MTL - Reincarnated Devil King-Chapter 73 Same day

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Royal Palace of Lordaeum!

"How did the second emperor go so fast? Where is this going?" The second prince Vickers hurried out from the courtyard. The princes who did not have the king lived in the palace! Tina was practicing sword skills in the courtyard. When she saw Vickers leaving in a hurry, she stopped and asked a man next to him. The man had a clear eyebrow, a long sword, and a court martial arts costume. A few years older than Tina, he is directing Tina to practice!

听说 "I heard that I received the news that Dean Nipples is coming back today, and he will be out of town to welcome him!" The man said.

"Brother Three Emperors, aren't you going?" Tina asked knowingly.

"Oh, younger sister, don't you know me yet? I have no interest in Chu Jun's position. Who wants to be who? I am only interested in martial arts, hoping that one day I can reach the level of saint, and then walk like aunt Melia , Traveling around the Four Realms and Seven Kingdoms to explore the unknown, that is my favorite! ", The man who spoke was the third prince Victor!

Since Tina returned from her death more than three months ago, she has also desperately wanted to become stronger. Whenever free, she entangles the three princes Victor to learn martial arts. Now it has reached level 14 and the speed of entry has made Nipples praised.

"Sister, tell me more about the Black Dragon!" Victor said with interest.

"Okay, Brother Three Emperors exchange a set of martial arts skills!" Tina slyly smiled.

"This is not okay, you have to master the sword skills just now!"

"The stupid brother of the three emperors!" Tina narrowed her mouth and said Jiao Jiao.

"Well, it's not Brother Three Emperor who won't give it to you. Brother Three Emperor is afraid that you won't chew too much. Do you know that General Akoyor is also proficient in one or two skills, and he can become a famous general! Guijing Not expensive! As long as you learn the current set, Brother Three Emperors will teach you new ones naturally. "Victor looked bitterly.

Hmm ... "Hmm! I'm looking for a teacher!" Tina pouted, and refused to spare. After speaking, she left the courtyard. After Tina left, Victor smiled, took a sword and danced a sword flower, a sword waved, and the sword was full of energy! Only two meters away before leaving. Speaking of self-deprecating, "It's a long way off!" Then he turned away.

Overlooking the Moon Academy!

Just after dark, rows of uniform magic crystal lights lit up everywhere in the college. The dormitory area of ​​the independent villa, the innermost building next to the mountain and the lake, looks very different. The other dormitories are all in a row. Of course, only this one is located here and it is more atmospheric. There are no buildings around a few hundred meters. From a distance, it looks like a star moon.

In the bedroom, a little dim magic crystal light illuminate her spirits. Karina was wearing a light blue tulle shirt, her skin was looming, her eyes were slightly closed, her legs were constantly crossed and rubbed, There was a burst of fragrant sweat all over the body, which made the already thin gauze tightly adhere to the body. As if there was nothing, the exquisite figure was fully displayed, and the thin pink lips were gently folded together, thinking back in my mind. From the boy who took away his first time, every action at that time, every impact accompanied by groaning, everything was so real. He said he would come to find himself. It has been more than three months, why is it so long? Not yet? He is accompanied by a pink beauty who is not inferior to himself. Will he remember me?

After Carina pumped her body for a while, she slumped on her incense bed and panted weakly. I still think about Qing Lang: I blame that horrible guy, I have to take another bath just after taking a bath!

外围 Twilight Forest Outskirts

Rosa made several laps here, not because she got lost, but to get rid of the tail that followed her. After escaping from the cloud, she stumbled for a long time, but she still didn't stand up and did not know when she passed out. When she woke up again she found herself lying in a cave safely.

Rosa got up hard. There was no one around. She turned around and looked around for a while, and groped a few times on herself. Fortunately, the clothes are complete! Weapons are there, so is the bracelet! Strange. "Anyone? Anyone?" Rosa whispered twice, and no one agreed.

So Rosa began to explore around and found that the cave is quite safe. This is the periphery of the twilight forest. There is no high-level Warcraft found nearby, and the injury is just right! You can also learn about the effectiveness of the new equipment by the way. After sending magical communication to the organization, she began to raise injuries. She didn't realize that the strange big tree at the entrance of the cave had been watching her.

This injury was more than a dozen days. When Rosa left, she always felt that someone was following her, but no matter how she went, the feeling was always there, and she couldn't get rid of it. Are you focusing on it? Or is it because the relationship has become too sensitive? No matter how careful you are, it's not wrong! "

Rosa doesn't know. In fact, after she came out of the cloud, she accumulated too much energy-rich blood in her chest. I didn't know how many times she vomited along the way. Coincidentally, the place where she fainted was just under a tree, which was an ancient tree that was about to become fine. It was the one that Nyja spawned. Although it is still a few laps smaller than the surrounding ones, his physique is fully equipped with the ability to transform after undergoing a mental transformation and alienation. Only the last trace of energy, Rosa wiped a big blood on the tree, which just met the final requirements ~ ~ and signed the blood contract at the same time. This tree is considered to be a planted Warcraft after its mutation, which is very similar to the ancient war tree in the Elven Forest, except that this tree is younger, and even if it is transformed, it is just a cute little lady.

Mrs. Xiao Xiaozheng has reached the condition, but Rosa is not good. It was barely able to hold it. Once this blood contract came, a lot of mental power was drawn and became the last straw that crushed her, and she completely lost consciousness. Fortunately, there are no powerful Warcrafts here. Xiaozheng took too much effort to move Rosa into a nearby cave. Although somehow signed a blood contract with this sister, it feels different from the previous owner. Anyway, the other party didn't find the contract, anyway, the shy and savvy Xiaozheng chose to wait and see. He is a tree that has a high degree of fit with the twilight forest, so that Rosa cannot find his existence at all, but Mrs. Xiao can sense the location of Rosa by the power of the contract. So the above scene appeared.

Look at the gate of the moon city

"150,000 gold coins? So few. No crystal core of a dragon dragon animal is worth it! No wonder you can't kill the pirates." Niah said from Kader that he received the bounty.

"Hehe, this is a bounty given by our military. You can also get a commission at the mercenary guild." Kader explained.

"It's such a hassle, it's enough to give it together!" Niya didn't like trouble.

"Master, the reward is issued by the military to the mercenary guild, and mercenary guild can be exchanged for mercenary points." Dan Qianer reminded.

It was only then that Shania remembered that he had a mercenary status. It's time to get another brand of point B.

"Master Nia, where can I go in Mochizuki? If not, I might as well stay in the house for a while." Sheila smiled and sent an invitation directly to Nia.