MTL - Reincarnated Devil King-Chapter 69 1 thing always happens when entering the city

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I was another dusk, golden sunset.

Looking at the east gate of Yueyue City, a long entry team was blocking the entrance. A large part of these people were shirtless wearing pants and forks. Cangsang's sensation covered the whole body and up and down, making them look like beggars.

Watching Yuecheng City Guard: "Stop! So many refugees, where did they come from?"

"We are mountain thieves!" Said Haierdi indignantly. The sudden jump of the two-meter-high man really scared the city guards!

Looking at the Yuecheng City Guards took a step back and looked at the other side of the injury before recovering, and said, "What? Do you tease me?"

"Noisy! Noisy! Give me some quiet, what's going on. Where are so many slaves?" The captain of the city guard came out from behind and shouted.

"We are pirates! Not slaves!" Brother Haier argued reasonably. "That's it! That's it! We're the Haier Brothers Mountain Bandit!" The little sisters started to coax. Anyway, the young master was about to come up. He was watching and no one dared to run, and it was useless. The generous admittance, after speaking aloud, it felt quite refreshing, and it was so ridiculous, that was the hang.

However, the captain of the city guard is naturally unbelievable. He feels that if there is such a cold mountain thief, he wears pants and forks. It looks more like he was just robbed by the mountain thief, and he was also stupid. Look at him. Green and purple, also came to tell Wang Guojun that he was a robber, dare to fake it a little more! Why don't you say you're the King of Thieves?

At this moment, he heard the sound of a horse and a carriage, and he couldn't help raising his head, and looked behind the long line. The carriages were slowly coming. These two carriages are also very strange. They are two simple and ordinary pony carriages. They have no bonnets and are not much different from trucks. But the guy on the previous one carried a lot of boxes. The box looks a little rare. Through the lids that are too tight to meet, you can see the glittering things. The contents must be expensive. Yes, these are the Haier brothers. And the treasure of the caravan that was robbed. However, such an expensive thing didn't seem to care about the other party. It was casually placed in the car and piled up with several sacks. It seemed to be a small tent and dry food for the field. It is even more amazing to look back at the car. There are a man and a woman sitting on the car, each of them gives an extraordinary luxury. In particular, each of the several girls is a national beauty. After thinking about it, the captain of the city guard came to a conclusion: this is a strange and noble child, who brought a group of servants and slaves from the family territory to the capital for sale. This must be the case.

The captain of the Gaocheng guard rushed forward and deeply performed a noble ceremony, "This distinguished master! Are these slaves yours?"

"No, these are robbers! I took them for a reward!" Niah said from the car to the captain of the city guard.

The captain of the Tancheng guard thought to himself that such a young master would not lie to me. Embarrassed, he didn't know what to do for a while! "That ... are you saying it true?" The captain of the city guard confirmed again.

"Let's just say it, you still don't believe it!" Brother Haier froze. Iris didn't know when he came behind him, and he kicked him up. Brother Haier lay on the ground and did not dare to squeak. "Mouth!" Elise snorted, apparently she didn't like Haier's big brain, which might cause unnecessary trouble to the young master.

So the captain of the city guard was unable to decide, so he invited a higher-level officer, a 30-year-old middle-aged defender named Kader, with a 28-level strength, a brown officer uniform, a waist A black zhazi with a long sword. There is a hint of alcohol in one mouth. He glanced at the Niah and Haier Mountain Bandit. It was a bit incredible. The Haier Brother Mountain Bandit's reward was very high. He couldn't believe it. "You say they are the infamous Haier Brothers Mountain Bandit, can you have any evidence? As far as I know, the Haier Brothers Bandit Group is fierce in the Qingfeng Plain area, especially the two masters who have developed an invincible fighting spirit. A hundred people couldn't take it down, and the kingdom's siege did not succeed. How did they surrender to several people? These people looked more like innocent victims. "Kadel frowned. .

Brother Haier was lying on the ground pretending to be dead. When he heard Kadel saying that he was extremely fierce, he immediately sat up and made an expression of laziness. However, in the opinion of Elise, it was a sloppy expression, so Elise once again let Haier brother obediently fall down. All the robbers could not bear to look at him, and shrank their heads, as if the blow was hit. They also ache.

However, in the eyes of the city guard officer, it was a big man with only muscle and brute force. He was kicked by a little girl and he didn't dare to fight back. No robber looks at all.

"Who is that? Longhair, you come over!" Niah pointed out Brother Haier.

"Master! What do you have to say, let's say!" Brother Haier has long learned to be good ~ ~ He always nodded and said nothing.

"Do you have any proof that you are the Haier Brothers Mountain Bandit?" Niah glanced at him with only a pair of pants left. I thought how to forget such an important thing. Tell me how your kingdom did it. If I want to reward others, I don't even know what the parents look like.

"Master, look at me like this!" Brother Haier put his hands upright and turned around in a drowsiness, indicating that he had only one pair of pants and could not help.

Gaocheng defender's mouth yanked: how can there be such a robber? How can there be such a thief?

Uh ...

The iron sword mercenary regiment went around in the same place, and after several twists and turns, finally paid a heavy price and boiled it down, and the mist gradually dissipated. This came out, and no one dared to stay for a while and rushed all the way to the outer gate of Mochizuki.

"Miss, look at those people!" A guard of Sheila pointed to Nia's party. In fact, Sheila saw it all the way, but her eyes fell on Nia and his several fans. And her guard was referring to Haierdi lying on the ground!

"Head, look, is a robber? They came here, are they going to disguise themselves as refugees?" Kabuli said, rushing up. Brian and the other mercenaries were also very puzzled, and took out their weapons to follow.

The robbers who had fought against the Iron Sword Mercenary Regiment naturally recognized the other one. Gathered together to form a small square, and confronted the Iron Sword Mercenary Group.

Capri went to Haier Di. Such a big man is very conspicuous even when lying on the ground. He yelled and rushed forward with his fist. However, in the eyes of others, this is going towards Elise.

Gaocheng's guard also felt a bit embarrassed in his eyes. He couldn't turn around all of a sudden. Who can tell me what happened?