MTL - Reincarnation: Demon Hunter-Chapter 20 Town shadow

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"This idiot, bastard, bitch... If there is no rule that can't be shot for ordinary people, I will blow their heads directly!"

After the police director of Wuye Town personally apologized and "compensated" John for the three days of "grievance", Ye Qi and John took the information about the case and bid farewell to the enthusiastic police chief and came to the only hotel in the town. However, it is clear that John is very dissatisfied with the three days of imprisonment. Even after receiving the apology of the other party and getting a lot of compensation, he is still screaming.

Sitting on the opposite side of Ye Qi listened to John's long-lost drinking, his heart could not help but a slight warmth, and his mouth was slightly upturned. However, Ye Qike did not say what he said, but said in accordance with the style of being consistent with John: "It seems that the food in the leafless cell is good, John, you are still so spirited!"

"Yes? Then you should try the breakfast potato juice, steamed potatoes for lunch, green organic food for dinner mashed potatoes! It will make you unforgettable forever!" John looked at the hippie smiley Ye Qi, immediately retorted, but in the eyes There is a hidden smile that is hard to find.

"Hey, let's not worry about these potatoes! Let's talk about this case!" Ye Qi shrugged and wisely shifted the subject: "What the **** is it? Ghoul? Dark wizard?" Still something else?"

"Before I say this, I have to ask you, Ye! How come you will come here! Don't tell me, you are a person who sneaked over!" John looked at Ye Qi seriously.

"No! Of course not! I am not a rebellious teenager. I will play tricks like 'Running away from home'! I am a bright and honest old Ward to help you! If you don't believe, you can call Laowo. De! And, I..."

"Bastard! The old **** who fell into the eyes of the money, his head was squeezed by the door? This mission is not a rookie like you can intervene! After returning to Tallinn, I have to clean up him!"

Without waiting for Ye Qi to promote his "awakening" to the apostle, John screamed and screamed as he yelled at the phone and turned to the profiteer. When the phone was passed, John yelled at the profiteer. Get up: "You are awkward, greedy, the old **** who is going to make a forgiveness! How can I let Ye come to me! Do you know... What? What do you say... Ye Quanhuan flame control became an apostle! Also hunted There is a vampire with a knight... Oh, this way, then I will hang up first, wait for you to go back and ask for your drink... What? I am jealous of you? No, no, absolutely impossible! Old Ward, we are friends for so many years, just Absolutely the signal is not good enough. What? What? Old Ward, I can't hear what you said! The signal here is too bad! Hang up first, let's meet and talk!"

"Bastard stinky, are you deliberate?"

When John hangs up, he sees Ye Qi, who is holding on to the smile, and immediately blinks.

"You didn't wait for me to finish talking to the old Ward!" Ye Qi immediately shook his head and said that he had nothing to do with himself: "Now, can you talk about this mission?"

Although I know that Ye Qi didn't tell the truth, John, who knows Ye Qi's rotten character, understands that even if he is entangled, he will be escaped by Ye Qi, so he directly talked about this case.

"This mission is definitely not as simple as a ghoul or a dark wizard! Although I did not investigate for a long time, I found that in the process of stealing the tomb, there were four people who died abnormally in the town without leaves! One of them was Couples, when they were doing, the man killed the woman, and then committed suicide! The latter two were a pair of friends, but the result was that they shot each other, one was bombarded and the other was shot. Heart! With my many years of experience, the death of these four people is absolutely related to the continuous robbery of the tomb! There is one thing that most worried me. Please come here to help the demon keeper Parker, I have been unable to contact, I suspect Parker It’s already an accident!”

“Is there any object of doubt?”

Tombs and murders, the help of the hunting demon Parker's disappearance, and then think about the danger of the C+ level mission, Ye Qi's brow is locked.

"I came here in a cell for half a day. I can find out that I have done my best! As for the object of doubt, what I can confirm now is that this person is definitely a town without leaves! Who is it? Our efforts!"

“Well, then we started investigating after lunch!”

"Oh, okay! Finally, you can say goodbye to the **** potatoes!"

The lunch didn't disappoint John. After I tasted the long-lost other foods, John, who was a hundred times more energetic, began to investigate with Ye Qi.

Everything in Wuye Town started from the robbery, so the first stop of the two was to go to the stolen cemetery to investigate. However, it is a pity that the murderer did not leave any clues. Apart from a few stolen empty tombs, the two had nothing.

The two turned in the cemetery for an afternoon, the day was completely black down This was tired and returned to the town. However, when I first entered the town of Wuye, the keen people could not help but feel that the situation in the town was wrong. It is reasonable to say that the town like Wuye Town is in the dark, except for the bar, which may be lively, and other places. It should be a quiet silence. But today's streets in Wuye Town are all human, and even if people talk with each other, they are all talking with a low voice, the atmosphere is extremely dignified, and even the wind is like a crane.

Ye Qi and John looked at each other and saw the dignity in the other's eyes. Ye Qi’s hand has involuntarily held the M500.

"Mr. Jack! Mr. Jack!"

Just as the two were preparing to investigate what happened, the police chief with two police officers panted and ran to the two people who had just entered the town and shouted: "Not good! There is something going wrong in the central square!"

"What happened?"

"Someone was killed!"

When I heard someone being killed again, Ye Qi and John immediately rushed to the central square. When Ye Qi saw the dead body in the central square, he immediately knew why the atmosphere of Wuye Town was so dignified - on the bell tower of the central square, a body was hanging upside down. Of course, the body does not cause panic. What caused the panic was that the eyes and internal organs of the corpse were smashed out, and the shackles were hanged there. The blood ran down the walls of the clock tower and gathered in the slate ground of the central square to form a dazzling red.

"Yes, Parker!"

John leaned into Ye Qi’s ear and said that the brows of the demon hunter were wrinkled even tighter.

PS afternoon windy ah ~~~ and the waste of the house is gone!~~~ The frozen code words are all smashed~~~ depressed~~~ decadently demanding tickets to warm up~~~