points of the demon statue and the new physique toughness, and achieving a physique of 19, let Ye Qi use Level 4 spells are already ready to go.

Perseverance: Personality gives you no difficulty in giving up any difficulty; effect: physique +1; +4 bonus on any check and save. Prerequisites: Have strong expertise and more than 16 physique.

"The magic girl is stunned, others kill innocent!"

On the ruins of the front hall, six men in black suits and pale faces stood in a semicircle. When I saw Ye Qi coming out, the leader of the other party immediately said.


As the indifferent voice fell, immediately two arrows and one left and right led two silver direct Ye Qi.

Witch? Silver arrow?

Ye Qi's eyes squint - the special title of the Dark Witch and the silver arrow immediately gave Ye Qi a general guess about his identity.

Holy See!

With the answer in the heart, Ye Qi’s ridiculous smile emerges – the hunter-manufacturing and the Holy See have a common dark side of the enemy, but the two sides in a similar competitive state are not so harmonious. If the relationship between the Hunting Man and the Secret Service is just not friendly, then the relationship with the Holy See is two words - bad!

Different from the idea that the Secret Service subordinates obey the superiors, the faith-based Holy See is a group of fanatical madmen in the eyes of the free-hunting demon hunters; and the unruly hunters are offering their own Holy See for the gods. Look at it is a group of sad and unbelievers.

The most popular thing in the Holy See is to "save" the lost lambs and let them return to the arms of God - the nature of which is lost, and the stubbornness of course is to be cleared! After all, the filthy soul has no need to continue to exist in the world, it should be broken into the abyss! The quickest way is undoubtedly the firearm or the first...

So some natural inevitable frictions have occurred - according to Ye Qi's hidden information in the Tower of Knowledge, the conflict between the Hunting Man and the Holy See can be traced back to the dark ages of the millennium. ! The biggest conflict between the two sides, even let the hunting magic and the Holy See almost collapsed...

The millennium time has not smoothed countless hatreds of death and injury on both sides. Instead, it has intensified each other’s hatred with constant conflicts. It is spread everywhere that a demon hunter spreads to the surrounding churches when demon in a certain place. It is nothing new to refuse to treat a serious wounded demon hunter.

Of course, things are not absolute!

If you can afford enough money or money, let the sacrifices be treated for the demon hunter, or the hunter-killing man will accept the mission of the Holy See is not impossible! After all, in the face of two huge forces, personal grievances are not important, and interests are the most fundamental, aren’t they?

"Hey! Hey!"

Ye Qi’s knives are not sheathed, just use the scabbard to align with the trajectory of the arrow, and gently dial, immediately two arrows are tied to the soil next to Ye Qi, leaving only the end of the arrow Shake and swing.

The other party removed the two men who fired the arrow, and the other four had already cut the sword with Ye Jian at the moment.

PS is a decadent, but it is still late, it is still late... It’s really a cup, but it’s finally rushed out, I hope everyone doesn’t mind~~~嘿嘿~~~ Thanks again for the blue star mark, Fasisi two A brother's reward, desolation, thank you ~~~ Finally, I recommend the decadent friend Yan Yan's book "Sword of Amber"

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